OS Reboot At Boot Screen?

Dec 5, 2007

I run a windows 2000 server.
I have recently had problems with it causing me to reinstall. here
I tried to use COMDO firewall and antivirus
I seletced to do some thing it wanted to do at boot as well, but i slected to restaet later.
A few mins later it had shutitself down, and now when it boots, It gets to the 'loading microsoft 2000 server' screen, the bar gets just ver half way..and then it rebots.

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Boot Up / Get To Splash Screen Then Reboot

May 1, 2005

Woke up this morning and thought I'd do some work - one problem, computer doesn't work.I turn it on and all is well through POST up until it's time for windows to do it's thing. I get the windows XP (SP2) loader screen with it's lovely blue bar beneath the writing and then after that screen disappears it reboots. Every time I try, even in safe mode, alst known good configuration and indeed on my second windos installation (on a different partiton).

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Reboot Comes With Blue Screen With Error: "BOOT VOLUME UNMOUNTABLE"?

Sep 29, 2007

I haven't fully rebooted in a week or so, mostly hiberating and that works just fine. I rebooted just today and encountered a blue screen of death indicating something about: "BOOT VOLUME UNMOUNTABLE" For the past 6 hours I've been reading all about this and the related problem: "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable." Apparently my disk got corrupted somehow.

It's apparently not as simple as BOOT.INI being bad as is said to be a common problem. My problem seems very severe in the following way: I actually have another Windows XP installation on the same computer. It still works fine as does linux. However, if I try to access the other partition/drive (called e: in the other windows) then I get: "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media Wnidows Xp

Apr 22, 2010

How can I Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media wnidows xp without cd.It is possible.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device / Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device

Dec 17, 2007

I haven't installed anything new on my computer but today after having my computer shipped to me via UPS I cut on my computer and where the XP load bar screen was I got: "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device".Seeing this I knew I went into the BIOS setup and tried to turn the system priority to look at the HDD. Instead I only had the option of the DVD drive and the CD drive.I have no idea how to solve this problem and don't have any of the recovery CD's. I DO NOT WANT TO REFORMAT because like a bad little boy I did not backup my 4 years worth of work.

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Screen Freezes Up Then Black Screen Upon Reboot Sometimes A Red Screen

Apr 5, 2010

My computer screen freezes up after a while, then turns into a blank light blue screen and then into a black screen. I have used regcure, PCMedkit, and PC Doc Pro I have also tried some of the online help for a fee but nothing seem to work. Lately when trying to reboot I got a blank red screen. I'm using xp pro and a Nvida GeForce 9400GT GRAPHICS CARD.

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Startup Asking For Many Boot Options And Then Reboot?

Jun 26, 2010

I have inherited an old compaq s6220wm without HDD from a friend. Whenever I attempt to boot windows XP from a tested and working HDD, I am given the screen with the option for safemode, regularboot, etc. After selecting a boot option, the PC will start the boot process, and then a few seconds reboot, without any error message. Insterestingly, I can boot just fine with the LiveCD into Linux.

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No Disk Message On Boot / Reboot

Jun 7, 2006

Using XP Home Edition. For awhile it has been popping up Windows-No Disk "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert disk into drive." When I cancel, it pops up again anything from 3-8 times. I keep it on all the time. The last two mornings I have found the computer shut down. When I boot it up, it said, "Windows has recovered from a serious error." After sign-in, still having popups No Disk. Have checked disk, defragged, and am doing a clean disk. Any ideas on what this is or how to get rid of the message?

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Reboot Or Select Appropriate Boot Device

Jan 11, 2007

I just changed cases for my computer and now when I start it you hear 1 beep (i have AMI BIOS) It then goes to what looks like a command and then the message Reboot or select appropriate boot device or insert boot media pops up. I have checked all my connections and tried it every which way. I have went inside and out of the BIOS and still no luck. I have also tried reinstalling Windows XP, but it says restart the computer and when I do it doesn't continue the installer. Instead it says reboot or select appropriate boot device or insert boot. I also get the error of Overclocking Error.I have a 2.79 Pentium 4 HyperThreading processor, ASUS P4S800D-X, ATI X800XL AGP, Tech-link 425w PSU, 3 sticks Kingston 512mb 333mhz PC3200 RAM, Samsung Spinpoint 120GB ATA hard drive, LG DVD-RW-DL burner, and a standard floppy.

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Pc Wont Boot Up After First Reboot On Installation

Oct 16, 2010

This pc is normally running on windows xppro sp2. when i tried to upgrade to winxp sp3, the pc works well on the initial installation procedure. But after the first reboot during installation process,it won't go through the windows environment, but instead repeats what it started.But if I try to take out the installation disk of windows, it seems that it was not installed with windows.No system files being copied.

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Non Mountable Boot Volume - Reboot System

Mar 29, 2006

I have been working on a computer I have tested ram hd and so on but it still will not install windows after first reboot for windows setup it comes up with a blue screen error "Non Mountable boot volume"

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W2kpro Boot Hang Then Does Hard Reboot

Jun 27, 2005

i have my mother-in-laws 2kpro system that stopped booting last week with a blue screen stop error. chkdisk fixed some security descriptor problems, and i it has worked fine until today. w2kpro splash screen appears, status bar fills up, and the disk continues to chatter for a few seconds then bammmm... hard reboot. everytime. No safe mode/or safe mode command prompt.

ran wd diag on the HD it returned error 0223, which it said it fixed. chkdsk then fixed errors. So i thought i might be good to go. But still the hard reboot at the same point in the boot process. I deleted an old iomega driver, iomdisk.sys that seemed to be causing problems and that didn't help. Could this be a driver problem? any logs i can check via recovery console? Bad hardware? I sure would appreciate any help. I follow directions well and can even "rtfm" if necessary!

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Before The Log In Whole Screen Went Black - Cant Reboot

Jul 21, 2010

I was playing Crossfire (a FPS game) and suddenly the screen froze and pressing alt + tab or alt+ctrl+delete did not change anything. As a last resort I pressed the restate button. It loaded as usual and before the log in screen arrived the whole screen went black and I couldn't do anything. I've tried restarting and waiting for a long time now. I try f8 to enter safe node but it takes me to a blue menu with nothing but 2 booting options. I don't have any CD for my xp and My computer has no cd slot but it does have a floppy disc spot.

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Black Screen On Reboot

Oct 13, 2008

Just installed windows XP Home Sp2 onto a PC. Whats happening: Runs fine, reboot computer (powered off or a reboot) and start back up results in a black screen with no windows logo. Reboot computer it gives me the bad windows start up last known good, safe mode etc screen. If I choose start normally goes into windows and everything seems fine.
Tried: Re-Format Latest Drivers, Sp3, Bios reset all no good. Also tried a kernal32.dll delete from recovery console with no results.

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Disk Boot Failure: Reboot Results In Same Error ?

Nov 13, 2009

Okay every time i start my pc i get this error. I insert my gigabyte system cd with gives me option to backup or reboot.Back up = error dont have enough hard disk space reboot = nothing the same error as in the title

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Boot Up - Monitor Loses Signal And Reboot Occurs

Mar 18, 2006

I have been experiencing intermittent bootup problems with Windows XP. When this happens, the XP splash screen appears(blue line scrolling) and then monitor loses signal and reboot occurs. This can cycle several times, even if I choose the option of starting Windows with last known configuration that worked.

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On Reboot Unit / Won't Boot Past Floppy Disk

Oct 15, 2008

after removing and reformating HD,I put HD back in my Compaq Evo D500 and it won't get past the initial recognization of the floppy drive.The floppy indicator light remains ON,and I can't seem to go beyond Strike F1 any ideas on what went wrong?I checked the connections and the memory sticks to see they were all seated right,but it doesn't count up the memory in the upper left corner at this point I'm lost!

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Boot / Reboot Hangs - Filling Up Status Bar Several Minutes

Jul 20, 2005

I have been suffering through a weird phenomenon lately. Whenever I go to IE the first time of any boot or reboot, it "hangs" after filling up the status bar for several minutes, then releases and all is well. (NOTE: I don't think this is IE-specific. It has happened booting apps, but I notice it most with IE as I use it extensively.) When things seem to lock up, EVERYTHING is locked up. I can't even bring up Task Manager, none of the icons in the Task Bar are active, etc. Sometimes I can Tab through other apps that are open, sometimes not, but when I can, the app is "frozen" until whatever is going on finishes. During this time, I can watch the process light (I have a Dell D600 laptop) going nuts. Before and after this event, I have run the system through the latest updates of utilities such as Ad-Aware Plus, Ad-Watch, PestPatrol, Symantec Antivirus, Ace Utilities, RegSeeker, etc., and none of them sends up a flag that anything is wrong.

My machine is always up-to-date via Windows Update feature, so I don't know what is causing this. I had the bright idea to reinstall XP SP2, but can't. Every time I try, it quits, giving me nothing more than a smal window with a red X in it and the notification that the install has been cancelled. I ordered the free XPSP2 CD just to see if that would make any difference, but I get the same error. I suspect I could attempt a slipstream install, but I don't want to go through all that if anyone out there recognizes this problem and knows what the solution is outside of doing a slipstream reinstall of SP2. Finally, I have several times done System Restores going back as far as I can, but while they have been successful (although I usually have to do the restore in Safe Mode as they will often fail otherwise), it has made no difference related to this problem.

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Reboot After Login Screen For Windows

Apr 6, 2005

I am troubleshooting a WinXP PC that is in an endless reboot cycle. After powering down then powering back up it will get as far as the login screen for Windows, then reboot, no warning, just blank screen then a complete restart. After a few automatic restarts it will not even make it that far, with shorter and shorter intervals between reboots. I have tried another drive in the PC to make sure it was not a powersupply/motherboard/ram issue, and the other drive works fine. I installed the original system drive
as a secondary drive, and can see all the data and have run basic diagnostics with no bad sectors detected.

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At Reboot Blue Screen Of Death Comes

Apr 13, 2006

I also experienced the dread "XP reboots without warning" I understand this is by design in XP. Here's the twist. I ran my PC on XP Pro when I started getting the shutdown. In a attempt to diagnose the problem I used my brothers old PC to access my hard drive. I couldn't access my hard drive so I assumed it was because my brothers was running 98. I upgraded his PC to XP pro and wham...same thing now on his system and his hard drive. Almost immediately. His was known to have viruses. over the last two weeks I have installed XP pro and XP home in just about every conceivable pattern...upgrades from 98, full install from windows, full with reformat from boot disk, etc. There is only one thing consistent. 98 Runs fine, albeit slow and XP reboots at startup.

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Cannot Reboot, Black Screen With Colons

Oct 13, 2007

I got a notice that an itunes update was available. I agreed to download the updated software and a security update. Shortly thereafter, I got a message that nv4_dsp display driver has stopped working properly. Save and reboot. I had to reboot as the all programs had stopped working and the display was corrupted with large letters and weird colors. Thereafter, I rebooted in VGA mode and changed the display to a higher resolution. However, a few minutes later I head a pop and the screen had gone black with colons. I tried rebooting again in VGA mode and did the same adjustment and again I heard a pop and the screen went black, showing a blinking cursor on the top left corner and a grid of colons. I've taken the battery out and tried to reboot, but when the computer comes on it immediately shows the black screen with blinking cursor and field of colons.

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Random Black Screen Reboot

Jan 10, 2007

This just started randomly, I can't think of anything to cause it to happen. At random times my computer will just go to a black screen and not respond, at which point I must push restart button and reboot computer. It can happen within 3 minutes or 3 hours. I have tried virus scans, chekced ram connection. All is fine. I ran the windows memory test and everything passed. Anyone know what can cause this? It is very annoying as I can basically not use my computer. Oh yea one more thing, I tried reformatting and installed windows on the other hard drive. It worked fine for a few weeks but then started again. Also could a corrupt windows installation cause this? I mean could a few system files that are corrupt cause a complete crash like this?

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Purple Screen - Reboot The System

Feb 22, 2006

I was working on my laptop and suddenly the whole screen turn purple. there is no other color dots or anything. The whole monitor screen turns Purple color. I treid hitting Ctrl+Shift+Esc but nothing works. At last I had to reboot my computer.

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Reboot System Get Black Screen

Sep 30, 2005

When I reboot I get a black screen and it asks to to select which operating system etc, when I select windows xp and hit enter it loads ok, how can i get it to boot normally.

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System Reboot After Splash Screen

Mar 13, 2010

I have windows xp sp2 and after the splash screen the system hangs for about 1-2 minuets then reboots, i don't know the problem, i can not log in so i can't fix the problem either, so i need to know if i have to reload xp or if i just have to do something else.

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System Reboot After Welcome Screen Shown

Oct 4, 2006

Installed some software vinyl audio and did a restart as requested. Pc now boots up but straight after it says welcome it reboots over and over again. Not seen this before and its on a pc that have sensitive info on that the user does not want to lose it. Is there a way to make it boot up so we can get the info off and backed up to a usb hard disc. The PC appears to reboot at the same point exactly again and again.

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Background Screen Freeze After Reboot

Jan 21, 2007

the wallpaper/background screen comes up and it just freezes there. when I reboot from there it's fine until the next time I start it up.

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Continuous Reboot Loop - Getting The Advanced Boot Option Menuw

Jul 9, 2005

Had to replace motherboard in a PC and now I'm caught in a reboot loop. I keep getting the advanced boot option menuw where your asked wheather you want to Safe Boot, Safe Boot with Networking, etc. Which every choice I pick, the system reboots and takes back to the same place.what to use or if the Recovery Console will solve my problem.

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Blue Screen Of Death - I Reboot To Follow

Jun 6, 2005

I have windows xp and lately it has been running slower and programs are closed suddenly because they incurr an error. I have ran many a virus scans and spyware scans and they return nothing. Today I tried dick cleanup and I got a blue screen that said my computer was shut down and if that screen returned when I reboot to follow the steps for chkdsk /f. When I reboot the computer is automaticly checks the disk and I still have programs closing such as explorer, media player, word

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PC Screen Turn Black After Restart / Reboot

Nov 3, 2006

My pc screen turn black after restart/reboot.the only thing i can see is the white cursor arrow.very bad for me.i try to repair with my windows xp cd without sucess.if i reformat i lost my work(pictures,music,etc.

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Blue Screen When Gaming - Reboot When Repairing

Jul 31, 2007

About a week ago, I performed a fresh reinstallation of Windows XP Home (I posted here about it) in order to allow it to work with my new motherboard. Since then, everything had been working fine until I experienced a sudden Blue Screen of Death, yesterday, while playing the game 'The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay'. I rebooted and attempted to play the game again, but experienced another almost identical Blue Screen at a different point in the game.

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