I recently had a Windows XP HE crash that caused me to reinstall the application. Not thinking, I created a new domain name and user name for myself during the setup.
When I tried restoring my Microsoft Outlook 2003 files to my machine from a Novastor 7 backup, the files
restored, but I only get "Access Denied" messages when I try to access them in any way. I'm assuming, because of the the old permissions.How I can regain access to them?
I run Windows XP Home Edition. I have recently installed an Apache server, and have my website running from my computer, but have a few problems. I want to install vBulletin, but it requires me to change the permissions on a file from 644 to 666. I know you can do this over FTP or UNIX, but how would I do this on Windows XP?
I am trying to move files from my old XP computer (to be called OLD from now on) to my new Vista computer (to be called NEW) over my network. In some folders, there are some files that don't have the correct permissions for me to move them. I get this message on NEW when I try to copy them over: Destination Folder Access Denied You need permission to perform this action
The folder that these files are in on OLD has the correct permissions set, but for some reason some, not all, of the files within it have not inherited the correct permissions level. I can't figure out how to change the permissions level of these individual files. When I right-click on the problematic files in OLD, I do not see a Security tab.
How to access *Advance file Permissions* on NTFS file systems for XP Home simply by booting into *Safe Mode*, rt-clicking any file or folder, and navigating to the *Security tab*. This gives the user the ability to allow or deny read, write, execute, read & write, display contents, full-control, iheritance, and take ownership permissions, with many more options available to apply to different users and groups stored on the computer.Well, you don't have to do this in *Safe Mode* (XP Home). Go to your command prompt - Start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt. Now type "cacls" in the window (without the quotes). This gives you the ability to add, remove or modify file permissions on files and folders through the command prompt. Type "cacls /?" for help on different options and variables. You do not need to be in safe mode to use this so it makes it a little quicker than using the safe mode security tab GUI.Remember - this only applies to NTFS.WHY the system crashed ?(ie. faulty hardware/software/conflicts, etc)
For getting XP Pro security settings on XP Home.Easier way to set sharing permissions on folders. You can use the GUI instaed of the more complicated command line without having to go into safe mode.1. Click on the start button2. Then run3. Type shrpubw4. Chose the folder whose permissions you want to change and give the share a name5. Click next, now you can chose custom if you want to have full options.Quick Tip: In order to set file permission in windows XP Home, the file system must already be converted to NTFS.
We have a user that went to grant someone access to a folder on the network. They did this from there desktop, not the server, and now no one can access the folder. Not even an administrator login. I'm assuming they got the warning about changing permissions remotley, but he swears he didn't see anything like that. Now we have a couple of users that have icons that don't work because they're coming from that folder.Any way to change those permissions back? I know the permissions default to something.
The other day, I moved some files+folders outside of a folder just to organize things. I tried to put them back inside and I kept getting the "Cannot move file, it's being used.." error. I was pretty sure I wasn't using any of the files so I checked the permissions to find that under the security tab, inside the "Group or user name" was completely empty without any user names. I fixed it by adding my user name. This has happened before. A few months ago, I couldn't access any folders and files in this one particular folder without getting the "Acess denied" message. I found out that all my files and folders within that folder had no user names under the security tab which was a pain because I have over 100s of files in there and the only sure way to change the permission is to do them almost one by one.
I was wondering if there were any particular reason why it's doing this. I'm pretty sure that this computer is virus free and I almost never turn off the "Use simple file sharing" under the folder tool section. I've only played around with the permissions once over 5 months ago and I haven't touched it since. Also, is there a way to change every permission within one folder so that I won't have to do them manually one by one?
I recently switched all the workstation at my work to restricted or power users,. And almost immediately everyone was complaining their computers were way slower. Logon is slow. Programs open and react slow. I swapped a few back to administrator permissions and they said it improved their performance as soon as they logged on. I searched and searched and found no good info on why this happened. Everyone is running HP DX2250's with 2Gig of RAM, XP Pro SP3, Office '07, IE8. Microsoft updates are all up to date as of a few days ago. All the computers are networked to a Windows 2003 SBS Server.
I have set up another user on my computer. They have a restricted account. But I would like to tighten it up more. When I look at the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) I don't seem to be able to specify a single account. Is there another Policy editor for individuals or is there another way I can restrict what a person can do?
There are 4 accounts on the computer, all administrators. Of the 4, only one account has access to everything. The other 3 accounts all have Access Denied pop-ups when trying to open any file on the C: drive.
I tried rebooting in safe mode and logging in as administrator to see what the security settings where. After looking there I found out that all 4 accounts have full rights to all folders, sub folders, and files on the C: drive.
I am running WINXP Pro after having to do a clean install (Network card failed and corrupted something?) I have a bunch of files that I could not access, figured out I had to take permission of them as individual files (I could see in the folders, just not the open the files) I've had to keep doing this every time I move a hard drive to another PC. My question is how do I reset all the file sharing permissions so that anybody on any network/pc can access the files?
I want to share a folder on the network, giving just certain users the ability to read and write its files, but not other users. That's easy in Windows 2000, I right-click on the folder and choose Properties. On the Sharing tab I click the "Permissions" button and then choose the users who will be allowed to access its files. But in Windows XP the Sharing tab has no "Permissions" button.
I was reallocating them earlier... and something went terribly terribly wrong. (gremlins I say) I try to log into my user account, but it says it does not have access to any of the files (like the desktop, c:/docs and settings/username/desktop)So is there a way to fix this, preferrably an app that will be able to rewrite the file permissions tables on a large scale?
I keep seeing the following statement in my 290 studies. It is used almost constantly. Nobody has thought it important enough to explain what it means, but they use it all the time. "When determining the effective permissions on file or folder access accross or through a share.
I have a problem with sharing permission's.The actually problem I kept a folder in sharing in which there are different files.some times what happens is two different users access one file at a time without knowing and save the data from were the real problem creates. i need to give permission like if one user is accesing the file the other user shuld get read only until he uses.
Last night I downloaded some window updates because it said it was recommended. Today I have had trouble trying to open things. For instance windows messenger, most things on my control panel, yahoo messenger,spider solitaire are just a few. Every time I get a message saying "Windows cannot access the specified device,path or file. You do not have the appropriate permissions" I also cant delete my browsing history. I havent a clue what to do. Im not a beginner in these matters but Im not very technical so please keep it simple in any explanation or instructions
My daughter's PC has the XP Home SP2, but I want to change it to XP Pro, but the disk I have is only XP Pro SP1, when I inserted it and tried to install, I got a warning message. Any problems with doing what I wish (after Pro install, I would then download/install the SP2 patch for XP Pro). How do I get around this current challenge?
Help Some program or something keeps changing my home page t.swapx and win-eto.com. It is doing it at the registry level, and I have virus scaned and spyware scaned with spyware stormer.but nothing seems to be working.
I am changing from home to pro hopefully just using the OEM XP pro upgrade. The home hasn't been activated with a key yet because I don't have one. Will OEM XP upgrade come complete with a key or do I need to purchase full version of XP to get the key. Granted I purchase the XP upgrade with a valid registration key and COA.
On windows 98 you can simply right click the file name and change its file type. Example: image.bmp can be right clicked and changed to image.gif.I was wondering how you could do that on XP.
hi guys,i,m having a problem changing my pagefile.i have it set to 1536 and when i restart the pc it says currently allocated is 671mb.how can i reset to 1536mb.i have 512 memory and a amd xp 2600 hp.
I am trying to make changes to a picture and when I try to save it I am told it is a rad only file. I go to properties and uncheck read only and apply it to the folder and all sub folders and files. When I check properties again it is marked as read only again. How do I fix this?
i am wanting to know when i am in a website and i want to open the file it downloads to the temporary file location and then nothing. It doesnt open or anything how do i get it to either change the file location where it goes to or just to open...
My operating system is Windows XP. Everytime I open up a file extension of .JPG it opens up in Paint Shop Pro. I don't know Paint Shop Pro yet to be able to work in it. Is there anyway I can change the file extension of JPG to open up with Microsoft Picture Manager? If so, can you please map out the steps I need to take to change the file extension?
In documents and settings a folder has been named after the old manager of this shop. How can I change the name to something else? In this folder are .java, cookies, and desktop folders.
I got the error message that there is "Not enough paging file or virtual memory" and instructed me to change the paging file size. Which I did.My RAM is 256MB btw. Here's a pic of the Virtual Memory ctrl panel:after changing the page file size, the "Currently allocated" file size is still at 0 MB. No matter how many times I've changed it (Yes I've clicked Set everytime) and rebooted my PC, it's still at 0 MB. And then the error message keeps coming out at every reboot.Here's a pic of the Performance Option control panel.
I created a batch file to eliminate files on start up, located in the temp. folder, and it is not functioning. When the computer does start up it eventually gets to the black screen showing the batch file with a message in milli-secs than it is gone. How can I stop this screen to see the message. I tried (Pause/Break) but to no avail. Need some guidance. OS XP Home SP2
So I was going through My Documents, and came across a .jpg file that had a name that would make it seem like an "adult" picture. I right clicked it to delete it, however my only options are preview, edit, and print. I also cannot move the file or anything. Also, I tried once to preview it, and I got the "no preview available" sign. I'm not sure how or when this file got there, but I have a feeling its some sort of virus. I ran a virus scan and a spyware scan, but they didn't remove the file. How can I get rid of it?