"The File Or Directory C:WINDOWSPrefetchMCUIMGR.exe-0E667E1B.pf Is Corrupt And Unreadable. Please Run The Chkdsk Utility. !!! Error
Nov 21, 2007
I have a Pentium 4, Windows XP Home Edition and this problem is driving me mad. My pc says dskchkr.exe - application error. When I try to run diskchecker it says "it is unable to run in autofix mode because volume c: is in use by another application" and asks if i want to schedule it to run on startup. It will not run on startup. I also have had this message onscreen "The file or directory c:WINDOWSPrefetchMCUIMGR.exe-0E667E1B.pf is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the chkdsk utility. !!!
I have taken Macafee off my pc (or I HOPE so), and now I have NO diskchecker on AT ALL. I think I have some programs on which I thought I had removed but I cant get rid of them all without paying. Im losing my mind !!!!
I dont know when it started, but almost exactly after a week or so of me using this machine, it comes up with a The File or Directory C: is corrupt and unreadable. Please Run the Chkdsk Utility. error.I always try and run checkdisk, but then it comes up with the exact same error trying to load Checkdisk. I end up Reformatting, and reloading everything, and then almost Exactly, The Same thing happens in a week... or just under. (its been 6 days now i think since the last time)
File or Directory C:$MFT is corrupt or unreadable. Run CHKDSK /f.Got this message on a WinXP Home SP2 box. I can't run chkdsk /f because I'm using the disk (obviously) When I reboot however, the system does it's own chkdsk but doesn't find any errors. The message keeps coming back. I don't get any hits when I search the KB.
the file or directory C:\windows is corrupt and unreadable If I restore factory settings will this fix problem? I've run chkdsk utility a million times with no luck
Cannot Delete Projects: The File Or Directory Is Corrupt Or Unreadable Keep getting this message when i try to delete a folder on my computer and whatever i do it wont delete
My computer has been freezing up latley. I tried to do system restore but it will only let me go back one day. I am also getting a message that says firefox.exe- the file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility on the volume C:
I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home w/SP2 on a system and everything worked well. I also installed a Seagate 500 GB HDD as a slave drive. I had no problems assigning a drive letter (D:) and mapping it as a network drive. Then yesterday, a Windows error message popped up saying there was "Delayed Write Failure" or something similar. It was at that point the the slave drive became inaccessible. I can still see the drive in My Computer but that is all. I went into disk management and click on properties, it says the file system is "RAW". I have no idea what that means.
The drive is still assigning a drive letter (d:) and it says is it is healthy (active). However, when I try exploring the drive it says "D: is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"." I then tried using CHKDSK to check the drive for errors in the DOS prompt. But again, nothing happened. I used Seagate Diagnostic tools to scan the drive for errors. There is nothing physically wrong with the drive as it passed all the tests except for the file structure test.
I really need some help here. I have a second HD with no OP system on which I just use to store most of my music, pics, documents etc. The problem is when I click on one of the folders (my most important one I get the message "file or directory is corrupted and unreadable"I really need to get to this folder,
Running Windows XP home, well-protected from viruses and spyware with all the usual recommended programs. I have a 160G external firewire hard drive, NTFS system. Cannot access data all of a sudden, I am getting an error message, "file system corrupt and unreadable." In disk management, the drive is listed as healthy, 160G, but no NTFS listed. What could have caused this, and is there a way to retrieve the data? Are there any low-cost or freeware programs to do this, or is it inevitable to spend a "fortune?"
I have a usb external enclosure which holds a 120 gig hard drive that I use for storage. I shut it off when I am done to save power, and just the other day I notice a file on it that is quite large isn't allowing me to open it any longer. It keeps saying that the 'file or folder is corrupt and unreadable'...Weird. I was just looking at the folder yesterday. Is there absolutely anything I can do to get that data back?? All the other files on that hard drive are fine. Why did it target out that file?
when accessing any application or programme from my hard drive I get the following error message "The file or directory c: is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility." I then click to get rid of the error message and the utility works fine. I have run chkdsk several times but it does not shift this error message.
I hooked up a drive I haven't used in quite some time in my new external case. with some of the directories on there I get this."the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable" and it won't let me access it what causes this and is there any way to fix it?
Whenever I try to open my 48Gig partition on my slave hard drive, I get this message:F:is not accessible The File or directory is corrupted and unreadable this is very strange because I just used it earlier today and opened it to look in it with no problem. It was formated NTFS yesterday to only be used by my W2K operating system on the extended partition of my dual boot setup....but it is still visible in my Win98 My Computer list(I didn't think NTFS partitions could be seen by Win98).
i keep getting error messages on my computer like these here is a screen shot i have no i dear what could be wrong my system is virus/trogan/adware/spyware free i run norton internet security 2007 on my system so i have no i dear what the problem is but i keep getting these error messages i have ran chkdsk alot of times does not seem to be a problem i recently had chkdsk always starting up when windows starts saying the drive is dirty or something i was able to get rid of it by using the xp cd in recovery mode and typing in fixmbr i would rather not have to reinstall my operating system
Windows updated and my computer restarted itself this morning and since then everytime i try to use a programmes such as internet explorer, a game or google earth I get a message of: "The application or DLL C:WINDOWSsystem32urlmon.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check your installation diskette" in a box with a red cross in it in the centre of the screen.And from a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it from the toolbar at the bottom a bubble saying "the file or directory WINDOWSSystem32URLMON.DLL is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the chkdsk utilty"
my daughters laptop has come up with a problem and has a lot of pictures ect on it that we can no longer access, the pictures ect are poss still there as the hard drive space is still the same as before. the problem is in the system 32 area. computer states system32configsystemprofile is corrupted and unreadable have run a checkdisc but i cant seem to be able to run a checkdisc repair on it??????is there anything i can do or is there a program i can download to help do it????
My computer was OK since I shut it off last night. I don't know if I did something wrong to it. This morning, at the logon menu I was surprised~ There are many message boxes appeared saying that Program files is corrupted and bla bla bla~ If my dad knows this, I'll get grounded. The next thing I realised is, there are these start bar messages telling me " The file or directory H:Program Files is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility" and H is where my program files folder is because I renamed it from C to H.
i have a folder on my desktop that is not empty but when i try to open it (via GUI or command line) it will not. i get "the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable" and it wants me to run check disk. when i do, i then get an application error on boot up. so i boot in safe mode with command line and disable check disk on boot up so i can get back into windows with no problem however the folder is still there and unable to open and/or delete. fsutil tells me that the c drive is dirty, but i just can't clean it.how can i delete "C:Documents and SettingsusernameDesktopNew Folder"?
So this morning I left my laptop on while going to college and then work, after work I came home the laptop was off. Weird I thought I start it up and It keeps giving me an error that the "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM".It tells me to instert the Windows XP cd, or set up cd.Now I havent done it yet because I want to know is there anyway to save my stuff that I have on my harddrive? and DO NOT WANT IT TO FORMAT MY HARDDRIVE.The reason is I have FINAL PROJECTS for my term papers and also FINALS and all information related to college. I am really worried that I dont have it anymore and I dont know what I would tell my college proffesors. Please someone if you know how to save the portion of the disk thats not windows please help.
I have an old computer with an Intel Celeron 467 MHz processor, 128 ram and I'm running Windows XP SP2. Earlier this week I came to turn on my computer, and could not log on to Windows. "Windows could not start because the follwing file is missing or corrupt Windowssystem32configsystem." I reinstalled XP. I couln't access the repair install. Then I thought maybe someone had gotten into my computer and I downloaded Zone Alarm...Big mistake. Since then my computer freezes, programs jam, I keep losing my internet connection,(DSL) and I get "cannot find server" messages. Its also slower as molasses in winter. A little better since the removal. Obviously Zone Alarm was removed and i went back to Windows firewall. I also use Ad-Aware, AVG, Spybot Search and Destroy, Spyware Blaster and I use Registry Mechanic and TuneUp Utilities.
whenever I boot the system, I come up with the following message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>system32 toskrnl.exe re-install a copy of the above file. every time I try to boot the CD, the same error message occurs. I've already tried to change the boot order so the CD-ROM drive would be first. I have also selected the CD-ROM drive to be the boot device, but the message always pops up.
I have tried the recovery console. I get into it and it asks to answer which windows installation I want to repair. It shows 1: cwindows , so I enter in 1 and press enter. ( I also have just entered 1 without the enter) my computer does nothing....just sits there. It never gets to the next step of asking for the administrators password. I then tried multiple times to go into the "reinstall XP function" and then after it says "looking for versions of window on yout computer" it just sits there.....hard drive light flashing occasionally, but nothing but blue screen.
Is there anyway for me to copy the system files i need if I have the non bootable XP drive daisychained to a drive that does boot? I apparantly can not re-install xp to this HD and can not get the recovery/repair option to work. No safe mode, no nothing. I am thinking there has got to be a way of copying the files I need from the xp cdrom while having the non bootable drive connected to the one working/bootable drive I am able to use. ( I was able to upload XP to a seporate HD I had lying around, however I really want to fix the 80 gig hd that will not boot now.I also want to get my favorites from my "error HD" but when I go into the files for MOZILLA under my name it gives me the error "not authorized" since my HD had me as administrator.
I have a desktop pc with XP Home Edition. It's an HP and it looks like there are two operating systems on it. One is the regular XP Home Edition load and the other seems to be the Recovery one if you run the Recovery utility that HP offers at boot up. I'm not sure what to do to fix this. If I try to run the recovery from HP it says that some data might be lost which I do not want. Is there any way to fix this hal.dll file using some type of utility disk? Or any other way?
what i would like is a step by step of how to repair this problem i have tryed copying this file from the xp disk to copy ntoskrnl.exe as follows e:where e is my cd drive e: copy e:i386toskrnl.exe c:windowssystem32 and it tells me file cant be found but when i do a dir e:i386 it gives me the file.
I have a problem with copying large files (50MB+): Both command line command "copy /B" and copies in Explorer of large files always risult in a slighly different (corrupt) copy without generating any error message. The number of different bytes is proportional to the lenght of the original. The size of the copy is correct. Position and value of the different bytes vary between each copy.
Get message "Cann't find import;dll may be missing, corrupt or wrong version file "RTL70.BPL", error 126. Trouble shooting steps taken - 1. Turned off System Restore, 2. Ran Disk Clean Up, 3. Ran CW Shredder, 4. Ran Ad-Ware, 5. Ran Spyware (Spy-bolt, Microsoft Antispyware), 6. Ran AVG Antivirus, 7. Rebooted in the Safe Mode, 8. Reran steps 2-6, 9. Rebooted in the Normal Mode, 10. Turned System Restore back on. Still get warning message.
I'm in the process of repair/recovery of my machine (Dell Inspiron 8500 with Windows XP Home, Service Pack 2). I'm following exactly the instructions in:
http://attachments.techguy.org/attac...chmentid=62075, but a problem has developed. The "software" file (which is the file that the original blue screen error message says is "corrupt, absent or not writable") will not copy to the new tmp directory to create the backup. My understanding from the article is that this backup file (software.bak) will later be used to restore correct settings for various software applications. Since I can't copy it, it appears that I am screwed,
i have a problem with a file in the my documents folder it has an error message saying its corrupted or unreadable i can not delete it or remove it but i can rename it it used to be called downloads folder mcafee found a virus in it once i think it locked the file but mcafee is deleted from my pc i have norton internet security 2007 now i am wondering if there is a way to remove it i renamed the downloads folder to corrupted file and marked at as hidden but i would like to remove it also windows check disk keeps wanting to run every tme windows starts and its getting annoying
"the directory or file cannot be created", when I try to move my files around. This just started today, I have spent hours online trying to find a solution .so now I am asking here.