Newly Reformatted Computer / Painfully Slow

Jan 6, 2008

I recently reformatted my computer, after getting a virus and deciding that the effort it would take to salvage my computer wasn't worth it.Prior to getting a virus on my computer, it was very fast and didn't have problems with RAM or memory. After reformatting, however, my computer is very slow despite not having installed even 10 programs.It's not slow in that the computer is laggy (though it is sometimes, but that's not really something that concerns me), but that programs take very long to load. For instance, I'll open up Firefox, and Windows Task Manager shows the memory usage of firefox.exe increasing by increments of 50. So it'll take 2/3 minutes to open.In addition, installing new programs takes much much much longer than they should. For instance, it took me nearly an hour and a half to install a trial version of Photoshop CS3, only for it in the end to have a problem telling me to reinstall it. Windows Update took very long as well (nearly half a day!)

I haven't done anything different to this newly reformatted computer except for one thing the first thing that I did when I reformatted my computer was to install Trend Micro Anti-Virus, from a trial that I found online.I do know that prior to installing that program, my computer wasn't too slow at all... But sometime afterwards, it became very sluggish. I don't know if the issue relates at all to the antivirus program itself, but I thought you should know that my computer didn't start out slow.

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Painfully Slow Clean Computer / Looking For Ideas

Aug 27, 2008

My windows XP Pro install should be clean, as very rarely do I actually use it. Most everything I do is done inside of VMs.Earlier today I was watching a video (on the host OS, not in a VM) while running Pidgin and Firefox on Linux in a VM (Using Sun's VirtualBox). I had been having some issues with the VM crashing (what I believed to be related to the minimal amount of ram that I had allocated for it), and it did crash while I was watching this video.Everything began to stutter, and the computer froze. After rebooting, it is taking upwards of 10 minutes for the Windows boot screen (with blue load bar) to finish, another few minutes for the the CRTL-ALT-DEL to show up, and then a minute or two for me to log in.

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Painfully Slow Boot-up And Operation

Jul 18, 2005

I recently returned my notebook to the manufacturer due to a failed DVD-drive.They replaced the DVD-drive and the main board, but now the computer is very slow. It takes over 5 minutes to boot-up and the most basic operations take an age.Is there a solution that doesn't involve a full system recovery, as their helpdesk is recommending?

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Machine Is So Painfully Slow To Open - HDD Health

Jul 10, 2010

Toshiba M50 XP Machine is very slow to boot up, and it then takes at least 5 minutes for Firefox to open after that.Every scan I run gives the machine a clean bill of health, and often congratulates me on the machine being fully clean.Just today I added HDD Health, and that gives a report of excellent health, and a 100% rating, even though the machine is getting on for 5 years old.When I look at Task Manager Processes during the long boot up it says "not responding".I am with Eircom Broadband, and my Eircom Mail, using Thunderbird, says that it cannot contact server.I can get the mails on other machines - Win 7 or Vista

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Running Slow At Startup - Reformatted Entire Drive

Mar 7, 2007

I am running an 2.2gh Athlon 64 with Media Center 2005 and a gig of Ram and an integrated 200x Raedon mobo. The system idle process is at 99-80 percent most of the time. However, at the bottom it says I'm running around 75-100% and when I go to the graph it shows really high as well. I just reformatted my enitre drive via recovery disc to try to fix this. (Also and i didnt want to try to uninstall the beta 2 of vista so it wasnt for the sole purpose of fixing the percent thing) I dont have a duel boot anymore and it has ran this way since the start AND since the reformat. Too bad i didnt notice this when i bought it.

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Computer Wont Show Newly Installed Programs?

Jul 20, 2005

For some reason my computer will not show new programs installed when you go to, Start, All Programs, tabs, however, the programs are installed and you can see them when you use explore and follow the path to the program. Can the page be to full to show all the programs or what?

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Updates On Reformatted Computer

Mar 11, 2008

Just re-installed WinXP Home on my PC. I tried to go to Windows Update, but when it scanned my machine to see what updates it needed, it said it could not continue. I went to Tools/Internet Options/Security, and set it to default, figuring that would make everything acceptable for Microsoft. I restarted the computer and tried to do it again with the same result. The error message is 0x8007000B.

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Reformatted Computer - Video Controller

Jan 29, 2005

I just reformatted a computer running XP. It came with the resource CD from the manufacturer, not the actual XP CD. My problem is drivers. Everything in the machine is very 'non-descript' and I am still needing drivers, but they were not included on the cd that I got from the seller. In the device manager, I have yellow questions marks beside the following:Ethernet controller
Multimedia Audio Controller SM Bus Controller Video Controller (VGA Compatible)
I tried to get the exact name/brand of the ethernet card, but it's a 'PulseJack' and I have never seen one of those before

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Reformatted My Computer - Two Operating Systems Installation

Jul 26, 2005

I recently reformatted my computer and installed windows xp home and keep running into a problem when starting the computer. It tells me that two operating systems are installed and that I need to select which one I want to run. Both are windows xp home. If I choose the first one it runs fine if I choose the second one I get a message that says: Windows could not start because of a computer dis hardware configuration problem. Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware. Please check windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information.

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My Computer Randomly Locksup - Reformatted Harddrive

Sep 25, 2006

I have just recently reformatted my hard drive and it locks up randomly. It used to do that even before I reformatted. What should I do?

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Reformatted The Computer: Unable To Access Certain Websites?

Sep 9, 2007

I just recently reformatted my computer.Now for some reason certain sites are inaccessible to my computer... big sites like yahoo, facebook, and other random sites. But at the same time i can access many websites such as this. When trying to connect to these other websites i get a message such as "The connection was reset" I am plugged into the wall with an Ethernet so there is no router involved. The only firewall i have running is windows firewall.

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Computer Running Slow - Not Just Internet Slow But Onboard Slow

May 10, 2010

Lately my computer has been extremely slow, not just internet slow but onboard slow. For example, if I click on an application from the desktop it will sit there for 10-20 seconds before anything happens. Occasionally I'll click multiple times on something and nothing will happen then 30 seconds later it will open multiple instances of things. This delay has been happening with just about anything I click on, acting like the computer's busy doing something else when nothing else should be going on. I've looked in the task manager and the applications column will be blank

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Newly Installed Won't Boot As A Stand Alone

Jan 8, 2006

My new hard drive w/windows XP newly installed won't boot as a stand alone without my old windows ME hard drive in the PC. Plus, the XP installation is not working right, it won't allow me to install new software, for one thing, so I just assume go back to using only my windows ME hard drive but I can't get rid of the message at boot up of which operating sytemI want to use,even when I took out the window XP hard drive and restored an older version of my windows ME registry on the other hard drive.

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Sound And Scroll With Newly Installed Windows Xp

Dec 21, 2007

There is no sound driver, what can I do to correct this If I'm on the internet and scrolling down either with roller or dragging it down, it doesn't go smoothly. I am coming from Ubuntu, a friend put xp on here. I would also like to know if dual-booting would be easy to do.

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Newly Assigned User - Now No Administrator Login

Jul 12, 2008

I recently assigned a new user (the first one) to an XP machine. Previously, as it started up, it prompted with "Administrator" and a password field (which I had left blank), and a message about being able to setup users once I logged in. Now, having assigned a user, all I get is the offering of the new user, and when clicking on that I get prompted for the password. When I type in the password, the desktop is nothing like what it used to look like when I went in through "Administrator" - the desktop image is gone and the shortcuts that were on the desktop are gone. And my drive mappings to my network are gone. How do I get back to the "Administrator" login screen? and/or assign the Administrator desktop to the new user?

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How To Format Newly Created Partition 2 Menus

Oct 9, 2009

how come sometimes besides a format of a newly created partition windows has 2 menus for xp boot in boot.ini file why is this...not that its a huge problem...just curious

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Newly Installed Is Not Working Properly With Internet

Jun 24, 2005

I have posted the message below to the Microsoft Windows Xp email help service. I have decided to post a copy here as well so that there is more chance someone who reads it may be able to find me a solution.

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Unable To Read Language On Newly Installed Program?

Nov 8, 2006

I have downlaod a new program (PPstream) but unable to read the instruction. I tried several language setting but without any success. Actually, I can read some sentences but the rest is unreadable.

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Newly Installed Program Folders Popping Up At Startup?

Oct 27, 2006

I've just had to install my machine after a major malfunction. It's running fine now, but everytime I install a new program, when I restart the machine, all the newly installed programs' folders pop up (e.g. showing the uninstall and help links in the program's particular folder; it usually happens with new software just the once) - and it's getting ridiculous. I have to close each folder one by one.

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Access Denied To Newly Created Shared Folders

Nov 12, 2008

Building a new network of 6 boxes. All using WinXP Pro SP3.Yesterday I created a few shared folders - and they work fine all the other machines can access them. Installed a bunch of new software on the same main machine today also had a BIOS/registry/diskcheck issue - but everything seems fine now . EXCEPT, any folders I create as shared folders, while they show up on the other machines - all get the "can't be accessed permission denied" type of error message.The shares I created yesterday still work, they can be accessed, its just any new ones I create can not.simple file sharing is off, I edited the reg key to all anonymous connections, I added the NETWORK as a group allowed to access the new shares - but nothing works.

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Fingerprint Scanner On Lenovo Laptop Synch With Newly Updated Password

Mar 1, 2007

when using the fingerprint scanner on a network with pasword changes every 90days, does the fingerprint scanner on a lenovo laptop synch properly with a newly updated password? I have a user here who changed the password but the fingerprint scanner did not seem to recognize the change since when you first set it up it asks for your current password. Once setup correctly all you have to do is scan your fingerprint and it logs you in.

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Sp3, Slow Domain Login Not DNS Issue, Not Slow At Applying Computer Settings ?

Dec 23, 2008

This is a Windows XP sp3 domain connected PC with one specific user, which all of a sudden takes 2.5mins to log in to the domain, Where it used to take just about 20 seconds. Other users on the same PC is all OK 20sec login This is not the usual where it hangs at "applying computer settings" or "personal settings" it's after those two has passed that it just hangs for a couple of minutes.
All i get is the mouse pointer (not even hourglass) and the desktop wallpaper for about 2-3 minutes. When it finally logs in everything is as quick as you would expect that spec of PC to be (1,6ghz Sempron, 1gb RAM, 40gb IDE-100 HDD)

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Computer Starts Slow, Works Slow Then Hangs Or Shuts Down

Sep 26, 2006

computer now takes half an hour to an hour to reboot. in doing so, it tells me that it does not do the startup and services. it is so slow it is unbelievable. sometimes even being so slow that the words we type take a few seconds to show up on the screen. after working for a time it will invariably hang. or it will shut itself down. in either case we have to reboot, it takes that half an hour to an hour again

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Computer Running Slow: Firefox Working Extremely Slow?

Jan 4, 2006

My pc was working just fine a few days ago then last night i go on it was just dragging.Everything was loading slow despite the fact i have even firefox was loading slow which it never does.Anyway i asked my sister who was the last one on if she clicked on anything but no surprise the reply was I didn't do anything so i guess it was a ghost .I ran NAV but nothing found then again NAV doesn't seem to find anything

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Computer Running Very Slow / Mouse Runs Extremely Slow?

Sep 8, 2006

Pc taking for ever to load, mouse slow too...

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Computer Booting Incredibly Slow And All Apps Slow

Nov 22, 2009

I am running PC, Windows XP and recently had several viruses deleted from system. Problem started when running Internet Explorer and would receive an error tab every time stating IE must close. The data error was a mcsvrt.dll problem. Now when I start the computer it takes 10-15 minutes to boot completely and accessing Mozilla or any apps after about 3-4 mins takes ages. It runs so slow, something has it almost completely bogged down. I run spybot but after a while it freezes up

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Computer Is Slow, Slow, Doesn't Detect Virus

Oct 23, 2006

It can't even seem to keep up with my typing. Ugh. I use AVG free, and it is current and doesn't detect any problems.

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Slow Computer Crashes Randomly - Slow Internet

Aug 30, 2007

I have an HP. Personally, I think it's a great computer but it's extremely slow and it crashes randomly. Also, I keep losing internet connection. My ISP is cox and I also have vonage so they're connected to each other

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Norton 360 Making It Slow?

Oct 9, 2008

I am working with a Dell 2400 running Windows XP Service Pack 3 with a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz processor and 1.2 gig of ram. It still seems particularly slow. I am not sure if it some of the applications that I am running like Norton 360 or some of my settings.

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Computer Getting Slow Startup And Programs Running Slow?

Aug 7, 2005

Win XP HE SP2. Dell 8300 3.0 Ghz .PC takes minutes from startup to desktop. All programs much slower than usual.I regularly use Defrag, Have Microsoft anti spyware, Panda anti virus, Ad Aware Spybot, System Mechanic Pro.etc.Have tried everything!

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Computer Running Slow: Getting Slow Boot Process?

Jan 23, 2009

Why is it taking my computer 3 minutes to boot to the desktop? As you can see from my signature below, I don't have exactly a slow poke machine. All drives are defragged weekly, the BIOS is set to boot off of the hard disk, and I only have the one OS installed.This thing use to boot to the desktop in 20 seconds.

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