Main User Account On Secondary Drive / Can't Access It

Sep 17, 2006

I took out a driver from a computer and installed it as a slave on a new one and tried to copy everything on it but it won't let me access the one main user folder--its say I don't have access rights, but I am logged on as an Administrator. How do I change that?

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How Do Copy Documents From My Main User Account To My Second Account

Feb 10, 2009

How do I copy documents from my main user account to my second user account on my home computer?

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Main Account Gone And Administrator Account Useless

Sep 2, 2005

My main user account has disappeared from the welcome screen. I know all about pressing Ctr+Alt+Del twice and typing in your account and if that doesn't work, to use the "Administrator" account to enable your main account. The problem is that my administrator account doesnt even seem to have any administrator privelages... its just as useless as the guest account, or so it seems.I don't know what to think. If i go to computer management and check out the users i see: Administrator, Guest, and some other SUPPORT_388... but not my main account. IF i go to documents and settings, i see all the accounts, including administrator and guest and my main account. So what's happening?

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User Access To Other Account

Apr 19, 2005

I am new to window xp.I heard that you can create several user in Win xp.What I want to know is just the folders can be personalized or the application also?For example if user A use certain application, user B can't access that application.Can that be done in Win Xp?

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Restricting Access Of The Limited User Account?

Aug 20, 2008

I have a desktop running win xp pro.My 5 yr old son logs on using a user account made for him, which i have configured as a Limited User Account.But he still wreaks havoc on the computer, deleting files, changing many program features.I want to limit his powers on the computer. I just want him to play his games and visit few websites of my choice . I want to restrict his access for all other features of the computer. I dont want him to explore the computer by using my computer. I want only the documents in his My Documents to be accessible to him. I also dont want him to access the start menu.

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Setup Account - User Cannot Able To Access Internet Using IE 6

Oct 4, 2007

I have XP Home Ed sp-2. I'm able to setup several limited accounts on this machine. My question is how to setup an account that the user can not be able to access to internet using IE 6. This user is able to logon the computer himself. I only understand that with Comcast High Speed Internet, since a user logon computer he can go straigth to internet.

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User Account Reset - Limited Access

Sep 15, 2009

my girlfriends daughter deleted all the user accounts out her laptop (a compaq evo n800c running windows xp professional with service pack 3) except for one account that she changed to a limited access account so now you can only log onto that account and can make no changes to the computer its programs or create new user accounts.

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GPO - Internet Access Restriction For Certain User Account

Jul 17, 2008

I'm trying to use Group Policy to restrict the internet access for a certain user account. I have an OU set up with that user account in that OU. I want the user to only be able to access the websites that I approve.

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Changed User Name On Admin Account Now Can't Access

Jun 18, 2005

I changed the user name on the administrator account and now all of my email and all other docs and data are gone. I can't seem to figure out how to fix.

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Allowing Limited User Account To Access Date & Time?

Jul 27, 2005

How do I allow a Limmited User Account to be able to access the date and time on the computer.

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Home User Account Mess - Protect From User Account

Aug 8, 2006

I wanted to protect my documents on my laptop with a password, and I used ''the easy way'' of protecting it from within my XP user account (I used the built in documents password protection, found in the account mangement menu in the control panel). everything was fine until I've restarted the computer. I got (and still getting) the following message: ''The system could not log you on.

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Try Secondary Computer To Contact First / Access Denied Window

Nov 5, 2006

I had an IP address conflict and that is resolved now that I added a router (Linksys WRT54G). I am trying to reconnect my old hardwired network (which consists of only two computers) using the router (the wireless is for the future system). I can do everything on the main computer -connect to internet, and ping the other computer. I can also ping the main one from the second one once all the firewalls are down.I ran the Windows XP network wizard, saved the "disc", ran it on the other computer. The problem is when I try the secondary computer to contact the first (which has shared files and the internet connection) I get an access denied window. Both have the same Group name. The second computer has all the shared folders listed from the main computer but maybe that is from the original pre-router setup.

No matter how many times I run the wizard I do not see the other (2nd) computer listed on the "my network places" on the main computer. All I see is the the router and an MSN link (if I click on the router it sends me to the router setting on Linksys) How can I fix this and add the second computer? Thanks - hopefully you'll get back to me before I pull all of my hair out!Also, I tried the "add a network place wizard". The drop down menu lists the folder I want to add "\LOUISSharedDocs". When I tried that, or the IP address of the computer it says "folders not valid". I double checked on the second computer the names as above and that is how they are.

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Network - No One Can Browse Either Laptop's Main User's My Documents

Aug 16, 2005

I'm administering a heterogeneous TCP/IP-based network with Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP (2 computers), Linux, and SGI's IRIX. I have a problem with one of the Windows XP computers. lets call it Laptop.Laptop can see all of the other computers that put out Windows-accessible shares and can browse any folder that shows up in its own Network Neighborhood.

Everybody can see Laptop in Network Neighborhood

Everybody can see the shares on Laptop -- and everybody sees the same list of shares

Everybody can browse Laptop's C-drive and E-Drive.

No one can browse either Laptop's main user's My Documents or the general Shared Documents folders.

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Editing Registry On Secondary Hard Drive - Drive Hooked Up

Jan 19, 2008

i screwed up my registry, and of all things it was the keyboard driver or something, so theres no hope of fixing it on my computer. ive got the drive hooked up as the slave on a different computer, but i cant figure out how to edit the registry on my drive rather than the primary drive. is there any editors that will open it from a file? any way of decompiling it? theres got to be some way to edit it. also, they are both xp.

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User Account Missing / Getting Back Files In Admin Account?

May 13, 2005

One of my user account for window xp proffesional is missing.Orginally i had one user account and then i decided to make another one.When I was making the second one I had to choose adminstrative powers because it said that I didn't had any other accounts with adminstrative powers. Then after i restarted my original account was missing and I was like wtf! My files are all gone now.The original account name was Administrator. I still have the files for it in my C:Documents and Settings Administrator So how do I get it back?

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Two Satellite Boxes Access Main System At Same Time

Jan 10, 2008

In a 3 box network,is it possible for the 2 satellite boxes to access the main cpu at the same time? Even if the 2 satellites are to run different programs? I know that individual programs give full PROGRAM access simultaneously to 2 satellites on 1 main cpu.

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Admin Account Treated As Limited User Account

Mar 21, 2009

Windows XP Home SP2 in a Gateway Performer 1300 P4 I recently purchased a used computer locally from a private party. It seemed to work fine. Once I got it home, however, I discovered that when I tried to install the drivers for my wireless adapter, the InstallShield Wizard would come up and extract the files from the CD and then go away and nothing would happen. When I went to the Windows update site, it would not down load the activeX control to check my computer for needed updates. It did the same thing. It would show that it downloaded the file and then nothing would happen. I talked to a local computer shop and they said they have had a lot of trouble with "broken" Windows Installers lately. So I went to the Microsoft site and downloaded the updated Windows Installer (as they suggested) and this did not change anything.

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Renaming Primary User Account - Renamed The Account

Feb 17, 2007

I've gotten myself in somewhat of a pickle. I have a system that I had built for my husband. I later built a new box for him and decided to sell the previous one. A friend wanted to buy it so I purchased a copy of Windows XP so they'd have their own license, but instead of rebuilding the box, I wiped all the pertinent programs and info they didn't have licenses for and changed the license number to theirs. The problem is, I want to change the user account name under c:documents and settings to reflect the new name.I have created a new ADMIN account, logged in as this account and renamed the account "mitch" to "don". All this does is creates a new user "don" and moves the "my documents" (I have downloaded numerous pdf files that I've created instructing him on how to update antivirus, antispyware and general info on computer use, security, etc. and placed it in the My Documents folder) from "mitch" to don".

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Editing Secondary Hard Drive's Registry

Apr 27, 2004

I am unable to successfully boot up Win2K on my one hard drive because Symantec Ghost is failing to load. Specifically, the error message reads that the Logon User Interface Failed: File c:/Program Files/Symantec/Norton/Ghost/ginastub.dll has failed to load. There is no other option but to restart and it just comes back to this message. All support I have found about this message points to deleting the ginastub.dll Registry key. However, I can't not get to that hard drive's registry because (1) windows does not load, (2) since windows does not completely load, I can not edit the registry through the network. So, I am left with adding the HD as a slave to another computer and editing the Registry that way. Does anyone know how that can be done, editing a secondary hard drive's Registry?

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Accessing Files From Secondary Hard Drive.

Mar 5, 2008

I am using Windows XP and have two hard drives. Until recently I had Windows installed on one hard drive and all my important files (photos, business files, videos, etc) were also on this drive. My other hard drive was completely empty. Suddenly I started encountering problems with Windows and while I was using Windows it would completely freeze. I would pull the plug on the computer and start it again and then it would be fine - for a few hours - and then it would freeze again. The problem started happening more often and more quickly after rebooting and interestingly I noticed over the course of a few days that the problem seemed to be worse whenever my heater was turned on. I left the heater turned off and didn't encounter a problem again for a couple of days, but then it started happening again and more often even while the heater was turned off. I figured because there seemed to be a correlation with the heater being on and the computer's performance that the fans or the power supply inside the computer were over-clogged with dust. I opened up the computer and thoroughly cleaned out all the dust I was able to and made sure all the fans were dust-free. It didn't help. The computer's condition continued to deteriorate and occasionally when I attempted to re-boot the computer it would completely freeze before getting to the Windows boot screen or it would display the following message.

Windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem. Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware. Please check the Windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information. Over the next couple of days the computer wouldn't get to the Windows loading screen at all and it would only boot to the point of displaying the aforementioned message.I took my computer to my friend's house to see if he could fix it. He said that some of the boot.ini files in my version of Windows were damaged or I had accidentally deleted them somehow. Because I was completely unable to load Windows there was no way to do a System Restore so he came up with an alternative plan. He decided to load a new Windows XP onto my other hard drive and use that drive as my master. He said even though Windows was loaded onto the first drive, I would be able to access the files from it with the new Windows in Windows Explorer. So he did it but then we encountered a new problem. The new Windows works fine but for some reason I am unable to access the files from the other hard drive. I think this is because my original Windows had a password on it. When I used to load Windows you had to type a password to login as me and access my files. Otherwise you could only be a guest. But now when I try to access these files an Error message comes up saying these files cannot be accessed. It doesn't even give me the option to type a password.So basically what I want to know is this: Am I able to recover these files from my original hard drive. I really need them for my business and I have five years of family photos on there that are of high sentimental value to me.

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Change My Account To A Limited User Account!

Dec 23, 2007

I am using Windows XP Media Center Edition and I would like to use my current account as a Limited user account.

I realise that I will need at least one administrator account on my PC -- so I go into user accounts, create a new administrator account, then I try to change my current account to a limited account, but it will not let me.....

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Secondary SATA Drive Preventing System Start Up

Jul 17, 2010

I'm using a new WD 250GB SATA drive model WD2500AAJS taken out of a new and unused DTVPAL DVR recorder unit by Direct TV as a secondary drive in my Hp Pavillion a100y desktop. Whenever I hook it up, the drive causes the error message Primary Slave Hard Disk Error, Press F1 to enter setup, but then goes to a black screen that just says WAIT, and freezes there. I have an older 500GB WD that works fine hooked up there. The WD tech told me to jump pins 7 and 8 to slow down the speed of the drive to make it compatible with the older computer, but no difference. Is there something done to drives like this one which make them unusable in a PC?

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How To Set Password NEVER EXPIRES To An User Account Trough NET USER Cmd

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to configute using Command Line (CMD) some local account configuration.

It must be configured by any standart windows command tools.

I need to configure the "Passworw Never Expires" option using the command line.

I had success by setting other options as "Account is disabled" and "User cannot change password". But this option is really making me sad.

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User Account Type And Group Or User Privilege

Aug 4, 2007

what i want to accomplish is to set an user account type automatically after creating one. as you may know, when you create an user account the system ask you what account type to apply for that new user. the default choice are: Administrator and Limited. i want to create an account that is not too limited but neighter with same privilege as an administrator. i went to the Local Users and Groups at the Microsoft Management Console (now on MMC) and assigned a different Group to each users i desired. task accomplished. but...

the problem is that i don't know how many user the computer will have. the owner of the computer are primitive human that don't know how to configure the system. i neighter want any of them to have administrative right because they have internet access and they still on the experiment process. meaning that they're propense to click 'YES' to any message even if those are viruses (most of them don't read english). the solution i thought was to assign only one user the administrative right so they can install and uninstall software and perform other administrative task as creating more user accounts. there is anyway that after creating an user account the system automatically assign the user a specific Groups? for example the built-in object Power User. or among the choice on user account tool add an new item or modify the existing items. or if there is anyway to modify the privilege and right for an built-in object Group. the Limited account pertain to the User Group, so instead of automatically assign other group, the new account inherit the privilage/right/limitation from the default group.

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Lost User Data After Deleting User Account

Aug 31, 2005

Does anyone know the extension that windows uses when it saves a backup of user data when a user account is deleted in XP?

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Change Main Drive

Oct 5, 2007

I just formatted my PC, I installed windows xp pro again but it installed everything on my small drive h: drive which only has 4gig on it, is there a way to change everything back to my c: that has 107gig on it? I installed a couple of programs and its already full.

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Main Drive Letter

Aug 18, 2009

I am having an issue with changing the main drive letter on my mother's computer. I made a pretty amateur mistake when I was re-installing Windows XP for her and left my external hard drive connected from taking her files off of her old hard drive so the installing found "H:" being the most appropriate drive letter and now a few badly written programs she has tried to install automatically fail because they are set to look for drive "C:".I know my only option is to re-install yet again to get a fresh start, but I was hoping there was another possibility (albeit might be harder) to set the drive letter right. Typically I went to "manage" and "drives and storage" and attempted to change the letter, but Windows will not allow me to change the drive letter of the main volume. If anyone has any suggestion, please throw them out there-I may have made an newbie mistake, but I know my way around pretty well.

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Changing Main Boot Drive

Jul 8, 2008

I have a hard drive that comes with my PC and that has a corrupted Windows, but the boot.ini still works fine. So I got a new hard drive and installed a new fresh copy of Windows XP on it. So now I want to format the old hard drive and use the new hard drive as the boot drive. However, if I removed the old hard drive, the new hard drive doesn't boot at all. I've tried using the FIXMBR, FIXBOOT, and BOOTCFG /REBUILD commands, but I think I did it wrong.

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Don't Have A Set Of XP Disks / Cloning Main Drive

Jul 19, 2009

My main HD is about to give up. It's making strange noises whenever I start up or have a file on that drive open.Could I buy a new HD and install it as a slave drive. Then clone my main drive to the slave drive and then get rid of the old main drive and put the clone in as my new main drive? Without a lot of f***ing about?The reason I ask about doing it this way is that I don't have a set of XP disks, I just have the recovery disk that came with computers 8-10 years ago. It's pre sp1 and I've used it three or four times already and I'm sure it will be more hassle than I need to re install from it.I'm running XP sp2. When I had this comp put together they had to do a raid controller, I don't really know what that is. Something to do with the fact that the main drive is IDE only and my current second drive is IDE or Sata but is in place as an IDE drive.

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Can't Log Into User Account -- Logs Into New Account

Jul 23, 2005

When I try to log into my user account in WinXP (I'm an administrator), it logs me into a newly created account (I didn't
create it, the computer did).

For example, my user account name is JandJ, and my computer's name is LOVEMACHINE.

When I attempt to log into JandJ (as usual), I get logged into JandJ.LOVEMACHINE instead....

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User Account Delete One Of These Account

Dec 23, 2006

Just wondering if anyone out there can help me. I currently have two user accounts set up on my computer, if i was to delete one of these what would happen to the information that is saved in that user account and not in the other?

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