Recover Hard Disk Drive Space

Aug 13, 2005

I have Windows XP professional installed on my PC. I am working in But the problem whic I am facing is that : My c drive space is decreasing automatically day by day. I am not finding the answer. It has reahed almost 700Mb to. I am doing a project now. In that situation i cannot format my PC. If there is any way to prevent it. It may be due wndows restoration point. Windows Xp may keep backups of my everyday jobs. But where can I find those backup files, and remove them and can recover my Hard Disk Drive space.

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Recover Hard Disk Space

Dec 6, 2006

I recently deleted a Windows Self-Extracting EXE file from one of my partitions. The file has been deleted, but the disk space hasn't been recovered. This has happened to on numerous occasions in the past and I can't seem to find the cause of this.

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Lost 20GB Space Of Hard Disk / Unable To Recover?

Sep 26, 2007

i was infested with spyware so i decided to use a programe called clean wipe which it said wiped everything off your computer after wipeing i reinstalled windows xp sp2 but it would only let me partition 20gb but before the wipe i had 40gb so ive lost 20gb somewhere.

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Missing 5GB Of Hard Drive Space / Unable To Recover Back?

Mar 20, 2009

Hello everyone. I am currently using Windows XP SP2 on a Thinkpad T43 laptop. My main partition which houses windows xp is 34 GB total size. When I highlight the C: drive in "My Computer", it tells me that I have 10GB of free space (therefore I'm using 24GB). When, however, I double click on C: and go into that folder, select all (and yes, I have enabled viewing hidden files/folders), right-click and choose properties, I am then told that C: only contains 15GB of files/folders. Where is this missing 5GB?

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Incorrect Hard Drive Disk Space On C:

Sep 9, 2005

Although this has previously appeared in forum, thread is now closed.I have ntfs file system. On Used space and Free space I get unreal amounts (.98tb Free space). I am running XP Pro, Sp2. Problems started overnight.My other HDs show correct amounts.

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Recover Disk Space

Jan 7, 2006

Not sure what has happened but I completely restored my system with a new install three weeks ago. Reinstalled all applications etc. 50% of my C Drive was free space. Three weeks later I get a message stating Im low on disc space and down to about 11% free. I am totally confused. Did not install new programs, pictures, music etc. Seems like it just happend to itself.

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Hard Disk Space Go / Disk Space Seems To Vanish

Mar 31, 2007

I don't get it. the more i go on, the more and more disk space seems to vanish into thin air. xp usually takes a couple of gigs up on the hard disk, right? maybe 5 gigs at the very most. i've got 8 gigs taken up by videos in one folder. the programs i've got installed are negligable. the program files folder is 500mb. and yet my disk only has 20 gigs spare on a 40 gig hard disk. i've looked in every folder on the hard disk and i simply can't find any folders with anything of any great size in it. i've defragged the hard drive.

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Hard Disk Free Space: Clear Recycle Bin And Disk Defragmenter C?

May 1, 2007

It says that TOTAL SIZE = 39 GB And Free Space = 5 GB Which means that the size of all files on C is 34 GB But when I select all files including Hidden files and Right Click> Properties, its size of all files is only 27 GB.I did clear recycle bin and disk defragmenter C, but still the same. So why is that?

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Erosion Of Free Space On Hard Drive Becoming Used Space

Aug 6, 2005

I recently noticed that my free space on hard drive has been eroded and my used space has been increasing. I have not added any software. Much to my dismay I cannot figure out why this would occur. We did make recovery disks and removed our partition some weeks ago. It seems our C drive is using up space without any explanation. Ran many different anti virus and spyware software and they did not detect anything.

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Hard Disk Error - No Disk Space

Aug 15, 2008

Last week i installed windows XP Pro on my desktop. It has a 250GB hard drive which has 1 partition (C drive only), NTFS offcourse. I did not format it while installing windows as it has lots of stuff in it. There's over 50GB free and i�ve been removing a lot of stuff from the hard drive to make up some space but in windows i get an error message that i don't have enough disk space, the disk cleanup utility runs cant free up space and i can not install or copy anything in the hard drive. I've noticed that when i deleted some file holding (or not) the shift key the free size goes lower although the files are being deleted from the hard disk.

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Hard Drive Space - Having Wild Swings In My Hard Drive

Dec 5, 2007

using XP. am having wild swings in my hard drive space go from 46.1 to 44.1 and sometimes in between. have not installed any new programs recently. what could be causing it and how do i correct also am noticing my laptop as slowed appreciablydo know whether the two problems are correlated

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Recover Files From Old Hard Drive

Jan 16, 2008

A friend of mine's hard drive was damaged so I replaced it and installed Windows XP on the new Hard drive. This was fine and no problem. In an effort to salvage some of his files from damaged hard drive I connected it as slave and windows recognised it with out a problem. Now the tricky bit! I was able to access "My Documents" on the old HD but when I tried to open his folder(for his profile) I got an "Access denied" message. He then told me that he had a password on his previous windows profile. Since Windows is not booting from this HD and I don't have an option to enter a password, is there a way to access this folder?

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Recover Data From Old Hard Drive

Mar 13, 2007

My old hdd was used to run Windows XP Pro, where my profile was password protect and set for private. Since replacing that crashed pc with a new 1 that runs Windows Media Center I have been able to recover all except the data listed under my account's My Documents. When I scroll over it it says folder empty. When I click on it it says access denied (something like that). How can I retrieve this data. I tried some freeware I found online, but all it did was locate previously deleted files to recover. I want to recover stuff not previously deleted.

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How To Recover Data From Crashed Hard Drive

Sep 30, 2008

My systemwas suddenly crashed and I askedone of my company person to helpme in recovering the data on my hard drive and he said that his system is not registering(recognising) my hard drive due to which is he unable to restore the data. he suggested to contact one strore who will chargefrom 2000 to 5000 $ and I don't have that much money to recover my valueble data. how to recover my data on my hard drive.

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Recover Data Files From PC'S Hard Drive

Sep 4, 2010

I just reinstalled windows xp on a computer which was having problems with win xp installation. I do not remember how I reinstalled it but I somehow forgot to save a few data files. I would like to have kept. Does anyone know of any utilities including freeware and non freeware to try to scan the hard disk and recover the files in case they still exist and the problem is that they are just not indexed by the file system?

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How Can Recover The Deleted Hard Drive - Not Formatted

Dec 17, 2009

I am formatting my pc with Window XP SP2.While formatting,by mistake i deleted the partition of E: but not formatted. So how can I recover the data of E:?

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Recover Serial Key From 'not Booting' Hard Drive

Jun 12, 2008

I'm basically on 'reinstall not booting Windows XP' duty this week. The problem I have is my father inlaw lost his C.O.A of his tower somewhere between his house, his car and my house, (about 60 miles).I can't boot from his hard drive, however I can 'browse/access' it. I've tried a couple of 'retrieve windows key' programs, which work...on my P.C! I have my key tho! I tried installing one into his hard drive but kept finding my key. Is there a command from 'DOS prompt' or some other measure I can take to recover his serial key?

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Low Disk Space On First Of Two Hard Drives

Feb 28, 2005

Problem with low disk space on the 1st of 2 hard drives. This hard drive is only 4 GB, and is my master drive. I have moved as many files as I possibly can to the second (larger) hard drive, without uninstalling and reinstalling all my programs.
Is there any way to simply get any "overflow" to "fall into" the other drive.

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Showing Low Hard Disk Space

Mar 9, 2005

Can anyone help me on my little problem? My computer at home has OS Xp and a few programs installed on the c drive which has a partition size of 10 gb, now all the programs should be using about 3 gb of space but it shows that 7 gb is in use. I check the c drive for temp and chk files and there are none. Select all the files including the ones that are hidden and take properties to find out the space they are on and it shows that it is 3 gb. What can possibly be holding back the other 4 gb and is there a way to free the space without formating the computer?

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Increase The Hard Disk Space

Apr 26, 2005

Win 98 is installed on C drive. XP Pro. in on D drive. Now free space on D drive is very little i.e. 915 MB only. and there is more free space in Drive C. How can I allot free space to D drive from C without formating my computer.

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Lost Hard Disk Space

Apr 3, 2009

My Lenovo laptop has 100GB. However, after practically having minimum programs (MS Office 07), plus whatever default comes with Lenovo, I am still left with 25GB! There is practically no music and no movies.I ran WinDirStat, and surprisingly under C: it shows 33.2 GB. As I only have one drive, 33.2 GB (C:) + 25 GB free (diskspace) is not equal to 100 GB.I have deleted temp files, perform disk cleanup, defrag, check that I have no system restore backup file on my hard disk.

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Formatted Hard Drive Accidently: Recover My Files?

Jun 4, 2007

Does anyone know how i can manually recover my files. I would prefer to do it myself cause its free or if you can point me to some good freeware that will help me recover my files.

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Recover Hard Drive - Missing Allocation Table

Jun 24, 2005

I have Easy Recovery Pro, but I do not like the way it recovers files on a hard drive with a missing allocation table. What software can I use to recover a hard drive where I know the data is still there, but the allocation table is missing. I used to use Norton Disk Doctor and Sytem Utilities.

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Hard Drive Corruption - Need To Recover Important Files!

Aug 13, 2007

About two weeks ago, I came home to a dead computer. The fans were on in the case, but the monitor was off. Every time I rebooted, the same happened. I finally had to send my motherboard and CPU in. Intel sent me a warranty replacement Dual Core 2 2.4Ghz processor and ASUS sent me a new motherboard. However, it was not the original. It was the same type of board but the premium model (P5N32-SLI Premium, original was Deluxe) as they didn?t have mine in stock.

While I waited for the new components to arrive, I was able to hook up my old hard drive to my brother?s computer. The hard drive is a SATA Western Digital 250GB. I was able to grab a few files off but didn?t need any others at the time. Plus, the hard drive seemed to working fine so I had no reason to think it would be a problem to get files off in the future..........

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Professional Recover Console Cannot Detect Hard Drive

Sep 2, 2005

When I attempted to start my computer, which is running Windows XP Professional Edition, this morning, I received an error message saying

Invalid Boot.ini
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

I researched this issue in the Microsoft Knowledge Base, which said to boot from the Windows XP CD-ROM and use the Recovery Console to perform the repairs. However, when I did, it said that Windows could not detect any hard drives and could not continue.

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Can Recover Hard Drive Files Without Purchasing Programs?

Mar 10, 2009

I had to reinstall Windows XP on my Dell laptop after it stopped working. When I went to reinstall my antivirus software it looked at all the files on my computer, while I was watching to my surprise I saw all my old files (music, pictures and such) so I know they are there somewhere on the hard drive I am just unsure on how to retrieve them. I am not a genius but can follow instuructions if someone can head me in the right direction.

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External Hard Drive Died, Need To Recover Data

Jul 26, 2006

What I want to know, is there any I can recover the data my self, with out having to send it to a recovery place.

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Missing Free Space In Hard Disk?

Sep 20, 2009

I have two hard disks in my computer. one is a 40gb and other 160gb.the 40gb HDD has been partitioned into two @roughly 20Gb each, with xp installed on one of them.I'm running windows XP sp3 which is installed in the C: drive(roughly 20Gb). The problem tat i face is that windows reports the free size to be only 988mb.When i check into the file properties of all the files it reports to be around 5GB, i have no idea where the remaning 15gb is gone.

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Win SP2 Eating Up Hard Disk Free Space

Aug 18, 2005

Win XP Home SP2. Free space decreases at rate of 5 to 10MB daily. System is clean of spy, ad ware, trojans and worms, as tested, and cleaned regularly of temp and internet files. Could this be a Restore problem?

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Defraging Hard Disk Due To Insufficient Space

Jun 18, 2007

I have the very frustrating problem of slow startups, slow program access and other issues related to a very fragmented hard drive. The drive belongs to a notebook which was assigned to me at work. Clearly the previous user was never concerned about this but I'm quite sick of the 10-15minute startup times. (sometimes can take this long)The hard disk is a total 60GB however it is partitioned into 15GB and 45GB. The 15GB partition is quite full. I have been unsinstalling as many programs as I could to get it to the minimum 15% free which windows says it requires. I have now got it to 16% but the defrag is still "unable to complete". What do I do to get around this? There is no possible way I can clear anymore room without uninstalling vital programs.

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Lost 5Gb Of Hard Disk Space Over Night?

Feb 24, 2007

I had 22 gigs free of 40 gig hard drive and today morning i have 17.5 gig free. I have dld few linkin park songs. That's it. I ran disk clean up, i have evidence eliminator i have tried just about everything and still instead of freeing up space i am actually loosing space. I had 18.5 half an hour ago and now 17.5? i don't no what i should del please help me out. Computer is a bit slow so i no i m a running out of space but at this rate i will have no space in a week

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