Old Dosasauruses - Default Temp Locations

Oct 3, 2005

For all you old "Dosasauruses" out there, here's a challenging batch file I'd like to get off the ground.I would like to delete files in my two default Temp locations always from yesterday on back.Is there a way to invoke "Dir" (inside the batch file) to separate the files as to date and send them to a staging folder where I can use "Del" to remove them?There are always fresh temp files generated each bootup to prevent a del *.* scenario from workingI've only been using XP for a couple of weeks and I found over a thousand garbage temps in both locations. I'd like to work toward the end of keeping that to a minimum; ergo the batch file idea.

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No More IRP Stack Locations

Mar 17, 2006

A problem has been detected and Windows has shut down to prevent damage NO_MORE_IRP_STACK_LOCATIONS'etc. I spoke with someone who said to reboot and go into Safe Mode and Restore as far back as I can. When I go into Safe Mode to Restore, it tells me that Restoring in Safe Mode has been disabled. So I rebooted again and went into Safe Mode and do have all the icons up etc. My friend asked me if I had installed any new software/ hardware or if I have Zone Alarm.I said the latest hardware installed was a mouse but I have been using it for over 1 month.The only software installed was Java INIT.I have always had two things come up for the past two years, one that says I have new Hardware Device to install, which I always cancel and also a message that says something needs to be written to a CD which I close.I do have Zone Alarm 5.5 and went onto their forum to see if anyone else has issues, and they do not.

I usually work on my business work with Zone Alarm off, as I use a VPN which doesn't work with Zone Alarm on.I've had Zone Alarm for over 3 yrs.Does anyone have any suggestons how I can rectify this issue? I sure would appreciate very simple instructions from the gurus - thanks so much! By the way I'm using my husband's computer and can receive hotmail email.

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Making Duplicated Document Foldres At Different Locations

Sep 19, 2005

I noticed recently that my computer is duplicating my document folders. For example, I have a folder with mynamemy documents and a duplicate location of my documents containing the same folders. When I delete a file in either location it deletes from both locations.

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Setting Program Access And Defaults Locations?

Jul 17, 2005

Where is Set Program access and defults located?I did a system restore 3 times, on one occasion I named the computor ***HP. I noticed this name appearing in the virus scan in "documënts and settings" and deleted it.

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Display Properties Background Tab And Custom Locations

Jul 12, 2005

How can I add a custom location to the display properties background tab? All my wallpapers are stored under D:Wallpapers and I want to see them in the background tab.

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System Restore Created Alternate Locations For Exe Files

Oct 13, 2006

I recently used system restore in WinXP and now in all of my program directories there are additional folders named Data with a folders name resources in those. In the resources folder are the exe files for the programs and all shortcuts I have for those programs point to these exe files. So when I use one of those shortcuts two instances of the program opens and slows my computer down.

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Temp Folder / C:WINDOWS Temp File

Nov 26, 2007

can i delete C:WINDOWS temp file

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Temp Files Not In Temp Directory

Oct 6, 2006

Have Windows XP Home Ed (Serv Pack 2)

Have a number of "Temp" directories on the C root directory (Directory names such as: "Adobe Acrobat.temp" - "Console.temp" - "Display.temp" - "DLA Writing.temp" - "McAfee.temp" - "Intel chipset.temp").

Near as I can tell these directories were created when I installed these programs, but not completely sure.

I have learned the hard way that, "Not all temp directories can or should be deleted."

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Temp Files Not In Temp Directory

Aug 9, 2007

Have Windows XP Home Ed (Serv Pack 2)Have a number of "Temp" directories on the C root directory (Directory names such as: "Adobe Acrobat.temp" - "Console.temp" - "Display.temp" - "DLA Writing.temp" - "McAfee.temp" - "Intel chipset.temp").Near as I can tell these directories were created when I installed these programs, but not completely sure.I have learned the hard way that, "Not all temp directories can or should be deleted."Have no problem keeping these directories in the C root directory IF THEY ARE NEEDED. Otherwise want to keep HD clean, lean, mean

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Temp Folder At C:Documents And Settings Admin Local Settings Temp

Jul 28, 2005

What is the "Temp" folder for which is at C:Documents and Settings Admin Local Settings Temp? Nothing seems to appear there while I use IE to browse.

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Default Values In .Default User Shell Folders

Jul 19, 2005

In an XP-Home, one user system, what shoul be the defautl values found in the following registry entry: HKU.DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders ??To make a long story short, there are entries pointing to a non existing user's folder (eg: C:Documents and SettingsTEMP....) and I want to get rid of this TEMP user and folder.This is the only section of the registry where this folder is referenced.

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Temp Folder / Appearing Over Time In The TEMP Folder

Feb 22, 2006

I have a program, or shoulfd that be a group of files, that are appearing over time in the TEMP folder and they are very annoying. The files are all 0KB in size, and though I can get rid of them with a reset of the system, I'd like to know how and why they are there.

All the filenames are just numbers, i.e. 5807.exe
One morning I had 14 of these files. They seem to have appeared over night. I have tried deleting them, but I am told they are being used and cannot be deleted, but I am unable to find out what program is using them.

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Default Boot-up Default

Oct 28, 2008

My boot.ini files on my 2 intentional operating systems have been modified to look, it seems to me, identical (see 1st attached thumbnail). First 2 for the intended ini, the second the old improper, though still currently functional, boot.ini.old. Both of these are on separate partions on the first internal hard drive, and I have tried turning off my 1 external during boot-up as well as disabling my 2nd internal on the "boot settings", with the same results.The default should be the "Graphics" system, according to the Boot.ini

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Need To Keep The Temp Files?

Jun 24, 2005

In the Local Settings Folder there is a folder with Temporary Internet Files and Temp Files.I understand the Temporary Internet Files and know what to do with them.My question is do I need to keep the temp files?

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Temp Folder Can Be Deleted?

Mar 1, 2005

C:Documents and SettingsdemoLocal SettingsTemp

my computer is registered as demo, Can all the files in this folder be deleted? or do they have to stay in there

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Access The Temp Folder?

Feb 17, 2007

What the title says, every time I DL something from Firefox it sends that file there unless i right click and save target as, I can never access it. The only way I can access it is to DL a .zip and click on the left bar to it

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Temp Folder - Can Delete?

Jul 16, 2008

Is it safe to delete the files in this temporary folder? C:DOCUME~1HP_ADM~1LOCALS~1Temp, I don't want to mess anything up or lose something important but I'm thinking temp files aren't important?

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Way To Stop These Temp Folders?

Dec 15, 2006

Before shutting down my computer for the night I use System Mechanic to clean out temp files, history, etc. Recently, I also ran The Ultimate Troubleshooter as well and ended up with a couple of hundred temp gif files in my trash (recycle bin). I ran the clean up programs again the next night and again got a slew of gif files in the trash. It's like every little graphic, cartoon or design I see that day is picked up and stored by my computer.

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Cannot Delete The Temp Files

Apr 16, 2008

When I clear my temp files and ck back to see if they are gone, they are still there. I know how to do it so why isn't it empty?

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Delete The Temp Files?

Sep 13, 2005

How do I delete temp files?

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Moved Core Temp 0.95 To 0.94

Mar 24, 2007

I just finally went from core temp 0.94 to 0.95 and I seem to have found a nasty little bug in 0.95. I keep getting BSOD when I start 0.95. Thats kinda messed up to me as 0.94 worked like a charm. I have played with it a little and I know it isn't my system.I keep getting error code c000021a.

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Temp Files - Delete Them All

Aug 18, 2005

Any problem deleting all .TMP offf my windows XP setup? What are the risks?
How come Disk Cleanup doesn't get them all?

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Way To Delete Temp Files

Jul 8, 2010

I know there is a way to delete temp files but i forgot

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Get Rid Of Files In Temp Folder?

Jun 5, 2006

My browser files have are very confusing.My C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMELocal Settings Temp has some junk, but some of it is active system files- which shouldn't be there.One folder in ''Temp'' is called ''Cookies''. Another folder in ''Temp'' is called ''History'' and contains ''History.IE5''. also ''temporary internet files''.There is also a ''History'' folder one level up (where it should be) that has no''History.ie5''. There is also a ''Cookies'' folder two levels up (where it should be). It seems to be an exact duplicate of the one in the ''Temp'' folder, I deleted all the other files in ''Cookies'', but they reappeared later.If I try to delete(in safe mode) everything in the Temp folder, I discover that they reappear after restart. how can i get rid of files from temp folder.and also how can i restore History folder which has no historyIE6 sub folder.same with temporary internet folder.

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Temp Files Folder In SP2

Oct 16, 2005

Windows XP SP2 temp files I would just like to know if I can safely delete ALL the temp files in this folder, if for no other reason than to free up some space, or maybe speed up things a little bit. A simple search under Windows Explorer(*.tmp )has some files show up as Windows emp, some as Windowssystem32, and some as Program Files PC MightyMax, but all of these are listed as tmp in the TYPE heading of Windows Explorer.In addition, I've never used the Hijack This program before but I will now to submit what I guess is a snapshot of my system...?? Perhaps someone could suggest adjustments, if any, as my system does run slow on many occasions. My specs are as follows: Windows XP SP2 Home Edition, IE6, McAfee Internet Security Suite 2005, 2.4ghz processor, 256MB RAM, 40GB hard drive (NTFS file system).

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Don't Know Which Temp File To Delete?

May 4, 2006

Windows XP - very new beginner. Went through the whole process of finding all of the bad stuff. I am supposed to delete this, the temp folder. When I typed in the directions, (C:WINNT emp) what came up looks very different from what I saw at first. I did a search for Temp or temp folders to see if it was another one. I got a long list in each. What do I delete?

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Can't Delete Temp File

Mar 25, 2005

Has anyone seen this file before,~DFEE9A.tmp.I'm trying to delete it out of my temp folder, because when i try to save a picture it will only save it as a BMP file. I can delete it in save mode, but when restart it comes back. I checked my startup folder and reg. but i don't see anything different in it.

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No Access To The Temp Directory

Nov 18, 2008

All aplications that use the temp directory are crashing on my computer. It only happens when I am logged into my account (so if logged in as another user the system works fine). If I try to view the temp directory then explorer crashes as soon as the mouse hovers over the folder icon. I have tried disk cleanup, it crashes. Using cmd prompt "dir %temp%" it crashes too. I have run NOD32 antivirus and it finds nothing. I have tried XoftSpy and Search and Destroy but they both crash. I have tried safe mode and that is no good either! I have logged into administrator and tried to view and delete the temp folder but that also fails!.Have you heard of this before, I did read a forum (not here) where someone had the exact same problem but it went unsolved. Could it be a virus that NOD32 can't detect?

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Temp Folders And Files

Aug 30, 2005

Since receiving a curt 'wrap on the knuckles' for not doing my research properly into another annoying prob I had, I tend to hold back and read through as many similar posts as poss.I can see the ways to get rid of temp files etc but I do not understand what is happening in my partic. case.I have a home/self build (28 May 2005)comp. for flight sim usage in the main.The help I got is no longer there for me.In My Comp/Winxp(D/Temp there are currently 52 Files & 5 Folders using 4.93MB on disk.

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Many Temp Files - Optimizer

Nov 16, 2006

Need reassurance, I ran an optimizer (PC Pitstop) and one of the entries was that I have 373,445 temp files. Is it safe to delete these? Shoud I back up the registry first?

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Delete Win Temp Folder

Mar 6, 2008

I have 3 gigs of space being used up in my windows temp folder. is it something I need or can I delete it? What will happen if I do delete that?

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