Not Able To Access User Files

Jul 19, 2005

i just reinstalled my windows xp sp1....the problem is that in my older windows i had made my users documents and settings folder private.
now in my new installation of xp i am not able to access my old folders and files...and those are very important files.It says
access denied:

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Cannot Access Win Home User-files

Jul 4, 2005

i had win xp Home edition on my main hdd.. then i came up with the stupid idea to repair windows... after i had done that windows didn't start i installed windows on another hdd and then i sat the hdd with broken windows as slave and started it up so that i could access all my files before formating the hdd...
but i could only access the files from 3 out of 4 users, one of the users i could access where password-protected and so was mine.. but i couldn�t access the personal files from my old user

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User Access Denied To All Exe Files And Programs

Aug 18, 2007

Hopefully I can explain my situation without dragging it out to long, but it is involved.The problem is with my wife computer which is an Emachine, Model T3265, running Win XP, Home Edition and IE 7.0.The last time my wife was on the computer was the evening of Aug 14, at which time she had been playing the card game Spider Solitaire. I am also listed as a user but only to keep it running for my wife.When she tried to use the computer the next day, Aug 15 she kept getting the message Windows can not access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permission to access the item.Having come up with the same results as my wife, here is what I have been able to determine.

Be it from the Start Menu, Desk Top or Program Folder, the end result is the above .message. .It didn't matter whose account I was in, mine or my wife, or if I tried to open an executable file or program directly or with a shortcut, the results were the same. However I did find a couple of things that were quite odd. The items stored in the task bar at the bottom right side of the task bar could be opened, but only from here..These programs consisted of the Virus Program, Trend Microsoft Pecillin, messenger program and the like. I also found that if I opened Documents and Settings and then opened either my wife or my personal folder and then went to Favorites I was able to access the internet. I could not do is run Restore from system tools and when I tried use the run function in the start menu I got a pop up window which said Windows can not create a shortcut here. Do you want a shortcut placed on the desktop.Short of doing a full format and re-installation can you tell me what has happened and how to fix it?

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Multi User Logon Access To Certain Files Programs

Feb 9, 2006

setting up more than one user logon for windows xp home edition w/ sp2 installed (using fat32). What I would like to acheive (if possible) is to limit my teenagers (2) access to certain files and programs. More specifically programs such as windows explorer (including right-click on START button), access to the "RUN" command, control panel, and other system controlling programs. I have searched on C-Net and microsoft, finding bits and peices but not all together in 1 post and not a step by step. I am not afraid to edit the registry.Also I do not want to convert this comp to ntfs (unless there is a way to back up a massive amount of data without a cd/dvd burner, as I am under the impression that a re-install of XP and reformatting of hard drive is required to switch to ntfs). What would be ideal (and maybe easier to do?) would be to have teenage-user1 and teenage-user2 logon bring up only a desktop with no taskbar and/or START button, thus allowing only access to the programs that I shortcut to the desktop (this thought just occurred to me while typing this).

These children are 15 and 16 and are smart enough to type a google search for password/registry/command prompt hacks and crackers and such. I haven't seen anything in regaurds to what I am looking for all on 1 system or complete in 1 post/step-by-step. Possibly I am not typing the correct search words, but seems alot of text for a search ( am not typing "the" "and" etc. and am using/trying as many buzzwords as I can think of...) and I get no way too much irrelavent and sometimes confusing info or no matches at all. I may be making a mountain out of a mole hill with how I want to do this, as it probably has been done before, if so a link(s) would be much appreciated as would any advice from "seasoned/in-the-know" users/programmers.

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Lost Administrator User - Only 1 User With Limited Access?

Jun 11, 2009

Operating system: XP home.When creating a user account for my husband with limited access, I lost my user account as administrator. My guest account has also disappeared. I cannot download or do anything because of the limited access that my husband has. How do I get back/show my user account with administrator access?

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Jun 1, 2007

I did a terrible mistake today. Typically I install XP in C drive and keep My Documents folder in D drive. All of my hard disk drives (except the linux partitions) are NTFS. I encrypted the My Documents folder and all of its files and subfolders.Today I reinstalled XP in the C drive, after a quick format on it. I was unaware of the fact that what might be happened to My Documents folder. Now I can only view the files and folders inside My Documents folder. Neither I open any file, nor I decrypt those files. Windows is saying access denied.

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Cant Access Files/folders - Can't Even Access The 2nd Partition

Aug 20, 2007

Quote: Originally Posted by kpmwrestler no, here's the best thing to do (since you are reformatting anyways):

download Parted Magic burn it to cd with ISO Recorder v 2boot to that cd delete all the partitions (if you have more than one)then reboot with the xp cd in and it should boot I'm having the same basic issue as the original poster.
I just picked up a Sony Vaio laptop F270. From what I can gather is it has (2) separate partitions. I want to do a complete wipe/format of the HD and get back to having (1) Large partition

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User Accounts Cant Access

Dec 9, 2005

whats occuring is that i wish to create a new profile with for my younger siblings so that they cant install programs (if thats possible) andsomething to stop them accessing "adult sights" but thats where my delima starts when i try do go into the user account thing in control panel it comes up with a message saying "wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment any ideas as to whats going on here?

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User Access To Other Account

Apr 19, 2005

I am new to window xp.I heard that you can create several user in Win xp.What I want to know is just the folders can be personalized or the application also?For example if user A use certain application, user B can't access that application.Can that be done in Win Xp?

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XP- Old User File 'Access Is Denied'

Oct 1, 2009

Using Windows XP Home, I deleted an old user folder (JAMES), and created a new one reassigning myself as the administrator. Upon deleting, I clicked on 'Keep Files', expecting a shortcut to be available on my new desktop. There is no shortcut.
If I click on Explore, then the old User file (JAMES) I get the following error message: "C:Documents and SettingsJAMES is not accessible. Access is Denied."
If I right click the folder, and click on 'Sharing and Security', it tells me to drag the folder to the .Shared Documents' folder, as I get an error message: "Cannot create or replace JAMES: Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected and that the file is not currently in use."
In addition, any changes I make to the Properties tab (un-click 'read only', click 'Share this folder') do not get saved after I click on 'Apply'. I cannot find any other Securities tab other than th 'Sharing' tab available on XP Home edition.

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User Accounts And Access To Different Programs

Aug 27, 2005

I used to use my XP professional installed PC in admin mode so far but after too much of spyware problem, created one user account without installation authority.The problem now is, I can't see many programs in start menu of user account, looks like I don't have access to those programs through user account.
Sygate firewall icon in system tray has disappeared in admin account but shows up in user account Just now, I installed trillion and I can use it in admin mode but can't see it in user account.I tried to go through control panel --> add/remove programs and checked access tab there but couldn't do much useful.

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Preventing User To Access Programs

Nov 27, 2008

Is there a way to just let the user access one or 2 program in Xp Pro. For instance, I only want my kids to access internet explorer and that's it. The rest of the Applications and those XP's goodies that are found in the Program are to be hidden. I only want IE to show in the Program or on the desktop. The rest are unaccessible and hidden.

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Get Around The User Name Access Without The Drastic Step

Jun 15, 2006

Been working on a friends Gateway P4 'puter after he had a disaster with a virus. Formatted the drive and installed the OS then proceeded to install all his apps and utilities. Left him about a week ago to research what kind of drive for him to purchase to install as Primary slave intending to use it for Acronis backups and other stuff. He called me and said he could not get XP to boot. Well, today I went to his place and turned the system on. Got through the normal startup screen and then the log on screen came up telling me to click on the user name... THERE WAS NO USER NAME SHOWN. My experience with XP is limited but I did try F8 and went through attempts to recover with no joy. Finally decided to just reinstall the OS. Now I gotta go through all the tweaks to get it up and running. Is there a way to get around the user name access without the drastic step of reinstalling the OS? What the heck could have caused this?

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Unable To Access User Accounts

Dec 23, 2007

Unable to log in user name and password. Also from control panel when i click user accounts it goes to control user passwords 2 window not to the xp styled user accounts window where i can add pictures etc.
I checked my local and group policies but couldn't find anything there because it always shows the error while entering the name and passwords.

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Not Having Admin/user Abilities - Access Denied?

May 7, 2007

I have a quick question regarding the admin. tools on the windows XP system. There are three accounts on my computer, one for myself, my brother, and my family. My brother made it so that my account has no admin/user abilities whatsoever, and when I try to change it, it gives me the error. This happens when I try to download things as well, and it's very irritating. Is there ANY way to get around this? No, I cannot simply go on my brother's account and change it because my brother's acct has a pw. Is there any other way?

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Error Access Denied - Limited User Only

May 24, 2005

Just set up a new PC (Dell XPS Gen 4) and was running OK for a week with just myself as user with admin rights.

Decided to add limited accounts for wife & kids.

Every time the accounts are logged in to, they get the error message - Error - Access Denied. The process for this is LVCOMSX.EXE somethin to do with the logitech webcam me thinks.

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Restricting Access Of The Limited User Account?

Aug 20, 2008

I have a desktop running win xp pro.My 5 yr old son logs on using a user account made for him, which i have configured as a Limited User Account.But he still wreaks havoc on the computer, deleting files, changing many program features.I want to limit his powers on the computer. I just want him to play his games and visit few websites of my choice . I want to restrict his access for all other features of the computer. I dont want him to explore the computer by using my computer. I want only the documents in his My Documents to be accessible to him. I also dont want him to access the start menu.

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Setup Account - User Cannot Able To Access Internet Using IE 6

Oct 4, 2007

I have XP Home Ed sp-2. I'm able to setup several limited accounts on this machine. My question is how to setup an account that the user can not be able to access to internet using IE 6. This user is able to logon the computer himself. I only understand that with Comcast High Speed Internet, since a user logon computer he can go straigth to internet.

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User Account Reset - Limited Access

Sep 15, 2009

my girlfriends daughter deleted all the user accounts out her laptop (a compaq evo n800c running windows xp professional with service pack 3) except for one account that she changed to a limited access account so now you can only log onto that account and can make no changes to the computer its programs or create new user accounts.

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GPO - Internet Access Restriction For Certain User Account

Jul 17, 2008

I'm trying to use Group Policy to restrict the internet access for a certain user account. I have an OU set up with that user account in that OU. I want the user to only be able to access the websites that I approve.

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Changed User Name On Admin Account Now Can't Access

Jun 18, 2005

I changed the user name on the administrator account and now all of my email and all other docs and data are gone. I can't seem to figure out how to fix.

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Unable To Access Documents Under Old User Accounts?

Jul 13, 2005

I was not able to restore the system back to a previous state, nor was I able to back-up my documents, so I was forced to reinstall Windows XP Professional version 2002 and all of my other applications. A new Active Directory was created, giving me new user accounts, even though I used the same user names that had been created under the old installation. Under one of the old user accounts, I had a folder that was password protected, and it contained several important documents. Since the new Active Directory does not recognize that old user folder, I can not gain access to the folder to retrieve the files, even when logged on as the administrator. I get an error message that reads: Documents and Settings My Documents is not accessible.

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Preventing Internet Access For A User On Computer

Aug 8, 2005

Could someone please tell me how I can turn off all forms of internet access for a user on my computer. I enabled a content filter to prevent access to all websites; however, the user can still access the web through programs such as Maya and Hudini (computer animation programs). I want to have internet access on all the user accounts with the exception of this one user account

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Unable To Access Printer With A Non Admin User

May 29, 2008

We have our own printer driver which basically prints any document to our application (just like Adobe). Our installer creates a named printer port in HKEY_LOACL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTPorts (eg. OurPort). We stop the spooler service and then start it too to refresh the list of ports.
Then we create the printer by running this command from within installer.
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Our Printer Name" /f "Path of the inf file" /r "OurPort" /m "Printer driver name" /Z
Once all this is done, we try printing any document to this printer we created and it does print in our application. But this happens only when the logged on user is either admin or a power user.
When we try to login with a local user, and he tries to print a document to our application via our printer, it fails. We can see the document in the printing queue but it shows error-printing.

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Copying User Profile Access Denied

Jul 20, 2007

I've been having trouble with all user on my computer being able to use flash player. It only works on my user account. Im' running XP media SP2 and all updates. Researched allot and came up with a user profile issue. I wanted to copy my user profile to a new account and allow everyone permission. Set up a new user account named it local user. Tried to copy my profile and allow everyone permission, but I get "Failed to set up security on the destination profile, error - access denied"
I followed all steps I can find on microsoft knowledge base.

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Copying Data From User Profile Access Denied

Feb 17, 2009

a freind of mine has asked me to take a look ather broken laptop. It will boot up to windows but there is no Windows bar at the bottom and it totally screwed as you cannot access anything at all. I decided to take out the hard drive and insert it into a External Caddy with the intention of getting the data off and re-installing windows xp. when i noticed that when attached to my machine came up with lots of virus error? i have managed to get to her profile and i can see the contents of the profile but cannot copy or open due to "Access Denined"

My thoughts were that it is an Ownership issue i have changed the owner of that folder ticked the box to aplly with the subfolders but still cannot get access to the files? also i can only get a security tab (In properties)with her profile folder and not any subfolders within? repeated this process many times taking care not to get anything wrong with taking ownership. however, i cannot see this being any other issue than an ownership issue?

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Main User Account On Secondary Drive / Can't Access It

Sep 17, 2006

I took out a driver from a computer and installed it as a slave on a new one and tried to copy everything on it but it won't let me access the one main user folder--its say I don't have access rights, but I am logged on as an Administrator. How do I change that?

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Devices: Restrict CD-ROM Access To Locally Logged-on User Only

Mar 7, 2006

I contacted Nero about the lightscribe icon not showing up in Nero Ultra 7 and these are the directions they sent me....where do you find local securitypolicy in Windows XP home edition??? How can I find the "Devices: Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only". they have listed? Double-click on the entry "Devices: Restrict CD-ROM access to locally logged-on user only". Choose the option "Disabled". Confirm this change by clicking on "Apply and "OK".

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Unable To Access User Accounts - Reboot System

Nov 16, 2006

I have 2 accounts set up on my desktop. I want to go back and try to adjust some things on the accounts. However, when I do Control Panel-->User Accounts. The window that pops up is blank. I rebooted into Safe Mode and I still can't access it through there.

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Creating Limited User Accounts / Restrict To Access Downloading?

Jan 3, 2005

After my old lodger totally corrupted by pc with adult downloads and viruses, I have had to get it rebuilt. I now have a new lodger moving in, and she needs the pc for studying. I have set her a limited account up, but how do I restrict her from a) downloading and b) accessing my folders.I have tried the share /unshare, but when I log on her as her, I can still view my own folders. If I right click on one of my folders, and then go to properties/sharing, it does say 'to share this folder with other users on the computer' drag to shared documents - I have not done this, so thoughtit would not be shared. Where it says' To make this folder and its subfolders private so that only you can access, select the follwing box' - That box is greyed out, so I cannot do anything!

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Created Administrator And Limited User A/cs / Wont Access Programs?

Nov 5, 2007

I didn't establish User a/cs when I first set up my PC. I have since done so but now I can't access some progs because they are for Admin. I have tried starting in Safe Mode pressing F8 but I get an error mssge - Keyboard error. This means that when I do get into Safe Mode I can't do anything to change the settings.

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