Browser Going Super Slow / Config Network Wrong?

Apr 5, 2006

My computer is rocking except when I go to browse the internet then it crawls. I had a manual IP & DNS in my network TCP/IP settings and so I decided to go back to automatic settings and let my Linksys give me a local IP. Problem is that when I did that then I couldnt access the internet. I could access the Linksys control panel but not the internet.So I manually put in a DNS entry which is the address of my Linksys and then I can browse, but the browsing is still very slow.I am not sure what to do.. any thoughts? I'd like to get the automatic IP & DNS, and have the lightning fast speed which I used to have..

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Super Slow Computer / Rogue Browser

Dec 13, 2004

I have a Sony laptop (about 2 yrs old) with Windows XP professional. My computer has gotten pretty slow, for example, booting up and loading the desktop when I switch applications. There doesn't seem to be anything obviously wrong. I run a disk defragmenter and Spy Sweeper all the time and just downloaded and ran Ad-aware. My hard drive is partitioned -- is that a problem?? -- and there are 2.45 GB of free space out of 9.76 on my C: drive, and 6 GB of space out of 8.85 on my D: drive. I need some advice on what might be wrong. Please! Oh, also, I downloaded a browser called Wanadoo so I could get online in Paris and though I've uninstalled it, it's taken over my other browsers so the top of the web page always reads the page name dash Wanadoo. How do I get rid of it?

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Slow Computer And Super Slow Start Up

Mar 3, 2005

Out of the blue, my computer started getting slow. Sometimes its ok, and then it will be on the verge of freezing.. then get itself back together. I realized, when I start up, it takes FOREVER. It also shows this screen I have never seen before. Its completely black, and has a line of grey rectangles from side to side. and slowly loads across. When it is finally finished 10-15 minutes it will slowly start up in regular fashion

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Super Slow Computer: Review Of HJT Log?

May 24, 2006

Booted to Safe Mode ran Ewido, scanner fixed 12 items. Booted to normal mode ran Ewido and it found no problems. Next day the problems are back. Booted to Safe Mode ran Ewido, scanner fixed 2 items. Ran HJT and saved a log. Booted to Nornal mode ran Ewido, scanner found no problems. Ran HJT and saved a log.

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Dec 17, 2004

It's taking literally minutes to open a Internet Explorer window, to open my e-mail program, and even once inside my e-mail program it takes half a minute to switch from one email to another in my inbox.The first signs were a couple weeks ago. It was taking 20 to 30 seconds to open a word document. But that was the only trouble for a while.I am running Windows XP.I installed, then un-installed SP2 about a month ago. Things seemed to work fine--until the above problems began.

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Super Slow Virus Free Computer

Dec 9, 2006

Hey guys, I don't have the computer in front of me, but my mom's computer is working really slowly, and it's had the defragger ran on it, and according to Ad-Aware and AVG it's clean, so what could possibly be making it run so slowly? If you absolutely have no idea, I'll try to get a hijackthis log for it, but as I said, Ad-Aware and AVG didn't find anything wrong with it there, and I ran the defrag on it the other day and it didn't help at all. Plenty of space left on the HD, so I have no idea what is going on....except that maybe the computer is a lemon. They've had problems with it since pretty soon after they bought it, but it's just progressively gotten worse.

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Computer Super Slow - 1% Memory Left?

Jan 2, 2006

I'm trying to fix a friend's computer. It's gotten alot of stuff on it according to pestcontrol but they won't take it off because I did the scan from pcpitstop. Here's the hijack this log

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

Scan saved at 10:54:55 PM, on 1/2/2006

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Running Super Slow, Despite High Speed Internet

Sep 29, 2007


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How To Tools And Cleared History Network Browser?

Nov 11, 2008

nephew stayed with us for a month and accessed a number of adult sites on our computer. Now, when we enter certain first letters in the address line, the names of several of those sites show up even though he (and we) have gone to "Tools" and "Cleared History." They are not ... as far as we can tell ... in our "Favorites", so how do we get rid of these references? They're mighty embarrassing.

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Slow Browser And Slow My Computer

Aug 22, 2005

when ever I try to open up my computer it comes up and does the flaslight thing for approximatley 20 seconds.I open up Internet explorer and it opens fine but when I go to put an address into the address bar it takes the thing far to long to open the page

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Browser Slow Down

Nov 2, 2006

I recently reformatted and installed Windows XP Home fresh on both my desktop and laptop. All worked fine even after getting updated until the last update on each. On the desktop it included Service pack 2 update but not on the laptop, it was a new update but still has only service pack 1. On each computer the browsers both IE6 and foxfire started running very slow. IT would take many seconds to get new pages open. On the laptop I restored and IE6 works fine but I am still having a problem with Foxfire and it also received a Foxfire update. Any idea how to fix this problem without restoring and losing the needed update? I have run XP on both systems for a good while and never had this problem.

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Internet Browser Slow

Dec 21, 2005

today when i came on the computer i clicked on my internet browser and it took like 1 minute for it to load up, it usually took about 5 seconds. im positive i have no viruses.

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My Browser Scrolls Too Slow

Sep 22, 2006

When I scroll through pages, it seems to take half a second for it to move up or down. It's only my browsers that do this (IE and Firefox both do it). I can scroll through stuff fine on Windows Explorer, though, so it's not the PC.

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Web Browser Is Very Slow / Not Working

Dec 3, 2005

I am using windows XP, I am using Internet Explorer since last week I am not able to access any web page. I goto any webpage sometime half of the page appears and then it stays there and sometime nothing comes up and its like its trying to bring the page down but nothing happens. Yesterday I have installed the Firefox, I have same issues.

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Slow Network Browsing: "My Network Places" Takes Long To Click?

Jun 9, 2006

when I browse "My Network Places", the browsing is so incredibly slow. It takes a long while when you click one icon in the “My Network Places” for that to open up and go to the next directory or when just first displaying the computers in “My Network Places”, it goes so slow.
I use Windows Workgroup on the LAN to share out internet. Everything else, other than browsing the network, works great. The internet browses nice and fast.

This morning I opened My Network Places while my pc was still loading all the programs at start-up and "My Network Places" was fast. After a few minutes it was back to normal low pace. Now I guess it is something running on my pc slowing it down. Is it maybe to do with XP Service Pack 2? Before installing SP2 the network browsing on my pc is fast, after installing SP2, it is slow. Other computers on the network without SP2 browse the network quite fast.
All the pc's on the network has XP Pro.

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Browser Really Slow When Open New Page

Apr 9, 2008

My computer is working fine other than the browser (IE6). It takes about 2 minutes to open a page. Once opened it works fine. My home page is google, I can see the page right away but it's frozen. It stays that way for about 2 minutes then it works fine. No other problems arise until it tries to open a new page. Then the same thing happens again. I emptied all the offline and temp Internet files. Also emptied cookies and history. Ran spybot and adaware but it had no effect.

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Internet Browser Speed To Slow

Aug 27, 2008

hi i am trying to spped up my pc i currently use a acer aspire and have broadband connection and also have 256 ram and my problem is my internet connection is still too slow i have been try many different lightweight browsers but still have the same problem, I really needed this problem sorted out as i need the faster internet speed for a online game i play called seafight where i will sometimes need 4 different browsers open at the same time so could you tell me if there is a fix to this problem and how much more ram can i put into my pc.

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Browser Is Slow At Loading Web Pages

Nov 6, 2009

i just replaced my hard drive and installed all the software: but when i put in a search on any Browser - it is taking 20 to 30 seconds to load the page? but i have a 20 meg download speed. what do i have to do to rectify the problem.

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Can't Open Apps, Slow Response From Browser

Apr 13, 2007

This issue is occurring on 2 computers - In the past 2 weeks Windows updates cause MAJOR lag in operations - can't open apps, slow response from browser.Updates mostly hang in the 30% range and do not move forward for hours....I leave the computers on over night to complete and sometimes the operation is still not complete.Have disabled auto updates to no avail. It still activates on reboot.

Where is the location of the temp files for the updates so they can be deleted to start fresh without autoupdate?

I've read other threads recently regarding update problems but didn't want to hijack them with my own issue.

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Computer Is Running Extremely Slow While Opening Browser

Oct 6, 2010

Whether opening the browser or Windows explorer or a software programs - this thing is like pulling teeth. It wasn't that bad the other day and it seems like overnight it got unbearable. I did a disk cleanup

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Computer Recovery - Browser Speed Slow, Internet Speedtest Normal

Oct 5, 2007

My friend did a windows recovery after he had a black screen when starting windows. Both IE and Firefox had slow connectivity yet I had him do a speedtest with and it showed good speeds. He says the longer the computer is on, the slower is a surfing the internet. CPU usage is normal.

internet speeds:

Could the recovery have messed with his computer networking drivers? He used a gateway recovery disk. His computer is either a gateway or dell computer.

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Slow Network Access

Sep 27, 2005

Afternoon all,

I am having a problem with my network connection. I have a computer on our corporate network that is attached to a gigabit backbone. When I try browse my network neighborhood, the refresh rate is extremely low. It takes 30 seconds just to expand the workgroup. Internet access is fine, I can surf the net with no problems at all.

I am going to try a new ethernet cable and check the drivers for my built in nic on my MOBO. Does anyone have anything else that they think I should check?


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Very Slow Network Connection

Mar 24, 2006

I have three Windows XP computers and a DG834G ADSL modem on a wireless n/w.Connectivy beween the three computers has slowed to a CRAWL. Internet access is OK.

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Slow Network Connection

Feb 7, 2006

I have 2 computers I am trying to network together and share a dsl connection. One my wireless laptop everything is fine. On my desktop my connection is very slow I have tried everything I can think of and I am still at a loss. The other thing that is happening is my printer is hooked up to my desktop If I try to print from my laptop on the printer screen it says it is spooling but after about a minute it just drops off and never prints. I am using a Westell versalink modem/Router from verizon. I thought the router was not working right so I took the D-Link router back to best buy and ordered this one from verizon but I am still having the same problem. So the next thing I tried to do was reinstall windows on my Desktop but I am still having problems. If I switched from a hard wired system with my laptop and went wireless would this help. Any help with this problem would be great.

Frustrated Network Installer


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Extremely Slow Home Network

Mar 16, 2006

I have a home network set up through Windows XP in my house. I have 2 linksys routers. The modem plugs into the 'wired' router which is in my room beside me and then connects upstairs to a wireless router (better broadcast signal for my sister who uses her laptop upstairs).Anyways, for some unexplained reason, a couple months ago, I noticed that when we wanted to transfer files our shared folders weren't working, and if we tried to transfer through MSN Messenger or any similar program, the speed would be extremely slow, it would take forever to even transfer a simple mp3 file. Recently, I have noticed that the speeds of files I recieve from friends also take extremely long (a 1.5MB photo takes about 5 - 10 minutes) but when I download things off of websites I don't have that problem.

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Default Browser - Can Open MSN Messenger In Browser

Oct 4, 2005

Is there any way to have a default Browser? I want every program that has links to open up in say. Firefox, I have tried setting it as my default browser in the settings option, and in "Set programs access and defaults". It works quite well... But can I get MSN Messenger to open up in that browser? When I click on my e-mails or MSN Space Etc. It opens up in Internet Explorer. Is there ANY way to open it in my default browser?

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Suddenly Slow Laptop - Wireless Network

May 19, 2007

I've been having a ton of trouble with a slow laptop that doesn't have any security on it and has old Office programs (ignorant purchasing choices that were totally my fault). Works on a wireless network. It has a lot of trouble shutting down. I get a CCapp error all the time.

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System Boot Slow When Connected To Network

Aug 12, 2002

On some XP Pro installations, when connected to a network the computer boot time is over 1:40. The system seems to freeze after logging in and the desktop may not appear or will freeze for a minute. As timed with the utility, Bootvis.exe, the problem was with the driver mrxsmb.dll, adding over 67 seconds to the boot time. Turning off and restoring file and printer sharing eliminated 65 seconds from the boot time.1. Alt-click on Network Places/Properties2. Alt-click on Ethernet Adapter connection /properties3. Un-check File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks/OK4. Reboot5. If you need file or printer sharing, repeat the above, re-check the box and re-boot again.

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Logons Dreadfully Slow At Preparing Network Connections

Jun 13, 2005

Dell Latitude D400 with XP SP2. No Adware, spyware or any other malicious software running. When booting normally, the Preparing Network connections screen stays up for over a minute, before moving on to Applying computer settings. I have plugged it directly into the same segment as the domain controllers, etc. If I use MSConfig, and boot minimally, it comes up as expected, but of course without network functioning.

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Browser Opening Causes All Other Browser Windows

Aug 24, 2005

I am half way computer literate, but this one has me. I am hoping someone can tell me where to look. When I open Internet Explorer, my home page ( opens.When it is finished loading, it automatically redirets to yahoo mail login page. The catch is, all my browsers windows that are open will be changed too. If I hit "stop" before the page is loaded, then hit "refresh", this action does not occur. I have Microsoft updates automatically downloade do my computer. I have the latest MacAfee anti-virus on my computer and have run the latest scan. I have run Microsoft beta spy-ware, ad aware and yahoo's version. I am not seeing anything.

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Slow Network Connection Takes Time To Logical Hard Disks To Appear

Aug 20, 2005

I have two computers running WinXP; the others run Win2K. When I attempt to see the file system in Explorer of one of the WinXP machines by clicking on "Computers Near Me"/Computer Name, it takes about a minute for the list of logical hard disks to appear. This is true no matter which of the other computers this one is accessed from. No other computer behaves like this. When I click on another computer name in Explorer, the list of hard disks appears almost instantaneously. Moreover, only one installation of WinXP behaves like this -- the one with a clean install of WinXP; the WinXP installation that is an upgrade of Win2K displays its logical hard disks very quickly. Once the list of logical disks appears, clicking on one entry produces a list of the folders in the root directory almost instantaneously.

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