System32 Opens On Startup - Slows Down

Mar 18, 2010

which of these is causing it:

O4 - HKLM..Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:ProgramsQuickTimeQTTask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM..Run: [HotKeyz.exe Startup] C:ProgramsSkynergyHotKeyzHotKeyz.exe Startup
O4 - HKLM..Run: [Adobe ARM] "C:ProgramsCommon FilesAdobeARM1.0AdobeARM.exe"
O4 - HKLM..Run: [avgnt] "C:ProgramsAviraAntiVir Desktopavgnt.exe" /min
O4 - HKLM..Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] "C:ProgramsCommon FilesJavaJava Updatejusched.exe"
O4 - HKLM..Run: [WinPatrol] C:ProgramsBillP StudiosWinPatrolwinpatrol.exe -expressboot
O4 - HKCU..Run: [Wally] C:ProgramsWallyWally.exe
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ClocX] C:ProgramsClocXClocX.exe
O4 - HKCU..Run: [ViStart] C:ProgramsViStartViStart.exe..........

And yes, I do realise that having lots of things on startup slows down the startup. If I start to notice any problems, I will cut this down

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System32 Folder Opens At Startup In XP

May 27, 2006

After recovering from a malware attack my windows xp machine now opens the C:WINDOWSSystem32 folder every time it starts. How can I prevent this?

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Winnt - System32 - Opens On Login

Jan 3, 2005

I am trying to get rid of a window that loads after users login to the network-win2k AD. Running Kix for the login script. The c:winntsystem32 window opens to the middle of the screen after some people log in. I have checked the machines with adware programs and the virus scan is up to date. I can not figureout why this window is still loading after login. There is no error generated in Event Viewer or problem created when it does this it is just very annoying.

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Corrupt System32 Config System Error Message At Every Startup?

Jan 3, 2006

corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem ususally when i get this error i format the machine because i hate having to deal with the problem; im the tech guy at a school and i replaced the teachers machine with a new one, i was about to format this when she came in here last minute frantic because she has important accounting information on her local C: drive. she knows she is suppsed to save ALL IMPORTANT nfo on her networkd drive but shes a mornon and doesnt follow instructions. i don't have my copyh of knoppix so can somebodyh tell me a quick fix for this?

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Folder Opens Up On Startup?

Apr 22, 2005

My C:/ folder just pops up when I log onto my user for no aparent reason.

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HP Folder Opens At Startup

Jan 2, 2007

On my other computer (an HP Pavilion 750n), the HP Folder in Program Files (or something like that) has been opening as soon as the computer is started and the desktop is loaded. Does anybody know why this might be happening?

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Explorer Opens To C On Startup

Feb 13, 2009

At every bootup, Windows Explorer opens to the "C:WINDOWSsystem32" folder. I have looked in the startup locations but did not see anything.

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Folder Opens On Startup - Games

Jun 25, 2005

I have this wierd problem of a folder opening with every windows startup. The folder is C:Program The folder and files within are not malware or anything, just some little games that came with my computer that I never got rid of. It is not in my startup folder. I have never run any of the games and don't even remember opening that folder before this started happening.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 12:36:09 PM, on 6/25/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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My Computer Opens / Loads During Startup

Nov 11, 2008

When ever I turn-on or reboot my computer, XP opens normally and then the "My Computer" window opens on top of my desktop.

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Window Opens With Diagnostic Information At Startup

Jul 31, 2005

When my computer starts up, a window opens with diagnostic information. At the top left hand corner or the window it says "Diagnostic Traces", then another window pops up that says "DVRM".

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System 32 Folder Opens On Startup On Desktop

Oct 1, 2006

When I start my computer system 32 folder opens on my desktop, why? How can I get rid of it?

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System23 Folder Opens On Startup - How To Stop

Sep 1, 2005

why my system32 folder opens when XP home starts up? and how to stop it doing it please

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Common Files Folder Opens At Startup

Aug 2, 2005

Everytime I start my computer the C:Program FilesCommon folder opens! It's so annoying. I have looked at other posts and have tried the Start-Run-misconfig-Check startup tab but this folder is not listed. There
are some programs within the common files folder that are listed, but not the simple file path I wrote above.

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My Computer Folder Automatically Opens At Startup

Sep 17, 2005

Recently my computer folder automatically opens at startup. I've tried going to msconfig and regedit to fix the problem per the instructions I've seen on the web but it doesn't work.

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C:Program FilesDell Folder Opens On Startup

Nov 11, 2007

Whenever I startup my laptop, the "C:Program FilesDell" folder opens automatically. I've had this pc for years but this started happening only recently. I don't know what could've changed, but it is very annoying and I need to find a way to make it stop. I've been searching various sites all over the net, and so far I have tried messing with "msconfig" and "Regedit.exe," among other things, and the problem still exists. Please contact me if anyone knows how to resolve this issue.

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Explorer Window Opens On Startup To The HP Folder

Jun 19, 2006

I installed my DVD drive on my HP machine, and now I keep getting an explorer window that opens on Startup to the HP folder. Its innocuous, but annoying.

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Installer Screen Opens On Startup - Drivers Already Installed

Oct 20, 2007

the Windows Installer screen opens telling me it is trying to install a program that is already installed,(usually driver for HP 4110 printer drivers). If I don't cancel it immediately, eventually an error screen appears telling me the file I'm seeking is not available and to insert the installation CD. I've tried re-installing the drivers by inserting the CD, but then an error message appears saying the drivers are already installed. This is getting frustrating?

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C:Program Files Opens Up On Startup - Hide On Minimized

Oct 14, 2007

I have an issue with my new clean install on XP. Every time I boot, C:Program Files keps opening. Here is the stuff I have tried so far. I looked in msconfig, the startup folder and in Startup on my programs list and it doesn't show up in any of these places. It isn't a new program, so it's not because I installed it recently. Here is HiJack This log for reference. I dont have clue what's to look in this. But may be it will help you. Similarly I have copy-pasted contents from autoexec.bat,win.ini and sys.ini for debugging. You may notice that there is TaskMgr link in startup. But its just one of my app I need on startup in my taskbar. It startup as minimized and it has setting "Hide on Minimized" checked in TaskManager. So It remains in taskbar always.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 8:44:33 PM, on 10/14/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16544)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:

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Folder Opens For Zone Alarm Firewall Labs At Startup

Feb 22, 2006

i installed zone alarm firewall, and whenever i start up, this folder/window opens -- c/program files/, with a zone games file folder showing. this is not in the startup folder. totally useless. i DO want zone alarm to start up (in tin the startup file) but how do I get rid of this pesky thing?

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Boot Or Restart Computer / Startup Folder Automatically Opens On Desktop

Dec 18, 2007

This started happening a few months ago, & I have just been living with it, but now I'm very tired of it. When ever I boot, or restart my computer, the startup folder automatically opens on the desktop. Can someone tell me how to stop this from happening? Also recently, whenever I open a Microsoft program, Word, Excell Office Project tries to load. I have to cluck Cancel several times to stop it.

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Computer Slows Down

Oct 27, 2007

I reformatted my computer thinking it would solve the problem,it was ok for a while but while i was doing my homework my computer hang so i need to soft restart my computer,then a message appeared before the admininstration log in, it says "One of the files containing system's registry data had to be recovered by using of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful." the symptoms came back on my computer it takes a while to load all the application on the computer, i thought my previous symptom was because my computer has many corrupt files so it slows down but this time my computer was freshly reformated .It was the same message that appeared that i ignored because i thought it was ok because windows says that it was i do not know what to do.

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Laptop Slows Down After About 2 Hours?

Aug 6, 2010

after being online for about 2-2and a half hours my comp slows way down to the point of not being able to much of anything. Then after I let it sit for around 20-30 minutes it clears up and does fine. Just wondering why it started doing this and what I can do to resolve this issue.

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Laptop Slows Down With 100% CPU Utilisation?

Oct 27, 2007

SInce the past week I notice that the system slows down tremendously. When I go to Task Manager I notice that the CPU utilisation is 100% and spoolsv.exe is the process which is causing it. I have to resort to ending the process but this is not a good solutions and the problem keeps repeating. I use AVG free to eliminate viruses.

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PC Slows Down When Switching Users

Apr 25, 2005

When I Switch users to logg on another account but still keep the previous one logged on, the other account I logg in after I switch users, the computer works really slow. Only after I switch users. It didn't do that before. Why is it slow?

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Sudden Computer Slows To Down

Aug 7, 2010

All of a sudden my computer slows to down. When I open task manager there are 15-20 programs running. But all the programs just say task manager.I delete them all but they come back a few hours later. I have run a virus scan with my Norton program but nothing. What is causing all this?

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Computer Slows Down - Say 100% CPU Usage

Feb 1, 2005

This is a fairly recent problem. I have a Dell computer about 4 months old. Here's a description of the problem. I would appreciate any assistance I can get. I was going to call Dell but I've found I get better help here than Dell! My CPU will start to get louder than normal (it sounds like it is working overtime in there). At the same time, IE freezes up and pages won't load anymore. I can still use email and MSN IM normally, as well as other programs. When I check the "windows task manager," it says the CPU usage is 100%, when normally it's around 2-5% It will do this for up to an hour. Even if I reboot, after it has started up, it continues do this same thing. After it finishes whatever it is doing, CPU usage goes back down and IE works normally again. I'm afraid it might be some spybot program or something that is taking over. I can't figure out what is wrong. But I know this is a good place to come for

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System Slows Down On Start Up

Aug 25, 2008

A little over a week ago, my XP (HE) began to visibly slow down. For example, on startup the desktop icons would have the generic look and then slowly refresh one by one. And another example, when opening a program, it firsts displays partially and then the whole window comes up. First, I loaded Task Manager in an effort to see if any processes or applications were taking an unusual amount of resources. Nothing that gave me a hint there. Next I disabled indexing for searches, 'cause I thought maybe that was slowing things down (though I had indexing on prior to this and it never slowed things down like I'm seeing in my examples above). No joy there. Then I thought that maybe my prefetch files were gone and that was causing this, but that wasn't the case. I've scanned for spyware and viruses, but no joy there either (for once I was hoping some malware would show up). My swap file is fixed and defragmented, so that doesn't seem to be it either. MS came out with a bunch of updates on the 14th, so I thought maybe it was one of them, and have been removing one by one, but still no joy there. I've disabled all polling that some programs do for updates (like Adobe Reader and Java), thinking that perhaps that was interrupting the display . . . but no joy there either. I did update to Java Version 6 Update 10, which is listed as a Release Candidate but is still really a beta, right around the time those MS Updates came out and when my slow problem first started, so my next step will be to either go back to Update 7, or just uninstall Java completely (I really don't use it, and only have need of it when I do the Secunia online scan for security update info). Since beta's are essentially unfinished software, I'm thinking that maybe Update 10 could be doing it. I'm reluctant to bash MS Updates, but they have been known to screw things up. However, on all the searches I've done I don't see anything about those updates slowing things down, so I'm thinking that the MS Updates are probably not the cause.

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Laptop Slows Down- Making A Backup?

Aug 29, 2006

my laptop seems to be slowing down lately and gets stuck more and more often, that I'd like to do a big time spring cleaning and basically start from scratch. but first I wouldlike to make a backup cd, so that I won't lose all my do I make a backup (my help-programm doesn't open anymore at the moment) and also, how do I best get rid of everything and then start again (is it called reformatting?)

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My PC Slows Down: Normal Updates Are Being Installed?

Sep 30, 2010

My computer slows down to a point that I cannot use it at all. The problem started last Sunday, right after I uploaded pictures I also noticed that sometimes after the computer comes back to normal updates are being installed. Before Sunday my PC was running just fine. Neither virus nor Malware was found.

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Too Many Processes Running: Computer Slows Down?

Aug 24, 2009

My PC has slowed down considerably, so I opened the Windows Task Manager and under "Processes" there are 101 processes listed. 53 of those processes are "iexplore.exe" The "Mem Usage" listed for these varies between approximately 14,000 K to 40,000 K. I have looked at the Windows Task Manager sometimes in the past and iexplore.exe certainly wasn't listed this many times. Should I end these processes, and if so, how can I keep this from happening again?

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Switching Between Users - System Slows Down

Apr 9, 2005

Everytime I try to switch between a user in XP pro without logging off my computer slows to a crawl. I would have to hit the reset button and restart. It runs pretty quick otherwise. It has a 120 gb harddrive, 256 mb of ram and a atlon processor 3100+. Has anybody experience this before. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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