There are 4 accounts on the computer, all administrators. Of the 4, only one account has access to everything. The other 3 accounts all have Access Denied pop-ups when trying to open any file on the C: drive.
I tried rebooting in safe mode and logging in as administrator to see what the security settings where. After looking there I found out that all 4 accounts have full rights to all folders, sub folders, and files on the C: drive.
I cannot open folders on my computer. I can only Explore them. If I try to open them, I get an "Access is denied" alert. However, if I right-click and select Explore, all is good. I then usually drill down to get to the folder I want. But again, I cannot double-click on a folder that appears on the right pane in Explorer.
I am trying to move files from my old XP computer (to be called OLD from now on) to my new Vista computer (to be called NEW) over my network. In some folders, there are some files that don't have the correct permissions for me to move them. I get this message on NEW when I try to copy them over: Destination Folder Access Denied You need permission to perform this action
The folder that these files are in on OLD has the correct permissions set, but for some reason some, not all, of the files within it have not inherited the correct permissions level. I can't figure out how to change the permissions level of these individual files. When I right-click on the problematic files in OLD, I do not see a Security tab.
I am having concern spyaxe and seems to be going around a bit. I have tried to trouble shoot it myself but im just getting different error messages popping up and my home page has been hijacked.
I have successfully completed a repair install but not all of the old user accounts are accessible using windows explorer. Two accounts plus the old administrator account show 'Access Denied'. I would like to retrieve the accounts' files and know the old passwords. I can't even delete them.
I can access the BASEMENT printers and files from the LAPTOP. I can access the LAPTOP files from the BASEMENT. The OFFICE PC shows up in the workgroup computers list on both the LAPTOP and BASEMENT PC, but I receive the "YOU MAY NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS NETWORK RESOURCE" message when I click on it. And I cannot access the LAPTOP or BASEMENT files from the OFFICE.
I have 3 PCs at my home (call them A, B & C). A is running XP Pro SP2 on an NTFS disk. B & C are running XP Home SP2. All can see each other fine thru our wifi network and all can get onto the internet fine thru our DSL router (NAT). On A, simple file sharing is turned OFF. I've got a folder on A that I want B to have access to, but not C. On B there is a user called Mary. I tried reproducing Mary's user account onto A (same name, password, account type). Then I went to the folder on A and set the permissions so only Mary could access the folder. Then I went to B, logged in as Mary and tried to access the folder on A but it said "permission denied".
How do I set permissions on a folder on A using XP Pro SP2 so that a user on B can access the folder on A, but not any users on C? In the series of permission screens, I tried to locate B & C, but it was only showing me A. How do I get B & C to appear so I can select a user on B as having access rights to the folder on A? From A permissions locations, I tried typing in \Busername , but no luck.
I have a drive (D:) that I am trying to delete remnants of a corrupted OS (XP Prof) and am having a difficult time trying to eliminate 3 folders: a) My Documents; b) Recycler;c) System volume information. I have gone into Safe Mode, to take ownership of these folders but to no avail. I am logged on as Administrator, and have gone this route because in normal and safe modes, the message of "ACCESS DENIED" comes up. Need some direction.
I recently had a Windows XP HE crash that caused me to reinstall the application. Not thinking, I created a new domain name and user name for myself during the setup.
When I tried restoring my Microsoft Outlook 2003 files to my machine from a Novastor 7 backup, the files restored, but I only get "Access Denied" messages when I try to access them in any way. I'm assuming, because of the the old permissions.How I can regain access to them?
How to access *Advance file Permissions* on NTFS file systems for XP Home simply by booting into *Safe Mode*, rt-clicking any file or folder, and navigating to the *Security tab*. This gives the user the ability to allow or deny read, write, execute, read & write, display contents, full-control, iheritance, and take ownership permissions, with many more options available to apply to different users and groups stored on the computer.Well, you don't have to do this in *Safe Mode* (XP Home). Go to your command prompt - Start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt. Now type "cacls" in the window (without the quotes). This gives you the ability to add, remove or modify file permissions on files and folders through the command prompt. Type "cacls /?" for help on different options and variables. You do not need to be in safe mode to use this so it makes it a little quicker than using the safe mode security tab GUI.Remember - this only applies to NTFS.WHY the system crashed ?(ie. faulty hardware/software/conflicts, etc)
For getting XP Pro security settings on XP Home.Easier way to set sharing permissions on folders. You can use the GUI instaed of the more complicated command line without having to go into safe mode.1. Click on the start button2. Then run3. Type shrpubw4. Chose the folder whose permissions you want to change and give the share a name5. Click next, now you can chose custom if you want to have full options.Quick Tip: In order to set file permission in windows XP Home, the file system must already be converted to NTFS.
I was attempting to set permissions on my two NTFS formatted external harddrives and essentially deny users and guests the right to create/delete any files on the drive but I guess it somehow managed to restrict that right for EVERYONE. Not even in safe mode as the Adminstrator can I even look at the permissions and apparently it will not even allow me to open any files either. I cannot copy files to another drive and I cannot open or run any executables. Is there any way at all for me to reset the permissions for this particular drive or perhaps alter them to work the way that they rest of them work for me. I can't for the life of me understand how the Administrator cannot access the files on a folder and I don't exactly know what higher privileged user type exists. I really don't want to have to reformat the drive because it's got about 350 gigs of videos/music/programs.
I am trying to remotely access drives from my one computer to my laptop in order to transfer files with more ease than running back and forth, burning, copying, etc. The method I am using is simple enough. The drives are set for administrative share [c$, d$, etc]. And I am accessing through the run command via \REMOTE_IPc$. I am definately pinging the computer correctly because a dialog box opens, however this is where the problem begins. The dialog box does not let me switch to an administrative account. It only shows "Guest" in the login name.
I dont have the guest account even activated on my main Desktop CPU and I wont have much access without administative rights. I was just wondering what could be making it so that I cant login under my main administative name. My desktop is using WinXP pro. Laptop is using XP home. Not sure if this fact matters but the desktop is using internet connection sharing that is feeding a router, which in turn is giving wireless internet to my home network wherein my laptop is connected. Also, I can access remote desktop easily enough but even with disk drives shared they do not show up on the remote computers "My Computer" folder.
I'm working through an ASP.NET tutorial in which the datasource is to be an Access .mdb (the famous Northwind db, to be precise). I'm instructed to configure the permissions the folder in which the northwind.mdb file is supposed to reside. The tutorial instructs me to browse to that folder, and right-click it and select "properties" and select the "security" tab-- but i don't have a Security tab. My user account is an administrator account, but just to test it, i logged is a "Administrator", but there was no change. Why do my folder properties not show a Security tab, and how do i change it so they do?
I accidentally set all permissions for one folder on my hard drive to deny. Now I completely lost all access to this folder even if I log in as administrator. I cannot change permissions either. When I click "Security" tab in "Folder Properties" window, an error message shows "You do not have permissions to view the current permission settings for <folder>, but you can make permission changes." However, when I tried to give "Full Control" to Administrator, another error message shows "Unable to save permission changes on <folder>. Access is denied"
I have a couple Desktop PC's and a notebook PC. Both run winXP and I have all setup in a workgroup called HOME. From the notebook, I can see the main desktop PC I want to access but whenever I try and open it, expand the tree, I get an error: "xxxx is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied."
But I have set the network sharing and security permissions on the c:drive on the desktop PC in question to allow for access and files to be changed by other users on the network. If I've set the permissions, and the computer appears on the list of network computers in the my network places on the notebook PC, why I am being told that I don't have access permission? Its feels like an XP bug or something...I can access my other PC on the network from the notebook PC just fine - add more network places from that PC on the notebook etc. But I cannot do this on the second desktop PC even with full access permissions granted.
I was reallocating them earlier... and something went terribly terribly wrong. (gremlins I say) I try to log into my user account, but it says it does not have access to any of the files (like the desktop, c:/docs and settings/username/desktop)So is there a way to fix this, preferrably an app that will be able to rewrite the file permissions tables on a large scale?
When I try to access my desktop from my laptop and desktop to laptop, I keep getting a message that says that I do not have access permissions to network resources. I set up my network, enabled file/printer sharing, and configured firewalls to allow the network. My network has been working fine for about a year now until just recently. (I didn't install anything new, and I keep both computers updated everyday.)
Last night I downloaded some window updates because it said it was recommended. Today I have had trouble trying to open things. For instance windows messenger, most things on my control panel, yahoo messenger,spider solitaire are just a few. Every time I get a message saying "Windows cannot access the specified device,path or file. You do not have the appropriate permissions" I also cant delete my browsing history. I havent a clue what to do. Im not a beginner in these matters but Im not very technical so please keep it simple in any explanation or instructions
Using XP sp2, trying to clear out some useless files on an external drive, no matter how many files I deleted it didn't make much change in space recovered then I checked the size of Windows Live One backup file,50 gig,(wow) that's 60% of the total drive space, while trying to delete it,I get the message "cannot delete DO_NOT_DELETE.mediaID: access denied" Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that file is not currently in use.
When I D/Load some programmes I get access is denied. I had previouly reformatted my HD and now have drive F, when I try to access certain folders or /and executable programmes access is denied. Currently trying to install Roboform in Firefox
I did a terrible mistake today. Typically I install XP in C drive and keep My Documents folder in D drive. All of my hard disk drives (except the linux partitions) are NTFS. I encrypted the My Documents folder and all of its files and subfolders.Today I reinstalled XP in the C drive, after a quick format on it. I was unaware of the fact that what might be happened to My Documents folder. Now I can only view the files and folders inside My Documents folder. Neither I open any file, nor I decrypt those files. Windows is saying access denied.
Files on my second hard drive were shared on the network (level 4, Network users could only read) and primary hard drive was reformatted and Windows XP sp2 was installed.(without the files being unshared) Now when trying to access the files the error "Access Denied" occurs and I cant access or delete the files (would really like to recover the data about four years worth of work taking up about 75% of the hard drive)
I am the Admin, and I can't change any of the folders propertys as I again get the "access denied" error. I've been looking everywhere for a solution to this, this is what I found from MS help (not very helpfull) A file's permission may differ from the containing folder if one of the following conditions is true:
I reinstalled Windows with the backup feature provided with the backup (emachine). After I had updated windows completely & replaced my extensive collection of fonts I went to put all my personal files back. I get this message: Quote: "FOLDER LOCATION" is not accessible. Access is denied. It's the "C:Documents and SettingsOwner" folder
It has all my music, videos, photos, & work for things I do in it. I can get into my 'WINDOWS' folder and 'Program Files' but not that.
My computer started acting up. I ended up having to do a system recovery. When I did this though, it deleted all of my names (User accounts). In Windows Explorer I can still see them though, and even access the old files of that one.
Now, the main user account I used on this computer needed a password, so I assume that is why it is giving me an access denied message when I try to open it.
Is there any way I could be able to see these files? As I said, the accounts are erased from the main welcome page, so I wouldn't be able to click on it from there to type in a password.
I had to re-install Windows XP Sp2 and I'm having a problem with the mailboxes and other files in my Eudora directory. Eudora is receiving access denied to the mailboxes and I cannot rename, copy or move the email box files with Windows Explore. I get an "access denied" error.
I've tried using an app to remove controls from the files but it says they aren't being controlled by another program. And "properties" says they are NOT read-only.
i wanted to merge 2 partitions using partition magic 8. i igot the thing started but got an error 1552: frs entry is free
so i booted and the new partition was unaccessible (small hd icon with a question mark). i rebooted again and the partition was online but i couldnt access my data on it. i ran chkdsk /f, it corrected loads of errors but i still cant access my data. it says: "access is denied". i really cant afford to lose this data.
Failed boot and inability to read the file system from a boot cd.
I did a chkdsk /r on the drive, and the file system is back. Ive also done a pass on the drive with a virus scanner and noticed a folder C:Program FilesCommon FilesServices" with the all of the files consisting of randomly generated executable names (514 in total), refer to attached text file for full list.
In explorer, the files show as green.
The problem is the virus scanner logs the file as "access denied".
The file initially had security permissions set to everyone with write only and the owner was some wierd clsid like object.
I have a Dell 4500 using Windows XP who's processor died. I removed the hard drive and attached it to my Dell 1150 via a IDE/USB adapter kit. It appears that everything is available. However, when I go to 'Documents and SettingsJustJeff206documents it states that it is not accessible and that Access is denied. Other files that are not under my directory can be accessed. I have run Chkdisk with no problems detected.