Super Slow Virus Free Computer

Dec 9, 2006

Hey guys, I don't have the computer in front of me, but my mom's computer is working really slowly, and it's had the defragger ran on it, and according to Ad-Aware and AVG it's clean, so what could possibly be making it run so slowly? If you absolutely have no idea, I'll try to get a hijackthis log for it, but as I said, Ad-Aware and AVG didn't find anything wrong with it there, and I ran the defrag on it the other day and it didn't help at all. Plenty of space left on the HD, so I have no idea what is going on....except that maybe the computer is a lemon. They've had problems with it since pretty soon after they bought it, but it's just progressively gotten worse.

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Slow Computer And Super Slow Start Up

Mar 3, 2005

Out of the blue, my computer started getting slow. Sometimes its ok, and then it will be on the verge of freezing.. then get itself back together. I realized, when I start up, it takes FOREVER. It also shows this screen I have never seen before. Its completely black, and has a line of grey rectangles from side to side. and slowly loads across. When it is finally finished 10-15 minutes it will slowly start up in regular fashion

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Super Slow Computer: Review Of HJT Log?

May 24, 2006

Booted to Safe Mode ran Ewido, scanner fixed 12 items. Booted to normal mode ran Ewido and it found no problems. Next day the problems are back. Booted to Safe Mode ran Ewido, scanner fixed 2 items. Ran HJT and saved a log. Booted to Nornal mode ran Ewido, scanner found no problems. Ran HJT and saved a log.

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Computer Super Slow - 1% Memory Left?

Jan 2, 2006

I'm trying to fix a friend's computer. It's gotten alot of stuff on it according to pestcontrol but they won't take it off because I did the scan from pcpitstop. Here's the hijack this log

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 10:54:55 PM, on 1/2/2006

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Super Slow Computer / Rogue Browser

Dec 13, 2004

I have a Sony laptop (about 2 yrs old) with Windows XP professional. My computer has gotten pretty slow, for example, booting up and loading the desktop when I switch applications. There doesn't seem to be anything obviously wrong. I run a disk defragmenter and Spy Sweeper all the time and just downloaded and ran Ad-aware. My hard drive is partitioned -- is that a problem?? -- and there are 2.45 GB of free space out of 9.76 on my C: drive, and 6 GB of space out of 8.85 on my D: drive. I need some advice on what might be wrong. Please! Oh, also, I downloaded a browser called Wanadoo so I could get online in Paris and though I've uninstalled it, it's taken over my other browsers so the top of the web page always reads the page name dash Wanadoo. How do I get rid of it?

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Dec 17, 2004

It's taking literally minutes to open a Internet Explorer window, to open my e-mail program, and even once inside my e-mail program it takes half a minute to switch from one email to another in my inbox.The first signs were a couple weeks ago. It was taking 20 to 30 seconds to open a word document. But that was the only trouble for a while.I am running Windows XP.I installed, then un-installed SP2 about a month ago. Things seemed to work fine--until the above problems began.

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Running Super Slow, Despite High Speed Internet

Sep 29, 2007


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Browser Going Super Slow / Config Network Wrong?

Apr 5, 2006

My computer is rocking except when I go to browse the internet then it crawls. I had a manual IP & DNS in my network TCP/IP settings and so I decided to go back to automatic settings and let my Linksys give me a local IP. Problem is that when I did that then I couldnt access the internet. I could access the Linksys control panel but not the internet.So I manually put in a DNS entry which is the address of my Linksys and then I can browse, but the browsing is still very slow.I am not sure what to do.. any thoughts? I'd like to get the automatic IP & DNS, and have the lightning fast speed which I used to have..

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Computer Is Slow, Slow, Doesn't Detect Virus

Oct 23, 2006

It can't even seem to keep up with my typing. Ugh. I use AVG free, and it is current and doesn't detect any problems.

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Computer Running Slow: Hard Disk 97 % Free?

Sep 29, 2007

Computer running very slow I have 97 % of my hard drive free...Msconfig has only about 5-6 items booting up.Ran avg and A-square and defrag...

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Virus In My Computer And Computer Running Slow - Trojan

Jan 19, 2007

My computer has been running slow and I just did a quick virus scan and I seem to have a 8 trojan horses or something

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Very Slow Computer / Virus?

Aug 9, 2006

My computer is running very slowly. I can't help but think that something is running in the background that I can't see. Occasionally I get an error message saying my virtual memory is low. Below is a hijack this log.

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Computer Getting Slow Due T Virus

Jun 9, 2006

My computer used to run fast and now it doesnt... I have ran the defrag, disk cleanup, Ad-adware SE Personal, Spybot Search and destroy, and avg, cleaned up all problems I could find, and I am still unable to multitask... at any great speed... this may be normal, but just wondering if there are things going on I dont know about

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Slow Computer & Internet - Virus?

Jun 18, 2008

I have recently downloaded a free program and was going to install it. I ran it, and then my antivirus blocked it because it contained a virus. I have been looking for the program for a very long time, and I was angry that it didn't work. So I allowed the infected program and then the it disappeared. The icon disappeared. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but nothing bad happened to me for about a day. Then, my laptop was slower than normal, internet connection was slow (I'm right next to the router too), and I was getting pop-ups. I tried to do System Restore, but all my restore points were gone! I couldn't even switch months! Also, Automatic Updates was telling me that it was off, but when I checked my settings were the same when I first set them.

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Computer Running Very Slow: Having No Virus?

Feb 16, 2009

Ive been having troubles with my comp Programs are opening up slowly and generaly most thing are slow.The main thing that i notice is when trying to attached a item to a emil in outlook i will click insert/file/cdrive/this file/ that file, it takes somewhere between 1-2 min to open cdrive and each click.

Another thing that i noticed was that when i remove the usb keyboard and mouse 1-2 min later i will get the soud of being removed.I get alot of programs not responding but after a while they do, eg when shutting down a associated program with the printer almost allways pops up not resonding but does after a while.

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Computer Too Slow After Virus Removed

Jul 8, 2010

Both of my teens have Windows XP and both computers are running extremely slow after virus/spyware removal. One gets a debugging pop up everytime you try to do anything. I've tried to run skndsk but can only run it in a read only mode. Can anyone advised what to do without having to run fdisk and reformat the hard drive?

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Trojan Vundo Virus - Slow Computer

Apr 15, 2007

I had this Trojan vundo virus about a month ago and you helped me remove it. My computer was running fine until all of the same things started happening again. Im pretty sure i still have the virus b/c my computer is running very slow and just plain bad. I ran VundoFix.exe (it found like 10 things), clicked remove vundo, and rebooted. I ran HijackThis and here is this log file.what i need to delete? ....

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Computer Is Running Really Slow: Checked For Virus & Found Nothing?

May 10, 2006

I have run my adaware, spybot, and virus scan....nothing comes up...but my computer is running very slow....I need to know why pages aren't loading as fast as they were.

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Slow Running Computer: Found No Virus In System?

Apr 7, 2008

I am having problems with my computer running slow. It does not seem to matter what I do it still runs to slow. I am running Windows xp, have no viruses that have been detected but all my programs run slowly. What can I do to fix this problem???

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Slow Computer - Ad-aware Sypbot 1.3 Virus Scanner

Mar 28, 2005

My Computer is running slow. I have Ad-Aware Se, Spybot 1.3, and for a virus Scanner, i have AVG. i need someone to help me to speed this computer.

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Computer Boots Really Slow / Checked For Virus Infection?

Mar 19, 2007

I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my parents' PC. They have WinXP, 512MB RAM, and a 1.2 GHz cpu. They've had a problem wth spyware in the past and have had it cleaned up, but it still boots up extremely slow. Usually it's around ten minutes or so until you can finally do anything on it, and even then, applications seem to take a while to start up and run slow after they do. Is there something I can do to see what's the matter with it?

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Virus Hit Computer/ Slow Operating Speed/ Reinstall Windows?

Dec 12, 2005

laptop started operating very slow when I tried opening various MS office softwares. took my computer to a local computer store and they told me that because of a virus I needed to have the entire Windows XP reinstalled. However, due to a high price I haven't been able to have my computer fixed. I already have the Windows XP Pro server pack one on a CD. how i can go about reinstalling Windows XP Pro on my laptop? And is there anything i should be careful about while installing the software?

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Unable To Remove A Trojan Spy Virus / Computer Running Very Slow?

Jul 9, 2005

I inadvertently downloaded spyware about a month ago and since then my computer's system has been slowly deteriorating. I downloaded lavasoft and adaware but they did absolutely nothing to remove problems.Recently my entire computer's screen is blue and says "A fatal error has occurred...error caused by Trojan-Spy.html.smitfraud.c" I'm afraid to use the internet on that computer.

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Slow Running Computer: Performed Virus Check Found Nothing?

Oct 12, 2006

I Recently Had My Computer Rebuilt And Went From Dial Up To Verizon Dsl. Loved The Speed For Awhile. 512 Memory Was Added. Now It It's Running Slower. I Did Add Spybot, A New Usb 2.0 Port, And Several Other Programs. I Have About 20 Icons On My Desktop. Will Any Of This Cause The Slowing Down Of Programs, Getting E Mail, Or Surfing The Internet? You Guys Were Great Last Time About Solving My Usb Port Problem.

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No Free Space - Virus?

Jun 14, 2005

for some reason all of a sudden my computer completly ran out of space. Before i had a little less than half free. I tried to delete some things and it would free up some space but the next day it would have nothing again. i dont know what it is im guessing a virus but i dont know how to deal with it.

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Free Anti Virus

Jun 12, 2006

Does someone know a good free anti-virus?

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Virus - Free Space Diminishing

Sep 4, 2008

I don't know why my free space on my (C drive is diminishing. I am not downloading updating anything (not to my knowledge, anyway), so what could be eating the free space up? It's diminishing daily - 2 days ago I had 1000 MB free space, today I have 880 MB free. I had noticed this the other day when I got an error message saying my disk space was low. There seemed to be plenty of space the last time I checked before the warning message, but when I looked again, a huge chunk of free space just disappeared. So, I did a disk cleanup, deleted TONS of temporary files (about 630 MB-worth), etc. and that got me to the above mentioned 1000 MB of free space. But why is it just depleting everyday? It is my work computer, and I keep all of my data (consisting of mapping-related software and data, primarily) on other drives - none of the data I work with is on my C: drive.

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Free Virus Protection - Download

Aug 23, 2008

Just installed xp on my home built system and had some problems. I need to download something to help with the problems but I don't want to download it without virus protection. Please give me a link to a good free virus protection program so I finish fixing my PC.

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Free Anti Virus Program Better Than Firewall?

Feb 10, 2008

I have windows XP Pro, and I was was wondering what is the best free Anti Virus program better than the Windows XP Pro Firewall.

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AVG Free Edition - Cannot Move It To The Virus Vault

Mar 25, 2006

AVG free edition resident shield is finding a virus at C:WindowsSystem32mmxF32.ll Trojan horse back door.Generic2.QQQ It won't heal, access denied, it can't move it to the virus vault, access denied and no file exists using search hidden files and folders or using the DOS prompt to search the files.

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Free Anti Virus - Not A Trial Version

Oct 3, 2006

i am searching for a free anti virus software. All i found is trial software which i do not want. Can anyone tell me which software i should download.

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