A few minutes after I connect onto the internet, and window pops up titled Messenger Service. It has some kind of registry fix ad on it. I goto the command prompt, type in net stop messenger, but it still comes up.
I did! they are annoying and pop up all the time! The title bar calls them "Messenger Service" and their ads, usually for getting pop up stopper softwares's, and some other crap. FirstlyStart > Run> Type: services.mscwhen the Services window pops up scroll down to "Messenger" the description is "Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted."Righ click go to Properties and in startup type select "DISABLE"DON'T worry this has nothing to do with Windows/MSN Messenger instant messenging programs
i have msn messenger 7.5, but it seems like the 7.0 version is always running, although it isnt seen anywere on the system tray. whenever i log on to the 7.5 version, i get a message from the older version that i connected at another place. in addition, when the 7.5 version is off, keep getting all sorts of "user online" messeges from the older version
In the default installation of XP, the Messenger service runs by default. Messenger in Windows 2000/XP is similiar to the functionality of what "WinPopup" was to Win3.x/9X. However, having this service running will cause problems in the very near future, as ANYONE can send popup messages to your computer when you have this service running. (The service doesn't check where the message comes from). Don't believe it? At the command prompt, type "net send IPADDRESS_OF_CLIENT_TO_SEND_TO Your Message" and that person will get a popup window immediately with "Your Message" .. the popup window will says "Messenger Service" in the titlebar and will contain your workstation's name and the time. You can send a message to yourself by typing "LOCALHOST" to test this.Another thing worth noting, if you are using a Microsoft firewall, these messages will still be sent through the firewall.To make it so others cannot send these messages to you, disable the Messenger service from Services. (Go to Control Panel > Perf. & Maint. > Administrative Tools > Services. Double click the Messenger Service, change 'Automatic' to 'Disabled' and click the Stop button.) Once you've done this, people trying to send messages via the net message service will get errors. While you're at it, it might be wise to disable the 'Administrative Alerts' service as well.The description Microsoft gives for this service is as follows: "Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start."
I have some I need to post to find some help on how to get rid the Messenger Service messages that keep popping up, they have just ablocked me out on line.
want to know how you stop signing into the .net messenger when you sign on the net..
its an old version 4 to be exact i looked and the run windows when .messenger starts button isnt even ticked..ither is allow windows to run in the background.....i only want to sign in to the newer messenger when i am ready....not the stupid old one that came with my x.p
know how to stop windows messenger from launching when opening Outlook or Express?? (and sometiimes it wants to automatically log in?) don't wish to disable it as i use it. Just want to launch when i want and log in - Using XP Pro
A Messenger Service Error will keep popping up every 2 minutes or so, and says that my system is encrypted.I dont know what else to do, plz email me at shae_deezy@yahoo.com if you know what i could do to fix the problem!
Windows ME then my daughter downloaded windows XP,so she could use her IPOD as she couldn't use it with Windows ME, now nothing seems to work and I keep getting messenger service messages saying my registry is corrupt and other similar messages. I had downloaded mozilla firefox to enable me to play mahjong but I am unable to log onto mozilla since downloading the XP. Is there something I have to do to get this right.
We are running Windows XP Professional SP3 on an HP Pavilion D4100Y. After a recent Windows Update, the computer was completing the update installation before shutting down, when the surge protector was accidentally turned off before the computer was finished with the updates. Now, when the computer powers up, it goes to the Windows XP splash screen, flashes blue for a quick second and the computer reboots.
If we access the Boot Menu, the Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Enable VGA Mode, Last Known Good Configuration options all lead to the OS Choices menu, which gives "Windows XP Professional" and "Windows Recovery Console" options. Both options reboot the computer. Only the Disable Automatic Restart option doesn't reboot the computer, and it gives a BSOD with STOP error 0x00000024........
I was wondering if someone could help me with a little problem I have. When I install service pack 2 or anything past sp2, it does something with my video card. Normally everything runs fine until I try to play one of my PC games (for instance Half Life 2) then either the computer freezes up, or the monitor goes black and stops receiving a signal from the video card. I know that it's not a hardware issue because running off of a fresh windows install with no updates and sp1 everything's fine, but sp2 or later causes problems with my video card, I've tried updating everything (windows, hardware etc....) nothing works except running it with no updates and sp1, and as you know you cannot run much without sp2 at least. Any help would be appreciated, I've also attached a .txt with my specs from dxdiag.
I am running Windows XP on a HP Pavilion ze2000.I think I have a problem with Windows Live Messenger. Actually, I think I have several problems: 1. Messenger tries to load in my tray when I start the computer. It never did this before. It also does the same when I connect to my broadband via dialler. At the moment I am denying access through Zone Alarm. Is this normal? 2. In All Programmes I have a Windows Messenger Icon and a Windows Live Messenger Icon. Again, is this normal? There is only an option to remove Live Messenger in Add or Remove Programmes. 3. There is a "1 contact pending" message above the contact list in my Live Messenger, which leads to a "page not available" message when I click on it. 3. When I close Live Messenger, I get multiple "RPC Server Not Available" warnings which I keep closing but keep reappearing. They appear too fast for me to close them, so I have to restart my machine.
I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......
Major virus infection on computer resulted in fdisk and reformat. I used Win 98SE to fdisk and reformat, as I couldn't for the life of me find a format on the Dell Operating reinstallation CD. (could be first mistake)
Used Win 98 SE startup diskette to start system w/CD rom support.
Navigated to D: Drive which containe the XP OS reinstallation. Navigated to I386 folder and typed WINNT to begin reinstalling files.
Start WIn XP setup and began copying files to HD.
Screen shows: The MS-DOS based portion of setup is complete. Setup will now restart you computer. After your computer restarts, WIN XP Setup will continue. Remove floppy, etc.
Computer restarts - did inspection of system, shows Win XP Setup, loading files (drivers, controllers, etc.)
Starting windows - Welcom to Setup: 1. Setup - press enter 2. Repair (using Repair Console) 3. Quite - F3
Pressed enter
Next message:
Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer. This may involve running a mfg supplied diagnostics or setup program.
Setup cannot continue Press F3
System then attempts reboot, attempts installation again by booting from HD. Then error message:
Dell Deminsion 4600 series p4 processor @2.4 GHz 512 MD DDR SDRAM @ 400 MHz 128 MB DDR NVidia GeForce FX 5200 graphics card 80GB 7200 RMP Ultra ATA HD Win XP Pro SP1 48x/24x/48x CD-RW Drive SoundBlaster Live! w/ 5.1 support
I have looked on MS site for the error code and think I understand that the problem is either a hd controller device driver is not installing from the Dell Reinstallation CD and therefore stops the installation of the software. How I can possibly extract and install the driver setup may be looking for.
1) I have seen this problem posted on another forum in the past, but the thread never led to a solution.2) This problem has occurred with both a EIDE hard drive and a USB camera. I have also seen reports of it happening with other drives. (NOTE: the items I am referring to use native WIN XP drivers; I have posted this problem on other forums and the first responder always tells me to go to the manufactrer's site to download the latest drivers.)3) The problem: every time I reboot, the Hardware installation wizard reports the following: "The specified service does not exist as an installed service."4) Once this dialog box is closed, the yellow warning diamond appears nect to the device in hardware manager, and the driver "disk.sys" is NOT installed, although "partmgr.sys" is.
STOP 0x00000050 (0x8CCC1345, 0x0000001, 0x808A65A1, 0x00000000) These both happen when installing windows, either when at 95% of copying files or when booting into windows.
I would like to keep the MS Windows Messenger from auto starting to the Task Bar. I have turned it off using various start up utilities but it keeps coming back. I even used the Add-Remove program to uninstall it but it is still there. This is becoming a personal thing and Microsoft seems to be winning once again. How can I uninstall it safetly or at least keep it from auto starting to the Task Bar?
Now im not sure when they went missing, but its not the only thing. Windows Messenger has gone missing (The whole program) along with The Calculator and my Sound Volume Control both of which i had to reinstall via the XP disk.I've scanned for virus's and and have come up with nothing, I used to use a vista tranformation pack awhile ago but have since got rid of that. But i think it might have messed with a few things.
It seems when you uninstall Messenger (using the tweaks on this site) the policy is automatically set to prevent it running. This causes the symptom of clicking on the Messenger shortcut and seeing an hourglass for a second or two but the program not loading.To get Messenger installed again requires more than just reinstalling the program from Windows Update or a downloaded installer.After that you have to change the following registry entry with regedit:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftMessengerClientYou should change the PreventRun value from (1) to (0)
This problem started about a month ago. When I try to sign into MSN Messenger I get an error message saying," Sorry,We could not sign you in because the sign-in name you entered does not exist or your password is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, please click help in the main Messenger window, and then click Help Topics for instructions on resetting your password. 0x81000303 " I tryed logging on with other accounts and the same error message appeared.
I have searched online via Google on how to remove Windows Messenger for XP service pack two. It is later edition than 4.5, eg. 4.7, but nothing I can do will stop the pesky thing from popping up in my system tray near to the windows clock. It seems to be integrated with absolutely everything.I have tried clicking on the Tools-Options-Preferences, and unchecking the relevant boxes.I have also tried going into the administration tools sections-services-rightclick messenger and it is displayed as "disabled" yet sure as fate it is still in my system tray box with the white X on the red background on it! This is so frustrating.