My computer keeps on freezing about 15 minutes after logging onto windows, I re-installed windows 2000, updated the drivers, applied all patches and security updates, and updated the motherboard and bios,purchased a new hard drive, and purchased new ram memory, but my computer still freezes. Any suggestions on this problem would be appreciated.
I recently tried to install my SBC Yahoo software. The install hung about 80% of the way through. I rebooted and now my system won't get past the Windows 2000 splash screen. I have:
1. Started in Safe Mode -This worked. I was able to uninstall the software and reboot - same result. 2. Tried re-installing in Safe Mode thinking that if a .dll got corrupted this would fix it. -Install succeeded, but booting in normal mode still freezes on the splash screen. 3. Tried booting to Last Known Good Config -Unfortunately, did this after logging on in Safe Mode so it probably wiped out the LKGC prior to the initial freeze........
Computer seems to run fine until i hit start and shut down my computer it goes through the regular process until it gets to the blue screen that says WINDOWS IS SHUTTING DOWN then it just freezes right there and the mouse wont move i have to hold the power button in until it shuts down it does this all the time now. i heve windows xp media edition service pack 3. since then i have updated my bios have turned on and off sound drivers and video drivers and deleted and installed my anti virus programs and it will not allow me to go back to any previos stores.
I had to put windows 2000 on my moms PC, which is part of a network, and now EVERY computer on the Network sees an "Internet Gateway". WHY???? The only computer that can see shared files is my moms with the windows 2000. theres 3 more computers all running windows xp. how do i fix this? File sharing is now available, but I myself believe the internet is being slowed down. THe Internet gateway that windows XP is picking up is reading 8.0 mbps. My connection has gotten as high as like almost 2, but it should not read that.
Is there a way I can update from Windows 2000 Pro to Windows XP Pro without having to reinstall my programs and backup/reinstall all of my files? Is it safe to just update like this?
My system is running with Windows 2000. Now, I just want to install Windows 98 on a separate logic drive, but it is immpossible to run the setup programm under windows 2000. How can i install windows 98 just the same.
I am somewhat of a newbie to PC. I have a computer with Windows 2000 on it and want to upgrade to Windows XP, so I go and buy the XP upgrade pack with SP2 on it. On the box it says its for users of 98, 98 Second Edition, and ME. It doesnt mention 2000 anywere ! So can I not use this to upgrade to XP? I havent opened the XP package yet , because if it doesnt work I dont want to waste my $99.
My computer went from running fine to taking 5 min to start windows (this is before getting to desktop) then started doing a blue screen windows stop because of my nvi drivers which i updated/uninstalled/reinstalled and it works fine as long as world of warcraft isnt on or i dont leave the computer on all day... ive never had these problems before and its very aggrivating. i didnt download anything but i did let my friend use it for 2 days when i was away and thats when i seemed to notice the problems.
I am running Windows 2000 with sp4. Unit will come up and run in safe mode. If you try and come up in regular mode, it will load password and then just about get the desktop completely loaded and the unit will shut down and reboot. Tried to create different user and it will do the same thing. No virus or spyware to find
I have been given a computer, when I turn it on, it asks me which OS i want to use, windows 2000 or windows xp pro.Is there a way I can delete windows 2000 so as I only have the 1 OS ?
The group USERS message says.."Users are prevented from making accidental or intentional system-wide changes. Thus, Users can run certified applications, but not most legacy applications".Is there a way i can add to the certified applications? Programs run fine if I add Domain Users, or individual logon names to the Power Users group. But I don't want to do that.
my daughter has an older model sony vaio (pcg- fx220) running ms windows 2000 pro and is wanting to upgrade to xp. she purchased her upgrade software from her college vendor and they shipped her 2 discs. one is labeled ms windows xp professional with service pack 2 and the other is labeled ms windows xp professional x64 edition.
i am assuming the i should install the w xp pro with serv. pk 2 instead of the 64x version. in the back of my mind, there is some previously learned and nearly forgotten info regarding processors and hers is an older 750 pentium iii.
I recently bought an old laptop which originally came with Windows 98. The individual had upgraded the to Windows XP which causes the laptop to run slowly. Can you tell me what is the best (simplest) way to remove XP so I can install Windows 2000
cannot access my PC. Running windows 2000 pro PC as it is not taking what I thought the logon password is. I am locked out. I am not super technical and would like a shortcut. I did receive a tip, but it was for XP and is only good if you are already in. I need to retrieve a critical word doc.
I have decided to install Windows XP (upgrade) on my home computer. Before beginning I need to know if the Windows 2000 Disks are required. I do not have them and I don't want to start this if there may be a problem.
I'm trying to install a program called labelmaster 5.3 on a windows 2000 box........I've installed this program at least 100 time and I have never had this issue with it.......the splash screen will just flash and not install.......i've copied the install to different drives and it does the same........I checked the atts and made sure all the read only marks are will install in safe mode but boot it up into normal mode it just does the same thing when you try to run the program.......
On a w2k-sp4 pc, my booting process starts looping with "Loading your personal parameters" when it reaches "Recording your parameters". That's the point where you hear the jingle which goes on indefinitely. Since it's inside the opening of the User Session, probably that my profile is somewhat corrupt. Safe Mode leads to the same loop. FYI, I can access w2k files through an XP I have on that pc operating in dual boot mode.
windows xp topped at windows 2000 splash screen?But I still can use vga mode windows. My computer: DELL optiplex gx110, 733mhz P3 nvidia pci 16mb. windows 2000 pro. Relevant Story: It happened after I installed a new driver for nvidia through windows update. I unstalled it and reinstalled the old driver but I still get the same error.Further note: If you are familiar with Dell computer at least older computers,it has been always a pain to switch from the online/vga adapter to the card you want to use.
I recently tried reinstalling windows 2000 thinking it would maybe help my computer. I ran the windows 2000 disk and chose the first option(the one where it doesnt clean out all my files). Now during "registering components" in the installation the loading bar seems to make no progress. I've left it on for a couple days now and it has shown no progress. I've tried restarting my comp but then it restarts the windows 2000 installation again and then the same problem
The computer is slow to load windows 2000. Takes several mintues to connect to the net. Message showing that "Virtual Memory is low". Have gone into "My computer" - then "advanced options" and increased virtual memory to 1500. There is a good amount of space on the disc. But actions made no difference and still get the message that the virtual memory is low. Speed of computer not improved.Will try "System restore".
I am trying to upgrade my laptop to Windows 2000. Once the OS was loaded I have two PCI slots not not recognized. I tried to put a Netgear Card into the slot and it did not work so I went to Device Manager. It gave me a PCI ?. I dont know where to get a driver for the PCI slots because I dont know there names. What do I do?
I have just installed a fresh copy of XP Pro and am now attempting to install Office 2000 Midway through the installation a window entitled "windows file protection" pops up which reads: "Windows files must be installed for your installation to proceed. Insert your Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 CD now." The buttons available to press are retry, more information and cancel. When i insert the cd i used to install XP Pro it tells me i've inserted the wrong CD- the same message comes up when i press "retry"After clicking cancel to exit setup, i get the message entitled "installer information"- "Error 1933- The windows installer service cannot update one or more protected Windows files"
I've misplaced my Compaq Armada M700 quick restore CD. This CD came with a quick restore option of either Windows NT or Windows 2000. Obviously I've installed Windows 2000. I came across this ebay item. What do you guys think? Is this any good? If so, will the restore option install Windows XP instead of the Window 2000 that I currently have running?
HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.
using BT client, when one of the shared files was "corrupt or missing" so she turned it off, and reset the computer.
When loaded again the entire drives files when accessed gave the message that the files were "corrupt". (The drive is secondary ide master).
She restarted again but then windows would not load, she called me, i entered safe mode but as it was loading it gave the option to not load sptd.sys, i found that windows would hang halfway through booting when this file was run so i opted to not load it and enter safe mode.
I found sptd.sys was part of daemon tools which may interfere with nero (both installed on her computer). so i disabled the file and booted into windows successfully.
The "coprrupt" drive had some data on it, but 120Gb worth had vanished. i ran scandisk which crashed, so i tried some file recovery software (stellar phoenix) but that only found a couple of directories with minimal data in it.
There is only about a gig worth of really irreplaceable data, which i would like to retreive, im pretty sure at this stage that all is pretty much lost.
After around 10-15 min after logging in a program error box opens up saying winlogon.exe fatal error then it switches to a blue screen saying fatal error c0000021a error. I have windows 2000 proffessional and a HP compaq nc6120 laptop.
Im installing a brand new pc and I just downloaded all the latest fixes and patches for the OS and the Browser.except one, KB890923. Everytime I try to launch through Windows Update it says it cant do it. SO I attempted to download and run it manually and it states that the program is not a valid Win32 application.
Am I right in thinking that they are both pretty similar except that server has support for multiple processors and extra network related tools and facilities. The reason I ask is that if a piece of software works on Windows 2000 server, is it extremely likely that it will work on Windows 2000 professional too? As a bit of background information: I work for a small company which supplies temperature monitoring equipment which needs to be networked. I've been told that it has been tested on Windows 2000 server but not on Window 2000 professional.
Howyd all i just got a new computer and I am afraid it might have a weird bug/glitch? When I go to sleep/ work I leave my computer on. This computer is four days old and this has happened twice (this morning and last night).Last night when I got home it would let me "alt-tab" but the screen stayed black and nothing would ever come up.I rebooted it and everything was fine... worked for several hours till I had to go to bed @ 6am.I woke up and moved the mouse and the screen came back.. but nothing would work. I noticed the time on the computer was 11:07 AM. I could move the mouse but not use anything.I rebooted and everything came back.. but i had to go to work (where i am now)