Program Files Missing / Unable To Access Or Find Accessories?
Sep 2, 2006
When I click on the start button and then onto All Programs there is nothing there.My friend found the program files in a folder and moved that folder to the desktop so I could access them. I can't even find Accessories to run a defrag either.How can I get all the programs back onto the listing in the All Programs section? I tried a drag and drop - did'nt work.
When I click on the start button and then onto All Programs there is nothing there.My friend found the program files in a folder and moved that folder to the desktop so I could access them. I can't even find Accessories to run a defrag either.How can I get all the programs back onto the listing in the All Programs section? I tried a drag and drop - did'nt work.
I can't get into any off my program files. I am using Windows XP home edition on my HP computer. every time I try to get into any of the files and control panel, I get this message that won't allow me access.Message is as follows: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Option control panel.
recently we had power failure and when I turned my computer back on, my bios came up.I tryed to exit out but some how disconnected or turned off my second hard drive and can not get it to go in the active state again, how do I check for the missing letter E that the drive is on orfind access to this drive
What is a good program to monitor bandwidth use? Comcast is setting a limit so I need something to monitor it for me. I have Windows XP Service Pack 3 Home Edition. And it needs to be able to monitor regardless of which browser I use, though I use Opera most of the time.
I'm having the access is denied problem.I've tried many times fixing it manually through regedit and such, but it still doesn't work.but my Windows Installer is also broken so I can't install subinacl. I can however install setacl which seems very similar. I'm not good enough with computers to use command line programs without simple instructions laid out for me
Hye . my system just had a major GLITCH. the screen flashed and i lost loads of start menu programs. ( they are still installed ) but they are missing from the all programs menu )? + i have just tried to use the caculator and its missing from the accessories menu. i went to add accessories but it doesnt show the icon in the start menu .. i can type in calc.exe in RUN and the caculator pops up . but i would like to have the icon to click on. KNow what i mean.
I have a small domain with about 20 XP SP3 client machines. There are 25 or so domain members. One of my users had some files "disappear" from his My Documents Folder. After checking the recycle bin and searching for hidden files and folders with no luck, I logged in as admin and looked at his C:documents and settings'username' folder and found that it was created on his original hire date in 2009. (nearly a year ago)
i just installed xp pro on my gatway 450rog all is working well but in the other device there are 5 things with yellow ? on them not the netork card that is fine but the ethernet controller,modem, how do i fix this i can not get it to conect to the internet to update thses
I have a Dell M1710 XPS laptop, recently because of a power cut it failed to boot because of a corrupt file. I've re-installed windows XP (for some reason I was not able to boot from CD and repair), now obviously alot of the programs that are still on the hardrive will not open because they need to be re-installed. Unfortunatly I'm stuck on a ship with very little internet access and no CD's to re-install stuff with. I don't know if its possible to get these things working
Anyway my major concern is I've lost alot of my I'tunes music and photos that were on my hard-drive before. They seem to be still on the harddrive as I still have only 10% of the drive left as free space and yet when I double click on C: drive on my computer there shows only 32 gigs of stuff in folders there and I cannot find any of my music (program files seem to be unaffected, there still on the drive as normal even if im unable to run them). Is there anyway to find these missing folders/files that still seem to be on my harddrive but not visable.
My dad was using my computer, and I think he did a "system restore" or a reboot. I'm not sure which one because I wasn't there when he did it. (Unfortunately...) I start up my computer and my login is no longer on the login screen. It automatically logs in & starts Windows XP. My desktop has changed to factory setting, there are all these different icons on my desktop now, and it basically looks like it did when I opened it out of the box 2 years ago. I go to My Documents and none of my files are there. Same with My Pictures and My Music. My dad said when he did the reboot/restore the data files would not be deleted. They weren't, and I found them under "My Computer> C> Documents and settings> Owner> Owner's Documents". All of my docs, pics, and music are there. My question is, how can I get my computer back the way it was before my dad messed it up? If I can't do that, how can I get all of my documents, pictures, and music under the appropriate files? I tried to do a "system restore" but it won't let me choose a restore date before my dad messed with it.
I cannot get to System Restore from Start > Programs > Accessories .No Accessories folder in Program Files folder. Search for System restore shows a shortcut to it and when clicked gets me to C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAccessories.I haven't changed any settings on my PC. Windows Update got downloaded automatically yesterday.I tried to do system restore to an earlier date but it was unsuccessful. I'm the only user so I boot straight into my account and I'm the only one using my PC.
I am the administrator on this pc I have a user called GUEST I do not want the guest to be able to access a specific program I know they cannot get to my documents but if i log on as 'guest' i can open the accounting program and i dont want anyone as GUEST to be able to do that how can i do this? ive read some things about user groups but i dont have an option to add/change groups in the control panel under user accounts.
For some reason i cannot delete any file or folder within C:Program Files. I get the error message: access denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected.I have XP home edition with a 3 partitioned hard drive. C:for Operating system, E:for software install and F: for data. The only software installed on C: partition is Kaspersky Anti-virus.I have booted up in safe mode to delete files but i do not want to do this all the time. I have also tried changing folder permissions and apparently i am logged with admin rights.
A couple of days ago I stupidly opened a reg file which ended up slowly destroying my computer. THe first sign was applications taking longer to open. It would come up with 'Application error' then after pressing ok, I opened it again and it opened with success. It also took me a couple of goes to open the Task manager as well. The next thing I noticed was sometimes, explorer.exe wouldn't open so I would have to manually type it in via Task manager. Once Task Manager was opened, I would notice hundereds of drwatson's, which I had to end task. Now it seems my Laptop is working fine, however, there's a problem. It says all my files are there, but I can only access the program file ones (and even most of them don't open). All the main files, which were located in My Documents, I can't access. I'm on a new account Windows XP made, but the old account is still there, however, when I go to Control Panel, only my new account appears, not the old one. I go to Documents And Settings and the folder is there, however, it says it's empty. When I double click it, an error pops up saying, 'Access is denied.' I know all my files are there because I have 50 GB's of space and I only have 10 GB's free space remaining. I highlighted all the files (excluding My documents) and it came to a total of 10 GB's only. There's still that extra 30 I had located in My documents.
I have a dell laptop with windows media center installed, as you know they come with a seperate partition for the backup files. For me backup files are not necessary, so I deleted the contents then installed WOW in its spot. Then later on I decided to merge this partition using partition magic. While merging my computer crashed. My C: drive is saying that it has the contents of the old partition, but it is not accessible or visible. I tried using partition magics drive mapper to make these files go into c: but it did nothing.
When I try to access program files, install a program, or anything else along those lines, I get a simple message:"C:/Program Files is not Accessible. Access Denied."Nothing more. No error, no details on how to undo this denial of access. I have windows XP, and I can find no way to correct it
When I try to open Program Files, I get an error message saying C:Program Files is not accessible. Access Is Denied. This occurs on 4 out of the 5 user accounts on our computer, and on the 4 it occurs on, most programs are not usable.
Alrite, ive got an emachines notebook running xp home on it. We bought it from best buy, and i guess they registered the computer to a 'valued customer' and its really annoying. Idk how the user name stuff works, but i think a while ago(not 100% positive cuz it was like 2 years ago) when we first got the computer i changed the admin 'valued customer' name to my name. but the 'my documents' folder defaulted to 'c:/documents and settings/valued customer' still. i fixed it by making a folder on c: with my name and made that folder the target location for the My Documents folder.
Where does Win Xp store the System Restore files? I'd like to save some disc space by not keeping every restore point. As it is, I have a couple of restore points that I created when I knew things where stable and that's really all I want.
I cannot install new applications on my WinXP HE. I've tried 10 or more and all give me a similar problem: error during install. some say, that they do not have write access to "program files" dir, but that's nonsense, since the installer installs the directory and some files already.
i have a 8 month old computer with 512Mb RAM 3Ghz intel P4 processer and a 160Gb hard drive. basically i think there are missing system files because my computer has slowed right down when opening folders / applications and i cannot access the control panel (it says windows explorer has had to close). i run the free AVG virus scanner, Zone Alarm firewall and the AOL spyware protection.
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 15:44:21, on 11/05/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)
My computer was OK since I shut it off last night. I don't know if I did something wrong to it. This morning, at the logon menu I was surprised~ There are many message boxes appeared saying that Program files is corrupted and bla bla bla~ If my dad knows this, I'll get grounded. The next thing I realised is, there are these start bar messages telling me " The file or directory H:Program Files is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility" and H is where my program files folder is because I renamed it from C to H.
something really weird is happening to my my hard drive, with a size is 60 gb, i have a folder, inside my docs, that says that i have 42 gb of things. but when a look inside that folder there is nothing. i saw in each folder inside documents and setings and nothing.i saw in temps folders inside of windows folder and i ran the windows utility to clean up and mantainance of my hard drive and i got nothing as a result.i tried crap cleaner, and its usefull, but the problem persist. i dont have a lot of apps installed or mp3 org jpg, files, so i dont know how to start.
My other computer is a hp using windows xp. The computer lost power and now program files will let me access any file in that folder, either through explorer or through any program that is in that folder. The computer is not connected to the internet and never has been. The computer is only used for backup of photos and backup files. Virus scan comes up with nothing. I tried the whole folder options thing.. no luck. When you check the properties of that folder, there nothing showing. Shows 0 mb in folder.