In an XP-Home, one user system, what shoul be the defautl values found in the following registry entry: HKU.DEFAULTSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders ??To make a long story short, there are entries pointing to a non existing user's folder (eg: C:Documents and SettingsTEMP....) and I want to get rid of this TEMP user and folder.This is the only section of the registry where this folder is referenced.
Anyone know how to set a default for viewing files and folders . . . , i.e., I'd like to set as a default, the only useful file/folder view XP offers, which is "details", such that everytime I open any file/folder from any storage,I see the file/folder details without having to take the extra 10 minutes to adjust it by hand.
I love the Windows Explorer Document Tree View and I am so lazy that it bothers me to switch to the view each time I open a new window. Is there a way to set the default view to open folders with the document tree showing?I have tried switching it to the classic view, but that doesn't have the versatility of the full document tree. And, as another article has suggested, I added /e to my My Documents shortcut target, but that didn't help either.
using win xp IE6 w/ sp 2 running microsoft anti spyware .. It popped up saying it was moving my favorites to a different shell folder. I was not doing anything so I took it as a spyware ,so I block it ....Bad move .now when I click favorites I get nothing. I found it it microsoft antispyware events...( has decided to prevent a change to the user's defined shell folders from Favorites to %USERPROFILE%Favorites.)but it shows no way to unblock it or change
As an fyi ... I'm on Windows XP and email through MS Office Outlook.My computer was working fine until we suffered 2 power surges within minutes of each other today. The tv, stereo, phone & fax are fine. My computer powers on and the first error message appears: winlogon.exe - unable to locate component. This application has failed to start because sfc_os.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem. Next, I try to go into 1 of 3 email accounts. First error message here: Unable to open your default email folders.
I'm having trouble with the 'Show hidden files and folders' setting in the folder options. No matter how many times I try to set the computer to display hidden files and folders, the computer completely ignores it and resets it to 'Do not show hidden files and folders'. The account I am using while trying to change the setting is a admin account though not the default admin account. I have tried to change the setting in the default admin account and the same thing happens. I'm running XP Pro with SP2. As far as I can tell this problem started after I uninstalled a browser hijack program that got installed without my consent though I am not positive that this problem did not start before the browser hijacker problem occurred. I'm assuming the registry is corrupted and short of reinstalling windows I don't know how to fix the problem.
Does anybody knows how or where to setup a default user environment variable ?We want to create this variable for each user that logon in to the same pc?
Sometimes when my mom logs on her computer, it brings up the old desktop, without the default icons and the default screen saver "Dell" engraved into stone. It still says her name as the user account, but everything is different. I was wondering why this might be, when we restart it there is no problem, but I am just curious if anyone could answer why and how to prevent it from happening.
Follow the steps outlined below. Go to start/run type in regedit and click ok. Click on the HKEY_USERS branch (to highlight it). Select File on the menu/Load Hive. Navigate to x:Documents and SettingsDefault User folder (where x houses the Documents and Settings folder). The Default User folder is hidden by default. Open the ntuser.dat file. For the Key name: type in the word tweakxp (actually you can type in anything) and click ok. A new subkey named tweakxp will appear under the HKEY_USERS branch. Navigate to HKEY_USERS weakxp[remaining path to the restrictions/tweaks you want to set] Add in the applicable values and value data. Go back to the subkey tweakxp and click on it to highlight it.
Can anyone tell me how to modify the user profile so that the default directory for queries is located on a server. I have to create and share queries with several different users and I would like the default to be on the shared server.
My boot.ini files on my 2 intentional operating systems have been modified to look, it seems to me, identical (see 1st attached thumbnail). First 2 for the intended ini, the second the old improper, though still currently functional, boot.ini.old. Both of these are on separate partions on the first internal hard drive, and I have tried turning off my 1 external during boot-up as well as disabling my 2nd internal on the "boot settings", with the same results.The default should be the "Graphics" system, according to the Boot.ini
At my job we have about 500 networked users on WinXP 32 bit. Each user has an individual log in - there are no roaming profiles. We're in the process of creating a new image andI'm having a disagreement with a new tech here. He says we should get rid of the Default User Profile and only use the All Users Profile. Every time I've created an image I've set up the image the way I want and then copied that over to the default profile - so that when new users log in - they see exactly what i've set up in terms of the standard desktop shortcuts we use. This new tech thinks the default user's profile redundant and not really needed. I'm having a hard time finding information the default users profile and if it's needed or not.
When I click on the Windows Explorer icon, it opens up with the left side being the blue bar with File and Folder Tasks, Other Places and Details showing. I have to manually click on the Folders button at the top to get the view I want. Is there a way to make this Folders view be the default view when I open Windows Explorer?
i shut down my Pc normally at my work and when i started today morning and put my user name and login , a windows apears with the following message. WINDOWS CANNOT LOAD THE USER'S PROFILE BUT HAS LOGGED ON WITH THE DEFAULT PROFILE FOR THE SYSTEM DETAIL- THE SYSTEN CANNOT FINE THE PATH SPECIFIED how can i get my profile back to work normally as before.
Have not done any updates lately, nor anything unusual, however, suddenly laptop displays two error messages re/Win logon.exe and Isass.exe failure. Part of the solution noted in the forum was to restart "using last known good configuration", but this doesn't work. It simply attempts to start again and comes up with the error messages again.
Alright, so, I have tried searching All Engines, IE every search engine and some. And I have not been able to find one web site, including Microsoft that has backup files for Windows Explorer and the Shell files.Is there a XP SP3 user that can archive the Explorer and Shell files for me? It would be much appreciated, as I have some bugs that are very annoying.
To set different printers for different programs? About half of the printing I do at work has to be on letterhead, so I set my default printer and settings to letterhead. However, when I just want to print an e-mail from outlook, I'd like to be able to print on plain paper. As it is, Outlook won't let me modify my printer preferences so that it will just print an e-mail on plain paper.
Does anyone know how to changing that default choice? I want an administrator account and a public account. In the public account I don't want any right-clicking, changing desktop icons, things like this. I also want all of the things left on the desktop (downloads, shortcuts, etc.) to be gone when they log out. I did look at group policy editor but I don't like it. So I put System Policy Editor on it from a Windows Server 2000 CD.I have a .POL file made already and can't get it to work. Any websites on this would also be great.
Every time I open an explorer window on a floppy the window is maximized. Everytime I create a new folder, the default size is maximized. Whenever I plug in my flash drive, the window size is max. I already have remember folder size enabled, but it appears that each of the scenerios above are not included in this "memory" So the question is, how do I set the default size for each of the above to something other that max?
I have an XP laptop that has both a dial up and an ethernet location. When at work I use an ethernet cable to check e-mail and connect to the internet. When at home I use a mindspring dial up. When I am at work with my ethernet connection, whenever I try to get onto the internet I get a message saying that I am offline. A get a message asking me to connect or cancel. When I connect, it does take me to the correct page. This happens all of the time. I can connect to each page every time I get this message but is seems to think I am in dial up mode.
when I clicked on a link from Windows Live Messenger, not firefox came up, but IE6. I was a bit surprised, and checked the settings, but Firefox was still the default browser. Since then, every links from an other application (WLM, Google Talk, ...) open in IE. I want every links to be opened in firefox.
I just switched from Internet Explorer 6 to Firefox, which solved many headaches on my computer! I have now is how do I switch to Firefox as by default browser?
I've had XP 64 installed for a about 10 days now and everything is working fine. I didn't have any issues with drivers or applications. The default install and updates seem to use two versions of IE (64 and 32). I've swapped all my icons to choose the 32 bit version since there is no flash support for 64 bit browsers at this time. My problem is that I get a lot of links inside emails and when I click on those it always uses the 64 bit version. I've tried to change the default browser option through control panel but it only offers the option of IE and won't let me select which IE. I also have IE 32 set to check to make sure it's the default browser. I've done some Google searches but I must not be asking the right question because I can's find much on IE 64.
this must be asked 1000 times. i downloaded another browser, and did not make it the default browser. i set ie to = ask each time if it is default browser. i dont want it to be default browser, i want no default browser. but everytime i go to isp, ie is used. i cant find anywhere in the help = how to make ie not default. how do i do this? if i go to my isp would it then ask which browser i want to use?
I recently re-installed windows xp and im having problems with my hard drive. I have 2 Drives now from re-installing, C:/ Drive and F:/ Drive, When i for example download and want to install it, it installs in on the F:/ Drive when i want to be installed on C:/ Drive. can get installs next to be on C:/ Drive and making C:/ Drive my default drive?
I just upgraded from windows ME to Xp, Anyway I probably did somthing wrong in the settings because when I try to install a program, it by default chooses an install path in the program files directory in my D drive. I really want these to go to program files in the C drive like normal though. How can I change the default install path or drive for new programs?
Recently I have had to use the Recovery Disc to fix my Broken Boot.ini file. (with help from this forum, thank god)But now when I turn on my computer it requests that I choose out of Three Operating Systems.Is there any way that I can make it so that it by default chooses the correct operating system so I can skip that screen.I have a little brother and sister that use the computer, so when they see that screen they panic.