CD ROM And DVD ROM Access Missing- Running XP Home
Jun 14, 2005
After removing Musicmatch from my computer I cannot access my CD or DVD drives. I've read (Microsoft Knowledge Base) that after removing CD writing programs that this sometimes happens and that some changes need to be made in the registry. It is stressed that a backup of the registry should be made before making any changes to the registry . . . AT YOU OWN RISK. My question is - how big is the registry - can I backup to a floppy or USB Flash drive or should I put the backup on my hard drive? Also, if there is a problem with the registry now, would it be silly to back up a registry that is not correct I am running XP Home Edition - "Backup" is supposedly on my XP CD but I'm not able to use CD drive
Im trying to run a batch file and I get the message "Windows cannot access the specified device,path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item." All accounts on the machine are admin accounts. Is there a setting im missing that should be turned on? Ive also tried running the batch file on a Vista home premium machine and get the same message. I tried on a Win XP Pro machine and it worked fine.
I have a computer running XP1 which does not have access to the internet. I received an xp2 disk in the post and tried to update the computer. Unfortunately, after going through the lengthy update process, the computer freezes - after a couple of opening pages the 'running blue beads' sequence opens up and freezes. Can anyone advise me what to do please - as I can't access my computer at all.
I'm running XP Home Edition on an HP home PC. I keep getting warning notifications that my computer has been infected with the "Blackworm Virus." I am then routed to a WinFixer purchase website (I haven't purchased or installed anything). In addition, there seems to be some other "bug" that will takeover my browser and route them to other sites. I have run AVG, Microsoft Spyware, Spybot S&D, Ad-Aware 6.0, and XoftSpy Scan - all to no avail. Spybot S&D, Ad-Aware and XoftSpy detect the cookies and allow for immunization but this action is obviously not getting to the heart of the problem. AVG hasn't even identified the items. I have also tried de-activating the restore points and rebooting in safe mode
I am running Windows XP Home Edition, and I have recently been having frequent crash errors. Everything seems to be running fine and suddenly the screen goes blue and a long message shows that said that the computer is shutting down to prevent a crash.
There are 4 accounts on the computer, all administrators. Of the 4, only one account has access to everything. The other 3 accounts all have Access Denied pop-ups when trying to open any file on the C: drive.
I tried rebooting in safe mode and logging in as administrator to see what the security settings where. After looking there I found out that all 4 accounts have full rights to all folders, sub folders, and files on the C: drive.
I've just installed a new voip router alongside my broadband router and it all worked fine. Sadly I can't log on to "My Ebay" page and a couple of other sites which I log into, I can access the home pages it's just the log in sections I can't access.
I've tried deleting my cookies in the Internet Options area, but I still can't log in, does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do next or what the problem might be
I am unable to access either files or programs in XP. If I go into the Start menu, clicking on my programs or my files freezes the computer.I can go online. I can boot up all programs on the start page, and run them. I can access the five "last" files in Word. I can receive and send Email. I get a baloon message on startup indicating the "you have files waiting to be written to the CD. To see them now, click the baloon". Clicking the baloon freezes the computer.I can't get to the point where I could delete files or programs.
I have a user here at work uses a Windows Xp laptop. Right now he is using OWA to view his emails. But how can he be setup to have access to the network to use his public folders and such? He takes his laptop everywhere goes he would like to have full access to the company network.
I want to access my home computer via the internet when I work in my office. My home computer is behind a router. I enable the virtual server function of the router. How can I do next? I had installed the VNC/Netmeeting/Dameware in my computer. I knew the cable connection's static IP address and my home computer's virtual ip address.
i had win xp Home edition on my main hdd.. then i came up with the stupid idea to repair windows... after i had done that windows didn't start i installed windows on another hdd and then i sat the hdd with broken windows as slave and started it up so that i could access all my files before formating the hdd... but i could only access the files from 3 out of 4 users, one of the users i could access where password-protected and so was mine.. but i couldn�t access the personal files from my old user
I am having concern spyaxe and seems to be going around a bit. I have tried to trouble shoot it myself but im just getting different error messages popping up and my home page has been hijacked.
I have successfully completed a repair install but not all of the old user accounts are accessible using windows explorer. Two accounts plus the old administrator account show 'Access Denied'. I would like to retrieve the accounts' files and know the old passwords. I can't even delete them.
i have just recovered from a very nasty virus on my machine i have reinstalled xp home oem i am able to access the internet using the IE but i am unable to access the internet when trying to activate xp the error is saying that i do not have a internet connection is there any help any one can give i have checked the connection and i am set up for a LAN this is what i have always done and it has worked in the past
Please tell me how to allow a user on a winME pc to access her account/files on a Winxp home (Sp2) Compac Pressario laptop. The xphome laptop has all connections mapped via the 'guest" account. (this is a workgroup, not a domain)? Small (2 pc) home workgroup ( no domain)using Cat5 crossover with static IPs assigned.
I upgraded iTunes a couple of days ago. Now all of a sudden my virus/firewall software is popping up messages the mDNSResponder is trying to access the net. The file is located in c:Program FilesBonjour along with some other new files. I tried to delete the Bonjour file, but it will not let me delete them. I know the program got on my computer is from updating iTunes and it is from Apple but I want to know how to get it off
My buddy uses his computer, well his wife does for avon and stuff and she is having a fit so he called me. anyway he said the kids won't admit it but I don't know what they did blah, blah, blah I told him to calm down I would see what could find out for him. The computer turns on but comes up to a black screen and has the message
I'l running xp pro - sp2 I'm having a problem deleting the below folder because the "" file is being used and I get a access denied error.Adobe 6.0 has been uninstalled. C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsAdobe PDF I tried running in safe mode to delete but it is already running and can't be deleted. I've have a log of items running below
I am using Windows XP and have wireless internet access.....for some reason my connection has become slower than that of dial up. My daughter recommended I visit this site for help
I purchased the following system from Costco and was glad I was able to purchase the system complete without having to add components after the sale. I have tried and tried to get used to Vista (6 months) but as I am disabled and my brain doesn't always compute efficiently, I've had difficulties. Mostly with getting things recognized on the small network in my home. My other computers run XP and I wonder if there is not some conflict with the different operating systems trying to access the same files and printers? Finally I just decided to go back to XP..
i booted up my other PC the other day and it wouldn't boot. i got the message 'missing NTLDR file press ctl-alt-del to reboot, and when i do the same message appears. i'm running a gen windows XP home OS.
I'm currently on another computer, oddly enough, when right clicking on the desktop and clicking on Properties only brings up the Theme selection. Plus, I've tried: Start?Run?type ?mmc? (without quotes)?File?Add/Remove snapin?click the Add button?select Group Policy?click Add?click Finish?click Close?click OK?expand Local Computer Policies?expand User Configuration?Administrative Templates?WindowsComponents?Windows Explorer and disable "Turn on Classic Shell". That does not seem to work, as I cannot do anything right at Group Policy. It seems as though Group Policy is nowhere to be found. I also tried downloading a .reg file which is suppose to "restore all display tabs" and it did not work.
Trying to help out the grandparents, who just returned home from a trip. They tried setting up their computer and it is giving them the message about the file missing or corrupt (something similiar to this- I may have the order wrong: c:windowsconfigsystem 32) We printed off the directions from Microsoft for the recovery console. The first two files to copy regarding system and software indicate they "cannot be copied" however, the last three were able to be copied. I stopped my efforts there since the first two didn't work. I noticed a prior post indicated I could ignore the first two copy commands, is that correct? Or can I try a repair in the reinstall option? What should I try first? Unhooking the printer/speakers? Hardware issue? If that fails, try F8 and use last known configuration? If that works, do I do a system restore? When would I use "safe mode?" We are at different houses w/o wireless so I am trying to get all info I can before heading back over there.
I had a missing "Windowssystem32configsystem" upon restarting my comp last Saturday. Couldn't boot into safe mode at all. Used HP's recovery console to run chkdsk and it fix errors on the volume. Wouldn't let me run the recovery disks I had to get from HP since they are not given with a new computer. Great I thought.Upon starting now, my antivirus won't run and a lot of Windows programs(Search adn System Restore just a blank page, Media Player, etc) .I can get IE to open up but no active X although it says it is enabled, also my home page doesn't show up at all but it is set to it. Those are some of the things I have found wrong so far as I am sure I have more.
just had a machine where the boot ini had been currpted so do a chkdsk /p then a fixboot in the recovery console and it came back fine. But now it boots soooooooooooooo slow about 1-2 mins but once up it is fine. It shuts down fina as well. Done all scans virus adaware etc so the machine is now clean. So how do I speed up the boot.
A couple of days ago I stupidly opened a reg file which ended up slowly destroying my computer. THe first sign was applications taking longer to open. It would come up with 'Application error' then after pressing ok, I opened it again and it opened with success. It also took me a couple of goes to open the Task manager as well. The next thing I noticed was sometimes, explorer.exe wouldn't open so I would have to manually type it in via Task manager. Once Task Manager was opened, I would notice hundereds of drwatson's, which I had to end task. Now it seems my Laptop is working fine, however, there's a problem. It says all my files are there, but I can only access the program file ones (and even most of them don't open). All the main files, which were located in My Documents, I can't access. I'm on a new account Windows XP made, but the old account is still there, however, when I go to Control Panel, only my new account appears, not the old one. I go to Documents And Settings and the folder is there, however, it says it's empty. When I double click it, an error pops up saying, 'Access is denied.' I know all my files are there because I have 50 GB's of space and I only have 10 GB's free space remaining. I highlighted all the files (excluding My documents) and it came to a total of 10 GB's only. There's still that extra 30 I had located in My documents.
I know it was here at my last login, but Disk Cleanup is no longer listed in Programs>>Accessories>>System Tools, and the shortcut that I had placed on my Desktop is gone as well. This is the second PC on my in-home network, running XP Home edition, that this has happened to within the last 9 months - I have Norton Internet Security (all current and up to date) on all three boxes - anybody know what 's going on?