Setting Program Access And Defaults Locations?

Jul 17, 2005

Where is Set Program access and defults located?I did a system restore 3 times, on one occasion I named the computor ***HP. I noticed this name appearing in the virus scan in "documënts and settings" and deleted it.

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Setting Up Program Access And Defaults To Open?

Jul 21, 2005

I can't get Set Program Access and Defaults to open .There is a shortcut on the startbar but it is hatched. How can I repair it?

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Set Program Access And Defaults & Add/ Remove Option?

Sep 22, 2006

When I click this option in my Start menu on my Dell Dimension 2400 with Windows XP Service Pack 2 I get a Add or Remove Programs window that gives me three choices: Microsoft Windows, Non-Microsoft and Custom. I cannot get the Microsoft Windows option to set because it stays set in the Custom option. When I click on the Microsoft Windows option and then click OK it will automatically go back to the Custom option.I have tried clicking and unclicking the Microsoft Windows options in the Custom tab but it does no good.

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Set Program Access And Defaults Link Does Not Work?

Sep 13, 2005

The link "Set programm access and defaults" on my Start menu does not have a right icon and does not work

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Setting Environment Variable For A Program?

Sep 6, 2007

in my "program files" dir... i have a folder name "putty" in this folder is :putty.exe pscp.exe psftp.exe plink.exe i would like to run these programs from the command line... as thats the only way a few of them will run since they have no gui. anyways.. i know where to set the variable My Compuer > Properties > advanced > environment variables. i named it putty and thought it should be set to something like:c:Program Filesputty i think Im missin something... its not workin out so far.

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Setting Program Open Options

Oct 7, 2006

changing some icons last night and managed to mess up somewhere. When i went to folder options to try and change the icon for drives it somehow reset the setting for opening drives to find. I changed it to open with windows explorer for now so that i can open things but this doesnt help as they all open in new windows. Does anyone know how to reset this action to default? I checked on my other comp and there doesnt appear to normally be a default option it just opens.

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Any Way Of Setting Which Of 2 Screens A Program Will Open Into?

Dec 5, 2008

I use several different programs simultaneously, some of which web-based and open within Internet Explorer. So that I can work more efficiently, I want some programs to open in the first screen and some in the second. Is there a utility that exists that looks at the title of the window being opened, and opens it in the user-defined screen? So, if I want outlook to open in the second screen, the program would see "Microsoft Office Outlook" in the window title, and then send it to the second screen when I open Outlook?

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How To Setting Default Email Program

May 10, 2005

I have a problem with setting OE6 as my default email program in IE after I installed Office 97. Since I really wanted to use OE6, I uninstalled Outlook. Now my OE6 works okay with my dial-up internet access. No problems with sending and receiving emails, but I cannot set it to be the default email handler using the Tool->Options popup window. And I also found that in IE, Tools-> Internet Options popup -> Programs tab, there is no choices for the Email field. This problem has caused me to be unable to click on email addresses of people on the webpages and other problems with 3rd party softwares.

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Setting Access To Programs For Different Users

Jul 31, 2005

Several people use my computer from time to time, and there are some programs for security reasons that I would prefer them not to use.Is there anyway I can block their access to the programs?

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Display Malfunction - Program Load - Setting Changes

Jan 26, 2005

I just replaced a power supply on a Windows XP computer and when it boots up, the os loads just fine, the startup programs begin to load and during this the display settings automatically change from 800x600 32-bit color to 640x480 8-bit color. It has a GeForce 440 MX card and all the drivers and such are working fine. I've tried everything fix it, but am having a less than fun time. Any suggestions would be great.

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My Documents And Setting Error - Access Denied

Apr 1, 2005

My Documents comes up with an error (C:Documents and Settingsuser is not accessible. Access is denied")
I dont see how this can be because i am the administrator and the only account on the PC.

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Error Setting Up Service Pack 2 / Access Is Denied?

Sep 17, 2005

I finally decided to install the service pack 2. During the install I keep getting messages of the form: Service pack 2 could not back up registry key
XXXXX to file c:windows$NtServicePackUninstall$ eg00013: Access is denied. Anyone knows what the problem might be? I located the directory and it does get removed when I cancel the update. I'm running as an administrator.

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Batch File: Setting Output Of Program To A Variable / Correcting Command?

Sep 1, 2009

I have gone through the above thread. I have a specific requirement to count the files in a folder and set it's count value to a variable in the batch script. I will then use this value later in the program. e.g. for /f "delims=" %a in ('dir /a-D /B /s "C:codedepotinstallData File DistribProductName" |find /c /v ""') do Set tempVar=%a I am having trouble with the space in the path. I tried using escape with slash '' but didn't help. Can anyone correct my above command and get the count in the tempVar?

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No More IRP Stack Locations

Mar 17, 2006

A problem has been detected and Windows has shut down to prevent damage NO_MORE_IRP_STACK_LOCATIONS'etc. I spoke with someone who said to reboot and go into Safe Mode and Restore as far back as I can. When I go into Safe Mode to Restore, it tells me that Restoring in Safe Mode has been disabled. So I rebooted again and went into Safe Mode and do have all the icons up etc. My friend asked me if I had installed any new software/ hardware or if I have Zone Alarm.I said the latest hardware installed was a mouse but I have been using it for over 1 month.The only software installed was Java INIT.I have always had two things come up for the past two years, one that says I have new Hardware Device to install, which I always cancel and also a message that says something needs to be written to a CD which I close.I do have Zone Alarm 5.5 and went onto their forum to see if anyone else has issues, and they do not.

I usually work on my business work with Zone Alarm off, as I use a VPN which doesn't work with Zone Alarm on.I've had Zone Alarm for over 3 yrs.Does anyone have any suggestons how I can rectify this issue? I sure would appreciate very simple instructions from the gurus - thanks so much! By the way I'm using my husband's computer and can receive hotmail email.

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Old Dosasauruses - Default Temp Locations

Oct 3, 2005

For all you old "Dosasauruses" out there, here's a challenging batch file I'd like to get off the ground.I would like to delete files in my two default Temp locations always from yesterday on back.Is there a way to invoke "Dir" (inside the batch file) to separate the files as to date and send them to a staging folder where I can use "Del" to remove them?There are always fresh temp files generated each bootup to prevent a del *.* scenario from workingI've only been using XP for a couple of weeks and I found over a thousand garbage temps in both locations. I'd like to work toward the end of keeping that to a minimum; ergo the batch file idea.

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Making Duplicated Document Foldres At Different Locations

Sep 19, 2005

I noticed recently that my computer is duplicating my document folders. For example, I have a folder with mynamemy documents and a duplicate location of my documents containing the same folders. When I delete a file in either location it deletes from both locations.

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Display Properties Background Tab And Custom Locations

Jul 12, 2005

How can I add a custom location to the display properties background tab? All my wallpapers are stored under D:Wallpapers and I want to see them in the background tab.

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System Restore Created Alternate Locations For Exe Files

Oct 13, 2006

I recently used system restore in WinXP and now in all of my program directories there are additional folders named Data with a folders name resources in those. In the resources folder are the exe files for the programs and all shortcuts I have for those programs point to these exe files. So when I use one of those shortcuts two instances of the program opens and slows my computer down.

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Resetting Defaults - Changing That Default Choice?

Mar 1, 2008

I recently got a new computer with XP Pro operating system. The first clip-art CD I ran brought up a box with choices of where and how I wanted to run CD's. I chose "Take no action" and now wish to change that. How do I go about changing that default choice?

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Security Information Screen: Internet Options Back To Defaults?

Dec 5, 2006

I made Internet Options back to the defaults. Now I get the "Security Information" screen which tells me that the page contains both secure and nonsecure items and asks if I want to display the nonsecure items.Does anyone know how I can turn this off??

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Cannot Access The Properties In Program

Nov 15, 2007

i cannot access the properties in programmes when i right click. or in my computer when i right click on the c drive. I cannot access the desktop properties when i right click either. there is no error messages just nothing happens.: eek: i cant seem to get a smilie either by the looks of thingsgelike

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Where To Find Setting For Documents And Setting

Oct 5, 2008

I just finished a complete reinstall of Windows XP. Before the re-installation, I partitioned the hard drive. I want the basic Windows XP system files and drivers on my "C" drive and then I want to accumulate data files (word processing, spreadsheets, photos, music files, etc.) on the new partition which in this case has been labeled the "G" drive. The difficulty I am having is getting getting the "Documents and Settings" to move over to the "G" drive. So that when I want to load photographs from my camera to the computer it goes for C:Documents and SettingsMy NameMy DocumentsMy Pictures. Instead I would like it to go to G:Documents and SettingsMy NameMy DocumentsMy Pictures. Using Windows Explorer I changed the file name of "My Documents" to 'Windows XP old path My Documents" and then I was going to set up a new path to the "G" drive through Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Managment>Disk Management.

However I noticed that when I clicked on Start in the bottom left hand corner and it puts up that little window that "My Documents" which was listed now had the new title 'Windows XP old path My Documents' which I believe means I haven't gotten to the proper place to change the main configuration for Documents and Settings. Long way of saying how do I change the basic configuration for where Document and Settings are stored to a new location.

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C/Program Files - Access Denied?

Mar 10, 2007

For some reason i cannot delete any file or folder within C:Program Files. I get the error message: access denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write protected.I have XP home edition with a 3 partitioned hard drive. C:for Operating system, E:for software install and F: for data. The only software installed on C: partition is Kaspersky Anti-virus.I have booted up in safe mode to delete files but i do not want to do this all the time. I have also tried changing folder permissions and apparently i am logged with admin rights.

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Backup The Program Which Have No Access To Disks

Jun 14, 2007

I want to reformat my PC and I have a question. I have a few programs to which I do not have access to the disks anymore. Is there anyway to backup these programs so I can use them on the fresh install?

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Slow Startup - Access Any Program

Jul 9, 2005

How can I improve the startup speed pf Windows as it takes forever and a day to start and to access any programmes. I have run defragmenter but report tells me defragmenting not required.

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Access Denied: Program Files Is Not Accessible?

Mar 1, 2008

When I try to access program files, install a program, or anything else along those lines, I get a simple message:"C:/Program Files is not Accessible. Access Denied."Nothing more. No error, no details on how to undo this denial of access. I have windows XP, and I can find no way to correct it

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C:Program Files Is Not Accessible / Access Is Denied?

May 30, 2008

When I try to open Program Files, I get an error message saying C:Program Files is not accessible. Access Is Denied. This occurs on 4 out of the 5 user accounts on our computer, and on the 4 it occurs on, most programs are not usable.

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Backup / Restore Program Access Is Denied

Jul 23, 2005

I recently restored a folder from a windows backup that was created by Microsoft Backup program. (Both hardrive and backup drive are NTFS). Once restored I cannot access the folder because it says "Access is Denied". I am the administrator with full access. Moreover after restoring gigabytes I cannot delete it either I have permission to see that files in the restore program.Now after working on it for awhile I noticed that I can restore the folder to its original location, but when I tell it to restore to an alternate location it prevents me from accessing it.So anyone know how I can delete the folder that denies me access?

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Unable To Get Into Program Files: Access Denied?

Jan 11, 2005

I can't get into any off my program files. I am using Windows XP home edition on my HP computer. every time I try to get into any of the files and control panel, I get this message that won't allow me access.Message is as follows: This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Option control panel.

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Unable To Access Specific Program For Guest

Feb 7, 2006

I am the administrator on this pc I have a user called GUEST I do not want the guest to be able to access a specific program I know they cannot get to my documents but if i log on as 'guest' i can open the accounting program and i dont want anyone as GUEST to be able to do that how can i do this? ive read some things about user groups but i dont have an option to add/change groups in the control panel under user accounts.

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Access On Old Hard Disk To Uninstall Program

Apr 10, 2009

I recently replaced my old harddisk to a new harddisk. The old harddisk has windows xp home and other programs installed.I did not format the old harddisk, I only took out the old harddisk and replaced it with a new harddisk. I then installed windows xp home to the new hard disk.While I am installing programs on the new harddisk, I discovered that one of the programs do not allow me to activate the program license because I have previously activated the program on my old windows. I need to do a proper uninstallation to release the license, then I can activate the license of the program in the new hard disk.My question is, can I take out my current new harddisk, replace it with the old harddisk, boot up as normal into the old harddisk windows, uninstall the program inside the old harddisk, then replace the old hardisk with my new harddisk again.

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