Xp Freezing When Not In Use

Oct 20, 2007

Howyd all i just got a new computer and I am afraid it might have a weird bug/glitch? When I go to sleep/ work I leave my computer on. This computer is four days old and this has happened twice (this morning and last night).Last night when I got home it would let me "alt-tab" but the screen stayed black and nothing would ever come up.I rebooted it and everything was fine... worked for several hours till I had to go to bed @ 6am.I woke up and moved the mouse and the screen came back.. but nothing would work. I noticed the time on the computer was 11:07 AM. I could move the mouse but not use anything.I rebooted and everything came back.. but i had to go to work (where i am now)

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Boot Up Kept Freezing Up

Mar 18, 2006

As my computer boots up it flashes Dell for just a second then black screen, Windows XP, black screen, Windows XP, black screen, then desktop.. Is this normal? This Dell is a replacement for my first one that didn't work out. kept freezing up The first one did not load up like this, went to Dell then straight to Windows XP and to desktop.

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Freezing While Online

Jan 27, 2005

It has been 5 days since this problem started. The computer freezes, sort of lags for about 2-3 seconds only while I'm online. It happens about every 15 seconds, but sometimes gets random. Offline there is no problem. I'm on a wireless network (Netgear), none of the other computers have this problem. While it freezes I can still move the mouse and click things but nothing loads for the 2-3 seconds. I'm getting normal temperatures on the PC so I don't believe it's overheating.I did a system restore and it didn't fix the problem. I have also ran several antivirus scans with AVG Pro 7 and PC-Cillin 2005. I've also done scans for worms such as bagle. I've ran Spybot/AdAware/MS Antispyware several times, no pick ups.

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Freezing Only When Online

May 17, 2005

My computer has been freezing randomly for the past couple of days. I have run spybot, microsoft anti-spyware, ad-aware, and norton. Found a bunch of spyware that was successfully removed. No viruses detected at all. Had a friend who does tech support remove a bunch of startup items on my computer too. I usually have my computer connected to the Internet (cable modem), however, just to see what would happen i disconnected it during the day yesterday and it hadn't frozen by the time i got home. It appears that if i'm disconnected from the Internet my computer has no problems, however when connected sometimes it'll freeze after 5 min, sometimes after a few hours. When it freezes i loose control of everything: no mouse movement, caps lock key light won't turn on etc. have to press the reset button each time. Then it starts up and works fine. The computer i'm using is a Toshiba Satellite A-70 notebook. OS is Windows XP. Up until a couple days ago i had no problems with it at all.

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Random Often Freezing

Jul 17, 2009

So today, I jumped on my computer, opened up IE Explorer, and went to Facebook. While facebook was loading, my computer seemed to have froze for roughly ten seconds. I figured it was just a random hang up so I ignored it. Unfortunately, about 45 seconds later, it did it again, and it continued to do so, even now while I am typing. I was browsing through the forums and I noticed a few people had the same problem as me, so I tried disabling the Search Indexer. I restarted my computer, and it seemed to have done the trick, but maybe 3 minutes later, it started freezing again.

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SP2 Random Freezing

Mar 9, 2006

My problem started on Wednesday night. I was playing Guild Wars, an online game when my computer froze up. I didn't get the infamous 'Blue Screen of Death', but rather my screen went blank. I thought this was a repeat of an earlier problem I had encountered with the game, and I figured my previous solution would work.
I checked my BIOS and there seemed to be nothing wrong and my AGP settings were as they were previously, with my card operating at 4x because it was what solved my problem previously.

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Pro Freezing During Operation

Jan 19, 2005

I am having a problem with XP Pro Freezing during operation. The problem began after installing a Dail-up modem ("DYNEX" MOD# DX-M100) and loading the drivers for said Modem and a windows hardware update for the modem (that failed to install). First I had Blue Screenc ( c0000005 ) and stop errors ( 0X 000000D1 ). I then removed hardware and restored to previous state but continued blue screens. after some checking disabled "Norton antivirus" auto protect and have had no more Blue Screens. However the problem with freezing remains.

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Freezing On Shut Down

Jul 8, 2005

My windows xp gateway system locks-up when I go to shut it down

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Freezing Up After Booting Up And Log In

Dec 24, 2006

When I start my computer it goes to a blue screen and states that Windows XP needs to check files. After I put in my user name and password the computer locks up shortly after is says it is loading my personal settings.

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PC Freezing - Try To Install Pro

Jun 26, 2010

when I try to install xp, I get to the point where setup is asking to choose TO SETUP WINXP or RECOVERY CONSOLE as on pic. from this point, keyboard is not working. I've try to disconnect and connext keyboard again, no good. I took HDD to other pc and sucsessfuly instal xp, then I connect the HDD to the first pc and gives me ERROR LOADING WINDOWS. I've try with Winternals boot cd to do something and no good again.

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My System Is Freezing

Jan 5, 2006

Back in November, my computer wouldn't recognize the hard drive. After replacing the hard drive, it still wouldn't recognize it. So I replaced the motherboard. I have since been plagued with a problem... Every so often, the computer freezes up, I can't operate the mouse or keyboard and must reset the system. It's not just during one process that it occurs. It's almost always when I run Outlook Express, but it happens at other times, too.

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PC Freezing When Playing WMP?

Aug 28, 2006

My computer freezes, too.
W2K, 1,19GB AMD, 128MgB SDRAM.
Only mine freezes and I have to turn it off and back on manually.
I uninstalled WMP9, which caused it to revert to WMP 6.4.
I got that "Media Player Classic" that looks like WMP, and it worked for a little while, but now it just freezes any time I try to play a WMV.

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Dell Xps Freezing

Feb 26, 2010

Our Dell XPS has been freezing up. You have maybe 10 good minutes before it happens - it doesn't seem to matter what you were doing - we have been using firefox, or IE, or any number of other non-web browser programs when it happens. It will suddenly freeze up and there is nothing you can do but shut it down by pressing the power button.The only thing different that we did recently was download and install the latest Norton 360. After that the freezing up started, but in all honesty, it was seeming a little sluggish before that.

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Computer Freezing

Dec 28, 2005

Hi! I just recently installed 256 MB of RAM and Windows XP. My computer has started freezing a lot lately. I have to turn computer off and back on. Help.

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Acer Laptop Freezing

Sep 30, 2009

I have an Acer Aspire 3000 laptop with 1 gb of ram. Just put a fresh load of Win XP pro on it, nothing else. System craaaaawls just shy of freezing and is basically unusable...until I take the battery out and just run on AC. Then it runs like a champ. If and when I get a chance to look at task manager, it says that the "system" process is using all the cpu. As soon as I take the battery out, the system process goes down to practically nothing.

This is the third time I have reloaded windows in two days. The first two time it took a little longer to act up...this last time it was immediately after install.

On the first load I got as far as loading all the ACER-specific drivers for that model, and sp3...then it started.

The second time I got as far as the drivers then it started.

This last time, like I said, it was right after install.

I don't think it's hardware specific as I can go to safe mode with the battery in and it runs just fine.

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Mozilla Firefox Is Freezing

Apr 22, 2010

Mozilla Firefox freezing on me. I keep shutting down and rebooting, I have tried uninstalling and einstalling version 3.63. I have also tried system restore Often it doesn't load properly I just get the minimised box and cannot get it to full size.I am at my wit's end. have avast antivirus and zone alarm firewall free versions of both.

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Computer Freezing And Beeping

Aug 9, 2007

I've been away at University and have since come back and my parents are having some problems with one of the computers at home.Basically when using the computer Windows will just completely freeze up randomly, the mouse will stop moving, the keyboard will stop moving, and the clock will stop. As this happens, a noise comes from the computer which sounds the same as one of the noises when I turn the computer on, but it repeats a couple of times. It's a more mechanical whirring noise rather than an electronic beep or anything like that. It's very hard to explain - sort of like a build up of 'whirring-ness' and then a click (x I was wondering if this could be a hard drive problem for one - although I have done some diagnostics on the drive with SpeedFan and everything seems to look fine.

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Freezing System - Got Too Many Viruses

Jul 30, 2005

although, I work in the it field, my specialty is not in adware/trojan or virus removal when the major vendors norton/mcafee refuse to delete the file. I've acquired and run hijack this and need some assistance in deciphering it as my system keeps freezing recently and it is really driving me a bit crazy since I don't have as much time as I would like to investigate each and every file that seems to be appearing through virus scans and startup utilities.

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Computer Freezing For 2 Secs Then Ok

Oct 11, 2005

I reformatted my C: drive today and installed win xp pro fresh and now its doing this.

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Computer Crashing And Freezing

Mar 25, 2007

My computer keeps crashing and restarting itself all the time. it also keeps freezing when i am using programs. it doesnt happen with just one program, it happens when i am on the internet too. i have run AVG, spybot search and destroy and spyware blaster but there is nothing coming up as abnormal.

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New PC Freezing And Crashing With Games

Jun 1, 2007

I had bought a Compaq Presario 5013wm a few weeks ago. The system came with Vista. I was having a lot of hardware issues with network and gfx card, so I opted to install XP. Well, XP wouldn't install because I had no floppy disks to load the raid drivers with, so I went under the BIOs and changed it from RAID to IDE. So now XP is on and everythings working... kind of. The problem I seem to be running into is some seemingly random crashes. From what I've noticed, they only happen while playing a game and, very rarely, when playing music. Sometimes I can play for hours and other times, just a few minutes. The graphics card is a Geforce 7300GS and it has the latest drivers along with the audio. Checked the temp and it seems to stay between 64-67C while playing a game, which I hear is normal for my card. The BIOs is still in IDE mode.. not sure if thats an issue.. can't turn it to RAID without a floppy drive -__-;. Upon thinking of it, I doubt that's the issue as the few times I was able to play before uninstalling vista, I recall the same freeze.

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Constant Crashing And Freezing

Nov 14, 2007

This started since I started overclocking my graphics card. I thought might be it but a new symptom occured.First, it started freezing and crashing randomly and I thought it would pass if I stopped overclocking. I took out my graphics card and hoped it would stop.It got worse. What happened was I tried to turn on my computer and it crashed while starting up everytime. I had a bunch of recovery discs so I used them because they worked everytime in the past. Bad idea. I started the recovery process and as soon as it started, my computer crashed. I turned my comp back on but it said there was no OS installed. I tried reformatting and my computer crashed in the middle of that too.At this point I'm really pissed at my computer. I can't reformat. I can't recover. I can't even start up my computer up to the desktop.

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Computer Freezing And Crashing

Mar 29, 2006

My computer is freezing and crashing can someone help me I'm bout to download hijackthis so I will return with a log in a few mints.

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Computer Freezing Up Every 10 Seconds

Mar 20, 2005

my computer keeps freezin every 10 seconds then stops then again every 10 seconds, and i dont know why i checked task manager and was able to find out every 10 seconds this new thing shows up called mshchy.com and it dissapears right after the freezing is done which last for like less then a second.i tried scanning and deleting the spyware but still it keeps coming.i am using Windows Xp Professional, and also this is a pretty old PC.

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No Response From My Computer - Freezing

Mar 27, 2006

I have issues over here. I can log on, i get my welcome screen and choose my profile and then i freeze, i can't run anything. I can see my icons but my profile freezes, when i choose another profile, it lets you choose a program, and then that freezes

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Inspecting Hardware Freezing

Sep 12, 2007

Everythings hooked up correctly and plugged in so i try to install windows xp pro and everytime i try to choose install from cd it hangs on the inspecting hardware screen. sometimes it'll hang and other times it'll just go to a black screen. Everything checks correctly as being found, like the cd drive, hard drive, shows up on the first screen where it shows u the memory count, etc. Its a SATA seagate drive 160 gb. I've swapped cables, even power connections, and still nothing would fix this. I'm thinking ok well it might be the board or something wrong there with the SATA connection, so i install a SATA pci card and try it with that, but i still get the same message freeze with inspecting hardware. So im really hoping someone can help me here with my problem and make me able to get my new comp here working. thanks in advance for any help. my motherboard is a gigabyte, ga-ma69vm-s2 and im using an amd 64x2 dual core 3800+. memory is 1gb (2x512) ddr2 dual channel, pny.

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Random Freezing On Startup

Dec 1, 2009

I work in a computer lab at a community health center. I just started working there and I realized no one in the building had any of the admin passwords to the computers. I brought in a Windows password reset disc and reset all of the admin passwords. This is when I got the bright idea to install the Adobe creative sweet at work off of my external HD. I only tried this on my computer, and the installation failed. Half of the CS was installed and half wasn't. This seemed to have caused some problems for me.When I attempted to startup the computer, my desktop would load, but some of the icons wouldn't fully load (they were stuck as the default exe icon). I could move my mouse, but when I put the cursor over the Start menu button, all I got was an hour glass. I couldn't click on any of icons at all.

I rebooted into safe mode and it worked perfectly. I tried to remove the CS in add/remove programs, but it failed. I think this is because it wasn't fully installed. I deleted all of the folders I could find (other then flash player and adobe reader), then downloaded the CS4 cleanup script, but this failed to clean up my system as well. When I went back into add/remove programs and tried to uninstall the CS, it said it had already been removed, and it disappeared off the list. Something tells me it isn't fully removed.I tried a selective startup where I turned off all of the startup programs. This seemed to have worked. So I started going back throught the list allowing some of the start up items. I thought that it was the CS4 startup programs that were causing my troubles (which for the most part they were), but now even with ALL startup values disabled, it still freezes.I can use the internet, but if I click on the start menu it takes a while to load. When it finally loads, whether I click off of it or on a program, it disappears and my computer freezes. I can still use my mouse.

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Random Restarting And Freezing

Feb 4, 2006

My computer restarts once in a while at random times. I don't think it has anything to do with the programs I use at the time because it seems to restart even if I'm not doing anything but listen to music. There are also times when my computer just stops. However, sometimes the error messages are different. I've received 0x0000007F and 0x000000DE error messages before. I've tried replace my old 300 watt power supply with a 420, but I still get error messages. I've run memtest and found no errors with my memory. The file that I attached to this post contains my most recent minidump of one of the three errors and a Hijack This log.

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Random Freezing And Hanging

Aug 18, 2008

I just got back from LA, and like any person would, I went straight to check my email. After around 30 mins of reading through mail, the entire screen froze. The mouse wouldn't move, the loading bar just stopped, etc.
After around 10 mins, everything unfroze. I haven't installed any programs recently, and my computer worked fine before I left. This happens on average once every half an hour. Also, this only apparently happens on my account, not any other.

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Apparently Random Freezing

Sep 1, 2008

I've had this problem for over a year now, and posted this on several tech support forums, and to no avail. So here's my problem.I built my computer about a year ago, and after a couple of weeks of usage, I noticed that my computer would randomly freeze when I'm playing games, using IM clients, and P2P software, although it would also freeze when I'm pretty much using any program (it just seems freezing during games is the most common).I think this is purely a software issue because I'm dual-booting Windows XP and Ubuntu 8.04, and I don't have this problem in Ubuntu.

I uninstalled my onboard sound card drivers because I have a dedicated sound card (I thought those drivers were conflicting), but this didn't solve the issue. I took out one of my video cards (I'm running an SLI system) and that didn't solve it. I uninstalled reinstalled my video card drivers, to no avail.I reseated my sound card and video card, and that didn't work.

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Not Responding - Programs Freezing Up

Jan 8, 2005

Have been having problem lately w/ alot of my programs freezing up w/ Not Responding noted in task manager and have to close program. Have defragged, ad aware, and spybotted to no avail. I've looked thru threads but can't seem to find cure. Do alot of work w/ PS elements and performance has slowed considerably. Also Roxio DVD creator freezes almost everytime I use it now. Dell w/ P-4,512 RAM,XP home. Ran Pitstop and it highlighted fact that CPU usage was @ 30 while idle. No viruses etc. found when I run Norton, but would note that when I run Liveupdate that it is unable to install "symantec redirector" update. Thoughts or ideas?

Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.3
Scan saved at 7:46:35 AM, on 1/8/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)..........

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