Two Satellite Boxes Access Main System At Same Time

Jan 10, 2008

In a 3 box network,is it possible for the 2 satellite boxes to access the main cpu at the same time? Even if the 2 satellites are to run different programs? I know that individual programs give full PROGRAM access simultaneously to 2 satellites on 1 main cpu.

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Main User Account On Secondary Drive / Can't Access It

Sep 17, 2006

I took out a driver from a computer and installed it as a slave on a new one and tried to copy everything on it but it won't let me access the one main user folder--its say I don't have access rights, but I am logged on as an Administrator. How do I change that?

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Msconfig And System Boxes Can't Open

Dec 27, 2007

I should say the open for a split second and then disappear. so i click on run and type in msconfig and appear/disappear. same thing when i go to control panel and click system

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Cannot Read Main HDD After System Crash

Jul 18, 2008

I have encountered rather a frustrating problem and am quite desperate for any help. Apologies for the long post, but I wanted to make sure to include all the relevant steps of how I reached the point I'm at now.Yesterday, running Windows XP Home Edition SP2, I tried out Google's new "Lively" program (3D interactive chat; mostly integrated into a web browser--Firefox in my case) for the first time. Later on in the day, just before bed, I decided I should defragment the C hard drive, as I had not done so in quite some time.I started the defragmenter while I was still tinkering with Lively, which was probably a bad choice, and perhaps very silly of me. A few moments after starting the defragmentation process, I clicked an option in Lively (to alter my avatar I think) and the system hung; both the mouse and keyboard no longer got any response from the computer.I waited for a little while, then I was able to move the mouse pointer again. I clicked in my browser window a couple of times to test responsiveness, but the system froze once more. After several minutes I gave up on waiting and went to bed, leaving the system to hopefully sort itself out.

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Change Operating System On Toshiba Satellite A135-S4407

Oct 17, 2009

Toshiba Satellite A135-S4407 and hate the Visat OS. Has anyone here removed the Vista and installed XP SP2/3?I have legal OS disks for both. I am worried about the drivers for hardware devices. I am going to perform a total backup on a external HD before anything else.

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System Shut Down Time To Time - Crashes

Feb 12, 2006

i do scans quite a bit and delete alot of things everytime. there is the msn spyware thing that keeps coming back after i delete that, as well as many other things i dont even know about. some of my devices just shut them selves down from time to time (mouse, scanner/printer, and otherthings i cant remember but the key board is fine) and after a few seconds turn back on. and the whole thing just crashes sometimes. i did that scan thing but im not sure if i did it right.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 10:57:17 AM, on 13/02/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Blocking Internet Access After A Specified Time?

Dec 29, 2007

i just want to know if there is some way i can curb the kid's use on the pc and xbox. some software maybe? i just want to block the internet access after a certain time. the reason being is that as they are older i some times go to bed before they do and therefore have no way of monitoring the access.

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Allowing Limited User Account To Access Date & Time?

Jul 27, 2005

How do I allow a Limmited User Account to be able to access the date and time on the computer.

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Green Boxes Won't Go Away

Jan 20, 2006

Windows XP Professional supposed to be a new generation right?? Microsoft (R) DOESN'T GET THE PICTURE, **WE WANT CALAITY** [THAT'S WHY THEY ARE MAKING Windows Vista (TM) ].I should know how to fix this problem but I'M VERY SICK AND CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!In the desktop properties [deskop Right Click>Properties>Desktop] you can change the color that the TEXT is on for you icons, why can't you specify "NONE".My Desktop Icons look like this currently.

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How To Get Rid Boxes And Restore The Graphics

Jan 16, 2007

I have just switched from dialup to high speed cable and am now using Microsoft Internet Explorer to browse. Many sites which I previously viewed without a problem on AOL now contain one or more small squares with a red "x" instead of the usual picture or graphic. How can I get rid of the boxes and restore the graphics?

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Starting The Satellite TV On MCE 2005?

Aug 11, 2006

I have DirecTV and want to watch TV on my computer. I am looking for TV Tuners and they all say that it is "125-channel cable ready tuner". Does that make a difference if I can watch satellite TV through it or not? I haven't found one that says anything different.

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Toshiba Satellite DVD-RAM Driver

Feb 27, 2008

I was trying to install Vista in my laptop and it did not work for no reason, now the DVD-Ram driver dooes not work and I can not use my cd/dvd unit at all, does read nothing. I got a external unit and it does not recognized either. Of course I can not run winxp again, because the cd unit does nor work. Any suggestion is a Toshiba Satellite P105-S6084.

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Pc Slowing Down After Getting Satellite Internet

Jun 17, 2006

When I had satellite internet installed my pc started slowing down. The internet speed is faster but opening programs, files, etc is slow. The start menu is slow about opening things in there too. Any idea what is going on or how to solve it? The installer said it may be a shared resource problem. I have winxp and everything that is required for the satellite internet.

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IE 8 Display Too Small Text Boxes

Mar 25, 2009

When i installed IE8, i display too small search and form boxes, check the screenshoot, i try to fix with accessibility option but it is not working.

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Fonts In Many Programs Appearing Like Boxes?

Dec 22, 2007

I am currently having a lot of difficulties figuring out what went wrong with the fonts of task boxes of on my WINodws XP. The fonts in tasks boxes, messenge boxes, BWlauncher, and even the words on the installation of FIrefox appear to me like blocks. I don't know how do change them back.

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Getting Default List Of The Dialogue Boxes Of OS?

Apr 26, 2007

Does anyone here know where can I get a list of all of Windows XP dialogue boxes? Recently, when I was Turning Off my computer, there was a very interesting dialogue box that appeared on my desktop, however, I don't remember exactly what it said, but if I could go through a list of Windows dialogue boxes (hopeful ly an alphabetical list), I would be able to find it.

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Random Boxes For Internet Connections

Aug 15, 2007

I get the following whenever my computer opens a connection with the internet.Picture 1, Picture 2.Sorry for the bad cutouts, I was in a rush.

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Identity - Get Back To Main

Feb 25, 2006

I have XP pro and have been trying to change the name of the name in Outlook Express from MAIN IDENTITY to Len and I have ended up with 2 names and Main ID and Len will not delete and if I ask it to start in Main ID I get this message, THE CURRENT IDENTITY COULD NOT BE CHANGED BECAUSE ONE OF THE APPLICATIONS WAS UNABLE TO SWITCH. CLOSE ANY DIALOGUE BOXES IN OTHER APPLICATIONS BEFORE TRYING AGAIN. I have nothing else open how to get back to main and get rid of Len.

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Change Main Drive

Oct 5, 2007

I just formatted my PC, I installed windows xp pro again but it installed everything on my small drive h: drive which only has 4gig on it, is there a way to change everything back to my c: that has 107gig on it? I installed a couple of programs and its already full.

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Main Drive Letter

Aug 18, 2009

I am having an issue with changing the main drive letter on my mother's computer. I made a pretty amateur mistake when I was re-installing Windows XP for her and left my external hard drive connected from taking her files off of her old hard drive so the installing found "H:" being the most appropriate drive letter and now a few badly written programs she has tried to install automatically fail because they are set to look for drive "C:".I know my only option is to re-install yet again to get a fresh start, but I was hoping there was another possibility (albeit might be harder) to set the drive letter right. Typically I went to "manage" and "drives and storage" and attempted to change the letter, but Windows will not allow me to change the drive letter of the main volume. If anyone has any suggestion, please throw them out there-I may have made an newbie mistake, but I know my way around pretty well.

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Change Main Computer Name

Feb 1, 2005

how do you change the name of the computer (not the user account names) the main one when you're installing windows

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System Restore Wont Work: System Reboots Every Time?

Jun 8, 2006

I am trying to use the system restore function on windows XP, but every time i select a restore point and the system reboots, it says that the restoration was incomplete and "no changes have been made." I have tried multiple restore points. suggested that i verify that the task manager, WMI, and system restore services were running, and they are. I also tried disabling my antivirus program, but the same thing happens.

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Toshiba Satellite Won't Go In To Standby Mode

Oct 28, 2007

The Toshiba Power Saver is set for the screen and HDD to shut off after 30 minutes of no activity. The screen saver is set to go after 10 minutes but after 30 minutes the screen saver stops and the normal screen comes up. I tried setting to a different power setting by right clicking the desktop and going to properties and setting it to "Portable/Laptop" but it did the same thing. Is there a way to fix this? My OS is XP Media Center and my Toshiba Satellite is a A100/A105 series.

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Sound Driver Toshiba Satellite M70

Oct 31, 2007

I have a Toshiba laptop model- Satellite M70 and i could not able to find a sound driver for it.

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Toshiba L500d-16k TV Satellite Driver

Apr 13, 2010

I buy one laptop , but no drivers!What can I do?

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Toshiba Satellite Notebook Driver

Nov 29, 2007

Toshiba satellite notebook that has something wrong with the driver. When i go to burn a dvd now or even a cd it tells me to attach an external drive, or the area where you choose which location to burn to is greyed out. I can't seem to look up the model number on the Toshiba website, the number on my receipt is A70wb200e, while the number i brought up using the system itself is mfwt020acp08.

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Missing Text On Buttons Dialogged Boxes

Nov 12, 2008

I have just received my Acer Aspire 1690 Laptop back from Acer after repairs (was freezing all the time - they replaced optical drive, hard drive and main board).I am re-installing all my software but every now and then when a dialogue bx appears with a choice of buttons to click on there is no text so I don't know what buttons do what.It doesn't happen every time but seems to happen when the dialogue boxes and buttons are not the standard windows type but ones made by the software (ie. they may be bigger than usual) - if that makes sense?

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Remove Dark Purple Boxes From Behind Icons

Sep 7, 2007

I would like to know how to remove the dark purple boxes from behind my icon names (text under icons is white in dark purple box) on desktop. They don't look right with my background choice. I'd like white text on my background only.

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Remove Black Arrows In White Boxes

Oct 12, 2009

I would like to know how to get rid of those annoying black arrows in the white boxes that are stuck on my nice icons in Win XP.

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Changing Main Boot Drive

Jul 8, 2008

I have a hard drive that comes with my PC and that has a corrupted Windows, but the boot.ini still works fine. So I got a new hard drive and installed a new fresh copy of Windows XP on it. So now I want to format the old hard drive and use the new hard drive as the boot drive. However, if I removed the old hard drive, the new hard drive doesn't boot at all. I've tried using the FIXMBR, FIXBOOT, and BOOTCFG /REBUILD commands, but I think I did it wrong.

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Don't Have A Set Of XP Disks / Cloning Main Drive

Jul 19, 2009

My main HD is about to give up. It's making strange noises whenever I start up or have a file on that drive open.Could I buy a new HD and install it as a slave drive. Then clone my main drive to the slave drive and then get rid of the old main drive and put the clone in as my new main drive? Without a lot of f***ing about?The reason I ask about doing it this way is that I don't have a set of XP disks, I just have the recovery disk that came with computers 8-10 years ago. It's pre sp1 and I've used it three or four times already and I'm sure it will be more hassle than I need to re install from it.I'm running XP sp2. When I had this comp put together they had to do a raid controller, I don't really know what that is. Something to do with the fact that the main drive is IDE only and my current second drive is IDE or Sata but is in place as an IDE drive.

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