Startup Asking For Many Boot Options And Then Reboot?

Jun 26, 2010

I have inherited an old compaq s6220wm without HDD from a friend. Whenever I attempt to boot windows XP from a tested and working HDD, I am given the screen with the option for safemode, regularboot, etc. After selecting a boot option, the PC will start the boot process, and then a few seconds reboot, without any error message. Insterestingly, I can boot just fine with the LiveCD into Linux.

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Blue Screen STOP: C0000218 Automatically Takes To The Startup Options To Reboot In Safe Mode?

Mar 18, 2006

When I start PC, it automatically takes me to the startup options part to reboot in safe mode, safe mode w/ networking, safemode w/ prompt, last known good config, & normal startup. Getting Stop c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file) SystemRootSystem32Config

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Can't Get Boot Options At Startup

Jul 6, 2005

Isn't F8 supposed to bring up the boot options for win XP? It's not
working. I've tried F1, F4, Esc, and Delete,
F8 function is not working and that I'll need to fix
this somehow.

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On Startup Getting Dual Boot Options

Aug 31, 2008

When i restart my compter or turn it on. i get prompted for windows xp professional twice and a windows xp setup. only ones valid and works.

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Managing With Dual Boot Options At Startup?

Jan 10, 2008


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Boot Menu Options: Black Screen With Options?

Jul 12, 2005

I have a computer that I formatted the hard drive on. Then installed Windows XP Pro. When it boots up, it goes to a black screen and has Windows XP Pro and Windows XP listed with the Win XP Pro selected and boots to it in 15 seconds or so if nothing is selected. I have read somewhere about this before and have NO clue where I read it, but does anyone know how to get rid of the option (Win XP) that really doesn't even exist on the hard drive?

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Options At Startup

Jan 21, 2006

I was going to do a clean install of 2000 over 2000,it won't let me do the install.

I thought I'd clean it up, so that is working out great, the seller didn't leave too much on there...but everytime it restarts I have the option to run windows 2000 or run windows 2000 to make it start up normally?

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Xp Options At Startup

Jul 12, 2008

After a reinstall i now get the option of "xp pro or xp pro" bit daft really anyone got a clue
also having two harddrives i choose this time to put windows on the smaller one 37gb
i cannot get windows to call it "c drive"

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Xp Startup Options

Sep 11, 2005

every time i boot up or restart my comp i get a screen saying this:

Please select the Operating System to start:

Microsoft Xp Home Edition
Restore Microsoft Home Edition

for troubleshooting and advanced startup options for windows, press F8.

Ive tried selecting both options and it boots up normally into Xp, but then when i boot up again or restart the comp the same screen appears every time

P4 2.8
512mb ram
100gb hard drive
Windows Xp Home sp2

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BSOD On All Startup Options

Feb 27, 2008

How would I go about restoring windows when all five startup options go to bsod? I get different stop messages when I choose different options. I thought about an OS re-install but can't find my disk, all I can find is the disk for my fiancee's Laptop. Hers was XP pro and mine was Xp home so I didn't think it would work, and besides I can't find any product codes or serial numbers for either. Am I going to have to format and buy a new OS or what?

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Start-Up Options: Remove These From Startup?

Feb 5, 2005

Can anyone please tell me how to disable the Windows start-up options at the start of windows XP?

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Pro And Home At The Same Time At Startup Options?

Jul 23, 2005

I bought a computer with XP Pro loaded. Recently discovered that the XP Pro is not "legal" so I went and bought XP Home (all I needed anyway). Loaded XP
Home but now when the computer starts up I get the choice to either run XP Home in safe mode or XP Pro as before. Bascially I want to run with XP Home and discard XP Pro so that I am legal and can register for updates etc. Err, what should I do?

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Getting Options Of Multiple Boots At Every Startup?

Mar 25, 2006

ok my neighbors Dell was having problems loading windows so i took alook at it it would still lock up in safe mode before the windows login screen so i tried to use the windows disk to repair windows but they forgot the passord that they used and it wouldnt let me repair with out a admin password so i decided to format so i used the windows xp home edition disk to format all the partions and reinstalled windows now its seeing 2 copys of windows when u boot up and giving the option to pick wich windows xp home edition i want to boot with.

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Three Operating System Options On Startup

Mar 7, 2006

I messed up some of my .dll files so I needed to re-install Windows XP. While the installation process was on I was prompted for an Administrator ID and Password. I never had an Admin id before, there I created one. After the reinstallation I restarted my system and I was shown an OS choice menu where there were two entries named 'Microsoft Windows XP'. The first choice opened up the newly created guest account and when I logged in it had none of my previous data, it was just like a frest account. The second choice was my normal account that I was using before re-installtion. Now I was annoyed with the admin account and reinstalled Windows for the second time. After re-installing I saw there were a total of three OS menu choices, the first two were admin and the last one is my own account. So everytime I start my PC I have to manually select the third OS option. Its really annoying. How do I get rid of the first two OS choices?

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On Startup, Xp Beeps 4 Times, Goes Into Advanced Options

Aug 10, 2005

I have apparently inadvertantly changed a setting.

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Windows Advanced Options Menu On Startup

Apr 16, 2007

when computer turn it on it boots directly into

"Windows Advanced Options Menu"

all option are available for me to access, although the keyboard is non responsive (yes it works) & i am unable to select anything

after the timed countdown it starts to boot and get to the windows welcome screen and then hangs. no further progression from that point.

specs as i know are
win xp 2
512 ram
motherboard (asus i think)
rest is all on board

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Multiple Boot Options: Boot Directly To 2k Without Prompting?

Jun 13, 2005

I have a problem with windows 2k or at least when it's booting up.When my computer boots, it asks me if I want to run win xp, win 2k, or win 2k start up. I just want it to boot directly to 2k without prompting me.

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Deleting Unwanted Boot Ups / Getting Several Options At Boot Menu?

Mar 4, 2007

How do I delete the other options on boot up at the moment when i boot it say WINDOWS XP WINDOWS XP SET UP WINDOWS XP and I only now need the last one

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IE7 Keeps Launching On Reboot/Startup?

Feb 10, 2009

help me stop IE7 from launching on start up and system reboot. I have already checked my processes, can't find anything related there. Checked my startup folder, nothing there either. Ran the MsConfig and can't find the problem there either. I even ran a full virus check and found nothing. This just started happening a few days ago. I find this very annoying since I don't always want to browse the Internet.

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More Boot Options Than I'd Like: Three Different Options?

Jan 15, 2006

I recently reformatted and repartitioned hard drive and reinstalled XP. I messed something up because now when I boot comp, I'm given three different Windows XP options to boot even though I have only one instance of XP installed. What do I have to do to get rid of the two unwanted boot options?

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media Wnidows Xp

Apr 22, 2010

How can I Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media wnidows xp without cd.It is possible.

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Use Startup Disks Re-Install Or Repairing Options Not Shown

Feb 28, 2005

Ok, I finally decided I need to fdisk, format and reinstall windows xp. Repairing and re-installing are not options. Too many errors result.Here's the problem. I have several startup disks... from 95 through xp (which is actually ME in isquise). NONE of the fdisk commands seem to work. XP is so screwed up, I'm lucky to get back here, let alone find my original post. All I want to do is fdisk my C drive. My D drive is 120gig, and formatted just fine. I don't want to use it as my master though. I just want to put all my other stuff on it.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device / Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device

Dec 17, 2007

I haven't installed anything new on my computer but today after having my computer shipped to me via UPS I cut on my computer and where the XP load bar screen was I got: "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device".Seeing this I knew I went into the BIOS setup and tried to turn the system priority to look at the HDD. Instead I only had the option of the DVD drive and the CD drive.I have no idea how to solve this problem and don't have any of the recovery CD's. I DO NOT WANT TO REFORMAT because like a bad little boy I did not backup my 4 years worth of work.

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Constant Reboot Loop On Startup?

Oct 14, 2006

I had to store my PC for a couple of months due to some home renovation. Hooked it all back up yesterday, and it booted fine. Only thing out of the ordinary was a message "new hardware requires windows to restart". I figured it was my TV tuner, it's always been touchy after a complete power-down. I chose not to restart right then, and used the pc for an hour or so, then selected shut-down. It powered down, then re-booted on its own. No problem, the TV tuner causes this, I waited to get into Windows to turn the DVR function that I know causes this, but it refuses to boot! I get to the windows screen with the progress bar, and after about 15 seconds, the screen goes black and it reboots.

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BSOD On Startup / Constant Reboot?

Aug 15, 2009

Hello, i have had this problem in the past where I would get the bsod on startup. As soon as my desktop loaded in fact. It had to do with a display driver I had installed.Since then I have a new machine that running without a hitch for a while now,and this time I do not have those display drivers installed . The problem started happening after I did a scan with malware bytes and super anti-spyware and after I cleaned what it found I got the BSOD on reboot.

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Computer Wont Boot To Any Of The Xp Boot Options?

Nov 6, 2006

When i booted up my pc to put some coursework on a usb stick, it failed to boot to xp. It went to the "xp was not shutdown properly,boot to safe mode, or last known working settings screen, ETC". None of the options work, i have tried all of them, safe mode and last known working settings included. When i select one of the options, the hardrive spins up, and then my gfx card bios info and mobo splash screen come on. Well, i think it might be because i ran a 'virus remover' for the game gmod, this was the first time the computer had been booted since i ran it.

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MS DirectShow 5 Asks To Reboot Upon Startup Every Time?

Sep 3, 2005

Every time I start my computer, the Cakewalk Pro Audio Setup appears, and says that Microsoft DirectShow 5 has been installed on my system. Then it needs to reboot to continue the installation. This is all fine except that after reboot it would show me the same prompt all over again. Is there any way to stop this from happening? (I don't want to install Cakewalk anymore). My OS is WinXP SP2.

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Extremely Slow Startup - Reboot - Reinstall

Nov 24, 2007

computer then goes to black for 70-90 seconds, C: drive flashes continually I installed 2007 Diskeeper, rebooted and that was not cause, so reinstalled.I went through Startup using TUT (Ultimate Troubleshooter) and eliminated a number of unnecessary programs in startup.

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No Applications Running Or Startup Items On Desktop / Force A Reboot?

Aug 6, 2010

This has happened two days in a row now. I log into my account, then when it gets to my desktop, all it shows is my desktop background picture. There are no applications running and there are no startup icons that I can click on. I have to force a restart on my laptop, and then when it starts up again everything is there.

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F8 Gets Me Boot Menu, Not Boot Options?

Dec 25, 2008

i have an asus p5nsli, i cant see windows xp because of a new acer display driver that doesnt work, apparently. on bootup, when i press F8, i only get the options to boot from floppy, hd, or can i get to safe mode? pressing delete gives me the bios, i've tried every key on the board.

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Two Options To Boot The Same OS?

Mar 20, 2007

Recently, I had to use the command "bootcfg /rebuild", which fixed a booting problem I was experiencing. However, now it asks what OS I'd like to boot from every time. The problem: It shows "Microsoft XP Home Edition" Twice. Is there any way to fix this and to just allow XP to boot automatically every time without prompt?

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