Three Operating System Options On Startup

Mar 7, 2006

I messed up some of my .dll files so I needed to re-install Windows XP. While the installation process was on I was prompted for an Administrator ID and Password. I never had an Admin id before, there I created one. After the reinstallation I restarted my system and I was shown an OS choice menu where there were two entries named 'Microsoft Windows XP'. The first choice opened up the newly created guest account and when I logged in it had none of my previous data, it was just like a frest account. The second choice was my normal account that I was using before re-installtion. Now I was annoyed with the admin account and reinstalled Windows for the second time. After re-installing I saw there were a total of three OS menu choices, the first two were admin and the last one is my own account. So everytime I start my PC I have to manually select the third OS option. Its really annoying. How do I get rid of the first two OS choices?

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Erased Operating System - Restore Default Options

Sep 23, 2007

Lately my computer had been getting slower and slower, so I decided that I would "reformat" it. I got my compaq recovery cd and restarted my computer and brought up the setup. Apparently I made the mistake of pressing the restore defaults option because now my computer won't boot up. It will show the compaq thing and then it brings me to a black screen that says "Starting Windows 98" and then lists some information that doesn't pertain to rebooting the computer and then gives me this A:> and then the option to type somthing. So far I can't find out what to do. I also can't find a way to use my recovery cd either. Is there anyway that I can get my computer back again by either setup, the disk, or the A:> function? If so can someone please help me?

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Run Dll Error Shown After Startup Operating System

Sep 6, 2005

Windows XP and every time I log on to my desktop, the first thing that pops up is an error box. This is what it says: RUNDLL Error loading C:PROGRA~1NEWDOT~1NEWDOT ~1.DLL. The specified module could not be found.OK.

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Professional Operating System Freezes At Startup

Feb 8, 2009

im not too good with computers but have read the forum to realised ppl need a log of my computer to see wheret there could be a problems that is causing my computer to freeze at start up (but not always , but i have to start my system several times before it will stay normal)i have used hi jack this, please help me resolve the issue

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Finding Way For Speeding Up Operating System Startup Speed?

Aug 10, 2005

i have toshiba m35x laptop with celeron m 1.4 GHz,512 mb ram (256 x 2), windows xp proff.few days back i installed a 256 mb ram to make it 512mb.but i didnot find any large take too long to start and shutdown windows.when i open task manager 39 processess were running. is it can be a prob. or it is something else. i check all the startup applications from msconfig but i did not get any extra program which i can disable.

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Options At Startup

Jan 21, 2006

I was going to do a clean install of 2000 over 2000,it won't let me do the install.

I thought I'd clean it up, so that is working out great, the seller didn't leave too much on there...but everytime it restarts I have the option to run windows 2000 or run windows 2000 to make it start up normally?

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Xp Options At Startup

Jul 12, 2008

After a reinstall i now get the option of "xp pro or xp pro" bit daft really anyone got a clue
also having two harddrives i choose this time to put windows on the smaller one 37gb
i cannot get windows to call it "c drive"

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Xp Startup Options

Sep 11, 2005

every time i boot up or restart my comp i get a screen saying this:

Please select the Operating System to start:

Microsoft Xp Home Edition
Restore Microsoft Home Edition

for troubleshooting and advanced startup options for windows, press F8.

Ive tried selecting both options and it boots up normally into Xp, but then when i boot up again or restart the comp the same screen appears every time

P4 2.8
512mb ram
100gb hard drive
Windows Xp Home sp2

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BSOD On All Startup Options

Feb 27, 2008

How would I go about restoring windows when all five startup options go to bsod? I get different stop messages when I choose different options. I thought about an OS re-install but can't find my disk, all I can find is the disk for my fiancee's Laptop. Hers was XP pro and mine was Xp home so I didn't think it would work, and besides I can't find any product codes or serial numbers for either. Am I going to have to format and buy a new OS or what?

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Can't Get Boot Options At Startup

Jul 6, 2005

Isn't F8 supposed to bring up the boot options for win XP? It's not
working. I've tried F1, F4, Esc, and Delete,
F8 function is not working and that I'll need to fix
this somehow.

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On Startup Getting Dual Boot Options

Aug 31, 2008

When i restart my compter or turn it on. i get prompted for windows xp professional twice and a windows xp setup. only ones valid and works.

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Start-Up Options: Remove These From Startup?

Feb 5, 2005

Can anyone please tell me how to disable the Windows start-up options at the start of windows XP?

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Startup Asking For Many Boot Options And Then Reboot?

Jun 26, 2010

I have inherited an old compaq s6220wm without HDD from a friend. Whenever I attempt to boot windows XP from a tested and working HDD, I am given the screen with the option for safemode, regularboot, etc. After selecting a boot option, the PC will start the boot process, and then a few seconds reboot, without any error message. Insterestingly, I can boot just fine with the LiveCD into Linux.

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Pro And Home At The Same Time At Startup Options?

Jul 23, 2005

I bought a computer with XP Pro loaded. Recently discovered that the XP Pro is not "legal" so I went and bought XP Home (all I needed anyway). Loaded XP
Home but now when the computer starts up I get the choice to either run XP Home in safe mode or XP Pro as before. Bascially I want to run with XP Home and discard XP Pro so that I am legal and can register for updates etc. Err, what should I do?

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Getting Options Of Multiple Boots At Every Startup?

Mar 25, 2006

ok my neighbors Dell was having problems loading windows so i took alook at it it would still lock up in safe mode before the windows login screen so i tried to use the windows disk to repair windows but they forgot the passord that they used and it wouldnt let me repair with out a admin password so i decided to format so i used the windows xp home edition disk to format all the partions and reinstalled windows now its seeing 2 copys of windows when u boot up and giving the option to pick wich windows xp home edition i want to boot with.

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On Startup, Xp Beeps 4 Times, Goes Into Advanced Options

Aug 10, 2005

I have apparently inadvertantly changed a setting.

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Windows Advanced Options Menu On Startup

Apr 16, 2007

when computer turn it on it boots directly into

"Windows Advanced Options Menu"

all option are available for me to access, although the keyboard is non responsive (yes it works) & i am unable to select anything

after the timed countdown it starts to boot and get to the windows welcome screen and then hangs. no further progression from that point.

specs as i know are
win xp 2
512 ram
motherboard (asus i think)
rest is all on board

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Managing With Dual Boot Options At Startup?

Jan 10, 2008


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Use Startup Disks Re-Install Or Repairing Options Not Shown

Feb 28, 2005

Ok, I finally decided I need to fdisk, format and reinstall windows xp. Repairing and re-installing are not options. Too many errors result.Here's the problem. I have several startup disks... from 95 through xp (which is actually ME in isquise). NONE of the fdisk commands seem to work. XP is so screwed up, I'm lucky to get back here, let alone find my original post. All I want to do is fdisk my C drive. My D drive is 120gig, and formatted just fine. I don't want to use it as my master though. I just want to put all my other stuff on it.

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Blue Screen STOP: C0000218 Automatically Takes To The Startup Options To Reboot In Safe Mode?

Mar 18, 2006

When I start PC, it automatically takes me to the startup options part to reboot in safe mode, safe mode w/ networking, safemode w/ prompt, last known good config, & normal startup. Getting Stop c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file) SystemRootSystem32Config

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Error Loading Operating Operating System

May 31, 2008

I'm trying to fix my friends Hp and I usually know what im doing. But here I have no idea what to do. I tried going into the bios to change the boot order to cd to format and I can't. Can anyone tell me what to do.I changed out his hard drive with mine and it does nothing. just posts and goes to a black screen instead of trying to boot and blue screening as it usually do when you change hardrives between two computers.Changed the Ide cables no luck.

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Dual Operating Systems On Startup Delete One?

Jul 19, 2008

I just purchased this Dell laptop on eBay and when it boots up, I have to choose which Windows XP to start in.They both are identical. When I have tried going into the second one listed below the first win xp, it says something to the effect there is nothing there.

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Boot Menu Options: Black Screen With Options?

Jul 12, 2005

I have a computer that I formatted the hard drive on. Then installed Windows XP Pro. When it boots up, it goes to a black screen and has Windows XP Pro and Windows XP listed with the Win XP Pro selected and boots to it in 15 seconds or so if nothing is selected. I have read somewhere about this before and have NO clue where I read it, but does anyone know how to get rid of the option (Win XP) that really doesn't even exist on the hard drive?

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4 Start Up Options - Unable To Delete 3 Unwanted Options?

Dec 24, 2008

I have ended up with 4 different options for XP Pro when my computer starts. This is, basically, as a result of me re-installing Widows a couple of times to try and solve a very slow running system (more help needed there but I will start a new thread for that).How do I remove the 3 unwanted start options?

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System Wont Load Operating System / Unable To Format Disks?

Aug 19, 2009

I shut off the computer and turning it back on couldn't boot up windows. It gave the windows wasn't shut down properly and I tried the normal restart option and it would just give a black screen with a blinking _ and then nothing happens. Tried loading in safe mode but it gets to mup.sys then "Press Esc to cancel SPTD.sys" flashes below and whether I press Esc or let it be, nothing happens after that.

I tried popping in the windows xp disc that came with the laptop, boot from disc, it starts up but then after loading everything, it then says "Windows is starting up" the disc stops spinning then nothing happens. I tried popping in a windows vista disc and it says "Windows is loading files" with a progress bar, when it fills up, I get stuck with a blank black screen the disc stops spinning and then nothing happens.

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System Shows Error Run32.dll When Change Operating System Style

Jun 15, 2007

Some time ago I booted up my computer,to find that my XP switched to Windows classic style,I didn't take it seriously so I went to properties to change when I get an error message saying there is a problem with run32.dll,not only that,but the visual styles can't load I assume,becuase of run32.dll,so now I'm stuck with the piece of s*** style.

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System Restore A Good Idea - Logon Operating System

Apr 29, 2008

The situation: A reasonably new PC, clean and working properly. Several new programs are installed, including Firefox, Winamp, desktop publishing, photo manager, and security software (not the antivirus, standalone scanners.) Everything appears to be fine.I log on to Windows Live OneCare to use their "Safety Scanner" to, as they say, check for PC health issues and optimize performance. Mind you, the site recommends users log on once a month for the full service scan. As you know, the scan includes the removal of what it refers to as invalid registry entries. "Oh boy," right? The registry. Except you'd like to believe the official Microsoft site won't screw up your programs.

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System Recovery Fatal Error - No Operating System Found

Sep 12, 2008

I tried to do a System Recovery today on my Sony laptop. Got 41% completed and had a fatal error. Options given were Ignore, Retry or Abort. Attempted a Retry. Got a fatal error message and everything locked up. I ended up shutting down and when I turned the computer on again it said no operating system found. Where did I screw up?

This is a six year old Sony, XP, AMD 1.0Ghz. Everything was working at the time I tried the System Recovery EXCEPT I was constantly getting low space messages for drive C. I have no files on this drive and very little software. It is a 20G hard drive partioned into two 10G partitions.

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Reinstalling Operating System: System Wont Recognize CD Drive?

May 5, 2006

Should I ever use one of the utility programs to wipe my hard drive completely, how do I reinstall Windows XP since the CD driver has been erased? How can you reinstall an operating system that is on CD when you have no driver for the CD player? The reason I am asking these questions is that I might want to give my computer to friend and I want my stuff off of the hard drive and my friend to be able to use the computer.

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Making The System Workable In Dual Boot Options?

Apr 13, 2009

I want to be able to dual boot XP on my Vista laptop and I want to know if there would be any difference if I bought an OEM version of XP as opposed to the more expensive retail version. Would the OEM version cause problems? What are the downsides to OEMs?

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System Turns Black And Shows Options For Selecting

Oct 27, 2008

I turn on my computer. It is loading a bit but then, everything turns black and it stays ''Press F2 for Setup Utility or F12 for Boot Setup'' or something. I press F2 and F12, but nothing happends at all. I do not get in to my computer. What should I do?

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