Windows Upgrade Questions 2000 Pro To Xp Pro?

Apr 30, 2007

my daughter has an older model sony vaio (pcg- fx220) running ms windows 2000 pro and is wanting to upgrade to xp. she purchased her upgrade software from her college vendor and they shipped her 2 discs. one is labeled ms windows xp professional with service pack 2 and the other is labeled ms windows xp professional x64 edition.

i am assuming the i should install the w xp pro with serv. pk 2 instead of the 64x version. in the back of my mind, there is some previously learned and nearly forgotten info regarding processors and hers is an older 750 pentium iii.

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Windows 2000 / Want To Upgrade To Windows XP

Dec 14, 2007

I am somewhat of a newbie to PC. I have a computer with Windows 2000 on it and want to upgrade to Windows XP, so I go and buy the XP upgrade pack with SP2 on it. On the box it says its for users of 98, 98 Second Edition, and ME. It doesnt mention 2000 anywere ! So can I not use this to upgrade to XP? I havent opened the XP package yet , because if it doesnt work I dont want to waste my $99.

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Can't Upgrade Win 2000 Pro To Pro Using Pro CD

May 25, 2007

I have a computer with Windows 2000 Pro on it and I wanted to upgrade it to Windows XP Pro using an unused Windows XP Pro CD/license (Version 2002, it says) I have. However, when I stuck in the CD and selected "Install XP Pro," it told me "Windows XP Setup does not support upgrading from Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional to Microsoft Windows XP Professional."

So it will only let me do a clean install. Is this because I have an OEM CD meant for a new computer? I thought you could upgrade (rather than re-install) to XP from any genuine XP CD?

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Upgrade To WIN Home From Win 2000 Pro?

Mar 5, 2007

I want to upgrade my OS from WIN 2000 Pro SP 4 to WIN XP Home SP 2. I have a retailer who offers this upgrade, but does not specify if you can upgrade from WIN 2000 Pro. In fact, they don't speciy what update options you have with this upgrade pakage (Form - To). I have e-mailed them asking if this upgrade will work for me. But, as yet, they haven't replied to my query. Will this this upgrade work for me?

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Use An Upgrade Version With 2000

Aug 12, 2002

According to Microsoft, Windows 2000 does not qualify for an upgrade to the XP Home Edition. Windows 2000 Professional users can only upgrade to XP Professional. If the XP upgrade disk is run from inside Windows 2000, the software will report that no qualifying operating system is seen, and therefore the XP upgrade cannot be used. However, if the computer is set to boot from the XP CDROM, the install program will indicate that it sees no qualifying program for the upgrade, and asks the user to insert the install disk for 1 of several qualfying operating systems to verify ownership. Windows 2000 Professional is a qualifying system on the list, in spite of Microsoft statements that it can only be upgraded to Windows XP Professional.To upgrade from Windows 2000 to XP Home Edition, boot from the XP CDROM (by changing BIOS settings), and when asked insert your Windows 2000 install CDROM to prove ownership of an operating system eligible for an upgrade. The XP install can then proceed on any available free hard drive space. If the free space is on a hard drive already containing Windows 2000 (space created for example by programs such as Partition Magic), the XP install will automatically set up a dual-boot system. This asks you each time you turn the computer on which OS you want. This allows people to retain Windows 2000, while migrating applications and data piece by piece to Windows XP.

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Going From 2000 To XP /.fresh Or Upgrade?

Aug 15, 2005

I have been putting together a new system. First new one in a long time. Here's the situation.I have:old IDE HD w/ Windows 2000 and all my stuff on unused SATA HD.I'd like to upgrade to Windows XP...and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this. A couple of different possibilities:

[1] Hook up the old HD, copy it over to the new, and either before or after the copy, upgrade to Windows XP.

[2] Do a fresh install of Windows XP.on my new HD, and reinstall everything? slowly copy over stuff from my old HD?

Now, on my old HD I have a TON of stuff installed. And the prospect of reinstalling program after program so the registry is all proper and what not, and manually sifting through configuration files and what not for various programs to copy them over so I don't lose all my configurations and what not ugh, it just sounds like a nightmare.Yet, the copy of Windows 2000 is old, and if I remember correctly, was already an upgrade from Win98. I have a hunch it's pretty grungy and that there's a lot of unnecessary stuff. So I'd really *like* a fresh install.So what's my best bet?...Is there some option I've missed?Is there any way to start off with a fresh install of WinXP without having to extremely painstakingly reconstruct everything over. If not, is the benefits of a fresh install really worth it? Would an upgrade suffice?

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Would Like To Upgrade Compaq Laptop To 2000

Sep 28, 2005

I have been thinking about upgrading my laptop computer to Windows 2000. Hopefully I don't have problems when it comes to finding the right drivers for my laptop computer, but the other thing that I am worried about is downloading the updates. My computer is only 300MHz with 96 MB of RAM in it, I only connect at 28.8 on the phone line and I haven't got a network to connect my laptop to high speed. Is there a way that I can download seperate updates for Windows 2000? Is there a way I can download Internet Explorer 6 and save it?

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Upgrade To Xp Pro Form 2000 Pro - No Enough Disk Space?

Aug 5, 2007

i am tryng to upgrade a machine from 2000 pro to windows xp pro. the pc has a C drive with 23.5 gb free and a D drive with 60.5 mb of free space. when i try to do the upgrade frm the cd it tells me that there is not enough disk space and that i need at least 640 or so mb of free space.

it looks like it is tryng to install it on the D drive. how to get it to use the C drive?

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No More Windows File Sharing After Windows 2000 Computer Networked

Jul 24, 2005

I had to put windows 2000 on my moms PC, which is part of a network, and now EVERY computer on the Network sees an "Internet Gateway". WHY???? The only computer that can see shared files is my moms with the windows 2000. theres 3 more computers all running windows xp. how do i fix this? File sharing is now available, but I myself believe the internet is being slowed down. THe Internet gateway that windows XP is picking up is reading 8.0 mbps. My connection has gotten as high as like almost 2, but it should not read that.

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Can Update From Windows 2000 Pro To Windows XP Pro Without Having To Reinstall?

Jan 25, 2005

Is there a way I can update from Windows 2000 Pro to Windows XP Pro without having to reinstall my programs and backup/reinstall all of my files? Is it safe to just update like this?

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Unable To Install Windows 98 Under Windows 2000?

Feb 22, 2005

My system is running with Windows 2000.
Now, I just want to install Windows 98 on a separate logic drive, but it is immpossible to run the setup programm under windows 2000. How can i install windows 98 just the same.

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Windows 2000 Shutting Down

Jul 29, 2005

I am running Windows 2000 with sp4. Unit will come up and run in safe mode. If you try and come up in regular mode, it will load password and then just about get the desktop completely loaded and the unit will shut down and reboot. Tried to create different user and it will do the same thing. No virus or spyware to find

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Can Delete Windows 2000?

Nov 21, 2006

I have been given a computer, when I turn it on, it asks me which OS i want to use, windows 2000 or windows xp pro.Is there a way I can delete windows 2000 so as I only have the 1 OS ?

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Can't Get Sound On Windows Nt 2000

Jan 8, 2007

I can't get any sound on my nt 2000 system. Speakers are plugged in, all audio options are on.

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Users On Windows 2000

Jul 5, 2001

The group USERS message says.."Users are prevented from making accidental or intentional system-wide changes. Thus, Users can run certified applications, but not most legacy applications".Is there a way i can add to the certified applications? Programs run fine if I add Domain Users, or individual logon names to the Power Users group. But I don't want to do that.

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Windows 2000 Freezing

Jun 24, 2006

My computer keeps on freezing about 15 minutes after logging onto windows, I re-installed windows 2000, updated the drivers, applied all patches and security updates, and updated the motherboard and bios,purchased a new hard drive, and purchased new ram memory, but my computer still freezes. Any suggestions on this problem would be appreciated.

thanks, prodriguez55

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Can Upgrade Windows 98 Computer

Jan 16, 2005

can i load the upgrade of windows 98 to xp on two home computers?

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Reinstalling Windows After MB And CPU Upgrade

Sep 19, 2006

I just bought a new MB and CPU to upgrade my rig. I currently have a Athlon XP 3000 with an Epox MB and am going to a socket 939 X2 4800 and a ASRock 939 Dual-VSTA MB.So the question is: Is there any pointers or short-cuts when my system requires me to perform a re-installation of Windows XP? Is there a way to just update the drivers needed for my new MB and CPU or do I just have no choice but to do a reinstall of XP? What about the differences between repair and a full reinstallation.

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Mobo / CPU Upgrade And Windows

Dec 29, 2006

I'm new to these forums, but it looks like there's a ton of info here, so I wanted to give you guys a shot. I'm looking to upgrade my mobo and CPU, but not necessarily my hard drive. Can I just uprade the mobo and CPU with my hard drive the way it is now, with Windows and all? Or do I need a clean install or reformat or anything?

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Can Install Windows 2000, 200 Downgrade

Jun 1, 2008

I recently bought an old laptop which originally came with Windows 98. The individual had upgraded the to Windows XP which causes the laptop to run slowly. Can you tell me what is the best (simplest) way to remove XP so I can install Windows 2000

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Forgot Windows 2000 Logon

Jan 28, 2006

cannot access my PC. Running windows 2000 pro PC as it is not taking what I thought the logon password is. I am locked out. I am not super technical and would like a shortcut. I did receive a tip, but it was for XP and is only good if you are already in. I need to retrieve a critical word doc.

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Windows 2000 Disks Are Required

Dec 20, 2006

I have decided to install Windows XP (upgrade) on my home computer. Before beginning I need to know if the Windows 2000 Disks are required. I do not have them and I don't want to start this if there may be a problem.

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Password Reset Windows 2000 - Cant Log In

Mar 23, 2007

i forgot my pasword dats anyone nkow how can i reset? i cant log in

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Unable To Run Software On Windows 2000?

Dec 13, 2005

I'm trying to install a program called labelmaster 5.3 on a windows 2000 box........I've installed this program at least 100 time and I have never had this issue with it.......the splash screen will just flash and not install.......i've copied the install to different drives and it does the same........I checked the atts and made sure all the read only marks are will install in safe mode but boot it up into normal mode it just does the same thing when you try to run the program.......

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User Profile In Windows 2000 Is Somewhat Corrupt?

Aug 9, 2007

On a w2k-sp4 pc, my booting process starts looping with "Loading your personal parameters" when it reaches "Recording your parameters". That's the point where you hear the jingle which goes on indefinitely. Since it's inside the opening of the User Session, probably that my profile is somewhat corrupt. Safe Mode leads to the same loop. FYI, I can access w2k files through an XP I have on that pc operating in dual boot mode.

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Topped At Windows 2000 Splash Screen?

Apr 20, 2008

windows xp topped at windows 2000 splash screen?But I still can use vga mode windows. My computer: DELL optiplex gx110, 733mhz P3 nvidia pci 16mb. windows 2000 pro. Relevant Story: It happened after I installed a new driver for nvidia through windows update. I unstalled it and reinstalled the old driver but I still get the same error.Further note: If you are familiar with Dell computer at least older computers,it has been always a pain to switch from the online/vga adapter to the card you want to use.

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Windows 2000 Reinstallation Problems During Registering Components

Jan 15, 2005

I recently tried reinstalling windows 2000 thinking it would maybe help my computer. I ran the windows 2000 disk and chose the first option(the one where it doesnt clean out all my files). Now during "registering components" in the installation the loading bar seems to make no progress. I've left it on for a couple days now and it has shown no progress. I've tried restarting my comp but then it restarts the windows 2000 installation again and then the same problem

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Slow To Load Windows 2000 - Virtual Memory Too Low

Jan 5, 2005

The computer is slow to load windows 2000. Takes several mintues to connect to the net. Message showing that "Virtual Memory is low". Have gone into "My computer" - then "advanced options" and increased virtual memory to 1500. There is a good amount of space on the disc. But actions made no difference and still get the message that the virtual memory is low. Speed of computer not improved.Will try "System restore".

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Toshiba Satellite Laptop PCI / When Upgrading To WIndows 2000

May 7, 2006

I am trying to upgrade my laptop to Windows 2000. Once the OS was loaded I have two PCI slots not not recognized. I tried to put a Netgear Card into the slot and it did not work so I went to Device Manager. It gave me a PCI ?. I dont know where to get a driver for the PCI slots because I dont know there names. What do I do?

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Installing Office 2000: Windows File Protection Popup?

Feb 24, 2007

I have just installed a fresh copy of XP Pro and am now attempting to install Office 2000 Midway through the installation a window entitled "windows file protection" pops up which reads: "Windows files must be installed for your installation to proceed. Insert your Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 CD now." The buttons available to press are retry, more information and cancel. When i insert the cd i used to install XP Pro it tells me i've inserted the wrong CD- the same message comes up when i press "retry"After clicking cancel to exit setup, i get the message entitled "installer information"- "Error 1933- The windows installer service cannot update one or more protected Windows files"

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Installed Windows 2000 EBay - Quick Restore / Recovery CD

Jul 29, 2005

I've misplaced my Compaq Armada M700 quick restore CD. This CD came with a quick restore option of either Windows NT or Windows 2000. Obviously I've installed Windows 2000. I came across this ebay item. What do you guys think? Is this any good? If so, will the restore option install Windows XP instead of the Window 2000 that I currently have running?

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