Access The File Properties Area On .jpg File

Dec 9, 2004

I am trying to access the file properties area on a .jpg file. I like to put the descrepption of the picture in the PROPERTY section of the file where is says SUMMARY. I have typed in the description and save it but when I go back to the file there is nothing there. (I right click on the file and go to PROPERTIES and then click on SUMMARY-ADVANCED) .

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Specific Batch File - Process Cannot Access File

Jun 30, 2005

I run a specific batch file at startup that attempts to copy a file to lace one that is under control of a running program. I get the messageThe process cannot access the file because it is being used by anotherprocess."How do I successfully write the file? I know that the way you are supposed to do it is to close the program, make the transfer then restart the program. But how do you do that when you don't know the programand you don't know how it starts in the first place.

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Missing File - Cannot Access Necessary File Mscoree.dll

Dec 14, 2004

After doing 'One Button Checkup' I get an error. Missing File:"CProgram FilesCommonFilesInstallShieldProfessinalRunTime701Intel 32DotNet.Installer.exe" (cannot access a necessary file "mscoree.dll") Win Doctor is unable to find & replace it, so it must have been deleted after Installation or later, ..... it doesn't seem to affect the computer so far, is it necessary to replace & would I be able to extract & replace it from original Windows XP disc, or would it only be possible by re-installing Windows XP?

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Get File Properties Tabs From CMD Prompt

Apr 30, 2008

Does anyone know of a way to get the file/folder properties page from a cmd prompt as though you have just gone and right-clicked the file/folder in the gui, The reason I ask is because I may have a user logged in and need to look at the file/folder properties (specifically the ntfs permissions) and because they are logged in as a user account and have no access to the folder they cannot even see the security tab of the properties box. So I need a way from the command prompt to open the properties box of a file/folder (as I have done a runas to get an admin prompt inside their user gui session. Looking at security settings in a cmd program may also be of some interest if anyone knows that either

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Control Display Of File Properties On Tip

Jul 17, 2008

Using Windows Professional XP: How do you control what is displayed when you "hover" over the file entry in Windows Explorer? My home system shows all kinds of information; File type, Date modified, Size, etc. While a system I use at work only shows File type.

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Security Tab In File Properties Doesnt Show

Jul 10, 2005

If you click on a folder and right click it > properties, I have a network with XP Pro Service Pack 2.Has anybody any ideas for it to appear?

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Display Properties / Desktop / Background File List

Nov 6, 2006

Until recently just the usual Windows files in the Background file list in Display Properties/Desktop. Recently the list grows day by day it seems with a variety of files from My Pictures folder. Now takes quite a while to open the desktop option. Possibly linked to Picasa some way. How can I get rid of them without deleting the photo file ?

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Changing File Designation - Properties Unchecked Read

Oct 13, 2008

I am trying to make changes to a picture and when I try to save it I am told it is a rad only file. I go to properties and uncheck read only and apply it to the folder and all sub folders and files. When I check properties again it is marked as read only again. How do I fix this?

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Outlook Pst File Corrupt / Errors Have Been Detected In The File File Path

Oct 7, 2009

when I start my ms outlook 2007 I get this error. "Errors have been detected in the file 'file_path'. Quit all mail-enabled applications, and then use the Inbox Repair Tool." I tried to scan with scanpst.exe but it went in vain.I tried it with other applications it worked fine.But,the problem is they all are demo versions and I gets back only 5 to 6 mails for more mails i have to buy that applications. Do we have any free tool that can fix my problem or any other way to fix this.

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File Protection Shows Replace File With Unrecognized File

Sep 15, 2007

Running Disk Cleanup, when this Windows File Protection comes up saying a system file has been replaced with a unrecognized one. It wants me to put in my Operating System CD, but I don't have one. I bought this computer and the required files are already on the computer. So what should I do?

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Cannot Access The Specified File

Sep 14, 2010

Cannot click on anything hardly at all,especially a link in an-mail.

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Cannot Access The Jpg File

Sep 1, 2008

Wireless network at home.Folder on main computer set for sharing AND allows the jpg file on another computer.Adjust it and try to SAVE the file and get cannot access this file check security privileges over the network drive.

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Double Clicking The Actual File - "windows Cannot Find File File Name.exe"

Sep 19, 2005

When double clicking the actual file, Windows reports "windows cannot find file ... <file name.exe>"

This is only SOME exe's. Particularly, older programs. Word, excel, WordPerfect all work. Older apps don't.

I've tried the exe fixes on site and kelly's corner XP fix.

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File Access Is Denied

Jan 30, 2008

Failed boot and inability to read the file system from a boot cd.

I did a chkdsk /r on the drive, and the file system is back. Ive also done a pass on the drive with a virus scanner and noticed a folder C:Program FilesCommon FilesServices" with the all of the files consisting of randomly generated executable names (514 in total), refer to attached text file for full list.

In explorer, the files show as green.

The problem is the virus scanner logs the file as "access denied".

The file initially had security permissions set to everyone with write only and the owner was some wierd clsid like object.

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File Access Denied

Aug 19, 2008

I have a Dell 4500 using Windows XP who's processor died. I removed the hard drive and attached it to my Dell 1150 via a IDE/USB adapter kit. It appears that everything is available. However, when I go to 'Documents and SettingsJustJeff206documents it states that it is not accessible and that Access is denied. Other files that are not under my directory can be accessed. I have run Chkdisk with no problems detected.

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Access Denied To A File

Aug 22, 2005

I have 2 XP's PC, 1 was recently rebuilt last week. On the rebuilt PC, I created 2 shared folders and access to the shared folder files was working.
I created 3 new accounts (1 admin and 2 power users) on the rebuilt PC. When to you try to access a new rebuilt PC user account shared folder file from the other PC, I receive a read only and access denied message.

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Can't Access Own Encrypted File

Apr 12, 2007

I have recently reformatted my C drive and have now got windows XP pro and most of programs reinstalled, but I have encountered a very distressing problem; I have an Excel file that contains all of my user names and passwords for web sites, programs, hosting services� everything.But since I have reformatted and restored my programs and data I can no longer open this file. Actually I encrypted and entire folder containing this file and several other QuickBooks files. So I guess I really need to be able to access the entire unencrypted folder.The problem seems to be that I did not register my computer with the same name when I reinstalled windows and now I�m locked out of this previously encrypted folder, and, consequently this vitally important file!Can somebody please help me find a way to open this file.

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Can't Access Specified Device Or File

Oct 6, 2010

I've got an HP Pavilion 540n that is riddled with viruses. HP doesn't ship with recovery discs. I was able to use the recovery tool but now when the machine boots I get the Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file error when trying to run anything. I can't boot to safe mode and have tried running fixmbr but it did not help. I tried running malwarebytes and combofix but I get the error above. I would wipe it and reload the OS but since HP doesn't ship with any CD's I don't have a disc to load.

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No File Access After Reinstalling Pro Sp2

Aug 9, 2005

I was having some problems with AVG firewall trial and finally just formatted and reinstalled my Windows XP. Since then, I am unable to access my Microsoft Office 2003 files. Whenever I try, I get a message telling me I don't have sufficient permissions to access these files. I am the only user and have full admin rights. I am also using a trial version of Office 2003 and was before formatting. Has anyone had any experience with this type of problem?

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Spooler - Slow File Open - Slow Properties

Dec 7, 2004

I'm working with a four computer 100 Mbps TCP/IP network with three fairly new 98SE computers and one brand new XP Pro computer (SP2, all current updates) machine. These share a LaserJet 4050 off one of the 98SE computers. Printing works fine.

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Denied Access To Make Changes To File

Aug 30, 2006

I am trying to burn a file to a CD that I created in Word. When I try to make changes to this file I receive an error that says "You do not have access to the Folder. E:. See your administrator for access to this folder." I am the owner of this PC. How can I be allowed to use this file?

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File Access Denied After Reloading

Jul 21, 2005

I've backed myself into a corner, now I need to pick your brains to get out of it.
OS is XP Home sp2. Stopped booting,with error message about missing files,e.g.windowssystem32cp_437.nls.
Repair did not work, so I ended up reinstalling XP, but in another folder, as I didn't want to lose settings etc.
In "windows2", when I try to enter My Docs., etc on "windows1" it says
"access denied". How do I get at "favourites, Docs etc on "windows1" I have heaps of genealogy files etc that I cant access.

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Delete File Access Denied

Sep 4, 2005

This error? msg should be cause to sentence Bill Gates to life w/o parole @ hard labor + bread & water twice daily!

So why is access denied ? And how do I get access to delete the file ?

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Deleting Access Denied File

Nov 17, 2009

I was running an original Windows XP and had made my documents inaccessible to other users. However, a worm attacked my dll files so i reinstalled Windows without formatting my hard drive. As a result, my old documents are still in my C: drive and i can't delete them to make space.

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Can't Copy File Access Denied

Apr 17, 2010

was Having music on it and wants it back. I hooked her HDD to my system using a USB2.0 box and have no problem accessing the drive or copying pictures to my system. If I try to copy music, I get Access Denied. I have file sharing enabled, have unchecked 'read only' in her files and still get the same message. I thought it might have something to do with them being iTunes, but I have tried Sound Taxi, Imgburn and a few others to copy or convert them and I get the same message.

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XP- Old User File 'Access Is Denied'

Oct 1, 2009

Using Windows XP Home, I deleted an old user folder (JAMES), and created a new one reassigning myself as the administrator. Upon deleting, I clicked on 'Keep Files', expecting a shortcut to be available on my new desktop. There is no shortcut.
If I click on Explore, then the old User file (JAMES) I get the following error message: "C:Documents and SettingsJAMES is not accessible. Access is Denied."
If I right click the folder, and click on 'Sharing and Security', it tells me to drag the folder to the .Shared Documents' folder, as I get an error message: "Cannot create or replace JAMES: Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use."
In addition, any changes I make to the Properties tab (un-click 'read only', click 'Share this folder') do not get saved after I click on 'Apply'. I cannot find any other Securities tab other than th 'Sharing' tab available on XP Home edition.

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Try To Access Picture Or Music File

Aug 29, 2006

Anytime I try to access a picture or a music file from my external hd I get this error (I'm running XP). When in safe mode I do not get the error. Help would be greatly appreciated. I'll post a logfile from a hijackthis scan in a second.

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NTFS File Permissions - Access

Mar 8, 2005

I was reallocating them earlier... and something went terribly terribly wrong. (gremlins I say) I try to log into my user account, but it says it does not have access to any of the files (like the desktop, c:/docs and settings/username/desktop)So is there a way to fix this, preferrably an app that will be able to rewrite the file permissions tables on a large scale?

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Ntfs File Access Restrictions

Apr 17, 2007

Using:Win XP MCE SP2. I just set up an sftp server on one of my computers for remote backup purposes. I'm using openssh and cygwin to run the server so it can be secure and all that but I'm still a little paranoid about getting hacked etc. Since ssh uses windows users for login usernames and passwords I created a new user in the user group so it wouldn't have any administrative privileges. The way I understand is that if that user has some sort of ntfs file access restrictions then openssh will respect that and won't allow anyone logged on to the server with that user name to access any restricted files and folders. I want to restrict this user to have access to just ONE folder on the entire system. I don't want the user to be able to read or write or execute anything outside of its home folder. Since ssh respects ntfs restrictions i assumed that that would be the best way to do it. So if it is, what would be the easiest way to restrict access to everything but that one folder, and if that is not the best way then what is.

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Cannot Access File / Read Only Or Encrypted

Jun 8, 2009

I am running Windows XP, had to run a Windows repair. I am the owner / administrator of my pc. Since the repair, it seems I have lost ownership, permissions or attributes to my files. I will try to explain as best as I can. if I create a document and save it to an existing folder most of the time I can still access that <ocument. I have the same issue if scan a document, then save to a folder...I can usually still access but I never know, sometimes I can't. BUT, if I create a new folder and copy or move a document into the new folder I no longer have access to that file. Once the document has been moved into a folder I will get an error message saying Cannot access (filename). The document may be read-only or encrypted. I click on ok and a second message appears saying (filename) cannot be accessed. The file may be corrupted, located on a server that is not responding, or read-only. I cannot figure out whats triggering it. Ive checked folder properties >sharing> some(but not all)of the folders have the make this folder private checked and I cannot change it. These seem to be the folders that are denying me access to my documents.

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Cannot Delete File - Access Denied

Sep 8, 2007

i ve tried deleting certain files but it displays an errr message saying "cannot delete file.. access is denied" ive tried deleting it in command prompt also but could not.

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