Cant Access Drive And Properties Shows It Corupted

Sep 7, 2005

I was repartitioning my slave drive G from 120 to 130 gigs and reformatted other parition of slave F leaving main c alone.MY computer crashed while moving data and when it came back up I get error 1507 bad file record signature and cant use chkdsk or partition magic again since i cant access drive and properties show it listed as raw o data and corrupted or damaged.I tried rescue disks but dint fix it and system restore on whole computer didnt work and chkdsk doesnt even see the g drive

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Corupted Files Everywhere

Jan 26, 2008

starting a few months ago iv been having problems with my computer, mainly because almost everything i install now is corrupted . i am about to buy a new motherboard because im sure that is my problem considering iv bought new RAM and re-formatted my computerand still get error and problems. if anyone is familiar with these types of problems please answer to this. also i haope this is the right place to post this at

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Cannot Access The Properties In Program

Nov 15, 2007

i cannot access the properties in programmes when i right click. or in my computer when i right click on the c drive. I cannot access the desktop properties when i right click either. there is no error messages just nothing happens.: eek: i cant seem to get a smilie either by the looks of thingsgelike

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Can't Access Properties Of My Computer

Sep 2, 2006

I try to see the device manager, click "My Computer" in the desktop and click properties the responde said:
Windows can't not access the specific path, device or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item".. how is possible is my own computer at home and I don't have network or something like that and I am the only one, who uses?

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SP2 Shows Error In Installation - Access Denied

Aug 1, 2005

Windows XP SP2 will begin installation, but about midway through the install,
installation stops with the same error message. The error message is (access
denied). I have tried countless times to install this update using automatic updates as well as using the CD, all with negative results I'm about ready to update my operating system to XP Professional, I have XP Home Edition. Before installation I followed all the preperation instructionsfound on the Windows website.

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Double Click The C Drive Or D Drive Is Showing Properties.

Jul 16, 2009

If I double click the C drive or D drive, Its showing Properties. Instead of opening the drive.

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Shows Up External Hard Drive As A Network Drive?

May 17, 2007

I've connected an external USB drive, but when I go to My Computer it shows it as a network drive. In addition, it gives it the same name as the mapped network drive that already exists there. When I change the name of the external drive there, it then changes the name of the mapped network drive, so again they both have the same name, although the drive letters are different. Any ideas how to make the external drive appear where it belongs in My Computer, under Hard Disk drives?

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New PC Memory - Properties Of The C D Drive

Dec 28, 2004

I have a new sony laptop s2hp nice machine It says it comes with 40gb HDD, but I can only find around 25gb by looking in properties of the C and D drive (under my computer). It seems the C drive has used over 75% of its capacity by just having Windows XP prof. and Office installed. Have I missed something or has the machine got less memory than the claimed 40GB.

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Recyle Bin - Shows Up In External USB Drive

Oct 9, 2007

I just bought and connected a WD 160gb Passport External USB Drive. I check the Drive's directory. All's normal. I then installed Portable Apps Suite onto the USB Drive. Now when I check the directory of the USB Drive, I see the files/folders that are supposed to be there, which fine and dandy. But I also see two extra things:

1. Recyle Bin (contents exactly as the one on my desktop. If i empty it, the bin on the USB drive gets emptied. If I delete something on the desktop. The recycle bin on the USB drive shows that too!)

2. System Volume Information
AA: How did these two files get there?
BB: How do I get them off the USB Drive?

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Drive Shows Disk Is Blank

May 27, 2008

Recorded a show onto a RWDVD. It plays on the dvd player fine. I wanted to edit it and then burn to a R disc. BUT, my computer E drive says the disc is blank. Is there any way to access the files via my computer?

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D Drive Is Not Working Properly - Checked Properties

Jun 6, 2010

when I try and download a new program on my computer, it tells me to put in disk so I do and it tells me it can't find it. I go to properties and it tells me that this function is operating properly

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250gb Hard Drive Shows As 125gb

Feb 9, 2005

I have recently fitted a Hitachi Deskstar 250gb Hard drive(model:HDS722525VLAT80) to my computer.After Re-instaling windows (xp) the drive was showing as 125gb.I have been told this is because windows xp will only support 125gb without service pack 2.I have now downloaded SP2. but it still shows as 125gb.

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Seagate Tools Ghosting New Drive Shows Less

Mar 2, 2008

I have a Seagate 120gb HD and used the Seagate Wizard Tools that I downloaded from them to ghost (clone) to a new Western Digital 160gb HD. They are both 7200rpm and SATA. The new drive boots up ok but only shows 128gb, not 154gb as it did before it was cloned (I am not talking about the size of the data that was cloned). I redid it in Manual mode but no change. As far as I know there are no partitions on the Seagate drive. Another thing I noticed is that the System Files were at the front of the Seagate 120gb drive but are at the end on the WD 160gb. This shows when the drives are Defraged. Can anybody sort this out for me? I am doing this so that I have a backup drive incase of a terminal crash. Forgot, I am using a Intel 915gag w/P4@3.2 and W2000Pro with all updates.

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Drive Shows In System Device But Not In Explorer

Jan 31, 2005

Reformatting a pc of mine to give to my sister. Her old computer had some info on its hard drive that she needed. It was too big to fit on a floppy and the CDROM had died so I took her old drive and hooked it up in the newer pc. The problem is: it shows up in System Devices but not in Windows Explorer. I tried right clicking on My Computer and then Manage to assign a drive letter to it, but it wont allow me. The option for assigning a drive letter isnt even available for that hard drive.

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Reformatted Drive Shows Less Amount Of Space

Aug 21, 2009

Reformatted my hard drive, Drive C and reinstalled Windows XP Professional SP3 and all the drivers. The drive is 120 GB. I have a Dell 8300, now all of a sudden when I click on Drive C it shows that I only have 24% unused space on my hard drive. It has been defragged and I know it shouldn't be showing that full.

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Drive C Shows False Free Space

Jun 2, 2005

I was downloading some file, and while I was downloading, it said I've got a very low amount of free disk space, which was then about ~50MB, and going down (drive C: ). I tried deleting some files (in total about 400MB), but it showed the same amount of free space, and kept going down. Ultimately, my download stopped because of this, and the free space is gone.I don't have System Restore enabled, it's disabled, on all drives (C: & D: ), and I don't think I have some kind of an automated backup program. Plus, my two drives are formatted in NTFS, not FAT. if that helps. I haven't tried to reset yet, but besides reset, is there anything else I should try?

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CD-RW Drive Not Powered - Device Properties To Trouble Shoot

Jun 27, 2005

my cd rw drive has no power to it at all, i have tried all the help solutions in the packard bee info center but nothing works. the drive is recognised by the computer when you click on the device properties and ry to trouble shoot, it also says there are no problems with the device, however if i try to access the drive via any form eg via my cd rewriting program it claims a stutiable drive can not be found! also if you try and open the cd draw

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Root Of C Drive Shows Fair Number Of Sqmdata?

Oct 7, 2006

The root of my c: drive shows a fair number of sqmdata?.sqm files.Where do they come from? Can I delete them without causing any damage?

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Prevent Access To Drive Access - Closed Gpedit. Msc Can't Re Run

Jul 27, 2007

i just installed a fresh winxp pro, i did not set any password so the windows starts up without asking password, so i believed i have the administrative rights i have 2 local drives (c:) and (d:) i run gpedit.msc and configure the following:

1. remove run in start menu
2. remove search in start menu
3. prohibit command prompt to be use
4. Prevent access to drive access from my computer (drive c: only)
5. Hide specific drive in my computer (drive c: only)

i closed gpedit.msc now i cant re-run gpedit.msc to configure my settings again because i cannot access drive c: where gpedit resides (c:windowssystem32gpedit.msc) i dont want to re-install the whole thing or to start all over again. winxp expert

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External Hard Drive Not Recognized - Shows Offline Message

Apr 18, 2010

I have a sata 500 GB hard drive from Seagate that just won't get recognized. I've been in Disk Management, I've scanned the disk, I've rebooted, and Disk 1 is there, but the message is it's offline--and after I did the reboot I got the message that the hard drive USB had been recognized--but it ain't there.

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Install Operating System In Second Drive Shows Screen Blank

Nov 21, 2007

I am trying to install Windows XP Pro on a second hard drive in my computer, but when i insert the disc it says something about setup scanning the system or something of that nature.Then the screen goes blank and doesn't do anything else. The reason why I dont want to just upgrade is because some things I use dont play nice with XP pro and I want a clean install of it. How can I get my computer to install this second OS properly?

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Access The File Properties Area On .jpg File

Dec 9, 2004

I am trying to access the file properties area on a .jpg file. I like to put the descrepption of the picture in the PROPERTY section of the file where is says SUMMARY. I have typed in the description and save it but when I go back to the file there is nothing there. (I right click on the file and go to PROPERTIES and then click on SUMMARY-ADVANCED) .

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Can't Access Hard Drive / Invalid Media Type Reading Drive C

Dec 20, 2008

A little over a year ago I purchased a used IBM Thinkpad laptop from ebay for my wife. It came with Windows 2000 Professional installed and everything worked fine. No CDs or floppies came with the computer. A couple of months later, it was stolen by one of her business associates. It eventually was recovered, but the thief had installed Windows XP along with the OS that was already installed. In trying to remove XP and return the machine to its original state, I somehow managed to eventually not be able to use either OS. As it stands now I have no OS and cannot even access my hard drive.When I boot from a floppy then try to change to C: drive, I get the error message: Invalid media type reading drive c: Abort, Retry, Fail?

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CD Drive ICON Missing: Unable To Access The Drive?

Jan 28, 2008

At times Cd drive Icon not visible in My computer. Then I have to restart the system to get it back. I m using Windows 2003 EE SP1 in newly assembled server.
WHile browsing the contents of the CD and if I choose back option it says D: or CD drive is not accessible and I have to restart the system to get it back.
-This is a fresh installation. Please let me know what could be wrong.

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Unable To Access D Drive After Partitioning C Drive

Sep 1, 2009

I have WXP Home, a 160gb HD. Asus Motherboard. I partitioned the C drive with Paragon 9 and moved all my data to the D drive due to some problems and had to format and reinstall windows on the C drive. when I finished and rebooted I could access everything. A short time later I could not access the D Drive, the error message said that I did not have permission. No explanation, Just locked out. I can access folders on the D drive if I search for a folder then copy them across from the search window into the C Drive, or if I boot into Safe Mode. That is no good. I need access from My Computer by clicking on the D Drive Icon. Any suggestions.

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Explorer Hangs When I Right Click On Hard Drive - Hard Disk Properties

May 6, 2005

I can not access hard disk properties because Windows Explorer hangs whenever I Right click on a hard drive icon. I am running WXP pro SP2 completely up to date with updates.

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System Restore Shows Wrong System Drive?

Jun 26, 2005

I have XP Home version and have had some unusual issue wth System Restore. When I bring up utilities for system restore, it shows drive I as the system drive instead of drive C.I can sort of understand why this might happen because I installed a new 200 gig drive 5 months ago and made my old C drive I. My system tells me that C is my boot drive and I am not having any real problems except with restore. Looks like something is wrong in restor's database.

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Can't Access C Drive

Jan 11, 2009

When I go to my computer and try to double click on the C drive to open it I get the following error. C: is not a valid win32 application.

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Access To Other Drive

Mar 30, 2006

Can anyone tell me the way how to connect PC-A using OS (WIN NT) to connect to PC-B OS (WIN XP) I do what i know like PC-B sharing the folder or drive , then try to connect it can't seem to connect any drive at all.

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Access To D Drive

Jul 24, 2005

I am trying to save an Excel spreadsheet to my D: drive but my computer sends a pop up message saying that I do not have access and to contact the administrator. I am the administrator? I know that I can save stuff on this drive because I am able to burn disc and things like that on this drive.

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X25-v Cannot Access Drive

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to install Windows XP on a X25-V SSD. After booting from an XP CD, the system indicates that it cannot access the drive selected for installation.

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