I have just switched from dialup to high speed cable and am now using Microsoft Internet Explorer to browse. Many sites which I previously viewed without a problem on AOL now contain one or more small squares with a red "x" instead of the usual picture or graphic. How can I get rid of the boxes and restore the graphics?
I am finding that many of the dialog boxes, which used to be normal, now display truncated. That is, portions of them, including various command buttons do not display, or only parts of the command buttons display. I'm sure I changed a setting somewhere to cause this, but I can't figure out what setting(s) will restore them to normal.
my graphics card is old and slow and i was lookin to but a new one What would u reccomend in the 100$ price range that is fast I have a 2002 windows xp P4 processor 1.50 Ghz and 256 MB of ram, 40.0 Gb, Nvidia TnT2 graphics card
Windows XP Professional supposed to be a new generation right?? Microsoft (R) DOESN'T GET THE PICTURE, **WE WANT CALAITY** [THAT'S WHY THEY ARE MAKING Windows Vista (TM) ].I should know how to fix this problem but I'M VERY SICK AND CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!In the desktop properties [deskop Right Click>Properties>Desktop] you can change the color that the TEXT is on for you icons, why can't you specify "NONE".My Desktop Icons look like this currently.
I should say the open for a split second and then disappear. so i click on run and type in msconfig and appear/disappear. same thing when i go to control panel and click system
I am currently having a lot of difficulties figuring out what went wrong with the fonts of task boxes of on my WINodws XP. The fonts in tasks boxes, messenge boxes, BWlauncher, and even the words on the installation of FIrefox appear to me like blocks. I don't know how do change them back.
Does anyone here know where can I get a list of all of Windows XP dialogue boxes? Recently, when I was Turning Off my computer, there was a very interesting dialogue box that appeared on my desktop, however, I don't remember exactly what it said, but if I could go through a list of Windows dialogue boxes (hopeful ly an alphabetical list), I would be able to find it.
I have just received my Acer Aspire 1690 Laptop back from Acer after repairs (was freezing all the time - they replaced optical drive, hard drive and main board).I am re-installing all my software but every now and then when a dialogue bx appears with a choice of buttons to click on there is no text so I don't know what buttons do what.It doesn't happen every time but seems to happen when the dialogue boxes and buttons are not the standard windows type but ones made by the software (ie. they may be bigger than usual) - if that makes sense?
I would like to know how to remove the dark purple boxes from behind my icon names (text under icons is white in dark purple box) on desktop. They don't look right with my background choice. I'd like white text on my background only.
I'm running an AD site with XP clients, I locked the screen on one of my machines using ctrl-alt-del > Lock Computer. On my return, the username and password boxes were greyed out.
I could still click the dropdown to choose between domains but couldnt enter a username and password so had to hard reboot the machine
Our offices have many Lenovo computers, 2004 vintage, no model name shown anywhere. The original driver disc is long lost, but for all but one of these, Windows XP finds built-in drivers that just work. Here is my chronology for the Bad Box that doesn't just work, there's really no alternative except to put the files that the box wants on the drive. To do this, I put the blank drive in one of the other Lenovo boxes (identical hardware in every way) and used XXClone to make a bootable clone of that other drive, put it back in my Lenovo and it booted fine, video looked great. I noticed that this system had never been updated and was running the original flavor of XP (confirmed in the properties of "My Computer"), so I downloaded Service Pack 2 and installed it.
To get to XP Pro's Performance Options window I use: I use Control Panel > Systems > Advanced > Performance Options. There I find there is no yellow tooltip popup help information when I click the question mark in the top right of the window (next to the big red X) and then click one of the entries such as "fade out menu items after clicking". Is this true for all XP systems? Or is mine missing? BTW if I click the advanced to on the same window and then click the question mark and then an item such as "system cache", I *do* get the yellow popup tooltip info box.
In a 3 box network,is it possible for the 2 satellite boxes to access the main cpu at the same time? Even if the 2 satellites are to run different programs? I know that individual programs give full PROGRAM access simultaneously to 2 satellites on 1 main cpu.
whenever I start my laptop two windows search boxes open. This is irritating and it may be linked to the (more irritating) fact that in the right-click dropdown shortcut menu thing, the top option is 'search' instead of explore or open, so double clicking opens a search box, but I don't know. How do I change all that? I'd be really grateful for any pointers.
My computer seems to be really slow when i open and close boxes - they overlap or i get the message 'This programme is not responding' what does this mean and what can i do?
For over 6 months now I've been having a problem with my non-expandable windows message boxes shrinking, to the point text is cut off on the right and bottom, and some of the information is pressed together, and is unreadable. My display settings are all normal, and I almost had it fixed in December, when I ran scanfix, but after a couple of weeks, the boxes shrunk again. Microsoft won't help unless I pay, and most of the other forums I've tried either don't answer, or suggest changing the display settings. It Isn't The Display Settings! Currently, I have XP(home)SP2, on a Dell Dimension 4600, with a Dell 1800FP monitor. This is really getting frustrating. I just want to be able to read the info in the boxes again. I have also taken some screenshots to show what is going on,
When on any website, I can no longer use the remember name and password feature, nor do some things on webpages appear like they used to. I can't remember what they are called, but to explain, you can see by going to www.greenhills.net on this site, there should be pictures with links to a car dealership, and various other things. The only thing I see on my computer at home is the picture of the company, and the few nderlined links at the bottom of the page and the google search. Nothing to the left or right of the picture. It doesn't matter if I'm using IE or Firefox.I've been through the tools and security all javascripting boxes are checked.
I'd like to permanently set my open and save file dialogue boxes to display thumbnails instead of the usual list display but can't find any way to do this (the folder options setting doesn't appear to affect this aspect of windows XP).
I'm using Windows XP, service Pack 2. while on the intertent I am unable to view some types of graphics. For example in forums when pictures are attached to postings, I cannot view them. Instead of the picuture there is a blank box with a ed "X" . I can view graphics included in my internet home page and most news clippings and websites.
Man this is so sweet, I couldn't play any games before and it made me sad, so I searched and found a perfect graphics card for me! Went to best buy and bought it! But I have a question, this is sweet and all but I was wandering in the OLD version when my graphics card sucked, my CPU & CPU Speed were GREAT.Now.. it's good but not GREAT, anyway to fix this up?
I love to play guild wars.I usually play it on this computer and it runs great. Now lately the game has been going much slower than usual.It is lagging on my computer and not anyone else's.Can anyone tell me what i can do to increase my speed?I have DSL so it shouldn't be too bad.And it just recently started happening so i don't think that it's my graphics card or my RAM which is 1 GB.Dell Optiplex computer.
Often times (not always) when I open a web page that contains an image, all I get is a rectangle with a big letter X in the middle. No image. Could it be a problem with my IE settings, with Zone Alarm, or other.
I have finally got it through my head that my graphics card I currently have is taking UP my ram on my PC.Im suppose to have 256MB, but on my PC it displays that I have 224. *sighs*I was wandering, what graphics card should I get that will give me back all 256 of my members? I WAS going to get this But they ran out of it... SOOO is there ANY OTHER graphics card that I could get... but like in radioshack, bestbuy, stores like that? Im not looking to spend more.
Will any graphcis card work with every motherboard? Because my graphics card is getting old and i want to get a better one. So are their specific graphics cards you can use for your motherboard or can any work?
I think i have some sort of 'infection' that is affecting my Display Driver and not letting Windows accept the files. The problem started nearly a week back and over 20 reinstallations of 3 different versions of the Intel Extreme Graphics Driver later, it still gives me the same error. There seems to be an issue with ialmrnt5.dll (one of the display driver files).The main error message that i get from Windows goes something like: "Windows has recovered from a serious device failure. Please close all programs and reboot to restore full functionality". Else, i get a message directly pointing out the file saying something like: "the ialmrnt5.dll Display Driver has malfunctioned.
I am reinstalling an old T21 IBM Thinkpad with windows 2000 - sp4. The graphics card is an s3 savage IX/MV (86c294). I am trying to lay my hands on this driver.S3 do not support this card at all any more. Where could I download this driver from?