Recovering "corrupt" Data On Windows 2000

Apr 25, 2006

using BT client, when one of the shared files was "corrupt or missing" so she turned it off, and reset the computer.

When loaded again the entire drives files when accessed gave the message that the files were "corrupt". (The drive is secondary ide master).

She restarted again but then windows would not load, she called me, i entered safe mode but as it was loading it gave the option to not load sptd.sys, i found that windows would hang halfway through booting when this file was run so i opted to not load it and enter safe mode.

I found sptd.sys was part of daemon tools which may interfere with nero (both installed on her computer). so i disabled the file and booted into windows successfully.

The "coprrupt" drive had some data on it, but 120Gb worth had vanished. i ran scandisk which crashed, so i tried some file recovery software (stellar phoenix) but that only found a couple of directories with minimal data in it.

There is only about a gig worth of really irreplaceable data, which i would like to retreive, im pretty sure at this stage that all is pretty much lost.

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Hard Disk Corrupt: Recovering Data ?

Sep 4, 2005

I can recovering my data from a hard drive I've recently corrupted . Whilst in the process of moving/renaming partitions I've managed to corrupt my harddrive which contains an xp operating system, four partitions and 150 gigabytes of movies etc. I've now installed xp on my other drive but it wont recognise the other one. Infact its not recognising the other disc or its patitions at all, even thru windows recovery 'chkdsk' where it just says disk it unformatted. Norton disc doctor at least recognised the disc as corrupted (and unformatted) and declares a bad partion table but is unable to fix it. I think my data is probably lost for good and I'm going to have to reformat

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User Profile In Windows 2000 Is Somewhat Corrupt?

Aug 9, 2007

On a w2k-sp4 pc, my booting process starts looping with "Loading your personal parameters" when it reaches "Recording your parameters". That's the point where you hear the jingle which goes on indefinitely. Since it's inside the opening of the User Session, probably that my profile is somewhat corrupt. Safe Mode leads to the same loop. FYI, I can access w2k files through an XP I have on that pc operating in dual boot mode.

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Recovering Data - Browsed Normally

Sep 1, 2008

This probably isn't really a Windows question but I can't find a better place to put it.I'm trying to recover files from a Dell laptop that won't boot into Windows. I think the partition is corrupt but I don't know enough to say for sure. When I try to boot normally, it says "NTLDR is missing".When I use a Windows installation disk (as if I were going to install or repair Windows), and I get to the part where it asks me to choose a partition, it shows the partition as "C: Unknown" where the other partitions (from Dell) are FAT or FAT32. When I run Ubuntu off of a LiveCD, I can see a "52.1 GB Volume: disk", but when I try to open that it tells me "The folder contents could not be displayed". The DellRestore and DellUtility partitions can be browsed normally.

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Recovering NTFS Data Files?

Jul 8, 2005

I have two laptop computers. The primary machine is 8 months old and is of fairly advanced spec. It has a DVD/CD R/W but no floppy drive. The secondary machine, which was replaced by the primary some 8 months ago, is of much lesser spec but may have either a CD R/W or a Floppy Disk drive inserted into the media bay, but not both at the same time. Both machines are running Windows XP Professional SP2 with all updates and patches installed.

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Recovering The Data From Damaged Hard Disk?

Oct 12, 2009

hard disk not work Recovering the data from damaged hard disk?

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Recovering Data From Formatted Hard Drive?

Aug 20, 2005

I somehow accidentally formatted my "E" Drive, I know all my MP3s were in there and some other stuff I don't know there any way I can recover them?

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Recovering Data Back From NTFS Hard Disk?

Sep 16, 2006

I am having a problem with my 400GB HDD not displaying correctly - it displays as 127GB - in a new install of Windows XP on a seperate drive. My original setup was as follows:400GB SATA HDD with Windows XP as the Operating System plus Data - Single Partition - NTFS. 300GB SATA HDD with purely data - Single Partition - NTFS.I bought a new HDD today (SATA 320GB) and installed it in the PC. The original XP install saw it was installed and offered formatting options from Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management - no formatting options were taken.I then installed Windows XP (non-SP2 install, SP2 has been installed afterwards along with Video Card and Motherboard drivers) to the new HDD without removing the old drives first.

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Recover Data From Corrupt HDD: Not Allowed To Copy Data?

Dec 31, 2006

I had a bad HDD failure which corrupted part of my WinXP OS with the result that I am unable to boot into Windows. I have reloaded Windows on another HDD and I will be able to recover most of my data from backups. However, there is still some recent data on the bad disk which I am frantic to recover. I am able to find the "Documents and Settings" folder where I believe the "Outlook Express" data is held

I am unable to get into the folder as my username on the computer was passworded (the password is known). Neither am I allowed to copy the folder to my new drive. I cannot access the folder from my new OS even when I password myself with the same username / password. I have attempted to repair the bad drive's copy of Windows but that wasn't successful. I don't want to replace the bad copy with a fresh as this would reformat the drive taking with it the folder I want (and can't copy). Any work on the folder would need to be on the bad drive, it seems. I have run out of ideas.

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Installing Softwares: Corrupt

Mar 26, 2006

I recieved my new PC today. Something obviously went wrong when I was installing drivers and necessary software. It was either during ZoneAlarm or ATI's display drivers (from the CD, until I could download the latest off the site). After that things have been a bit unstable. I managed to uninstall ZoneAlarm. I turned off auto-rebooting and tried launching GAIM as it was affected by the ... mess. gaim.dll wouldn't launch, and I got the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL blue screen. I scanned with NOD32 and I didn't find any viruses, but everything inside is, well, see for yourself.

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Getting Data From Corrupt Fat32 Drive?

Sep 6, 2007

Tomorrow I will be picking up a corrupt fat32 drive containing video files, an incident happened which would have been recorded on the drive, while trying to review the video the the dedicated software reported fat32 corruption, please re-format !I am going to try and mount the drive as a slave on my system if this fails I intend to run spinrite still no go then fsck (XP still has fsck for fat32 - right ?) If all else fails could you guys recommend any (preferably free) software to retrieve files from a corrupt fat 32 drive I have heard there is software that will scan the drive right down at a byte level and retrieve particular types of files ie jpeg or avi identifying them from their byte structure

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Corrupt Data Structures On Drive C?

Apr 19, 2009

How do I check for this and fix it?

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Configuration Data For This Product Is Corrupt?

Feb 7, 2010

Scanjet 3970 & Windows XP home. Had a "trogan horse" attack - supposedly had fixed; however, scanner would not work. Got message "An error occurred communicating with the scanning device". So tried to uninstall and reinstall. Now get message saying "The configeration data for this product is corrupt". Now what do I do??

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Application Data Folder Corrupt?

Jul 1, 2008

I've recently had a problem when opening many programs such as Microsoft Office, iTunes, etc. When I try to open them Windows Installer appears and there is an error message stating that an error occurred while attempting to create the directory C: DocumentsandSettings/AllUsers/Application Data - then the program fails to open. When I found this Application Data folder and tried to open it there is a message saying it is corrupt and unreadable. Any ideas as how to repair this folder? as I currently cannot open many programs on my computer due to this error. Thanks in advance! btw I have Windows XP Pro

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No More Windows File Sharing After Windows 2000 Computer Networked

Jul 24, 2005

I had to put windows 2000 on my moms PC, which is part of a network, and now EVERY computer on the Network sees an "Internet Gateway". WHY???? The only computer that can see shared files is my moms with the windows 2000. theres 3 more computers all running windows xp. how do i fix this? File sharing is now available, but I myself believe the internet is being slowed down. THe Internet gateway that windows XP is picking up is reading 8.0 mbps. My connection has gotten as high as like almost 2, but it should not read that.

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Corrupt Partition - Data Recovery Suggestions?

Feb 26, 2005

let's just say me and my PC haven't been getting along very well lately . In the last 2 weeks I've successfully fought off a nasty CWS infection, subsequently upgraded to XP SP2 and all the latest patches, and now this. I was using the machine yesterday morning, and it was exceedingly sluggish. Task Manager showed that TurboTax which I'd left running wasn't responding. I repeatedly attempted to close TT, and 2 minutes later it finally closed. Instead of rebooting immediately, I went to IE to browse the web. A few minutes later the machine came screeching to a halt. No BSOD, just frozen.

I resigned myself to using the reset button. On the reboot, the machine started to load XP, then reset on its own back to the BIOS splash screen. I attempted to reboot normally, same thing. Last known good configuration, same thing. Safe Mode, same thing. So, XP is hosed. I loaded the System Recovery console and started looking around. Dir reports a problem enumerating directories on C:/. Chkdisk reports there are errors it can't fix.

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Extracting Data Off A Corrupt Hard Drive?

Aug 2, 2009

I have my windows XP Partition on the C Drive. I am trying to extract all the info from my D Drive and put it onto an External Hard drive. For some reason it is just not letting me transfer the files. I have tried to send and copy them over with no luck. I have tried using Acronis T.Image, but doesn't work (tells me that there is bad sectors and can't transfer). Tried using bootable disks (UBCD 4 Win, Drive XML, Norton partition manager 9.0 etc. As soon as I start extracting files it gives me and error message and asks if I want to ignore, retry etc. What would you suggest. I was going to run a disk check on this D drive, but I am afraid of it wiping out some of my files. Is there another bootable disk that I should use for extracting my files.

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Windows Xp Re-installatioin / Preserve Second Hard Drive Data And 2nd Boot Windows Xp?

Jan 1, 2008

I want to install a new primary hard drive and reinstall windows xp from scratch on the new c: drive. For the moment I would also like to retain the old disc contents and the xp operating system. To try to do this I installed a second hard drive and cloned the old drive c: to the new drive f:. I created a dual boot computer by editing my boot.ini file so I could boot from either the c: or f: drive. I replaced my primary hard drive with a new drive and booted up in the f: drive. Then I cloned the f: drive back to the new c: drive creating a dual boot system. My concern now is that if I reinstall windows xp on the newly installed hard drive, the Dell installation disk will wipe out the operating system and the contents on the f: drive. Is there any way to retain the old system? I'd appreciate any help with this.

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Can Update From Windows 2000 Pro To Windows XP Pro Without Having To Reinstall?

Jan 25, 2005

Is there a way I can update from Windows 2000 Pro to Windows XP Pro without having to reinstall my programs and backup/reinstall all of my files? Is it safe to just update like this?

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Unable To Install Windows 98 Under Windows 2000?

Feb 22, 2005

My system is running with Windows 2000.
Now, I just want to install Windows 98 on a separate logic drive, but it is immpossible to run the setup programm under windows 2000. How can i install windows 98 just the same.

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Cannot Find Data Base File Or Data Base File Is Corrupt

Feb 17, 2005

I keep getting the following message errorloading C:winntsystem32msa64chk.dll. I tried to clear it by reloading windows xp but not only did it not change but now i have a corrupt file on some software. which says cannot find data base file or data base file is corrupt.

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Windows 2000 / Want To Upgrade To Windows XP

Dec 14, 2007

I am somewhat of a newbie to PC. I have a computer with Windows 2000 on it and want to upgrade to Windows XP, so I go and buy the XP upgrade pack with SP2 on it. On the box it says its for users of 98, 98 Second Edition, and ME. It doesnt mention 2000 anywere ! So can I not use this to upgrade to XP? I havent opened the XP package yet , because if it doesnt work I dont want to waste my $99.

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Windows 2000 Shutting Down

Jul 29, 2005

I am running Windows 2000 with sp4. Unit will come up and run in safe mode. If you try and come up in regular mode, it will load password and then just about get the desktop completely loaded and the unit will shut down and reboot. Tried to create different user and it will do the same thing. No virus or spyware to find

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Can Delete Windows 2000?

Nov 21, 2006

I have been given a computer, when I turn it on, it asks me which OS i want to use, windows 2000 or windows xp pro.Is there a way I can delete windows 2000 so as I only have the 1 OS ?

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Can't Get Sound On Windows Nt 2000

Jan 8, 2007

I can't get any sound on my nt 2000 system. Speakers are plugged in, all audio options are on.

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Users On Windows 2000

Jul 5, 2001

The group USERS message says.."Users are prevented from making accidental or intentional system-wide changes. Thus, Users can run certified applications, but not most legacy applications".Is there a way i can add to the certified applications? Programs run fine if I add Domain Users, or individual logon names to the Power Users group. But I don't want to do that.

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Windows 2000 Freezing

Jun 24, 2006

My computer keeps on freezing about 15 minutes after logging onto windows, I re-installed windows 2000, updated the drivers, applied all patches and security updates, and updated the motherboard and bios,purchased a new hard drive, and purchased new ram memory, but my computer still freezes. Any suggestions on this problem would be appreciated.

thanks, prodriguez55

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Windows Upgrade Questions 2000 Pro To Xp Pro?

Apr 30, 2007

my daughter has an older model sony vaio (pcg- fx220) running ms windows 2000 pro and is wanting to upgrade to xp. she purchased her upgrade software from her college vendor and they shipped her 2 discs. one is labeled ms windows xp professional with service pack 2 and the other is labeled ms windows xp professional x64 edition.

i am assuming the i should install the w xp pro with serv. pk 2 instead of the 64x version. in the back of my mind, there is some previously learned and nearly forgotten info regarding processors and hers is an older 750 pentium iii.

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Can Install Windows 2000, 200 Downgrade

Jun 1, 2008

I recently bought an old laptop which originally came with Windows 98. The individual had upgraded the to Windows XP which causes the laptop to run slowly. Can you tell me what is the best (simplest) way to remove XP so I can install Windows 2000

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Forgot Windows 2000 Logon

Jan 28, 2006

cannot access my PC. Running windows 2000 pro PC as it is not taking what I thought the logon password is. I am locked out. I am not super technical and would like a shortcut. I did receive a tip, but it was for XP and is only good if you are already in. I need to retrieve a critical word doc.

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Windows 2000 Disks Are Required

Dec 20, 2006

I have decided to install Windows XP (upgrade) on my home computer. Before beginning I need to know if the Windows 2000 Disks are required. I do not have them and I don't want to start this if there may be a problem.

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