Program Files Missing / Corrupted : Asking For Chkdsk Utility?

Oct 27, 2006

My computer was OK since I shut it off last night. I don't know if I did something wrong to it. This morning, at the logon menu I was surprised~ There are many message boxes appeared saying that Program files is corrupted and bla bla bla~ If my dad knows this, I'll get grounded. The next thing I realised is, there are these start bar messages telling me " The file or directory H:Program Files is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility" and H is where my program files folder is because I renamed it from C to H.

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Registry Corrupted - Files Missing

Apr 13, 2005

Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

I found this soultion online and followed it to the marked point:

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Missing Files Dll Completely Corrupted?

Jul 3, 2008

I think I have a corrupted OS in my hands. My computer worked fine yesterday. This morning I added an extended SATA hard drive. When it booted, Windows XP (Pro SP2) startup seemed unusually slow. After I used the hard drive manufacturer's CD to partition the HD and rebooting, I could not get on any of the limited XP accounts because it required a password when it should not have. I am posting this from Firefox, which with a number of other programs unrelated to Microsoft seem to work for the moment. I think I'm missing system files or they are corrupt. I've recently had a Vundo infection which I did clean up, but now I can't even open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.This would be extremely horrifying had I not had past computer problems of equal horror. I beseech all you benevolent souls reading this to provide some suggestions. Is there anything I could do aside from reinstalling XP?

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C: Program Files Corrupted / Message Pops Up At Every Startup?

Jun 14, 2005

I tried to open zone alarm and AIM and got a pop up saying that C:/Program Files is corrupt. What? Then I got a yellow pop up in the lower right of my toolbar saying that its corupt and to run a chkdsk...Would it fix this? If not what? Why did this happen?

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System Files Missing / Corrupted Error

Jul 20, 2008

recently me my brother and sisters computers all got the same virus it seems and where all on one wireless net work and it started with my sisters laptop sayin the harddrives not instaled wheni start it up and nothing els and my brothers desktop kept feezzeing like my desk top did then mine stoped turning on all togther and would get to the desk top and crash and take 3-4 trys to get started then i did a destructive system recovery on my brothers comp and it is fine perfect like the day we got it then i did it to mine and it started up and worked but kept frezzing on the desk top and then now when i start it up and try to restore from last know workin configuration it says windows/system32/config/system is missing or corrupted hit r to start repair from original cd rom disks and i dont have those is there a way i could find this file and put it on a cd form one comp and fix my comp with it? or do i have to go buy a new windows and hardrive? and when i try to boot it any ways it says system not fully installed error

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Corrupted Operating System Wont Start: Files Missing Or Corrupt?

Aug 5, 2007

I am havinga very big problem with my PC. When I try to start it up normally, I get the following message; "Windows could not start because the following fileis missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair" When I try this, it opens repair console, but then I have to select OS, and when I do this, it just comes up with the previous error. If I try to reinstall it comes up with a blue screen error and crashes.

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Computer Freezing Nad Chkdsk Utility Corrupt Disk

Apr 8, 2006

My computer has been freezing up latley. I tried to do system restore but it will only let me go back one day. I am also getting a message that says firefox.exe- the file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility on the volume C:

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The File Or Directory C: Is Corrupt And Unreadable / Run Chkdsk Utility?

Mar 30, 2005

I dont know when it started, but almost exactly after a week or so of me using this machine, it comes up with a The File or Directory C: is corrupt and unreadable. Please Run the Chkdsk Utility. error.I always try and run checkdisk, but then it comes up with the exact same error trying to load Checkdisk.
I end up Reformatting, and reloading everything, and then almost Exactly, The Same thing happens in a week... or just under. (its been 6 days now i think since the last time)

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Corrupted Registry Recovery - File Missing Or Corrupted

Jun 21, 2010

I am running Win XP Mediaa Center Edition 2005 and have just received a message on the second boot up page saying:
Windows cannot load because the following file is missing or corrupt:
You may attempt to recover or repair this file using the original Windows CD

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"The File Or Directory Is Corrupt And Unreadable. Please Run The Chkdsk Utility. !!! Error

Nov 21, 2007

I have a Pentium 4, Windows XP Home Edition and this problem is driving me mad. My pc says dskchkr.exe - application error. When I try to run diskchecker it says "it is unable to run in autofix mode because volume c: is in use by another application" and asks if i want to schedule it to run on startup. It will not run on startup. I also have had this message onscreen "The file or directory is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the chkdsk utility. !!!
I have taken Macafee off my pc (or I HOPE so), and now I have NO diskchecker on AT ALL. I think I have some programs on which I thought I had removed but I cant get rid of them all without paying. Im losing my mind !!!!

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Program Files Missing / Unable To Access Or Find Accessories?

Sep 2, 2006

When I click on the start button and then onto All Programs there is nothing there.My friend found the program files in a folder and moved that folder to the desktop so I could access them. I can't even find Accessories to run a defrag either.How can I get all the programs back onto the listing in the All Programs section? I tried a drag and drop - did'nt work.

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Program Files Missing / Unable To Access Or Find Accessories?

Sep 2, 2006

When I click on the start button and then onto All Programs there is nothing there.My friend found the program files in a folder and moved that folder to the desktop so I could access them. I can't even find Accessories to run a defrag either.How can I get all the programs back onto the listing in the All Programs section? I tried a drag and drop - did'nt work.

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What Is Utility Program?

Jun 20, 2005

I just got an assignment. One question asking what is utility program,can I ask what is that? Can anybody give me some examples?

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Good Disk Utility Program For Windows

Oct 25, 2009

I'm looking for an all around good disk utility program that will monitor many different aspects of my harddrives etc. I'm only looking for free software though. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them.

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Boot.ini Tab Missing From System Configuration Utility Msconfig.exe

Sep 1, 2009

The Boot.ini Tab missing from my System Configuration Utility (msconfig.exe) Dialog Box. Everything else is OK and have all other functionality with msconfig.exe Yes - the Boot.ini file is in the root of C: and I can open and view it in Notepad just not in msconfig

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System Configuration Utility: Large Section Of OS Missing?

Nov 29, 2006

I do run>MSconfig and msconfig comes up. I deselect several programs in the startup and services tabs and exit, so the window comes up saying I have to restart my computer for the changes to take effect. I click restart and the computer reboots. On my desktop comes a window about the System Configuration Utility and how some things have changed. A large section of the window is missing, so that the extreme bottom end of the window is a checkable box that says "Do not show this message again" which I select. However, this System Configuration Utility window pops up every time I boot up my computer. But when I put the computer back in normal mode, the window doesn't pop up on reboots.

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Hal.dll Missing Or Corrupted

Jul 5, 2005

I restored a partition with Drive Image and am getting this message. It's worked fine for over a year but now a problem. I might have marked the partition active or not, I'm not sure. Older versions of the partition don't work. I think the boot.ini is ok. I checked it and can't find a problem. I copied HAL.DLL to all of my drives under windows/system/32 to see if booting was going to another drive and a different error message would appear. The first time it booted to the first choice in the boot screen and after that gives the same missing or corrupted HAL.DLL I've downloaded stuff from Microsoft but thought Symantec doesn't have good tech support any more; not like PowerQuest or whatever their name was.

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Virus Deleted Some Files And Corrupted / Recover Files?

Oct 18, 2009

I am running winxp . due to virus infection in my machine I lost all the .pst file and also Thunderbird inbox files. All the start program shortcut was also wiped out. I was running AVG anti virus. Now I removed AVG and installed Microsoft supplied security essential software. It detected following virus ware and removed subsequently I want to recover deleted .pst and thunderbird mails.

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Chkdsk Log Files?

Sep 18, 2005

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (More info?) Does chkdsk.exe create log files when it performs boot-time checks?

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Nfiosinfo.inf Is Missing - Corrupted - CD ROM

Sep 8, 2008

My wife's laptop tried to automatically update to Service Pack 3. When it restarted, I get the Windows could not start because the following is missing or corrupt:windowsinfiosinfo.inf You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM.Select 'r' at the first screen to start repairMy problem is I can't get to the Recovery Console. When I try, I get the blue Windows Setup screen, with the little gray bar at the bottom that loads all the crap, then I get a blue screen that says "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer, some other stuff and then

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Utility To Compress Files

Sep 9, 2005

Does Window XP have a file compressor/unziper built in to the OS?

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Wouldn't Come Up Because Dll Missing Or Corrupted - System32hal.dll

Oct 2, 2009

I just put in an ASUS mobo, and my XP Pro OS just sent me a message that Windows wouldn't come up because a dll was missing or corrupted. <Windows root>System32hal.dll. I'm in the Recovery Console, and I went to Systemroot, but the command <Windows root>System32hal.dll. is invalid. Other than reinstall XP, what can I do to find or get that hal.dll.

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CD ROM System File Missing Or Corrupted

Sep 24, 2008

My CD ROM/DVD player recently stopped working on my Omitech computer. From My Computer - I can't see the drive anymore. In the device manager - it has a yellow exclamation mark on it. I tried updating the driver but the message was that the software was already the best match. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it says a file is missing or corrupt. I bought a new external CD ROM - but have the exact same problem with it. I went to Run and put in sfc /scannow and there were problems that maybe could be fixed - if only it could read the XP CD - then it could fix the CD ROM. But it can't read the CD because of the problem with the CD ROM. (a whole in my bucket story.) So - how can I fix the problem if it wants a CD to fix the problem but the CD ROM is not working to read the CD?

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Missing Or Corrupted Admin Accounts

Jul 27, 2005

I am working on a Dell laptop that belongs to a friend of mine. She has a history of deleting folders she doesn't think she needs (can't cuss at her enough, it'll never stop!) Somehow she managed to end up with all of the Admin accounts corrupted or missing. It was actually to the point that the only User that would get past the login would fail afterwards and it would load setting from "TEMP" user.Anyway, the problem is that the only user left that will log in has the lowest permissions level possible which means I can't do anything to correct the problems. I actually managed to use the "Backup" utility to restore enough of the one user that works so that it no longer fails and accesses the "TEMP" user There are two different accounts that had Admin status, both of these say "accessdenied" if you clink on the folders, but if you just hold the cursor over the icon there is a popup that says "empty", both of them.

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Missing Or Corrupted Boot File

Oct 29, 2006

My computer is a Dell Inspiron 6000 running Microsoft XP Home. My machine did not ship with a XP Home setup CD so I cannot follow the windows prompt. I have heard about dell system restore CDs, however I'm not sure if one came with my machine, and if so where it is. If this is what I need can an ISO be downloaded anywhere online? I do know that there is some type of partition on my HD, however I'm not sure exactly what it consists of or how to find out.In case anyone asks, I cannot boot windows in safe mode. If possible I would like to try to repair this problem without a complete reformat and reinstall as my data is only partially backed up. Additionally I have considered the possibility that this issue is the result of a HD crash, however I am not sure how I would go about testing this. Lastly if a reformat and re-install is necessary is there anyway to backup "My Documents" without starting windows?

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Windows / System / Drivers / Pci Sys Is Missing Or Corrupted

Aug 10, 2010

can you help me with this error windows/system/drivers/pci sys is missing or corrupted on windows xp professional?

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Error Missing / Corrupted File - SYSTEMMd

Feb 22, 2006

I have two partitions on the same drive and both had Win XP installed. I decided to reformat the second partition, and for no particular reason decided to install Win 2000 there. Now on boot up I get the normal boot.ini menu but if I choose XP I get an error that says Win 2000 has a missing or corrupted file: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMd……..SYSTEMd not a misprint! I hit reset and choose Win2000 at the boot menu and Win 2000 comes up OK . I tried to repair 2000 and I re-installed it but still get the same error. I tried modifying the boot.ini file but it didn't.

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System32 Config System Missing Or Corrupted?

Feb 14, 2009

Trying to repair my son's laptop--Dell Inspiron 6000 running XP professional, cannot start-up due to above error message.tried steps outlined in link below from Microsoft, but get "access is denied" at every prompt

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Corrupted Or Missing: System32 Config System?

Sep 28, 2009

I am new at this so I will try and post as much relevant (or possibly no) information in hopes not to waste anyone's time. I receive the following message each time I boot up my Dell Latitude 400 with Windows XP update with SP1 and 2: Windows could not start because the following file is corrupt or missing: windowssystem32configsystem. You can attempt to repair this file starting Windows Setup using the original Setup cd-rom. select "r" at the first screen to start repair.

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Missing Or Corrupted Ntoskrnl.exe: Getting Fatal Error?

Nov 16, 2008

I got the following message upon booting my pc.STOP: c000021a {Fatal System Error}Te Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc0000022 (0x000000000 0x00000000).The System has been shut down.The day before I did a windows update.I can not boot into windows.. Not even Safe Mode or dos prompt.

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CD Rom Wont Work: Driver Corrupted Or Missing?

Sep 6, 2005

Installed new cd rom still doesn't work. In device manager its says for both cd rom devices( Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)Tried to uninstall and reinstall no luck. I may have deleted something important in either Nortons Spybot or spyware. I deleted a bunch of problems detected by one of those and then read it might not be a good idea because it could effect other prop in your PC

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