Can't Access Own Encrypted File
Apr 12, 2007
I have recently reformatted my C drive and have now got windows XP pro and most of programs reinstalled, but I have encountered a very distressing problem; I have an Excel file that contains all of my user names and passwords for web sites, programs, hosting services� everything.But since I have reformatted and restored my programs and data I can no longer open this file. Actually I encrypted and entire folder containing this file and several other QuickBooks files. So I guess I really need to be able to access the entire unencrypted folder.The problem seems to be that I did not register my computer with the same name when I reinstalled windows and now I�m locked out of this previously encrypted folder, and, consequently this vitally important file!Can somebody please help me find a way to open this file.
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Jun 8, 2009
I am running Windows XP, had to run a Windows repair. I am the owner / administrator of my pc. Since the repair, it seems I have lost ownership, permissions or attributes to my files. I will try to explain as best as I can. if I create a document and save it to an existing folder most of the time I can still access that <ocument. I have the same issue if scan a document, then save to a folder...I can usually still access but I never know, sometimes I can't. BUT, if I create a new folder and copy or move a document into the new folder I no longer have access to that file. Once the document has been moved into a folder I will get an error message saying Cannot access (filename). The document may be read-only or encrypted. I click on ok and a second message appears saying (filename) cannot be accessed. The file may be corrupted, located on a server that is not responding, or read-only. I cannot figure out whats triggering it. Ive checked folder properties >sharing> some(but not all)of the folders have the make this folder private checked and I cannot change it. These seem to be the folders that are denying me access to my documents.
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Jun 4, 2008
I recently reformatted my computer, but before doing so moved all my documents to my "D" partition so I could easily bring them back after the reformat. I am using Windows XP Professional Sp3. One of the files I saved was encrypted in windows xp (the file's title has a green font color indicates it is encrypted). When I try to open it it just says 'access denied'. I tried opening it on Administrator account and that also didn't work. I am using the same windows account name and my computer name is identical to the way it was before the reformat. When I right click the file, go to properties, advanced, details.. it shows:
"Users who can transparently access this file: Me@my-desktop (some certificate thumbprint in hex here) That user name "me" and the computer name "my-desktop" are identical to the user name and computer name I have on the computer now.
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Jun 1, 2007
I did a terrible mistake today. Typically I install XP in C drive and keep My Documents folder in D drive. All of my hard disk drives (except the linux partitions) are NTFS. I encrypted the My Documents folder and all of its files and subfolders.Today I reinstalled XP in the C drive, after a quick format on it. I was unaware of the fact that what might be happened to My Documents folder. Now I can only view the files and folders inside My Documents folder. Neither I open any file, nor I decrypt those files. Windows is saying access denied.
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Apr 21, 2007
i get "access denied" when i try to open any encrypted files created before the restart and incomplete system restore.xp has created or recreated my admin account with the same name/password (new valid from date). is this why i can't access the files now?under encrypted file/properties/advanced/details/add option xp reports "CA Root certificate not trusted, install in Trusted Root Certification Authorities". is this a related problem?
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Nov 12, 2008
so i was not sure what i was doing when i was messing around with encrypting files,I have my external hard drive and encrypted around a dozen video files, then my copy of windows xp crashed due to a virus, i lost the previous version of xp due to reformatting, however i would like to access the video files again on my external hard drvie. I do not also remember the password from my previous copy of xp also.
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Oct 26, 2009
I am trying to access an encrypted folder, which is on the hdd of my broken laptop. The hdd is now connected to another computer. I cant open the folder, the message is access is denied.Presumably the key information that is needed is on the hdd somewhere? The laptop was running windows xp media centre 2005,The computer with which i am trying to access the file is running xp professional.
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Aug 25, 2005
My pc power supply blew up, and damaged all my drives, and other parts. I found a similar h/d for sale, that had bad sectors, and swapped the circuit board and the drive now works again.BUT, it does not boot, so I connected it as a second drive, and got access to basically all my files.However, any attempts to get it to boot again have not worked, so I cannot access my encrypted data files.I suspect that since only the first few tracks were damaged (?) the private encryption key is somewhere else on the drive (like the two fats, etc)is this assumption wrong? If true, is there a specific s/w package that could "rebuild" my drive, or at least pick up the second copy of this "key" and help me open the files?
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Jun 30, 2005
I run a specific batch file at startup that attempts to copy a file to lace one that is under control of a running program. I get the messageThe process cannot access the file because it is being used by anotherprocess."How do I successfully write the file? I know that the way you are supposed to do it is to close the program, make the transfer then restart the program. But how do you do that when you don't know the programand you don't know how it starts in the first place.
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Dec 14, 2004
After doing 'One Button Checkup' I get an error. Missing File:"CProgram FilesCommonFilesInstallShieldProfessinalRunTime701Intel 32DotNet.Installer.exe" (cannot access a necessary file "mscoree.dll") Win Doctor is unable to find & replace it, so it must have been deleted after Installation or later, ..... it doesn't seem to affect the computer so far, is it necessary to replace & would I be able to extract & replace it from original Windows XP disc, or would it only be possible by re-installing Windows XP?
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Dec 9, 2004
I am trying to access the file properties area on a .jpg file. I like to put the descrepption of the picture in the PROPERTY section of the file where is says SUMMARY. I have typed in the description and save it but when I go back to the file there is nothing there. (I right click on the file and go to PROPERTIES and then click on SUMMARY-ADVANCED) .
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May 27, 2007
I moved some EFS encrypted files to my new PC, but can't open them there. I've been using NTbackup, so the encryption is preserved, and all I get is "access denied" when trying to open them.What is the easiest way of decrypting them? I tried exporting the user certificate from the old pc using CIPHER /X, importing it to the new pc, but that didn't help. So how do I go about to decrypt these files? As it is nearly 50gigs of data and a slow network, I'd rather not decrypt the files and transfer them again.
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Jun 18, 2006
I want to set a password for the Guest account on my XP Home Edition computer but one of the instructions state not to do so if the Guest account has any encrypted files. However, I don't know how to find that out out. Can someone tell me how to do so?
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Jan 20, 2010
i encrypted a few files unknowingly, and then they were moved to the server is there any way i can get them back to my pc and then unencrypt them.
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Aug 13, 2006
I have just finished completing the installation of a new computer system. Along with a complete overhaul (see signature for specs) I have installed a new SATA hard disk with Windows XP MCE 2005 to boot , and the existing hard disk (which has a non bootable version of windows on it) is plugged in as "spare storage". However I have some valuable pictures on the old hard disk which have been ecrypted for security and under the new installation I cannot access these files at all. I cannot even copy the files to the SATA drive as it claims Access is denied. Going into the properties of the files does nothing as again...access is denied. I would have gone into the existing windows installation had it not screwed up and decrypted the files before copying them over but unfortunatey I didn't know my motherboard and Windows installation was going to fail
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Sep 2, 2004
Explorer includes some great security features.�For this tweak I will talk about enabling the feature to not save encrypted files to disk. This is a valuable feature. When you connect to a site that is encrypted the data sent over the network is encrypted. Your browser has the key to decrypt and display the information. Why give someone a chance to crack the encryption. If you don't allow IE to save it to disk then it is nearly impossible for someone else to be able to get that file and use brute force to crack it.
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Aug 12, 2002
The latest versions of internet explorer include some great new security improvements. For this tweak I will talk about enabling the feature to not save encrypted files to disk. This is a valuable feature. When you connect to a site that is encrypted the data sent over the network is encrypted. Your browser has the key to decrypt and display the information. Why give someone a chance to crack the encryption. If you don't allow IE to save it to disk then it is nearly impossible for someone else to be able to get that file and use brute force to crack it.
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Jan 9, 2009
I have user who created a few ecrypted MS Office docs on the home drive. Instead of using the encrypted folder, the user ecrypted the individual files. The user is unable to do anything with those encrypted files. Copy, move, unencrypte none of them works. The user is running Win XP SP2 and the file server is WS2003 R2 SP1.
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May 23, 2007
I have 2000 some encrypted pictures on hard drive x.(windows xp)Hard drive x is now a slave drive on another computer. I have complete access to hard drive x, but cannot migrate my old profile/keys over to the new computer to decrypt the files.Is there any way to do this short of going back in time and not doing it to begin with?hard drive x gives the stop error when i try to boot with it and the new computer is running windows xp also
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Sep 14, 2010
Cannot click on anything hardly at all,especially a link in an-mail.
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Sep 1, 2008
Wireless network at home.Folder on main computer set for sharing AND allows the jpg file on another computer.Adjust it and try to SAVE the file and get cannot access this file check security privileges over the network drive.
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Jan 30, 2008
Failed boot and inability to read the file system from a boot cd.
I did a chkdsk /r on the drive, and the file system is back. Ive also done a pass on the drive with a virus scanner and noticed a folder C:Program FilesCommon FilesServices" with the all of the files consisting of randomly generated executable names (514 in total), refer to attached text file for full list.
In explorer, the files show as green.
The problem is the virus scanner logs the file as "access denied".
The file initially had security permissions set to everyone with write only and the owner was some wierd clsid like object.
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Aug 19, 2008
I have a Dell 4500 using Windows XP who's processor died. I removed the hard drive and attached it to my Dell 1150 via a IDE/USB adapter kit. It appears that everything is available. However, when I go to 'Documents and SettingsJustJeff206documents it states that it is not accessible and that Access is denied. Other files that are not under my directory can be accessed. I have run Chkdisk with no problems detected.
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Aug 22, 2005
I have 2 XP's PC, 1 was recently rebuilt last week. On the rebuilt PC, I created 2 shared folders and access to the shared folder files was working.
I created 3 new accounts (1 admin and 2 power users) on the rebuilt PC. When to you try to access a new rebuilt PC user account shared folder file from the other PC, I receive a read only and access denied message.
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Oct 6, 2010
I've got an HP Pavilion 540n that is riddled with viruses. HP doesn't ship with recovery discs. I was able to use the recovery tool but now when the machine boots I get the Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file error when trying to run anything. I can't boot to safe mode and have tried running fixmbr but it did not help. I tried running malwarebytes and combofix but I get the error above. I would wipe it and reload the OS but since HP doesn't ship with any CD's I don't have a disc to load.
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Aug 9, 2005
I was having some problems with AVG firewall trial and finally just formatted and reinstalled my Windows XP. Since then, I am unable to access my Microsoft Office 2003 files. Whenever I try, I get a message telling me I don't have sufficient permissions to access these files. I am the only user and have full admin rights. I am also using a trial version of Office 2003 and was before formatting. Has anyone had any experience with this type of problem?
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Aug 30, 2006
I am trying to burn a file to a CD that I created in Word. When I try to make changes to this file I receive an error that says "You do not have access to the Folder. E:. See your administrator for access to this folder." I am the owner of this PC. How can I be allowed to use this file?
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Jul 21, 2005
I've backed myself into a corner, now I need to pick your brains to get out of it.
OS is XP Home sp2. Stopped booting,with error message about missing files,e.g.windowssystem32cp_437.nls.
Repair did not work, so I ended up reinstalling XP, but in another folder, as I didn't want to lose settings etc.
In "windows2", when I try to enter My Docs., etc on "windows1" it says
"access denied". How do I get at "favourites, Docs etc on "windows1" I have heaps of genealogy files etc that I cant access.
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Sep 4, 2005
This error? msg should be cause to sentence Bill Gates to life w/o parole @ hard labor + bread & water twice daily!
So why is access denied ? And how do I get access to delete the file ?
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Nov 17, 2009
I was running an original Windows XP and had made my documents inaccessible to other users. However, a worm attacked my dll files so i reinstalled Windows without formatting my hard drive. As a result, my old documents are still in my C: drive and i can't delete them to make space.
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Apr 17, 2010
was Having music on it and wants it back. I hooked her HDD to my system using a USB2.0 box and have no problem accessing the drive or copying pictures to my system. If I try to copy music, I get Access Denied. I have file sharing enabled, have unchecked 'read only' in her files and still get the same message. I thought it might have something to do with them being iTunes, but I have tried Sound Taxi, Imgburn and a few others to copy or convert them and I get the same message.
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