Upgrade To Xp Pro Form 2000 Pro - No Enough Disk Space?

Aug 5, 2007

i am tryng to upgrade a machine from 2000 pro to windows xp pro. the pc has a C drive with 23.5 gb free and a D drive with 60.5 mb of free space. when i try to do the upgrade frm the cd it tells me that there is not enough disk space and that i need at least 640 or so mb of free space.

it looks like it is tryng to install it on the D drive. how to get it to use the C drive?

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Installed Word 2000 - Insufficient Memory Disk Space

Oct 8, 2009

"There is insufficient memory or disk space. Close extra windows and save your work." It's the message that I keep getting when I try to paste some pages of a book from Internet onto WORDS 2000 on my Laptop DELL INSPIRON 9300 with OS Windows XPPLEASE HELP ME TO FIND A CURE FOR THIS

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Can't Upgrade Win 2000 Pro To Pro Using Pro CD

May 25, 2007

I have a computer with Windows 2000 Pro on it and I wanted to upgrade it to Windows XP Pro using an unused Windows XP Pro CD/license (Version 2002, it says) I have. However, when I stuck in the CD and selected "Install XP Pro," it told me "Windows XP Setup does not support upgrading from Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional to Microsoft Windows XP Professional."

So it will only let me do a clean install. Is this because I have an OEM CD meant for a new computer? I thought you could upgrade (rather than re-install) to XP from any genuine XP CD?

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Upgrade To WIN Home From Win 2000 Pro?

Mar 5, 2007

I want to upgrade my OS from WIN 2000 Pro SP 4 to WIN XP Home SP 2. I have a retailer who offers this upgrade, but does not specify if you can upgrade from WIN 2000 Pro. In fact, they don't speciy what update options you have with this upgrade pakage (Form - To). I have e-mailed them asking if this upgrade will work for me. But, as yet, they haven't replied to my query. Will this this upgrade work for me?

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Use An Upgrade Version With 2000

Aug 12, 2002

According to Microsoft, Windows 2000 does not qualify for an upgrade to the XP Home Edition. Windows 2000 Professional users can only upgrade to XP Professional. If the XP upgrade disk is run from inside Windows 2000, the software will report that no qualifying operating system is seen, and therefore the XP upgrade cannot be used. However, if the computer is set to boot from the XP CDROM, the install program will indicate that it sees no qualifying program for the upgrade, and asks the user to insert the install disk for 1 of several qualfying operating systems to verify ownership. Windows 2000 Professional is a qualifying system on the list, in spite of Microsoft statements that it can only be upgraded to Windows XP Professional.To upgrade from Windows 2000 to XP Home Edition, boot from the XP CDROM (by changing BIOS settings), and when asked insert your Windows 2000 install CDROM to prove ownership of an operating system eligible for an upgrade. The XP install can then proceed on any available free hard drive space. If the free space is on a hard drive already containing Windows 2000 (space created for example by programs such as Partition Magic), the XP install will automatically set up a dual-boot system. This asks you each time you turn the computer on which OS you want. This allows people to retain Windows 2000, while migrating applications and data piece by piece to Windows XP.

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Going From 2000 To XP /.fresh Or Upgrade?

Aug 15, 2005

I have been putting together a new system. First new one in a long time. Here's the situation.I have:old IDE HD w/ Windows 2000 and all my stuff on it..new unused SATA HD.I'd like to upgrade to Windows XP...and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this. A couple of different possibilities:

[1] Hook up the old HD, copy it over to the new, and either before or after the copy, upgrade to Windows XP.

[2] Do a fresh install of Windows XP.on my new HD, and reinstall everything? slowly copy over stuff from my old HD?

Now, on my old HD I have a TON of stuff installed. And the prospect of reinstalling program after program so the registry is all proper and what not, and manually sifting through configuration files and what not for various programs to copy them over so I don't lose all my configurations and what not ugh, it just sounds like a nightmare.Yet, the copy of Windows 2000 is old, and if I remember correctly, was already an upgrade from Win98. I have a hunch it's pretty grungy and that there's a lot of unnecessary stuff. So I'd really *like* a fresh install.So what's my best bet?...Is there some option I've missed?Is there any way to start off with a fresh install of WinXP without having to extremely painstakingly reconstruct everything over. If not, is the benefits of a fresh install really worth it? Would an upgrade suffice?

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Windows Upgrade Questions 2000 Pro To Xp Pro?

Apr 30, 2007

my daughter has an older model sony vaio (pcg- fx220) running ms windows 2000 pro and is wanting to upgrade to xp. she purchased her upgrade software from her college vendor and they shipped her 2 discs. one is labeled ms windows xp professional with service pack 2 and the other is labeled ms windows xp professional x64 edition.

i am assuming the i should install the w xp pro with serv. pk 2 instead of the 64x version. in the back of my mind, there is some previously learned and nearly forgotten info regarding processors and hers is an older 750 pentium iii.

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Would Like To Upgrade Compaq Laptop To 2000

Sep 28, 2005

I have been thinking about upgrading my laptop computer to Windows 2000. Hopefully I don't have problems when it comes to finding the right drivers for my laptop computer, but the other thing that I am worried about is downloading the updates. My computer is only 300MHz with 96 MB of RAM in it, I only connect at 28.8 on the phone line and I haven't got a network to connect my laptop to high speed. Is there a way that I can download seperate updates for Windows 2000? Is there a way I can download Internet Explorer 6 and save it?

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Pc Asks Me To Empty Disk Space Though There Is Enough Disk Space

Feb 22, 2010

My issue is my machine displays "not enough disk space " error when i try to paste a file of 4gb though there is enough disk space of over 8gb free in my drive

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Hard Disk Space Go / Disk Space Seems To Vanish

Mar 31, 2007

I don't get it. the more i go on, the more and more disk space seems to vanish into thin air. xp usually takes a couple of gigs up on the hard disk, right? maybe 5 gigs at the very most. i've got 8 gigs taken up by videos in one folder. the programs i've got installed are negligable. the program files folder is 500mb. and yet my disk only has 20 gigs spare on a 40 gig hard disk. i've looked in every folder on the hard disk and i simply can't find any folders with anything of any great size in it. i've defragged the hard drive.

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Unallocated Disk Space - Expand The Disk Space

Apr 28, 2007

how to expand the disk space that I have. The primary C drive has the OS on it and it is only about 14GB, and my entire disk is about 50GB, the unallocated space is about 34 GB. I have tried to expand the primary partition unsuccessfully. Do I have to reload the entire OS ? I do not have the origional disk to reload the OS. It is a sony PCG-CRT160 computer with 500 mb ram and approximately a 50 GB primary drive that was partitioned when I got it.

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15GB Free Space And It Shows Not Enough Disk Space?

Aug 13, 2007

i wanted to copy a cd image 4.18GB ISO format from partition F: NTFS 9GB free to partition D: (FAT32 12GB free space) and windows gives me that crap there is not enough space and i should do a disk clean up.
I made a disk clean up to partition D: and there was 3GB of system restore files!!! maybe coz i deleted 6GB earlier anyway i deleted the system restore files

Only NTFS partions can have files with file size more than 4GB..i hope theres nothing wrong with my windows or my hard disk..and i wanna know if theres a way to move that ISO image..thanx in advance.

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Incorrect Disk Space, Low Disk Space

Feb 5, 2006

Drive C total capacity is around 24GB, when selecting all files in C:, it shows 12GB used, but only 2GB is left in free space. What's wrong?

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Low Disk Space / Clears Your Disk Space Up

Nov 26, 2007

Recently ive been getting the yellow triangle icon with an ''!'' in it, saying that I have very low disk space. Ive noticed my computer has also been running slower than usual. Maybe half a year ago I came here with the same problem, and someone (forget the name, sorry) posted a link to a program somebody made that clears your disk space up for you. It deleted old unused files, and it worked great. You sort of just clicked on the link on the site, a box came up, and you checked off what you needed to be cleared, and then the program fixed it for you.

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How To Upgrade Basic Disk To Dynamic Disk

Aug 7, 2009

I wish to upgrade basic disk to dynamic disk. But i know desired disadvantage of dynamic disk. Who could talk about?

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Hard Disk Free Space: Clear Recycle Bin And Disk Defragmenter C?

May 1, 2007

It says that TOTAL SIZE = 39 GB And Free Space = 5 GB Which means that the size of all files on C is 34 GB But when I select all files including Hidden files and Right Click> Properties, its size of all files is only 27 GB.I did clear recycle bin and disk defragmenter C, but still the same. So why is that?

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Optimize My Disk - Have The Disk Space (750GB) Subdivided

Mar 27, 2008

I'm facing the following problem: I would like to have my Disk space (750GB) subdivided to accomplish the following
1 - Boot Windows XP Prof SP2 x86

2 - Boot Windows XP Prof SP2 x64

3 - Store my Data Folders and Files separately (to do Backups from one place).

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Free Disk Space Message To Free Up Disk Space?

Aug 20, 2006

At least once a week I get this message: "To free up disk space, OE can compact messages". I just click "OK". I have 132 GB available so why do I get a message like this?

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Insufficient Disk Space For Disk Optimization

Feb 13, 2008

I am using Windows XP Home Edition. When i try using Norton360 to carry out disk optimization, i get the error message
"Drive C: Insufficient Free Disk Space, Need 15% free"

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Hard Disk Error - No Disk Space

Aug 15, 2008

Last week i installed windows XP Pro on my desktop. It has a 250GB hard drive which has 1 partition (C drive only), NTFS offcourse. I did not format it while installing windows as it has lots of stuff in it. There's over 50GB free and i�ve been removing a lot of stuff from the hard drive to make up some space but in windows i get an error message that i don't have enough disk space, the disk cleanup utility runs cant free up space and i can not install or copy anything in the hard drive. I've noticed that when i deleted some file holding (or not) the shift key the free size goes lower although the files are being deleted from the hard disk.

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2000 Check Disk Doesn't Work / The Disk Check Could Not Be Performed

Feb 5, 2003

when i run chdisk for errors in win 2000 by right clicking the hard drive icon and then clicking properties of c: harddrive, then tools tab, then click the check now button, and in the check disk options ticking "automatically fix file system errors" and clicking ok I get this message "The disk check could not be performed because exclusive access to the drive could not be obtained. Do you want to schedule the disk check to occur the next time you restart the computer."If i chose yes to that above it performs the diskcheck at reboot and when windows loads i go back to the checkdisk and i get the same problem again.

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Disk Cleanup / Pop Up Saying Out Of Disk Space

Apr 24, 2005

I've got a moderate amount of mp3 albums on my c drive and alot of the time i might download more and just place them on my desktop, anyway i tried to download a good pc game to install and play and i got a pop up saying OUT OF DISKSPACE!! then it asked me to free disk space so iam like how can all the space just be up all of a sudden? what can i do to get more disk space its very annoying.

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Compaq 2000 Operatig Disk

Dec 10, 2005

If its possible to get a compaq operating disk with win. 2000on it, to install on a compaq deskpro evan though it was created for a compaq evo ,got to get away from windows 98 now microsoft dont support it. thanks in advance for ant responce

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Do Clean Install From Upgrade Disk?

Oct 4, 2005

Just wondering if you can do a clean install of Win XP Pro using the upgrade disk or do I have to start with the original XP Home disk?

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Reloading With Home Upgrade Disk

Mar 13, 2008

While I wait to see if I get an answer on how I can fix my current problem, thought i would check on how I might completely relaod computer, just in case I don't get a fix. I have a HP Pavilion P3, it originally came with Windows ME, at a later date i installed an upgrade to Windows XP Home Edition. I have the original 3 disks (2 ea system recovery, and 1 application recovery), I also have the original XP Home upgrade disk with product key. I have already tried this once but it would not work-- I inserted disk 1 (hp system recovery) and booted the computer, after only a second or two the screen went blue and informed me the hard drive could not be found. I thought maybe it was because I was not using ME, so I installed the upgrade disk and booted. It began doing its thing then after loading several files it informed me of a windows error and it shut down windows.

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Primary Master Hard Disk - OS Is 2000

Sep 13, 2005

i have a maxtor 3.5 series 40G hard disk and when i turned on my computer it says primary hard disk fail. if i click F1 to continue it says disk boot failure what should i do guys need your help i have important ducoments in this hard disk my computer is a windows xp 2003 version with a OS is Windows 2000

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How To Stop Messenger 4.7 Form Launching?

Oct 20, 2006

know how to stop windows messenger from launching when opening Outlook or Express?? (and sometiimes it wants to automatically log in?) don't wish to disable it as i use it. Just want to launch when i want and log in - Using XP Pro

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Download Program - Create Boot Up Disk For 2000

Mar 26, 2005

Does anyone know where I can find a free download to create a bootup disk for Windows 2000?

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Windows 2000 / Want To Upgrade To Windows XP

Dec 14, 2007

I am somewhat of a newbie to PC. I have a computer with Windows 2000 on it and want to upgrade to Windows XP, so I go and buy the XP upgrade pack with SP2 on it. On the box it says its for users of 98, 98 Second Edition, and ME. It doesnt mention 2000 anywere ! So can I not use this to upgrade to XP? I havent opened the XP package yet , because if it doesnt work I dont want to waste my $99.

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Search Is Missing Form Start Menu

Sep 25, 2008

i have went to start properties and customize and advanced and it still dont show up. what does show up is a magnafiing glass that wasnt there b4. it dont let me look up files and folders.

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Disk Space

Mar 3, 2007

How can I find where all of my disk space is used up? When I go to my C drive and right click on properties, 28.3 GB used 2.7 free what can I delete since I have run disk clean up and deleted all but the last restore point?

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