Pc Wont Boot Up After First Reboot On Installation

Oct 16, 2010

This pc is normally running on windows xppro sp2. when i tried to upgrade to winxp sp3, the pc works well on the initial installation procedure. But after the first reboot during installation process,it won't go through the windows environment, but instead repeats what it started.But if I try to take out the installation disk of windows, it seems that it was not installed with windows.No system files being copied.

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SP2 Installation Reboot PC Crashes

Jul 24, 2006

I install sp2 in my machine and after the first reboot the pc crashes at windows logo screen (that with the loading bar-bar is running-) for some time then the monitor turns off and turns on again in a while with the logo beeing at 16 colors and thats it...nothing else happens (loading bar is stoped). I have try installing sp2 from internet manualy download, with the windows update and with microsoft sp2 cd with the same results. The weird is that before some time i have install sp2 and it was working perfectly but i force to make format in my hdd due to viruses. i have try that in my machine (before upgrate)....

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media Wnidows Xp

Apr 22, 2010

How can I Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media wnidows xp without cd.It is possible.

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Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device / Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device

Dec 17, 2007

I haven't installed anything new on my computer but today after having my computer shipped to me via UPS I cut on my computer and where the XP load bar screen was I got: "reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device".Seeing this I knew I went into the BIOS setup and tried to turn the system priority to look at the HDD. Instead I only had the option of the DVD drive and the CD drive.I have no idea how to solve this problem and don't have any of the recovery CD's. I DO NOT WANT TO REFORMAT because like a bad little boy I did not backup my 4 years worth of work.

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Installation Unusually Slow - Boot Error First Boot

Mar 30, 2010

I am having probllems installing Windows XP, first of all the installation is unusually slow, it has more than 5 hours installing. Then i have a boot error from Windows NOT from the BIOS, i have tried getting into the Repair Console an using FIXMBR and FIXBOOT, unsuccesfully; removed every suspecious setting on my BIOS..... The installator copies small parts, copy 1% or 2% and stops for a while (I think it is decompressing the files, but that slow!?). After that i get a booting error (I dont remember what does it says; i will post it later, when my 4th attemp ends).

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OS Reboot At Boot Screen?

Dec 5, 2007

I run a windows 2000 server.
I have recently had problems with it causing me to reinstall. here
I tried to use COMDO firewall and antivirus
I seletced to do some thing it wanted to do at boot as well, but i slected to restaet later.
A few mins later it had shutitself down, and now when it boots, It gets to the 'loading microsoft 2000 server' screen, the bar gets just ver half way..and then it rebots.

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Startup Asking For Many Boot Options And Then Reboot?

Jun 26, 2010

I have inherited an old compaq s6220wm without HDD from a friend. Whenever I attempt to boot windows XP from a tested and working HDD, I am given the screen with the option for safemode, regularboot, etc. After selecting a boot option, the PC will start the boot process, and then a few seconds reboot, without any error message. Insterestingly, I can boot just fine with the LiveCD into Linux.

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No Disk Message On Boot / Reboot

Jun 7, 2006

Using XP Home Edition. For awhile it has been popping up Windows-No Disk "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert disk into drive." When I cancel, it pops up again anything from 3-8 times. I keep it on all the time. The last two mornings I have found the computer shut down. When I boot it up, it said, "Windows has recovered from a serious error." After sign-in, still having popups No Disk. Have checked disk, defragged, and am doing a clean disk. Any ideas on what this is or how to get rid of the message?

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Reboot Or Select Appropriate Boot Device

Jan 11, 2007

I just changed cases for my computer and now when I start it you hear 1 beep (i have AMI BIOS) It then goes to what looks like a command and then the message Reboot or select appropriate boot device or insert boot media pops up. I have checked all my connections and tried it every which way. I have went inside and out of the BIOS and still no luck. I have also tried reinstalling Windows XP, but it says restart the computer and when I do it doesn't continue the installer. Instead it says reboot or select appropriate boot device or insert boot. I also get the error of Overclocking Error.I have a 2.79 Pentium 4 HyperThreading processor, ASUS P4S800D-X, ATI X800XL AGP, Tech-link 425w PSU, 3 sticks Kingston 512mb 333mhz PC3200 RAM, Samsung Spinpoint 120GB ATA hard drive, LG DVD-RW-DL burner, and a standard floppy.

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Boot Up / Get To Splash Screen Then Reboot

May 1, 2005

Woke up this morning and thought I'd do some work - one problem, computer doesn't work.I turn it on and all is well through POST up until it's time for windows to do it's thing. I get the windows XP (SP2) loader screen with it's lovely blue bar beneath the writing and then after that screen disappears it reboots. Every time I try, even in safe mode, alst known good configuration and indeed on my second windos installation (on a different partiton).

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Non Mountable Boot Volume - Reboot System

Mar 29, 2006

I have been working on a computer I have tested ram hd and so on but it still will not install windows after first reboot for windows setup it comes up with a blue screen error "Non Mountable boot volume"

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W2kpro Boot Hang Then Does Hard Reboot

Jun 27, 2005

i have my mother-in-laws 2kpro system that stopped booting last week with a blue screen stop error. chkdisk fixed some security descriptor problems, and i it has worked fine until today. w2kpro splash screen appears, status bar fills up, and the disk continues to chatter for a few seconds then bammmm... hard reboot. everytime. No safe mode/or safe mode command prompt.

ran wd diag on the HD it returned error 0223, which it said it fixed. chkdsk then fixed errors. So i thought i might be good to go. But still the hard reboot at the same point in the boot process. I deleted an old iomega driver, iomdisk.sys that seemed to be causing problems and that didn't help. Could this be a driver problem? any logs i can check via recovery console? Bad hardware? I sure would appreciate any help. I follow directions well and can even "rtfm" if necessary!

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Disk Boot Failure: Reboot Results In Same Error ?

Nov 13, 2009

Okay every time i start my pc i get this error. I insert my gigabyte system cd with gives me option to backup or reboot.Back up = error dont have enough hard disk space reboot = nothing the same error as in the title

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Boot Up - Monitor Loses Signal And Reboot Occurs

Mar 18, 2006

I have been experiencing intermittent bootup problems with Windows XP. When this happens, the XP splash screen appears(blue line scrolling) and then monitor loses signal and reboot occurs. This can cycle several times, even if I choose the option of starting Windows with last known configuration that worked.

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On Reboot Unit / Won't Boot Past Floppy Disk

Oct 15, 2008

after removing and reformating HD,I put HD back in my Compaq Evo D500 and it won't get past the initial recognization of the floppy drive.The floppy indicator light remains ON,and I can't seem to go beyond Strike F1 any ideas on what went wrong?I checked the connections and the memory sticks to see they were all seated right,but it doesn't count up the memory in the upper left corner at this point I'm lost!

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Boot / Reboot Hangs - Filling Up Status Bar Several Minutes

Jul 20, 2005

I have been suffering through a weird phenomenon lately. Whenever I go to IE the first time of any boot or reboot, it "hangs" after filling up the status bar for several minutes, then releases and all is well. (NOTE: I don't think this is IE-specific. It has happened booting apps, but I notice it most with IE as I use it extensively.) When things seem to lock up, EVERYTHING is locked up. I can't even bring up Task Manager, none of the icons in the Task Bar are active, etc. Sometimes I can Tab through other apps that are open, sometimes not, but when I can, the app is "frozen" until whatever is going on finishes. During this time, I can watch the process light (I have a Dell D600 laptop) going nuts. Before and after this event, I have run the system through the latest updates of utilities such as Ad-Aware Plus, Ad-Watch, PestPatrol, Symantec Antivirus, Ace Utilities, RegSeeker, etc., and none of them sends up a flag that anything is wrong.

My machine is always up-to-date via Windows Update feature, so I don't know what is causing this. I had the bright idea to reinstall XP SP2, but can't. Every time I try, it quits, giving me nothing more than a smal window with a red X in it and the notification that the install has been cancelled. I ordered the free XPSP2 CD just to see if that would make any difference, but I get the same error. I suspect I could attempt a slipstream install, but I don't want to go through all that if anyone out there recognizes this problem and knows what the solution is outside of doing a slipstream reinstall of SP2. Finally, I have several times done System Restores going back as far as I can, but while they have been successful (although I usually have to do the restore in Safe Mode as they will often fail otherwise), it has made no difference related to this problem.

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Continuous Reboot Loop - Getting The Advanced Boot Option Menuw

Jul 9, 2005

Had to replace motherboard in a PC and now I'm caught in a reboot loop. I keep getting the advanced boot option menuw where your asked wheather you want to Safe Boot, Safe Boot with Networking, etc. Which every choice I pick, the system reboots and takes back to the same place.what to use or if the Recovery Console will solve my problem.

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Boot Disk From OEM Installation?

Feb 28, 2007

I am running Windows XP Home Edition on a Compaq/Presario desktop. The XP was pre-installed and so I have no boot disks. I hope I never need it, but just as a precaution, I made a Boot disk using a freeware program "PE Builder". The process seemed to go ok, but there was a warning that "building from an OEM version of Windows can mean trouble..."

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Dual Boot Pro Installation

Apr 6, 2006

I am trying to install a second copy of XP Pro on my system. I have the first installation on my first hard disc which is partition C: . I have another hard disc which has two partitions D: and Z:. D: has my data and Z: (20gb) is going to be for testing programs and settings and such without installing them on my main disc.

I loaded my XP Pro CD into the optical drive and went through the menus to install a new OS on partition Z. I did a quick format of partition Z in NTFS format. Installation proceeded and the computer rebooted just like usual. Then as it got to the preparing windows installation screen it froze. Just stopped. I restarted and it tried to resume but would freeze immediately again. I checked the boot.ini file and it is just like it should be. With both OS listed. I tried doing this three times and I got the same results each time. My original OS still works fine. I am considering completely reformating the partition and removing all traces of the installatiuon from the boot.ini file but if anyone has any other ideas that are easier I would like to know.

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Pro Installation - Failing To Boot Properly

Sep 13, 2005

I installed Windows XP Pro over my Windows XP home a few days ago. My Windows XP Pro seemed to be working fine except it didn't feel or acknowledge my built in speakers and various other hardware. My dad said this might stem from the fact that the Windows I have (being from 2001) is older than my laptop. He suggested I DL the service pack onto on desktop computer, put it on a disk and open it on my laptop and install. I did that, and everything seemed to go fine until I restarted my PC as I usually do when I install new software. My laptop told there had a been a error that Windows was failing to boot properly due to some failed installation of software or failed hardware installation. It had a few options like "start with the last known configuration of windows that worked on your computer" so I did that. And I tried the other options too. But after a few screens of the usual booting up stuff my laptop just goes to a black screen and I can't get away from it. Windows Support won't help me so I'm asking you guys.

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New Vista Installation Un Fixable BOOT MGR

Oct 30, 2008

The moment I loged in and reboot. I bumped into the unbootable stage again. However, this time the repair feature did not work and I ended up having to do a re-install. So now I'm stuck with this:I've tried running eveysingle usable option in the repair window but none worked. I've even tried replacing the BOOTMGR via CMD in the repair window with the Windows Vista Disc but still nothing.And whenever I try to do the install, once it gets to the last step. It tells me something like this:"Cannot move onto next steop, issue doing the install blah blah blah. Windows will not restart something something."

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Slow Boot Up - Installation Of New Drive

Oct 20, 2006

I installed a Light Scribe CD/DVD RW Optical Drive on my Alienware computer. When I booted it up, it took about 7 minutes to complete. Normally it takes about one minute. Does anyone know why it now takes so long for my computer to boot up?

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CD Wont Boot Up With Windows Xp Installation Disc?

Apr 15, 2006

I was overclocking my cpu cause i replaced the stock fan with a cooling system and while i was overclocking i got a blue screen. So, i rebooted my comp and it says a file is missing or corrupt ( forgot what file something windows/system/config) and told me to repair it. and it wont let me use my windows xp disc. I set my cd-rom to 1st priority, im posititve my cd drives work, and the cd has only been used twice so im pretty sure it cant be that.

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Re-installation / Removed Windows Vista From The Boot

Jun 13, 2010

I have started to rebuild my desktop as it has become slow. I purchased the PC with windows XP professional and have the sticker in on the box with the license key. However, I used a Windows Genuine Advantage Kit for Windows XP professional disk to rebuild. When it asked me for the Product Key I entered the code on the chassis but it says this is not valid. I received an email with the Product Key for WGA disk but I do not have the email anymore with the yellow product key although the WGA box does have the Certificate of Authentication on it.c, how do I get another copy of the email with the Product key or get to a point where the product key.


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Starting Boot - Update Installation Huge

Jun 8, 2008

Basically today I bought a 250gb hitachi sata HDD, dvd drive and computer case, got home, assembled the lot. worked fine. Got my Win XP SP2 installation cd and stuck it in the drive... and started to boot it up... it read the disk just fine, but for some reason every damn time it gets to (Mylex EXR2000, 3000/AR160, 170, 352 Raid Controllers) at the bottom of the screen it just stays there and never progresses.

It's causing me so much hassle. I went into the BIOS, turned off all RAID related options since he doesn't even have a RAID. Then that did nothing, figured I would get rid of the SATA drive for now incase that was the issue, put back in the old IDE 20GB drive... same thing happened. Got another Win XP installation disc that i've used loads of times with no problems... but that one came with it's own error.... a missing file apparently? Anyways the PC is sat downstairs with the old 20GB IDE drive in it and the CD drive and not much else really. All raid options in the BIOS are disabled and my mind is falling to pieces.

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Sp3 Installation On Dell Laptop Results In Boot Loop

Aug 27, 2009

I recently Installed windows sp sp3 on my dell laptop and after i restarted the computer i found that i am stuck in a boot loop! i cannot boot to anything not safe mode or last known good config. Everytime it boots to normal windows, it gets to the boot screen scrolls across once and then stops and shows a blue screen for about a second, not enough time for me to see, and then it reboots and repeats the process. I have been able to see the bsod because of disabling the auto restart and it showed this stop : c0000221 unknown hard error systemrootsystem32 tdll.dll. When i boot into safe mode it gets to the agp440.sys or whatever it is then restarts.Now im pretty sure this is a common problem with sp3 installs, but isnt that normally on amd machines where you have to disable intelppm. Im running a dell with a pentium 4 m processor so it cant be that.

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Boot Disk Failure: Inserted Cd Starts Xp Installation?

Apr 23, 2005

I am running Windows XP Professional and it came up with that message Disk Boot Failure: INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER when i turned on the computer. In my bios it is set up to CD is first boot and HDD is second I dont have a floppy drive and only 1 hardrive...I do not have the original windows xp pro installation cd, but I do have a full unused version of windows xp home edition installation cd and I put that in and booted off of that it started loading up like its supposed to then I got to the screen that said to start installing windows xp press enter so i did that then it went to the agreement thing and said press f8 to aggree to these terms i did that and it braught up a new screen saying

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Installed New Hard Disk / Error With Boot Failure During Installation?

May 3, 2005

a friend asked me to install a new hard drive for him because his crashed. So i purchased a new hard drive (maxtor 60 gb) set out to partition and format the drive, using a win 98 boot disk. I partitoned the drive ( for large volume drive.) Formatted the drive ( format c: /s ) to include system files.and proceeded with Os install Windows 2000. Everything went as smooth as silk... the when install finished, I was prompted to remove the disk from cd rom and complete installation with the onscreen prompt. I removed disk, clicked finish and the computer rebooted upon loading, when it went to start windows it said DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER

I put the Win 2K disc back in and hit enter. It started windows perfectly no errors at all... then I took disk out re-started ( to check system stability) and back to the same error message: DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER. I of course freaked out, I feel like an idiot cause I cant get this thing to work right. tried reformatting without the sytem files, re-partioning tried win 98, winXP, nothing same stuff! So I talked to a pal got a hard drive wipe program off the net "killdisk", wiped the drive and tried to reinstall Win 2K, same problem.

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Reboot Comes With Blue Screen With Error: "BOOT VOLUME UNMOUNTABLE"?

Sep 29, 2007

I haven't fully rebooted in a week or so, mostly hiberating and that works just fine. I rebooted just today and encountered a blue screen of death indicating something about: "BOOT VOLUME UNMOUNTABLE" For the past 6 hours I've been reading all about this and the related problem: "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable." Apparently my disk got corrupted somehow.

It's apparently not as simple as BOOT.INI being bad as is said to be a common problem. My problem seems very severe in the following way: I actually have another Windows XP installation on the same computer. It still works fine as does linux. However, if I try to access the other partition/drive (called e: in the other windows) then I get: "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."

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Installation/ Un-installation Of Daemon Tools That Corrupted Some Registry Files?

May 4, 2007

I've lately had some problems with my win-xp (home) following installation/ un-installation of daemon tools that corrupted some registry files. After an unsuccesfull repair-instalation of xp, i re-installed xp onto the secondary partition of my hard drive (d:, the original instalation being on c. I was intending to format the c: drive, then instal a copy of xp-pro i have onto it

finally moving the files i want to keep back from the d: drive onto the c: drive.The problem i'm now having is on formatting i recieve the error message 'system partition is not allowed to be formatted', as it is the primary partition. Can i go about formatting this drive in partitions and proceed with the re-install without having to remove the files i have on the d: drive? How might i go about this?

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CD ROM Won't "boot Up" To Allow Installation New Dragon

Jul 18, 2005

Now all went pear shaped when my CD ROM refused to "read" the CD. Using a Compaq EVO800v with Windows XP Professional (of course - that's why I'm in this newsgroup). The disc appears good: will be read in Win ME and Win98 machines

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