know how to stop windows messenger from launching when opening Outlook or Express?? (and sometiimes it wants to automatically log in?) don't wish to disable it as i use it. Just want to launch when i want and log in - Using XP Pro
When I put a DVD in either one of my drives, Media Center automatically starts. Both drive are configured to NOT auto-play discs, but Media Center opens everytime. Anyone know a way to disable this "feature".
i have msn messenger 7.5, but it seems like the 7.0 version is always running, although it isnt seen anywere on the system tray. whenever i log on to the 7.5 version, i get a message from the older version that i connected at another place. in addition, when the 7.5 version is off, keep getting all sorts of "user online" messeges from the older version
A few minutes after I connect onto the internet, and window pops up titled Messenger Service. It has some kind of registry fix ad on it. I goto the command prompt, type in net stop messenger, but it still comes up.
want to know how you stop signing into the .net messenger when you sign on the net..
its an old version 4 to be exact i looked and the run windows when .messenger starts button isnt even ticked..ither is allow windows to run in the background.....i only want to sign in to the newer messenger when i am ready....not the stupid old one that came with my x.p
I am running Windows XP on a HP Pavilion ze2000.I think I have a problem with Windows Live Messenger. Actually, I think I have several problems: 1. Messenger tries to load in my tray when I start the computer. It never did this before. It also does the same when I connect to my broadband via dialler. At the moment I am denying access through Zone Alarm. Is this normal? 2. In All Programmes I have a Windows Messenger Icon and a Windows Live Messenger Icon. Again, is this normal? There is only an option to remove Live Messenger in Add or Remove Programmes. 3. There is a "1 contact pending" message above the contact list in my Live Messenger, which leads to a "page not available" message when I click on it. 3. When I close Live Messenger, I get multiple "RPC Server Not Available" warnings which I keep closing but keep reappearing. They appear too fast for me to close them, so I have to restart my machine.
i am tryng to upgrade a machine from 2000 pro to windows xp pro. the pc has a C drive with 23.5 gb free and a D drive with 60.5 mb of free space. when i try to do the upgrade frm the cd it tells me that there is not enough disk space and that i need at least 640 or so mb of free space.
it looks like it is tryng to install it on the D drive. how to get it to use the C drive?
i have went to start properties and customize and advanced and it still dont show up. what does show up is a magnafiing glass that wasnt there b4. it dont let me look up files and folders.
I have been with NTL now Virgin Media for a year, and have used there Sec package for the same amount of time with no problems, within the last two weeks, I had to uninstall and then reinstall PC Guard, I had a problem with the activation page, it was there fault they had a problem, I now can down load it, but at the end of the install it says, unable to load required security drivers [pkt] and then this no. 2146500093.
I need my recorded voice on Windows Media Player changed to a dictated/typed form. Are you aware of software that can do that? Free would off course be best, but any will do. have a windows XP laptop.
I am trying to access the My Documents folders form an older hard drive that is no good (something is corrupted within Windows and the machine won't boot). I am going to replace the hard drive, it's time for that anyway. I have the old hard drive connected to another computer as a second drive. I can see the file structure on the drive, but I can't see the files and folders in My Documents for my old profile. How can I access those files adn copy them to the good drive?
I am getting files appearing in, "My Documents", they take the form of, "WRL----.tmp", I assume they are temp. files but why are they appearing at all, will they be duplicates ?
I always use firefox and yet,without me even having clicked internet explorer I see it launched twice in the processes.When I click end process it appears twice and then does not for another half an hour to forty five minutes. I think it was a virus my smaler brother installed but since my father also uses this computer for his work, I cannot ask him to format and reinstall Can I find out what program launches Iexplorer.exe
help me stop IE7 from launching on start up and system reboot. I have already checked my processes, can't find anything related there. Checked my startup folder, nothing there either. Ran the MsConfig and can't find the problem there either. I even ran a full virus check and found nothing. This just started happening a few days ago. I find this very annoying since I don't always want to browse the Internet.
I recently bought a wireless mouse for my PC, previously I had a wired mouse which plugged into a round green socket on the back of my base unit. The new mouse goes into a usb port. Whenever I try to launch my PC with the new mouse receiver plugged into the USB port my computer freezes up on a screen which says Acer. If I launch the PC without the receiver plugged in everything works fine and then I am able to plug it in and use the mouse.
I am running Windows XP. For the past 2 days, whenever I launch Internet Explorer (version 6) or the Control Panel, the Windows Installer launches first with a "preparing to install" message. This message will display for 2 minutes or so and then the Internet Explorer or Control panel window will be displayed. This is extremely annoying. Occasionally, when I attempt to print from Internet Explorer, the Windows Installer will also launch first and behave the same way. I have spent a day searching for a solution and the only thing I have found so far is a reference to a Windows Installer Cleanup utility
I don't know if it spyware or a virus but somethings going on. Please review my log: Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1Scan saved at 10:01:04 PM, on 10/18/2005Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600)MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 (6.00.2600.0000)Running processes:C:WINDOWSSystem32smss.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32csrss.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32winlogon.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32services.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32lsass.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32svchost.exeC:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exC:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exeC:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32spoolsv.exC:WINDOWSSystem32alg.exeC:Program Filesewidosecurity suiteewidoctrl.exeC:WINDOWSSystem32 vsvc32.
i am running winxp service pack 2. having big problems with the computer at startup, it automatically launches programs lots of times eg 120 versions of iexplorer, hovering over my documents opens all documents at once, the computer is generally unstable until i have manually deleted all the programs running one by one, it starts to settle down and run ok. i have done all the usual virus,spyware, trojan scans etc - all clean. I'm worried that it could be more serious than a virus or malware.
I bought Vista since I figure I need to do a reformat and used this as an excuse to jump on the vista bandwagon,but here is my challenge with XP.This started about 2 weeks ago...when I launch Adobe Photoshop and go to open a file the program locks up and I can sometimes end the program and other times I need to reboot. I deleted and reinstalled the program and the same thing happened during the installation process. I downloaded a free picture editor (Faststone) and the same thing is happeneing. I also had lockups using the add/remove programs in control panel.
My normal screen res is 1400x1050, but when I launch a full-screen game (the Sims 2 or Lego Racers...), the game makes itself 800x600, in the middle of my screen, surrounded by black. I never had this problem until I connected my computer up to a projector a few months ago and had to use the "multiple monitors" function. I'm worried it's just a simple thing that never got set back right in the display properties, but I don't know enough about that region of my computer to find it.
I've got a problem with my PC and I'm trying to solve it without reinstalling Windows.When I launch certain programs or games system just hangs and stays like that until I restart it...It does this with totally random things like: on final 'Release date check' of GTAIV installation (which worked some year ago onsame Windows)when opening video feed from SB Audigy 2 ZS Video Editorhappened a few times without running anything but very rarelystarting BioShock 2 pressing PrintScreen (didnt happen until I added Logitech G19 to my PC)
When I would launch the video editor Vegas application an error prompt is introduced saying the following: "C:WINDOWSSYSTEMS32AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and microsoft application. Choose 'close' to terminate the application.
The machine in question is in an unsupervised, Kiosk type environement. The computer is a stand-alone XP pro. It reboots itself once a day. The OS automatically logs on a user with limited permissions after each reboot. I have put a shortcut of the application in the Startup folder of the user. So far, so good The problem: The app that's being auto-launched runs on a local instance of SQL engine (MSDE). It sometimes happens that the SQL services have not had enough time to initialize before the App is launched. So it fails.
I just realized a handy way to launch my favorites would be using the start menu. Only thing is that it launches in the same window that's open. Any way to get it to launch in a separate window. I am hoping that from reading about IE7, this will solve itself once you have tabbed browsing (eliminating the need for New IE window>Favorites>selection), but for now is thereanything I can do? Right clicking doesn't show me an open in new window unfortunately, so I don't know what else to try.
The machine in question is in an unsupervised, Kiosk type environement. The computer is a stand-alone XP pro. It reboots itself once a day. The OS automatically logs on a user with limited permissions after each reboot. I have put a shortcut of the application in the Startup folder of the user. So far, so good.The problem:The app that's being auto-launched runs on a local instance of SQL engine (MSDE). It sometimes happens that the SQL services have not had enough time to initialize before the App is launched. So it fails How can Iconfigure the app to launch after the SQL has initialized?
My mother-in-law's PC Seem to have a problem. Everytime she double click on IE7 It launches the program then it simply vanishes. Same goes when she tris to acces her email through Windows Live messenger (I configured her email in Windows Live Mail, so no worries for that)I can see the process in task manager ( a good dozen of time if she clicked on it that many time) At first, I thought it was a Virus... but I scanned using Avast Home Ed.... to avail. nothing found
The machine in question is in an unsupervised, Kiosk type environement. The computer is a stand-alone XP pro. It reboots itself once a day. The OS automatically logs on a user with limited permissions after each reboot. I have put a shortcut of the application in the Startup folder of the user. So far, so good.The problem:MSDE). It sometimes happens that the SQL services have not had enough time o initialize before the App is launched. So it fails.How can I configure the app to launch after the SQL has initialized?
Can someone please tell me how can I launch throughout a work station a program that is installed in a server?
In other words, I need to install all mt programs in a server and only launch on my work station so I do not corrupt the server and I don't have to reinstall all programs on a new work station.