Recovering Data Back From NTFS Hard Disk?

Sep 16, 2006

I am having a problem with my 400GB HDD not displaying correctly - it displays as 127GB - in a new install of Windows XP on a seperate drive. My original setup was as follows:400GB SATA HDD with Windows XP as the Operating System plus Data - Single Partition - NTFS. 300GB SATA HDD with purely data - Single Partition - NTFS.I bought a new HDD today (SATA 320GB) and installed it in the PC. The original XP install saw it was installed and offered formatting options from Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management - no formatting options were taken.I then installed Windows XP (non-SP2 install, SP2 has been installed afterwards along with Video Card and Motherboard drivers) to the new HDD without removing the old drives first.

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Hard Disk Corrupt: Recovering Data ?

Sep 4, 2005

I can recovering my data from a hard drive I've recently corrupted . Whilst in the process of moving/renaming partitions I've managed to corrupt my harddrive which contains an xp operating system, four partitions and 150 gigabytes of movies etc. I've now installed xp on my other drive but it wont recognise the other one. Infact its not recognising the other disc or its patitions at all, even thru windows recovery 'chkdsk' where it just says disk it unformatted. Norton disc doctor at least recognised the disc as corrupted (and unformatted) and declares a bad partion table but is unable to fix it. I think my data is probably lost for good and I'm going to have to reformat

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Recovering The Data From Damaged Hard Disk?

Oct 12, 2009

hard disk not work Recovering the data from damaged hard disk?

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Recovering NTFS Data Files?

Jul 8, 2005

I have two laptop computers. The primary machine is 8 months old and is of fairly advanced spec. It has a DVD/CD R/W but no floppy drive. The secondary machine, which was replaced by the primary some 8 months ago, is of much lesser spec but may have either a CD R/W or a Floppy Disk drive inserted into the media bay, but not both at the same time. Both machines are running Windows XP Professional SP2 with all updates and patches installed.

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Converting External Hard Disk From Fat 32 To NTFS Without Loosing Data?

Aug 5, 2007

I have an EXTERNAL HD. I formatted it in FAT a few months ago. Ever since then, my laptop PC was unable to recognize the unit, but the Mac (which is not working right now, unfortunately) never had a problem with it. When I connect it to my laptop PC via USB, the USB icon shows up and the "USB Mass Storage Device Properties" says the "device is working properly." But the folder doesn't show up in My Computer, and diskmgmt.msc says the device is "Unallocated." Hopefully that doesn't mean the unit crashed because I have some stuff on there.Without losing the data (that should be on it, unless it crashed), I want to convert this thing to NTFS. I did some Google searching, but the instructions on how to do this (they say use convert.exe) aren't working. Moreover, no one mentioned how to convert an External, secondary HD.

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Hard Disk Crashing: Taking The Data Back?

Mar 1, 2010

[spoiler][/spoiler]my hard disk chrashing my data to loset. how to recvery in my data

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Recovering Data From Formatted Hard Drive?

Aug 20, 2005

I somehow accidentally formatted my "E" Drive, I know all my MP3s were in there and some other stuff I don't know there any way I can recover them?

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Recovering Hard Disk Capacity

Sep 2, 2007

A year ago, I was having ME/XP opr sys problems and reformatted my HD. Being cute, I formatted into a 29 G section and an 8 G HD and put ME upgraded to XP in the 8 and all 'personal' and controllable programs into the 29G section "C". All photos and video are in the 29G section. The 29G section has 23G free. The 8G "D" has filled up (careless on loading software, etc). I have now deleted programs, looked for large files, emptied trash, etc to try to get back to Opr Sys files only (as best I can determine). No matter what I do the free space seems to shrink. Now 7.97 G. total, 472 M free. I have XP and 97? office. Except for deleted programs (I have the discs), everything seems to work, although slow.

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Copy Data From Hard Disk To Pen Drive Using Bart PE Bootable Disk?

Sep 15, 2009

I have created a Bart PE bootable XP cd. I can boot into windows using this CD I would like to know how to copy the data in my hard disk to pen drive or flash drive.

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Cloning Hard Drive: Transferring Cloned Data From External Hard Disk?

Jan 8, 2009

I am cloning my existing hard drive in my laptop (sata) to an external hard drive (pata) in preparation for installing a new larger hard drive (sata)in the laptop. Can I, or how do I transfer the cloned data from the external (pata) to the new internal hard drive (sata)? Thanks in advance and I apoligize if this is a rudimentary question as this is my first time attempting something like this.

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Recognizing The Hard Disk Either In FAT Or NTFS?

Feb 3, 2005

but how can you tell if you are running FAT or NTFS file system?My husband did our XP upgrade (over Windows 98) over a year ago and he has no idea.

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Recovering Encrypted NTFS Files

Aug 13, 2006

I have just finished completing the installation of a new computer system. Along with a complete overhaul (see signature for specs) I have installed a new SATA hard disk with Windows XP MCE 2005 to boot , and the existing hard disk (which has a non bootable version of windows on it) is plugged in as "spare storage". However I have some valuable pictures on the old hard disk which have been ecrypted for security and under the new installation I cannot access these files at all. I cannot even copy the files to the SATA drive as it claims Access is denied. Going into the properties of the files does nothing as again...access is denied. I would have gone into the existing windows installation had it not screwed up and decrypted the files before copying them over but unfortunatey I didn't know my motherboard and Windows installation was going to fail

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Setting Up New Hard Disk In NTFS And Old In Fat32 ?

Dec 12, 2007

I have a Hard drive with a corrupted boot sector that is Fat32. I'm setting up a new hard drive with NTFS. I'm going to slave the old HDD on the other IDE for file recovery. Will this be ok using the two different file systems?

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First Fat32 Now Ntfs: Hard Disk Not Detecting?

Oct 10, 2005

I had a 40 gig hard drive : then bought myself an 80 gig to accomodate the huge amount of music I had collected: essentially using the second hard drive merely as a storage space: i.e. it had no windows or other interface installed upon it and was run from harddrive number 1 (40gig) due to long overdue need of formating : I reformatted harddrive 1 and following said format I couldnt read hard drive 2 (with all my beloved music) through windows

after much headscratching I remembered that my original windows was fat 32 win xp pro and this new format job was ntfs win xp homeI havent had a chance to test my hard drive on a fat 32 driven pc yet : and i was posting here in the hope that someone could enlighten me on whether it is worth trying another format job with fat 32 and xp pro or whether there is anyway i can convert the 2nd hard drive to ntfs.

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Ntfs Hard Disk Not Recognized - After Loading Cmos Disappears

Sep 24, 2005

i have a 20 gig hd (maxtor) that is not showing in windows xp. the drive is NTFS and is fine and does show in cmos but once loaded into windows it is not there. i had the drive previously in another system as a slave only for mp3's. It was formatted NTFS prior to transferring mp3's to it. Now i've tried it as both master and slave to get the files off but am now having this problem of windows not seeing it when i go into windows explorer

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NTFS And External USB Hard Disk - Store Virtual Pc Files

Feb 25, 2005

I have Win XP Pro SP2 I also have an external Lacie 250GB hard disk I want to store my Virtual PC files on. But, it is formatted at FAT32 and I can't put a file on there that is over 4GB. So, I tried to convert the drive to NTFS, but Windows won't let me do this. It keeps telling me the disk is dirty and to run chkdsk / f. Which I have done and completes fine finding no problems on the drive. Yet convert e: /fs:NTFS still does not convert the drive reporting it is dirty. What is causing this and how do I fix it? I have tons of data on the drive so I can't re-partition it as I don't want to loose that data. I need to convert it to NTFS.

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Partitioning 40gb Hard Disk: Selecting FAT32 Or NTFS?

Aug 18, 2005

i put fat32 on partition 1 and NTFS on partition 2 on the same hard drive can that be why my system isnt running good because i just installed windows xp on a formatted hard drive and it runs poorly. or can anybody tell me the best way to partition a 40 gig harddrive to get the most out of it....? I thought there was something wrong with my windows xp disk because out of all the times i have fdisk and reinstalled windows it never ran this bad...

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Free Software Tool To Recovering Files From A Deleted NTFS Partition

Nov 26, 2008

Did something really stupid the other day. Was doing a Windows install and I mistook a drive for a different drive.In short, I deleted the partition, recreated the partition, but I haven't reformatted yet. The partition was the same size before and after so that shouldn't be a problem. the files should still be there but I don't know how to get at them. I've already tried Recuva, UndeletePlus, Restoration, and a Knoppix boot disk but none of these were able to do anything because of the lack of a file system/boot sector.

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Recovering Data - Browsed Normally

Sep 1, 2008

This probably isn't really a Windows question but I can't find a better place to put it.I'm trying to recover files from a Dell laptop that won't boot into Windows. I think the partition is corrupt but I don't know enough to say for sure. When I try to boot normally, it says "NTLDR is missing".When I use a Windows installation disk (as if I were going to install or repair Windows), and I get to the part where it asks me to choose a partition, it shows the partition as "C: Unknown" where the other partitions (from Dell) are FAT or FAT32. When I run Ubuntu off of a LiveCD, I can see a "52.1 GB Volume: disk", but when I try to open that it tells me "The folder contents could not be displayed". The DellRestore and DellUtility partitions can be browsed normally.

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Fat32 Or NTFS: Installing New Hard Disk Wont Make Decision Of Selection?

Sep 23, 2007

why I should go with NTFS I'm installing a new HD,and now have to decide which way to go?

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Recovery Data From Hard Disk After Deleting Partition?

Oct 15, 2010

i have found that my little bro has accidentally formated my hdd and deleted partitions also then he created new partitions and installed XP. now is there any hope or a way that i can recover my previous data ????

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Transfering Data From Older Hard Disk To Newer One?

Mar 11, 2006

This is the problem in which I'm currently in. I saved roughly about 15Gs worth of music and numerous pictures in my documents. Well since then I've changed the h.d, motherboard, and a few other things and installed a fresh copy of windows on the alternate h.d. well with the first h.d set as a slave and no means of going back to my original setup because i deleted most of everything on the h.d except a few folders it won't give me access to those folders. I'm wondering is there anyway of gaining access to those folder?

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Transferring Hard Disk From One Laptop To Another For Data Transfer?

Jun 8, 2006

I am after help in that i would like to take hard drive, volume 27g from one laptop win xp pro, and place on another laptop 80g win xp home.I do have memory flash but only 256mb.I also think i will need to look at partioning drives do hope i get a reply/plural great support

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Hard Disk Fully Recovered - All Data In The First Partition Will Be Destroyed?

Sep 14, 2007

If i run fully recovered (all data in the first partition will be destroyed), can i have get my files back, because my computer keep restart with "registry file failure"?

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Recovery Partition/Disk: Using Or Recovering As New?

Oct 15, 2009

The way my recovery partition works on my netbook is when it was first used (I didnt not use it first) is it creates an image of the system when all the system has been setup then when ever I have to use the recovery it used that image to just overwirte and replace everything.I have access to the partition where the Recovery is stored and I have my Recovery Disk but as its a netbook I have no Drive, I can copy the disk files onto my Pen drive (if my pen drive is big enough)

I want to know if there is anyway I can change it so I can use the recovery and do it from scratch like when it was first turned on (first use) because there are setting there and other items that I want to change. If I could do it by editing the files in the partition that would be easier but I can try and use the disk if needs be?

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Recovering Remaining Disk Space

May 7, 2006

I have a 320G hard drive but Xp's just showing 127G after I clean installed due to system crash.Does any one know how I can go about recovering the remaining space?

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Converting Fat 32 To Ntfs Without Loosing The Data?

Dec 29, 2006

how can I convert my hard drive from fat 32 format to ntfs? without losing everything preferably

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Recovering "corrupt" Data On Windows 2000

Apr 25, 2006

using BT client, when one of the shared files was "corrupt or missing" so she turned it off, and reset the computer.

When loaded again the entire drives files when accessed gave the message that the files were "corrupt". (The drive is secondary ide master).

She restarted again but then windows would not load, she called me, i entered safe mode but as it was loading it gave the option to not load sptd.sys, i found that windows would hang halfway through booting when this file was run so i opted to not load it and enter safe mode.

I found sptd.sys was part of daemon tools which may interfere with nero (both installed on her computer). so i disabled the file and booted into windows successfully.

The "coprrupt" drive had some data on it, but 120Gb worth had vanished. i ran scandisk which crashed, so i tried some file recovery software (stellar phoenix) but that only found a couple of directories with minimal data in it.

There is only about a gig worth of really irreplaceable data, which i would like to retreive, im pretty sure at this stage that all is pretty much lost.

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Recovering To Original State - Creating Recovery Disk

Nov 14, 2008

I have recently restored my PC to it's original state as bought from the shop using the Recovery Disk supplied leaving just the Operating System.A friend wants to do the same but has no Recovery Disk. His PC was built by an independent.
Is there a way of creating a recovery disk to do this or is there site to download the relevant info/software.

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Reformatting Back To NTFS From XFS

Oct 3, 2008

I recently switched back to XP after using Ubuntu for a couple years. I had no problems reformatting back to NTFS from XFS, no problems on install, but when I start up I have no sound, and no connection to the internet or to my other machine (which is also an XP machine).When I check the hardware my audio and ethernet come up yellow. I think the audio gives me a code 10 and the ethernet gives a code 28 (I could be wrong about the code 28 I didn't write it down). Now the really odd thing about this is that I put in my Ubuntu live CD and booted Ubuntu up, and right away I had audio and internet running straight from the live CD so I know the hardware must be good. I'm actually posting this from firefox running off of my live CD.I even tried installing a different ethernet card (the one I am using is integrated on the MOBO) and it recognizes it but won't let me get a connection.

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Install On Hard Drive With Data Without Losing Data?

Jul 10, 2005

Can I install XP on a hard drive which has only one partition with data without destroying the data?

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