Changing Permissions Slows Down Work Stations

May 15, 2009

I recently switched all the workstation at my work to restricted or power users,. And almost immediately everyone was complaining their computers were way slower. Logon is slow. Programs open and react slow. I swapped a few back to administrator permissions and they said it improved their performance as soon as they logged on. I searched and searched and found no good info on why this happened. Everyone is running HP DX2250's with 2Gig of RAM, XP Pro SP3, Office '07, IE8. Microsoft updates are all up to date as of a few days ago. All the computers are networked to a Windows 2003 SBS Server.

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Remotely Changing Permissions

Nov 13, 2008

We have a user that went to grant someone access to a folder on the network. They did this from there desktop, not the server, and now no one can access the folder. Not even an administrator login. I'm assuming they got the warning about changing permissions remotley, but he swears he didn't see anything like that. Now we have a couple of users that have icons that don't work because they're coming from that folder.Any way to change those permissions back? I know the permissions default to something.

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Folder Permissions Changing By Themselves?

Aug 10, 2007

The other day, I moved some files+folders outside of a folder just to organize things. I tried to put them back inside and I kept getting the "Cannot move file, it's being used.." error. I was pretty sure I wasn't using any of the files so I checked the permissions to find that under the security tab, inside the "Group or user name" was completely empty without any user names. I fixed it by adding my user name. This has happened before. A few months ago, I couldn't access any folders and files in this one particular folder without getting the "Acess denied" message. I found out that all my files and folders within that folder had no user names under the security tab which was a pain because I have over 100s of files in there and the only sure way to change the permission is to do them almost one by one.

I was wondering if there were any particular reason why it's doing this. I'm pretty sure that this computer is virus free and I almost never turn off the "Use simple file sharing" under the folder tool section. I've only played around with the permissions once over 5 months ago and I haven't touched it since. Also, is there a way to change every permission within one folder so that I won't have to do them manually one by one?

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Changing File Permissions In Home

Sep 10, 2005

I recently had a Windows XP HE crash that caused me to reinstall the application. Not thinking, I created a new domain name and user name for myself during the setup.

When I tried restoring my Microsoft Outlook 2003 files to my machine from a Novastor 7 backup, the files
restored, but I only get "Access Denied" messages when I try to access them in any way. I'm assuming, because of the the old permissions.How I can regain access to them?

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Changing File Permissions - Install VBulletin

May 19, 2005

I run Windows XP Home Edition. I have recently installed an Apache server, and have my website running from my computer, but have a few problems. I want to install vBulletin, but it requires me to change the permissions on a file from 644 to 666. I know you can do this over FTP or UNIX, but how would I do this on Windows XP?

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Changing User Accounts Policies (permissions)

Jan 19, 2007

I have set up another user on my computer. They have a restricted account. But I would like to tighten it up more. When I look at the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) I don't seem to be able to specify a single account. Is there another Policy editor for individuals or is there another way I can restrict what a person can do?

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Changing File Sharing Permissions - Not Folders - Access Denied

Sep 19, 2009

I am trying to move files from my old XP computer (to be called OLD from now on) to my new Vista computer (to be called NEW) over my network. In some folders, there are some files that don't have the correct permissions for me to move them. I get this message on NEW when I try to copy them over: Destination Folder Access Denied You need permission to perform this action

The folder that these files are in on OLD has the correct permissions set, but for some reason some, not all, of the files within it have not inherited the correct permissions level. I can't figure out how to change the permissions level of these individual files. When I right-click on the problematic files in OLD, I do not see a Security tab.

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HJT / Slows Down And Then Freezes - Network Interface Also Doesnt Work

May 14, 2005

after a few hours my computer slows down and then freezes. The internet and the network interface also doesnt work, meaning I can't ping but for some reason the email still works. When I ping localhost I get a request timed out error. When I try to go to a site an alert pops up in firefox thatthe document contains no data and in IE it simply says server can't be found. I have run spybot, norton, avast, and updated the network card's drivers. I think that the problem with eventually freezing is nortons active protect process which seems to always run at 75% plus.

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ME Theme Changing But Does Not Work

May 14, 2006

My Windows XP now had the Windows ME theme. I try changing it but does not work. The Windows XP option does not appear. Hre is what I did that might have affected it:

1) I downloaded The "Vista Transformation Pack"
2) I restarted my computer after installing.
3) It did not work, so I decided to uninstall i.
4) After that, I restarted my computer and the windows xp them was gone.

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Changing From Domain To Work Group

Nov 19, 2004

I have a client that had a home network setup with a domain.He has recently taken all the workstations off the domain and has switched them all over to a workgroup.On one of the workstations he can no longer log into windows with his normal admin username/password.There is nothing in the options drop down that will allow him to log onto the local machine either. How would changing a workstation from Domain to Workgroup have caused this problem?Im not sure what to tell my client other than reformatting and reloading XP as he cannot get into Windows at all.

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Compaq Restore Cd's Work Mother Board Changing It's Self

May 2, 2006

I have a compaq computer and have a problem with the restore cd from compaq. I needed to reformat the hard drive because of some crup files. When I put the restore cd in the computer is says the cd's are not for this compaq. I taked to compaq and gave them all the information they ask for and was told that I had the correct cd and it must be a bad cd set. They had me order a new set of cd's from there online store which I did with the part number they gave me after I double checked the number to see if they were correct and I got them in yesterday and still had the same problem. I talked to hp again last night and was told that the mother board most likely needed to be tatoo to match the cd's. I was told to take it to one of there repair stores to have this done. Never heard of a mother board changing it's self.

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Computer Slows Down

Oct 27, 2007

I reformatted my computer thinking it would solve the problem,it was ok for a while but while i was doing my homework my computer hang so i need to soft restart my computer,then a message appeared before the admininstration log in, it says "One of the files containing system's registry data had to be recovered by using of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful." the symptoms came back on my computer it takes a while to load all the application on the computer, i thought my previous symptom was because my computer has many corrupt files so it slows down but this time my computer was freshly reformated .It was the same message that appeared that i ignored because i thought it was ok because windows says that it was i do not know what to do.

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Laptop Slows Down After About 2 Hours?

Aug 6, 2010

after being online for about 2-2and a half hours my comp slows way down to the point of not being able to much of anything. Then after I let it sit for around 20-30 minutes it clears up and does fine. Just wondering why it started doing this and what I can do to resolve this issue.

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Laptop Slows Down With 100% CPU Utilisation?

Oct 27, 2007

SInce the past week I notice that the system slows down tremendously. When I go to Task Manager I notice that the CPU utilisation is 100% and spoolsv.exe is the process which is causing it. I have to resort to ending the process but this is not a good solutions and the problem keeps repeating. I use AVG free to eliminate viruses.

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PC Slows Down When Switching Users

Apr 25, 2005

When I Switch users to logg on another account but still keep the previous one logged on, the other account I logg in after I switch users, the computer works really slow. Only after I switch users. It didn't do that before. Why is it slow?

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Sudden Computer Slows To Down

Aug 7, 2010

All of a sudden my computer slows to down. When I open task manager there are 15-20 programs running. But all the programs just say task manager.I delete them all but they come back a few hours later. I have run a virus scan with my Norton program but nothing. What is causing all this?

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Computer Slows Down - Say 100% CPU Usage

Feb 1, 2005

This is a fairly recent problem. I have a Dell computer about 4 months old. Here's a description of the problem. I would appreciate any assistance I can get. I was going to call Dell but I've found I get better help here than Dell! My CPU will start to get louder than normal (it sounds like it is working overtime in there). At the same time, IE freezes up and pages won't load anymore. I can still use email and MSN IM normally, as well as other programs. When I check the "windows task manager," it says the CPU usage is 100%, when normally it's around 2-5% It will do this for up to an hour. Even if I reboot, after it has started up, it continues do this same thing. After it finishes whatever it is doing, CPU usage goes back down and IE works normally again. I'm afraid it might be some spybot program or something that is taking over. I can't figure out what is wrong. But I know this is a good place to come for

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System Slows Down On Start Up

Aug 25, 2008

A little over a week ago, my XP (HE) began to visibly slow down. For example, on startup the desktop icons would have the generic look and then slowly refresh one by one. And another example, when opening a program, it firsts displays partially and then the whole window comes up. First, I loaded Task Manager in an effort to see if any processes or applications were taking an unusual amount of resources. Nothing that gave me a hint there. Next I disabled indexing for searches, 'cause I thought maybe that was slowing things down (though I had indexing on prior to this and it never slowed things down like I'm seeing in my examples above). No joy there. Then I thought that maybe my prefetch files were gone and that was causing this, but that wasn't the case. I've scanned for spyware and viruses, but no joy there either (for once I was hoping some malware would show up). My swap file is fixed and defragmented, so that doesn't seem to be it either. MS came out with a bunch of updates on the 14th, so I thought maybe it was one of them, and have been removing one by one, but still no joy there. I've disabled all polling that some programs do for updates (like Adobe Reader and Java), thinking that perhaps that was interrupting the display . . . but no joy there either. I did update to Java Version 6 Update 10, which is listed as a Release Candidate but is still really a beta, right around the time those MS Updates came out and when my slow problem first started, so my next step will be to either go back to Update 7, or just uninstall Java completely (I really don't use it, and only have need of it when I do the Secunia online scan for security update info). Since beta's are essentially unfinished software, I'm thinking that maybe Update 10 could be doing it. I'm reluctant to bash MS Updates, but they have been known to screw things up. However, on all the searches I've done I don't see anything about those updates slowing things down, so I'm thinking that the MS Updates are probably not the cause.

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Laptop Slows Down- Making A Backup?

Aug 29, 2006

my laptop seems to be slowing down lately and gets stuck more and more often, that I'd like to do a big time spring cleaning and basically start from scratch. but first I wouldlike to make a backup cd, so that I won't lose all my do I make a backup (my help-programm doesn't open anymore at the moment) and also, how do I best get rid of everything and then start again (is it called reformatting?)

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My PC Slows Down: Normal Updates Are Being Installed?

Sep 30, 2010

My computer slows down to a point that I cannot use it at all. The problem started last Sunday, right after I uploaded pictures I also noticed that sometimes after the computer comes back to normal updates are being installed. Before Sunday my PC was running just fine. Neither virus nor Malware was found.

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System32 Opens On Startup - Slows Down

Mar 18, 2010

which of these is causing it:

O4 - HKLM..Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:ProgramsQuickTimeQTTask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM..Run: [HotKeyz.exe Startup] C:ProgramsSkynergyHotKeyzHotKeyz.exe Startup
O4 - HKLM..Run: [Adobe ARM] "C:ProgramsCommon FilesAdobeARM1.0AdobeARM.exe"
O4 - HKLM..Run: [avgnt] "C:ProgramsAviraAntiVir Desktopavgnt.exe" /min
O4 - HKLM..Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:ProgramsCommon FilesJavaJava Updatejusched.exe"
O4 - HKLM..Run: [WinPatrol] C:ProgramsBillP StudiosWinPatrolwinpatrol.exe -expressboot
O4 - HKCU..Run: [Wally] C:ProgramsWallyWally.exe
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ClocX] C:ProgramsClocXClocX.exe
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ViStart] C:ProgramsViStartViStart.exe..........

And yes, I do realise that having lots of things on startup slows down the startup. If I start to notice any problems, I will cut this down

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Too Many Processes Running: Computer Slows Down?

Aug 24, 2009

My PC has slowed down considerably, so I opened the Windows Task Manager and under "Processes" there are 101 processes listed. 53 of those processes are "iexplore.exe" The "Mem Usage" listed for these varies between approximately 14,000 K to 40,000 K. I have looked at the Windows Task Manager sometimes in the past and iexplore.exe certainly wasn't listed this many times. Should I end these processes, and if so, how can I keep this from happening again?

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Switching Between Users - System Slows Down

Apr 9, 2005

Everytime I try to switch between a user in XP pro without logging off my computer slows to a crawl. I would have to hit the reset button and restart. It runs pretty quick otherwise. It has a 120 gb harddrive, 256 mb of ram and a atlon processor 3100+. Has anybody experience this before. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Systems Slows On Opening My Computer?

Dec 13, 2006

When I try to open "My Computer" it searches for about 30-40 seconds before it finds all my drives and so on... If I open directly to another folder or anywhere else it opens right away...?

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System Slows On Saving Files

Aug 3, 2008

Recently when I try to open or save a file from any application then it takes about 5 minutes before the pop up window appears where I can select which file/directory etc.
This has just started and is very annoying. It's a laptop and there are quite a few hortcuts in My Network Neighbourhood pointing to network drives when I'm in work.ever this hasn't given me a problem before and none of them are mapped.I did use a web based storage site and it downloaded an application to synchronise a folder with the web older.......there was a mapped drive I think but I uninstalled the application and that also deleted the mapped drive. Is the computer still trying to find the mapped drive (although it doesn't show up in Explorer?).

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Installing Automatic Update Slows Laptop?

May 6, 2005

The complaint is that Windows is very slow, and the problem started after "the yellow item (icon) showed up on the screen (system tray)."When the cursor is placed over the "yellow item," the text says "Automatic Updates."The computer is an HP Laptop, and the operating system is Windows XP. Now I realize that this is a very indefinite description of a problem, but I hope someone can help with the following questions: Has anyone had any problems with either slow boot or slow operation when Windows automatic updates are enabled? Either with Windows 2000 or Windows XP? When you enable automatic updates, does the "Windows Update" option from the START/ALL PROGRAMS menu disappear (it had disappered from the menu on the problem computer)? Can automatic updates be disabled, and, if so, does the option return to the All Programs menu?

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Laptop Slows Down And Goes Back To Normal After Restart?

Mar 23, 2010

laptop would start acting sluggishly after a while of using it. This problem occurs at very random intervals but once it is occurred, the performance stays sluggish until the restart. Once I restart the laptop, the problem goes away until later when it repeats again. Sometimes this problem would not occur for 2 days.Mouse movement represents "stuttering" Dragging windows is not smooth. Window drags very slow, leaving half of image in the original spot and then "catching up".Program loading times seem unaffected. Playing music files during the performance drop produces delays in sound Running any videos during the performance drop produces "freeze and go" effect on videos.

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Computer Slows Down: Not Enough Space To Open The Game?

Oct 3, 2010

when i tried to open a game a msg appeared which means my ram doesnt have enough space to open the game. If i continue i can get some errors. That was a normal game and I never got a msg like this before. After a few days it was getting bigger and bigger. Now a days if i click on refresh it takes around 3-5 sec. to refresh. My computer takes 30 sec to open. This is really fustrating. I never had a problem like this. My pc hangs up many times. I hav kaspersky antivirus. I did a scan all over my computer. But didnt get anything.

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System Slows Down On Playing Any Vedio File

Aug 1, 2005

When I go play a video file the media player will open and try to play the video file then my whole system slows down to a snails pace. The whole system will start stalling. It’s quite hard to describe the problem but here are the symptoms;

- Just as the video starts to play the system will appear to freeze.

- 6 seconds latter I can move my mouse around

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Adding 2nd User Slows ALL Users' Connections

Aug 29, 2005

(if this message is in the wrong forum, please feel free to move it)I have been using a Linksys router for a while (hooked to my cable modem)... I was the only user....everything was fine....speed was not an issue (it was fast as ever) I have a roommate that moved in on the weekend....she just plugged her cable into the router (as user #2) and now BOTH of our connects are terribly slow...i mean SLOW.....some pages take minutes to load, or don't even load

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Game Performance Slows Down / Fine After Restart?

Oct 15, 2006

I've been noticing that my computer slows down over time as I use it, especially games Everything is fine after a fresh reboot/restart, but the second time I go to run a game, there is a slight performance drop, and by the third time, it is noticly jumpy.I know the problem is not graphics related, as I can turn them all the way down without the slightest change.The problem is in all of my games, weather demanding or not, it is just as apparant in BF2 and HL2 as it is in Defcon and Trainz.

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