I don't get it. the more i go on, the more and more disk space seems to vanish into thin air. xp usually takes a couple of gigs up on the hard disk, right? maybe 5 gigs at the very most. i've got 8 gigs taken up by videos in one folder. the programs i've got installed are negligable. the program files folder is 500mb. and yet my disk only has 20 gigs spare on a 40 gig hard disk. i've looked in every folder on the hard disk and i simply can't find any folders with anything of any great size in it. i've defragged the hard drive.
It says that TOTAL SIZE = 39 GB And Free Space = 5 GB Which means that the size of all files on C is 34 GB But when I select all files including Hidden files and Right Click> Properties, its size of all files is only 27 GB.I did clear recycle bin and disk defragmenter C, but still the same. So why is that?
Last week i installed windows XP Pro on my desktop. It has a 250GB hard drive which has 1 partition (C drive only), NTFS offcourse. I did not format it while installing windows as it has lots of stuff in it. There's over 50GB free and i�ve been removing a lot of stuff from the hard drive to make up some space but in windows i get an error message that i don't have enough disk space, the disk cleanup utility runs cant free up space and i can not install or copy anything in the hard drive. I've noticed that when i deleted some file holding (or not) the shift key the free size goes lower although the files are being deleted from the hard disk.
My issue is my machine displays "not enough disk space " error when i try to paste a file of 4gb though there is enough disk space of over 8gb free in my drive
how to expand the disk space that I have. The primary C drive has the OS on it and it is only about 14GB, and my entire disk is about 50GB, the unallocated space is about 34 GB. I have tried to expand the primary partition unsuccessfully. Do I have to reload the entire OS ? I do not have the origional disk to reload the OS. It is a sony PCG-CRT160 computer with 500 mb ram and approximately a 50 GB primary drive that was partitioned when I got it.
Problem with low disk space on the 1st of 2 hard drives. This hard drive is only 4 GB, and is my master drive. I have moved as many files as I possibly can to the second (larger) hard drive, without uninstalling and reinstalling all my programs. Is there any way to simply get any "overflow" to "fall into" the other drive.
Can anyone help me on my little problem? My computer at home has OS Xp and a few programs installed on the c drive which has a partition size of 10 gb, now all the programs should be using about 3 gb of space but it shows that 7 gb is in use. I check the c drive for temp and chk files and there are none. Select all the files including the ones that are hidden and take properties to find out the space they are on and it shows that it is 3 gb. What can possibly be holding back the other 4 gb and is there a way to free the space without formating the computer?
Win 98 is installed on C drive. XP Pro. in on D drive. Now free space on D drive is very little i.e. 915 MB only. and there is more free space in Drive C. How can I allot free space to D drive from C without formating my computer.
I recently deleted a Windows Self-Extracting EXE file from one of my partitions. The file has been deleted, but the disk space hasn't been recovered. This has happened to on numerous occasions in the past and I can't seem to find the cause of this.
My Lenovo laptop has 100GB. However, after practically having minimum programs (MS Office 07), plus whatever default comes with Lenovo, I am still left with 25GB! There is practically no music and no movies.I ran WinDirStat, and surprisingly under C: it shows 33.2 GB. As I only have one drive, 33.2 GB (C:) + 25 GB free (diskspace) is not equal to 100 GB.I have deleted temp files, perform disk cleanup, defrag, check that I have no system restore backup file on my hard disk.
i wanted to copy a cd image 4.18GB ISO format from partition F: NTFS 9GB free to partition D: (FAT32 12GB free space) and windows gives me that crap there is not enough space and i should do a disk clean up. I made a disk clean up to partition D: and there was 3GB of system restore files!!! maybe coz i deleted 6GB earlier anyway i deleted the system restore files
Only NTFS partions can have files with file size more than 4GB..i hope theres nothing wrong with my windows or my hard disk..and i wanna know if theres a way to move that ISO image..thanx in advance.
I have two hard disks in my computer. one is a 40gb and other 160gb.the 40gb HDD has been partitioned into two @roughly 20Gb each, with xp installed on one of them.I'm running windows XP sp3 which is installed in the C: drive(roughly 20Gb). The problem tat i face is that windows reports the free size to be only 988mb.When i check into the file properties of all the files it reports to be around 5GB, i have no idea where the remaning 15gb is gone.
Win XP Home SP2. Free space decreases at rate of 5 to 10MB daily. System is clean of spy, ad ware, trojans and worms, as tested, and cleaned regularly of temp and internet files. Could this be a Restore problem?
Although this has previously appeared in forum, thread is now closed.I have ntfs file system. On Used space and Free space I get unreal amounts (.98tb Free space). I am running XP Pro, Sp2. Problems started overnight.My other HDs show correct amounts.
I have Windows XP professional installed on my PC. I am working in VB.net. But the problem whic I am facing is that : My c drive space is decreasing automatically day by day. I am not finding the answer. It has reahed almost 700Mb to. I am doing a project now. In that situation i cannot format my PC. If there is any way to prevent it. It may be due wndows restoration point. Windows Xp may keep backups of my everyday jobs. But where can I find those backup files, and remove them and can recover my Hard Disk Drive space.
I have the very frustrating problem of slow startups, slow program access and other issues related to a very fragmented hard drive. The drive belongs to a notebook which was assigned to me at work. Clearly the previous user was never concerned about this but I'm quite sick of the 10-15minute startup times. (sometimes can take this long)The hard disk is a total 60GB however it is partitioned into 15GB and 45GB. The 15GB partition is quite full. I have been unsinstalling as many programs as I could to get it to the minimum 15% free which windows says it requires. I have now got it to 16% but the defrag is still "unable to complete". What do I do to get around this? There is no possible way I can clear anymore room without uninstalling vital programs.
I had 22 gigs free of 40 gig hard drive and today morning i have 17.5 gig free. I have dld few linkin park songs. That's it. I ran disk clean up, i have evidence eliminator i have tried just about everything and still instead of freeing up space i am actually loosing space. I had 18.5 half an hour ago and now 17.5? i don't no what i should del please help me out. Computer is a bit slow so i no i m a running out of space but at this rate i will have no space in a week
I am losing disk space during the day. After 10 hours, my 10GB of space is emptied. After I reboot, the 10GB comes back and starts losing space again.No viruses or trojan horses or spyware found using several software applications. Emptied tmp files, recycle bin, cache, etc. using several cleaning applications.
I correct that deleted Recycle Bin files still remain unseen on the hard drive? If so, is there any way of removing the deleted "Recycle Bin" items without affecting anything else on the Hard Disk? My original and now #2 computer has a very small Hard Disk (15 GB). I have cleaned out everything but the OS and installed programs. I would like to remove the one GB of My Documents files I put into the Recycle Bin and then further deleted from there, if indeed they are still resident on the Hard Disk. My intent is to hopefully increase performance of that machine, which also has a very slow processor and only 190 MB RAM. Right now the OS and programs occupy one-half of the Hard Disk. I am running "XP Home" on that computer. I will only use C #2 for reaching the Internet should my #1 computer "go down. (I would be lost without that daily exercise!) C #1 is fully backed up weekly to an external Hard Disk.
This morning when I woke up I noticed a very wierd and serious problem. I checked my C: drive and noticed that I only had 500mb left, I know for a fact that I had 700+/-mb left last night before going to bed. Thinking this was a mistake I left it and carried on normally. I was then chatting in IRC when the "Low Disk Space" warning popped up. I now had 100mb left.
i was infested with spyware so i decided to use a programe called clean wipe which it said wiped everything off your computer after wipeing i reinstalled windows xp sp2 but it would only let me partition 20gb but before the wipe i had 40gb so ive lost 20gb somewhere.
I have xp sp2 installed on a 17 GB partition. c: properties says I have used 9.8GB and7Gb free. I have 9 folders and a few tiny files on C: and very few programs installed.If I add the sizes of 9 folders (Windows-3.09 GB Program files-1GB) I only get about 5GB.What or where might the other 4 GB be?
Recently ive been getting the yellow triangle icon with an ''!'' in it, saying that I have very low disk space. Ive noticed my computer has also been running slower than usual. Maybe half a year ago I came here with the same problem, and someone (forget the name, sorry) posted a link to a program somebody made that clears your disk space up for you. It deleted old unused files, and it worked great. You sort of just clicked on the link on the site, a box came up, and you checked off what you needed to be cleared, and then the program fixed it for you.
At least once a week I get this message: "To free up disk space, OE can compact messages". I just click "OK". I have 132 GB available so why do I get a message like this?
I am using Windows XP Home Edition. When i try using Norton360 to carry out disk optimization, i get the error message "Drive C: Insufficient Free Disk Space, Need 15% free"
I've got a moderate amount of mp3 albums on my c drive and alot of the time i might download more and just place them on my desktop, anyway i tried to download a good pc game to install and play and i got a pop up saying OUT OF DISKSPACE!! then it asked me to free disk space so iam like how can all the space just be up all of a sudden? what can i do to get more disk space its very annoying.
My Hard Disk is growing itself , every time i check it , the space just keeps getting lower and lower . This keeps happening only to local disk C where my windows is installed , it seems there's a virus that infected it , I already scanned it but nothing happened , he still kept growing . Around 25 Gb are alredy filled by this "virus" thing if I can call it that way .
How can I find where all of my disk space is used up? When I go to my C drive and right click on properties, 28.3 GB used 2.7 free what can I delete since I have run disk clean up and deleted all but the last restore point?
Laptop has 4GB. I defragmented the C disk several times over the last couple of year. Now the used disk space has crept up to nearly that, leaving only 200-300MB at any one time. I have nothing unusual as far as programs go, and I do not have a media player or anything like that hooked up, At 200-300MB, there is no ability to defragment. I use a CCleaner, and Eusing Registry Cleaner regularly. Wher