Everytime I start my computer the C:Program FilesCommon folder opens! It's so annoying. I have looked at other posts and have tried the Start-Run-misconfig-Check startup tab but this folder is not listed. There
are some programs within the common files folder that are listed, but not the simple file path I wrote above.
On my other computer (an HP Pavilion 750n), the HP Folder in Program Files (or something like that) has been opening as soon as the computer is started and the desktop is loaded. Does anybody know why this might be happening?
I have this wierd problem of a folder opening with every windows startup. The folder is C:Program Filesone.com. The folder and files within are not malware or anything, just some little games that came with my computer that I never got rid of. It is not in my startup folder. I have never run any of the games and don't even remember opening that folder before this started happening.
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 12:36:09 PM, on 6/25/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)
Recently my computer folder automatically opens at startup. I've tried going to msconfig and regedit to fix the problem per the instructions I've seen on the web but it doesn't work.
Whenever I startup my laptop, the "C:Program FilesDell" folder opens automatically. I've had this pc for years but this started happening only recently. I don't know what could've changed, but it is very annoying and I need to find a way to make it stop. I've been searching various sites all over the net, and so far I have tried messing with "msconfig" and "Regedit.exe," among other things, and the problem still exists. Please contact me if anyone knows how to resolve this issue.
I installed my DVD drive on my HP machine, and now I keep getting an explorer window that opens on Startup to the HP folder. Its innocuous, but annoying.
When I start up my pc a folder by the name of "Common" always pops up for no reason and is completely empty and needs to die because it is starting to annoy me ^_^ It starts before anything else including my virus scanner and if I close it before the other things are loaded it appears again I don't think it's related to adware or any viruses etcetera I keep my computer pretty clean. The folder isn't registered in my startup files which is why I wonder what the hell it's there for. If anyone knows how to fix this annoying problem please reply. I don't know the file path or anything because I have a problem showing the path in folders but that's something I can live with, a "common" file that comes up every time I login is not!My computer is a Sony Vaio RS100 running windows XP service pack 2.
upon my start up a Common folder which incldudes drivers pops up. This has recently started. I am not sure why but I am trying to stop this. Please help and let me know if i should be concerned. I have already checked under my startup tab but no common folder listed.
i installed zone alarm firewall, and whenever i start up, this folder/window opens -- c/program files/ zone.com, with a zone games file folder showing. this is not in the startup folder. totally useless. i DO want zone alarm to start up (in tin the startup file) but how do I get rid of this pesky thing?
This started happening a few months ago, & I have just been living with it, but now I'm very tired of it. When ever I boot, or restart my computer, the startup folder automatically opens on the desktop. Can someone tell me how to stop this from happening? Also recently, whenever I open a Microsoft program, Word, Excell Office Project tries to load. I have to cluck Cancel several times to stop it.
I just built a new computer and installed Windows XP Pro with SP2 on it. When I set up my hard drive and OS, I partitioned my lone hard drive into three partitions: 10 Gb C: drive for Windows, drivers, etc., and a pair of 111 Gb drives for things like program installs. I noticed that my C: drive is filling up rather rapidly, and I discovered that Program FilesCommon Files is taking up a considerable amount of space. I would like to move this folder onto one of my bigger partitions, but I'm not sure how to do it without screwing up all my programs. Any direction on this matter (that doesn't involve re-partitioning and starting from scratch) would be appreciated.
I have an issue with my new clean install on XP. Every time I boot, C:Program Files keps opening. Here is the stuff I have tried so far. I looked in msconfig, the startup folder and in Startup on my programs list and it doesn't show up in any of these places. It isn't a new program, so it's not because I installed it recently. Here is HiJack This log for reference. I dont have clue what's to look in this. But may be it will help you. Similarly I have copy-pasted contents from autoexec.bat,win.ini and sys.ini for debugging. You may notice that there is TaskMgr link in startup. But its just one of my app I need on startup in my taskbar. It startup as minimized and it has setting "Hide on Minimized" checked in TaskManager. So It remains in taskbar always.
Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 8:44:33 PM, on 10/14/2007 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16544) Boot mode: Normal
How do you remove the "Common Startup" items from the startup list in msconfig for Windows XP? I did locate and remove the "Run" items that are located in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionRun.
When my computer boots up a Common Folder appears.Inside the Folder is a sub folder called Compaq connections.I tried to delete the folder but was denied access after unchecking Read Only. How do I stop this folder from appearing on boot up.
Everytime I start the computer i cannot do anything until a folder titled 'common' appears, inside the folder is another folder titled 'bin', inside 'bin' are four files titled 'iviaudio.ax', 'ivinav.ax', 'iviaudioeff.ax' and 'ivivideo.ax'. This folder didn't used to come up so i guess i have done something, how can i repair it to stop it appearing?
This is like the 3rd time I've seen the Common Files folder in my C:Program Files directory. What exactly are they and why are they there? They have folders in there of programs I've never used in my life! Also why do they come back after I delete them?
When I try and open My Pictures for example it opens up command prompt for that folder. I've been messing about in My Computer trying to change folder icons. But some how I've managed to stop opening fodlers.
For some reason, the right-click context menu on any of my folders now defaults to Search..., but this is not in my Folder or File Folder in File Types. I will post an HJT log if needed.
I have a brand new Dell Inspirion 1501 Windows XP SP2 laptop.I installed a few programs like Word Perfect 2002, Microsoft Office 2003 and a few other things just for some history. Well today out of nowhere, upon booting up my laptop this morning, this window pops up that says BORLAND SHARED...and I go back and find out that it is in the Program Files/Common folder. I did some searching on the web and it sounds like it could be some kind fo registry thing?? Thought the solutions some described seemed too complicated for me.