Home-ownership Of Folder/file - "ACCESS DENIED"

Mar 25, 2006

I have a drive (D:) that I am trying to delete remnants of a corrupted OS (XP Prof) and am having a difficult time trying to eliminate 3 folders: a) My Documents; b) Recycler;c) System volume information. I have gone into Safe Mode, to take ownership of these folders but to no avail. I am logged on as Administrator, and have gone this route because in normal and safe modes, the message of "ACCESS DENIED" comes up. Need some

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No Folder Ownership - Accesss Denied?

Oct 14, 2007

Ever since I set it up I have not been able to access the user profile folders on the server.
Yesterday I had to get into one of them (A security issue!(another story)) And eventually I found out that the reason I was getting the message

'Access Denied'

Was because know one actually owned them. Once I took ownership of them, I could then add my user to the permissions list, and get into them. (I have to do this for every profile and subfolder in there.)

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Take Ownership Of A File/folder Using A Script

Aug 9, 2005

Does anyone know how to take ownership of a file using a script?Or any tools that a script/program could invoke to do this?

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Change File Ownership In Home In Non Safe Mode?

Sep 19, 2005

Is there a way to change file/folder ownership in windows XP home edition without booting into safe mode to access the security tab

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File Deletion Denied: Message "cannot Delete DO_NOT_DELETE.mediaID: Access Denied"?

Jul 18, 2009

Using XP sp2, trying to clear out some useless files on an external drive, no matter how many files I deleted it didn't make much change in space recovered then I checked the size of Windows Live One backup file,50 gig,(wow) that's 60% of the total drive space, while trying to delete it,I get the message "cannot delete DO_NOT_DELETE.mediaID: access denied" Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that file is not currently in use.

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Permissions And Access Denied-Home

Sep 8, 2008

There are 4 accounts on the computer, all administrators. Of the 4, only one account has access to everything. The other 3 accounts all have Access Denied pop-ups when trying to open any file on the C: drive.

I tried rebooting in safe mode and logging in as administrator to see what the security settings where. After looking there I found out that all 4 accounts have full rights to all folders, sub folders, and files on the C: drive.

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Home Page Access Denied

Dec 15, 2005

I am having concern spyaxe and seems to be going around a bit. I have tried to trouble shoot it myself but im just getting different error messages popping up and my home page has been hijacked.

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Access Denied After Repair Install Of Xp Home

Apr 1, 2006

I have successfully completed a repair install but not all of the old user accounts are accessible using windows explorer. Two accounts plus the old administrator account show 'Access Denied'. I would like to retrieve the accounts' files and know the old passwords. I can't even delete them.

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Access Denied Onopening Any Folder.

Jan 30, 2008

I am using Windows XP Pro. I have three user profiles on our family computer. They all have administrator rights. On my profile when I click on the "program files" folder in windows explorer I can view all the program folders and files. When I go into the other profiles and click on the "program files" folder I get an error message that says "c:program files is not accessible. Access is denied." I know that in the past I have not had any trouble viewing this folder in any profile.

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Cannot Rename Folder / Access Is Denied

Jul 22, 2010

The rest of the message says "Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not in use".In Folder:Properties, the file shows as 'Read Only'. Unticking this box followed by the option to do the same for all folders and subfolders, then using 'Apply' was unsuccessful, as when I tried to rename the folder after doing this,the message reappeared, and the folder was again 'Read only'.As Administrator, my understanding is that I have full permissions under the Security section of Properties, which appears to be the case, as all boxes are ticked.The path is as follows:- C:FOLDER:Sub folder 1Sub..1 cannot be renamed. It contains four additional folders, (each with loads of subfolders),of which 3 can be renamed, whilst the fourth one cannot, with the same "Access denied..." message appearing.

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Open The Folder Access Is Denied

Mar 30, 2006

I wanted to move a folder from one location to another.I cut the folder, went to the desired location and pasted it.When when trying to open the folder it said access was denied.I went to it's properties and unchecked read only, tried to open it again, access is denied.I checked properties again and read only was still checked.I then did a system restore to 2 previous dates.Both resulted in the folder going back to it's original location.I was then able to go into the folder but did not have access to view any file in the folder.

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Cant Access Folder - Access Denied

Apr 11, 2006

Files on my second hard drive were shared on the network (level 4, Network users could only read) and primary hard drive was reformatted and Windows XP sp2 was installed.(without the files being unshared) Now when trying to access the files the error "Access Denied" occurs and I cant access or delete the files (would really like to recover the data about four years worth of work taking up about 75% of the hard drive)

I am the Admin, and I can't change any of the folders propertys as I again get the "access denied" error. I've been looking everywhere for a solution to this, this is what I found from MS help (not very helpfull)
A file's permission may differ from the containing folder if one of the following conditions is true:

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Access Denied To My Documents Folder After Reinstallation

Apr 20, 2006

After the installation of windows xp the access to my computer is denied
i have followed the instructions until "click to clear the Use simple file sharing (Recommended) check box" because there appears to be no check box under this description.
I have over 20gig of ireplaceable files in this folder i would really appreciate some more assistance.
I'm using Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition sp2

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Folder Access Denied After System Restore

Sep 12, 2005

I just completed a system restore on my eMachines computer. I have Windows XP. Now, I had one folder that I backed up, but now everytime I try to enter it, it says Access Denied. I did hide this folder on my hard drive before, but all of my other hidden folders that I backed up work fine. I would really appreciate it if somebody could tell me how to gain access to this folder, I have very important information in it.

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Service Pack 2 Installation Failure -Access Denied (WXP-Home)

Dec 21, 2005

All my processes are set to manual or automatic

I have all previous updates.

I have scanned for viruses and spyware with 2 scanners for each.

When trying to install SP2, it gets exactly halfway then it says access denied.

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Access Denied To Docs And Settings Folder For Administrator

Jan 15, 2007

I have a Dell 4600 with with 769MB Ram and Windows XP Pro. My XP boot sequence got corrupted (according to Dell) on my "C" drive. They wanted me to reformat the drive (and lose all my work). Instead I installed XP onto my secondary drive and nenamed it "C", set up a special partition on my secondary drive to receive the old files ("D") and renamed the "bad" drive to "G". Though I can access/copy most files from "G" onto "D", my "Documents and Settings/Administrator" directory on "G" (not password-protected, but contained a lot of files) are all "access-denied". I can't open/view these files on "G" or even copy them to "D". If I try to open them, I get a "files inaccessible, access is denied" msg.

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Error - Access Denied When Attempting To Open Private Folder

Jan 26, 2008

I have a new Dell computer with windows xp operating system. My old computer was a gateway with windows xp also. The mother board on the gateway crashed and I could not find a replacement thus I purchased the new dell. I extracted the hard drive from the gateway and installed in an external drive case. All works well and I am able to retreve data from the gate way hard drive with one exception. While the hard drive was installed in the gateway I elected to make some of the folders private, ie right click on folder, click on sharing and security and clicking on private. This worked fine in the gateway but when I installed in external hard drive I am getting an "access denied" error message when trying to open with the Dell.

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File Access Is Denied

Jan 30, 2008

Failed boot and inability to read the file system from a boot cd.

I did a chkdsk /r on the drive, and the file system is back. Ive also done a pass on the drive with a virus scanner and noticed a folder C:Program FilesCommon FilesServices" with the all of the files consisting of randomly generated executable names (514 in total), refer to attached text file for full list.

In explorer, the files show as green.

The problem is the virus scanner logs the file as "access denied".

The file initially had security permissions set to everyone with write only and the owner was some wierd clsid like object.

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File Access Denied

Aug 19, 2008

I have a Dell 4500 using Windows XP who's processor died. I removed the hard drive and attached it to my Dell 1150 via a IDE/USB adapter kit. It appears that everything is available. However, when I go to 'Documents and SettingsJustJeff206documents it states that it is not accessible and that Access is denied. Other files that are not under my directory can be accessed. I have run Chkdisk with no problems detected.

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Access Denied To A File

Aug 22, 2005

I have 2 XP's PC, 1 was recently rebuilt last week. On the rebuilt PC, I created 2 shared folders and access to the shared folder files was working.
I created 3 new accounts (1 admin and 2 power users) on the rebuilt PC. When to you try to access a new rebuilt PC user account shared folder file from the other PC, I receive a read only and access denied message.

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Denied Access To Make Changes To File

Aug 30, 2006

I am trying to burn a file to a CD that I created in Word. When I try to make changes to this file I receive an error that says "You do not have access to the Folder. E:. See your administrator for access to this folder." I am the owner of this PC. How can I be allowed to use this file?

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File Access Denied After Reloading

Jul 21, 2005

I've backed myself into a corner, now I need to pick your brains to get out of it.
OS is XP Home sp2. Stopped booting,with error message about missing files,e.g.windowssystem32cp_437.nls.
Repair did not work, so I ended up reinstalling XP, but in another folder, as I didn't want to lose settings etc.
In "windows2", when I try to enter My Docs., etc on "windows1" it says
"access denied". How do I get at "favourites, Docs etc on "windows1" I have heaps of genealogy files etc that I cant access.

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Delete File Access Denied

Sep 4, 2005

This error? msg should be cause to sentence Bill Gates to life w/o parole @ hard labor + bread & water twice daily!

So why is access denied ? And how do I get access to delete the file ?

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Deleting Access Denied File

Nov 17, 2009

I was running an original Windows XP and had made my documents inaccessible to other users. However, a worm attacked my dll files so i reinstalled Windows without formatting my hard drive. As a result, my old documents are still in my C: drive and i can't delete them to make space.

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Can't Copy File Access Denied

Apr 17, 2010

was Having music on it and wants it back. I hooked her HDD to my system using a USB2.0 box and have no problem accessing the drive or copying pictures to my system. If I try to copy music, I get Access Denied. I have file sharing enabled, have unchecked 'read only' in her files and still get the same message. I thought it might have something to do with them being iTunes, but I have tried Sound Taxi, Imgburn and a few others to copy or convert them and I get the same message.

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XP- Old User File 'Access Is Denied'

Oct 1, 2009

Using Windows XP Home, I deleted an old user folder (JAMES), and created a new one reassigning myself as the administrator. Upon deleting, I clicked on 'Keep Files', expecting a shortcut to be available on my new desktop. There is no shortcut.
If I click on Explore, then the old User file (JAMES) I get the following error message: "C:Documents and SettingsJAMES is not accessible. Access is Denied."
If I right click the folder, and click on 'Sharing and Security', it tells me to drag the folder to the .Shared Documents' folder, as I get an error message: "Cannot create or replace JAMES: Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use."
In addition, any changes I make to the Properties tab (un-click 'read only', click 'Share this folder') do not get saved after I click on 'Apply'. I cannot find any other Securities tab other than th 'Sharing' tab available on XP Home edition.

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Cannot Delete File - Access Denied

Sep 8, 2007

i ve tried deleting certain files but it displays an errr message saying "cannot delete file.. access is denied" ive tried deleting it in command prompt also but could not.

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Unable To Delete File, Access Denied

Apr 14, 2005

I have four user accounts on my pc. Recently I have had to reinstall windows, and I set up my users again, but I noticed that the old accounts were still there in windows explorer under documents and settings, even though they don't come up on the screen when the pc starts up. I've deleted three of them as they were just taking up room, but there is one left that I can't remove. A box pops up saying that it is unaccessable and access is denied.

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Xp File Transfers-access Denied Message

May 24, 2010

My XP home edition recently crashed and I wasn't able to get it back up and running with the recovery disc. I ended up using another hard drive and installing XP Pro. I now have the original drive connected as a slave drive but I am unable to access the files I had in Documents and Settings under my user name. It gives me an "access denied" message when I try and open anything under user. When I try to transfer the files with the File Transfer Wizard, the folder comes up blank, but I know the files are there, one of the steps of selecting the files, shows them all there, but even when I select the files individually and transfer them to the C drive with the file wizard, they are not there.

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Access Is Denied SP2. CMD Prompt Try To Copy A File To The UNC

Feb 10, 2005

When in XP SP2 I go to a CMD prompt and I try to copy a file to the UNC Printer Share on the directrly attached printer on LPT1 and I get "access is denied" error message. But if I copy the file to the >LPT1 port it works fine.

The EPSON LX-300 dot matix printer is directly attached to a XP SP2 pc via a parrallel cable LPT1. It is also shared. \OST-RecpReceipt
It works fine when connected to a XP SP1 pc so I'm assuming it's a SP2 issue.

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Outlook/.pst File Being Denied Access To For Copying

Nov 15, 2007

I'll share what comes up when I right click Properties in each case:A file on a shared folder on my home Windows network that is being denied access to for copying. It is specifically this file as the other files are being read/copied wirhout issue. And, I can open this file on the computer on which the drive physically resides, just not copy it to the other machine. On right clicking file and getting the Properties screen - boxes for Read only and Hidden attributes are unchecked, and the only tabs available are Custom and Summary (no Security tab). An Outlook archive (.pst) that was created on computer A, which was copied on to network B (for backup purposes). Since computer A died, I need to open this archive, but on right clicking the file and requesting open with Outlook, I get the message: file may not exist, you may not have permissions, or may be opened by another user. Same situation on the Properties screen (except only other tab is Summary) as on the earlier point.

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