Can't Access Missing Files

Nov 12, 2006

A couple of days ago I stupidly opened a reg file which ended up slowly destroying my computer. THe first sign was applications taking longer to open. It would come up with 'Application error' then after pressing ok, I opened it again and it opened with success. It also took me a couple of goes to open the Task manager as well. The next thing I noticed was sometimes, explorer.exe wouldn't open so I would have to manually type it in via Task manager. Once Task Manager was opened, I would notice hundereds of drwatson's, which I had to end task. Now it seems my Laptop is working fine, however, there's a problem. It says all my files are there, but I can only access the program file ones (and even most of them don't open). All the main files, which were located in My Documents, I can't access. I'm on a new account Windows XP made, but the old account is still there, however, when I go to Control Panel, only my new account appears, not the old one. I go to Documents And Settings and the folder is there, however, it says it's empty. When I double click it, an error pops up saying, 'Access is denied.' I know all my files are there because I have 50 GB's of space and I only have 10 GB's free space remaining. I highlighted all the files (excluding My documents) and it came to a total of 10 GB's only. There's still that extra 30 I had located in My documents.

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Missing Files - Cannot Access The Control Panel

May 11, 2005

i have a 8 month old computer with 512Mb RAM 3Ghz intel P4 processer and a 160Gb hard drive. basically i think there are missing system files because my computer has slowed right down when opening folders / applications and i cannot access the control panel (it says windows explorer has had to close). i run the free AVG virus scanner, Zone Alarm firewall and the AOL spyware protection.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 15:44:21, on 11/05/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Program Files Missing / Unable To Access Or Find Accessories?

Sep 2, 2006

When I click on the start button and then onto All Programs there is nothing there.My friend found the program files in a folder and moved that folder to the desktop so I could access them. I can't even find Accessories to run a defrag either.How can I get all the programs back onto the listing in the All Programs section? I tried a drag and drop - did'nt work.

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Program Files Missing / Unable To Access Or Find Accessories?

Sep 2, 2006

When I click on the start button and then onto All Programs there is nothing there.My friend found the program files in a folder and moved that folder to the desktop so I could access them. I can't even find Accessories to run a defrag either.How can I get all the programs back onto the listing in the All Programs section? I tried a drag and drop - did'nt work.

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Jun 1, 2007

I did a terrible mistake today. Typically I install XP in C drive and keep My Documents folder in D drive. All of my hard disk drives (except the linux partitions) are NTFS. I encrypted the My Documents folder and all of its files and subfolders.Today I reinstalled XP in the C drive, after a quick format on it. I was unaware of the fact that what might be happened to My Documents folder. Now I can only view the files and folders inside My Documents folder. Neither I open any file, nor I decrypt those files. Windows is saying access denied.

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Cant Access Files/folders - Can't Even Access The 2nd Partition

Aug 20, 2007

Quote: Originally Posted by kpmwrestler no, here's the best thing to do (since you are reformatting anyways):

download Parted Magic burn it to cd with ISO Recorder v 2boot to that cd delete all the partitions (if you have more than one)then reboot with the xp cd in and it should boot I'm having the same basic issue as the original poster.
I just picked up a Sony Vaio laptop F270. From what I can gather is it has (2) separate partitions. I want to do a complete wipe/format of the HD and get back to having (1) Large partition

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Spyware And Adware - On Deleting Files .dll Files Were Missing

Jan 5, 2005

my computer is filled with all sorts of spyware and adware. Ive used all teh chekc programs etc. and deleted whatever i could but yet the pop ups continue to come. In add/remove programs i deleted everything i could but some things couldnt be deleted because the .dll files were missing or something along those lines. please review my hijack this and advise me further. In addition when i go to a website i must enter www or it doesnt connect to the site. on my other computer i can do that. what can i do to fix it??

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Missing Files - Old Files And Email - How To Recover?

Mar 5, 2005

my computer crashed and I had to replace operation disk and lost old files and e-mail. Is there any way to recover at this point?

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CD ROM And DVD ROM Access Missing- Running XP Home

Jun 14, 2005

After removing Musicmatch from my computer I cannot access my CD or DVD drives. I've read (Microsoft Knowledge Base) that after removing CD writing programs that this sometimes happens and that some changes need to be made in the registry. It is stressed that a backup of the registry should be made before making any changes to the registry . . . AT YOU OWN RISK. My question is - how big is the registry - can I backup to a floppy or USB Flash drive or should I put the backup on my hard drive? Also, if there is a problem with the registry now, would it be silly to back up a registry that is not correct I am running XP Home Edition - "Backup" is supposedly on my XP CD but I'm not able to use CD drive

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Access Denied - Missing Icon

Jan 25, 2008

when i go to MY COMPUTER there is a big red cross where the. local disc C: should be.

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Vgaoem.fon Missing Or Corrupt - Access Denied

Sep 27, 2007

I am getting the following message before Windows XP Home loads "Windows can not start. The following file is missing or corrupted windowssystemvgaoem.fon. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows setup using the original setup CD-ROM. Slect R at the first screen to start repair" I am able to boot to the CD as I found in some other instructions (one being a MS KB article). But when I enter the expand command at the prompt I keep getting a message saying that "Access Denied". I do not have a password to log into Windows and had not installed or changed anything prior to this happening. I really don't want to have to reinstall WIndows becuase I am pretty sure this will wipe out ALOT of pictures and documents I had saved on this machine.

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Desktop Icons Missing / Cannot Access Start Menu

Mar 18, 2010

Lately i've having issues with my computer (Windows XP Professional SP 2, Sony VAIO). The startup is normal until I log into my account, computer slows down and in the end nothing shows up, no desktop icons and even the task bar at the bottom disappears. However, I can ctrl-alt-del and log out of my account and when I log in a second time, everything is back up and running. Then, I go to start menu and for example I click on my pictures, the computer freezes again and I have to reboot. (if i dont click on start menu and instead go on the internet, everything is normal)I did some research and im not sure if it has anything to do with explorer.exe error or just my hard drive is not working properly,

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Cannot Access Files

Jan 17, 2008

I have recently formatted my computer and reinstalled Windows. I had over 120 Gbs worth of video files I needed to keep, but since I only had about 20 Gbs of free HD space I created a new partition in the free space, put in as many files as would fit in it, expand the partition and repeated the procedure until all of the files were safely in the new partition. I then formatted the primary partition, installed Windows XP SP1 and then updated it fully (so now I have XP Home SP2 with the latest updates). Then I defragmented the C drive, merged the partitions and defragmented again. Now I cannot access (or actually use, since I can see them but I cannot open, move or delete) the files. Whenever I try to open the video files I get a error whichever media player I use (Windows Media Player, Winamp, VLC), and if I try to move or delete any of those files I get an error from Windows telling me to check whether the file is in use, write protected or if the disk is full or that I do not have enough permissions to perform that action. The only way I am able to move or delete those files is using a freeware app called "Unlocker", which reports that there are no programs currently using/locking those files (not even Explorer), but it does allow me to move or delete them (obviously I want to be able to open the files, not get rid of them).
There were other files and folders in the partition that I merged into C: (using Partition Magic) but only the files in the folder that had the movies (as well as some srt, sub and idx subtitle files) are affected by this issue.

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How Access Files On PC From Another PC?

Aug 8, 2005

Is there a way to provide my login password and access my files on the desktop from a laptop? At the moment, only if I remove the password from the desktop am I able to access my files on the desktop -
but I need to have the password on the desltop as others use the desltop as well but I need to access my personal files on the desktop using my laptop.

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How Access Files On My PC From Another PC?

Aug 8, 2005

Is there a way to provide my login password and access my files on the desktop from a laptop? At the moment, only if I remove the password from the desktop am I able to access my files on the desktop -
but I need to have the password on the desltop as others use the desltop as well but I need to access my personal files on the desktop using my laptop.

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No Access To Files

Feb 23, 2010

I have no access to my files, but outlook and explorwer work ok.

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How Access Files On My PC From Another PC?

Aug 8, 2005

Is there a way to provide my login password and access my files on the desktop from a laptop? At the moment, only if I remove the password from the desktop am I able to access my files on the desktop -
but I need to have the password on the desltop as others use the desltop as well but I need to access my personal files on the desktop using my laptop.

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Cannot Access Files

Dec 5, 2006

To perform a system recovery due to the fact that my computer would load and then only run for about 1 minute before completely freezing up. My problem now us that I am unable to access my old files and every time I try to access them i get the message

C:\Documents and Settings... Is Not accessible Access is denied

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Trying To Get Access To My Old Files

Dec 12, 2008

hp laptop's motherboard is no longer working, so I took out the hard drive and hooked it up to my pc. Both my laptop hard drive and my pc run XP. I am able to see most of the files from my laptop's hard drive, but am unable to access any files that were under a xp user that had a password.

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Cant Access My Files

Jan 23, 2010

I cannot access my files any longer.
I installed WinXP on my desktop. You know the point at USER profile where you are asked whether to make files private or not?
I chose to make files private.
Recently my OS got corrupt and I had to repair it. The CD was not loading well, so I used another copy of WinXP.
The new OS installed by my private files cannot be accessed.
I slaved hard and installed WinXP on another hard as master by still, I cant access the hard.
Trying to open it would tell the folder (user folder) cannot be accessed with that irritating system sound.

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Can't Access My Files

Aug 15, 2007

I have been a victim of a virus attack. I was fortunate enough to not lose my files, however, I do not know how to access them.

I had an 80GB hard drive with an installation of Windows XP SP2 when the attack happended, as a result of the attack, I can no longer launch Windows.

I have since, installed another instance of Windows XP SP2 onto the same harddrive into a different folder. I can access this instance of windows fine, however when I try to browse to my other windows folder to access my files, I cannot.

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Can't Access Files

Mar 23, 2008

I have a question.i have a fresh and newly installed windows xp ultimate edition service pack 3, the problem is when i go to my d: drive and open my folder for my mp4 file and highlight it or even just one click , it hangs.. because i'll just rearrange my files but i can't. nd also i have itunes & quicktime player.

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Can't Access My Files

Nov 5, 2008

My dell inspiron recently went on the blink and I was advised by dell to reload windows but before I did i attempted to salvage "my documents" folder. In doing this I purchased a hard drive enclosore and removed my harddrive from my laptop which was running xp and connected it to a laptop running vista, it showed all my files but i cannot access them, as soon as I try it displays the attached picyure! How I can access and save?

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Can't Access Files?

Sep 10, 2006

I fix my brother's computer and I try to access his folder and I couldn't... I replaced his HD and give him the oldone as a backup.. Now he has all stuff in his folder as a GUS1. Just denied my request to open (I include the ICOM) so I don't know what to do in this case, I try everything.. unlocked, try copy to new HD but NOthing ,, nada no you can't access his files under D:Document and settingsGus1...

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System Files Access

Feb 24, 2009

How you can limit or restrict access to a program that runs on the Windows System File level from other user accounts, including other system Admins.

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Can't Access Old Admin Files

Mar 23, 2007

I used Window's XP's System Recovery tool to do a system recovery. It was NOT a full system recovery so my old files are in tact. However, the new system admin, Owner, cannot access files from the old system admin. The folders for all of the other users on the computer found in Documents and Settings are accessible. Just not the old admin, that folder gives a 'permission denied' error

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Restricting Access To Files

May 18, 2005

How to restrict access to certain files on my computer.
i am running win XP. i dont want to block everything just certain important files/folders in my docs for example, from my kids and ex husband etc. is there a way to block these without having to block it all?

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How Access Hidden Files?

Aug 21, 2007

I am using Windows XP, Sv. Pk.2. on a 3 year old Dell desktop. I recently had to do a complete uninstall and reinstall. I backed up everything on an Iomega external hard drive using Acronis True Image software. Everything worked fine and I have all my files back, except for my email address books (7 Of them) and my saved email folders (about 20 of them). I use Thunderbird for my email. The email data are all in my hard drive but are in hidden files. I can locate them but cannot figure out how to open them and read them - and neither can I import them. Here is an example for just one file: abook.mab C:Documents and SettingsWilliamApplication DataThunderbirdProfiles|zvcjz11s.default
All files are "Read" files and this is the message I get when I click on "Read" : Adobe Reader could not open 'abook.mab'

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Cannot Access Backed Up Files

Jul 22, 2009

I found some files and folders I was looking for from my computer backup but when ever I try to access them I get
Folder is not assessable access denied

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Files To Large To Access In XP?

Sep 19, 2009

I have a WD 1TB hard drive installed as an extra drive to hold a large series of video files. When it was install I formatted it as NFTS. Now I have ssome folders that have become quited large in actual size (20+GB) and in number of files(800+).When the folders on this drive are accessed that have any size to them (2-6GB or more) the system hangs with a 'windows explorer has encountered a problem.' error. Sometimes I get the Dr. Watson debugging error. Is there a fix for this? The event log states an explorer.exe error. The error as perviously stated states a 'windows explorer problem' not an Internet explorer error.
Running Windows XP home, SP3

I would delete some of these, (some I need) but I can't stay in the folder long enough to access the actual file or files themselves before the system hangs. I can play the files in media player

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Not Able To Access User Files

Jul 19, 2005

i just reinstalled my windows xp sp1....the problem is that in my older windows i had made my users documents and settings folder private.
now in my new installation of xp i am not able to access my old folders and files...and those are very important files.It says
access denied:

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