Painfully Slow Clean Computer / Looking For Ideas

Aug 27, 2008

My windows XP Pro install should be clean, as very rarely do I actually use it. Most everything I do is done inside of VMs.Earlier today I was watching a video (on the host OS, not in a VM) while running Pidgin and Firefox on Linux in a VM (Using Sun's VirtualBox). I had been having some issues with the VM crashing (what I believed to be related to the minimal amount of ram that I had allocated for it), and it did crash while I was watching this video.Everything began to stutter, and the computer froze. After rebooting, it is taking upwards of 10 minutes for the Windows boot screen (with blue load bar) to finish, another few minutes for the the CRTL-ALT-DEL to show up, and then a minute or two for me to log in.

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Newly Reformatted Computer / Painfully Slow

Jan 6, 2008

I recently reformatted my computer, after getting a virus and deciding that the effort it would take to salvage my computer wasn't worth it.Prior to getting a virus on my computer, it was very fast and didn't have problems with RAM or memory. After reformatting, however, my computer is very slow despite not having installed even 10 programs.It's not slow in that the computer is laggy (though it is sometimes, but that's not really something that concerns me), but that programs take very long to load. For instance, I'll open up Firefox, and Windows Task Manager shows the memory usage of firefox.exe increasing by increments of 50. So it'll take 2/3 minutes to open.In addition, installing new programs takes much much much longer than they should. For instance, it took me nearly an hour and a half to install a trial version of Photoshop CS3, only for it in the end to have a problem telling me to reinstall it. Windows Update took very long as well (nearly half a day!)

I haven't done anything different to this newly reformatted computer except for one thing the first thing that I did when I reformatted my computer was to install Trend Micro Anti-Virus, from a trial that I found online.I do know that prior to installing that program, my computer wasn't too slow at all... But sometime afterwards, it became very sluggish. I don't know if the issue relates at all to the antivirus program itself, but I thought you should know that my computer didn't start out slow.

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Painfully Slow Boot-up And Operation

Jul 18, 2005

I recently returned my notebook to the manufacturer due to a failed DVD-drive.They replaced the DVD-drive and the main board, but now the computer is very slow. It takes over 5 minutes to boot-up and the most basic operations take an age.Is there a solution that doesn't involve a full system recovery, as their helpdesk is recommending?

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Machine Is So Painfully Slow To Open - HDD Health

Jul 10, 2010

Toshiba M50 XP Machine is very slow to boot up, and it then takes at least 5 minutes for Firefox to open after that.Every scan I run gives the machine a clean bill of health, and often congratulates me on the machine being fully clean.Just today I added HDD Health, and that gives a report of excellent health, and a 100% rating, even though the machine is getting on for 5 years old.When I look at Task Manager Processes during the long boot up it says "not responding".I am with Eircom Broadband, and my Eircom Mail, using Thunderbird, says that it cannot contact server.I can get the mails on other machines - Win 7 or Vista

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Trying To Clean It Up - Computer So Slow

Oct 7, 2010

Took over a business computer running Windows XP Professional Version 2002. Trying to clean it up and install new things I needed, was prompted to install MS Service Pack 3. Did that, and ever since computer is SO SLOW and then screen often goes black, then comes back on. Is this related to SP 3 or is this something else??

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Computer Running Slow - Several Programs To Clean Up

May 30, 2005

I have run several applications to clean my computer but I am sure there is something on there slowing the performance.

I would place my HT log on here but I do not know how do it.

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Slow Computer - Disk Clean Up And Defrag Wont Work?

Jan 9, 2007

My computer is running very slow Since reading some of the other entries I have done some of the quick fixes that were listed such as getting rid of programs not used, disk clean-up and disk defrag but still my computer is lagging.

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Error 54 In In Users Accounts - Ideas Of Password Areas

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to create a new account on my WIndows its has XP as its operating system. But it wont let me type in the area where you would create the name or password areas. Any ideas on how to fix it?

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HijackThis V1.99.1: PC Slow/ Clean Or Check?

Jun 8, 2006

my computer is really slow how to clean or check my HJT log? Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1

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Slow Disk Clean Up Utility?

Feb 2, 2009

As part of my monthly maintenance checks I ran Disk Clean up and it took so long to complete that it was almost like a drive-defrag. I had to cancel out of it at least once I try it in safe mode because I was sure it was hanging. Only it wasn't hanging, just running slow. The part that took forever was NOT the pre part where it estimates how much space you can free on the disk. That was done in a few minutes. It was when running Disk Clean up and it was doing the "Compress Old Files" part. It took at least 45 minutes. When I went into Safe Mode, as part of Disk Clean Up, I check something that I think was called "Temporary Index File Searching." that I did not see before in Normal Mode. Why would Disk Clean Up take 3-5 times longer to complete than usual?

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Slow Start Up & Disk Clean Up

Sep 9, 2005

I have an ibm think pad with windows 2000 office professinal , it takes approx 12-15 minutes for start up and free space is 78 percent so I know the problem is not space. I am also unable to do a disk cleanup. I have defraged ok and once the computer has started I can surf easily what could be wrong I have a fair knowledge of computers but nothing about configuration Could someone please help?

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VIRUS Clean - Printer STILL Really SLOW

Oct 28, 2009

NeonFx, worked me through getting rid of a really nasty bug and now my machine has been proclaimed CLEAN! However, one of the really annoying side issues was that my printer was totally bogged down. I figured that getting rid of the virus would get my printer back. It spools up, starts to print, and then nothing....takes over 15 minutes to print a half page of word doc. I reinstalled the printer software and updated the drivers. It's still the change. I spent HOURS on the phone today with an HP tech from the Philippines. He basically redid what I did, and said I was running out of RAM. Not true...I've got nearly 50% of RAM available....

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Too Slow Disk Clean Up Hangs / Freezes

May 10, 2005

My friend has a gateway computer, little more than a year old with Win XP on it and complains that the entire computer is moving too slow. I suggested to do a disk-clean up, defrag, etc. first and she tried, but she said that the disk-clean up will just hang and if she tries anything else even to cancel it, the system will freeze up.Any ideas? Is it spyware? Or should she just do a whole reformat?

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Laptop Slow To Open Everything After Clean Install

Dec 28, 2007

I just recently did a reformat and clean install of windows (to get rid of all the dell bloatware that came with my laptop, clean the registry, etc). Problem is, now programs are opening really really slowly. For example, photoshop is taking a super long time to open, it used to be much faster.Internet/Firefox seems to work fine, but in general I can tell something isn't right. I'm pretty confident it's not a virus/malware problem, as I just reformatted, did a new install of windows, and have had zonealarm running from the start (and yes, zonealarm was running all the time previous to the reformat).

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Computer Running Slow - Not Just Internet Slow But Onboard Slow

May 10, 2010

Lately my computer has been extremely slow, not just internet slow but onboard slow. For example, if I click on an application from the desktop it will sit there for 10-20 seconds before anything happens. Occasionally I'll click multiple times on something and nothing will happen then 30 seconds later it will open multiple instances of things. This delay has been happening with just about anything I click on, acting like the computer's busy doing something else when nothing else should be going on. I've looked in the task manager and the applications column will be blank

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Clean Re-Install Computer

Sep 4, 2007

Plan to do a clean re-install of my Toshiba Satellite P10 series , I have the disc's that came with the computer IE . Microsoft Works , and two Discs marked Product Recovery CD-ROM, is this everything i need to do a re-install and what order do i use the Disc's , as you may gather i haven't done this before.

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Clean And Optimize Your New Computer

Nov 21, 2009

When you buy a new computer it is often loaded with extra software that you just don’t need.  OEMs are paid by software companies to bundle trial versions in hopes that you will buy the full product. The preloaded junk is a waste of disk space, memory and can even hurt the performance of your new computer so it is a good idea to remove it all.

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Home SP2 - Clean Install On Computer

Aug 29, 2007

Put a clean install on a computer and it runs great. Only one problem. Some pages when they open do not cover the whole scree like they should. This is hard to explain. When you open the internet the screen is as wide as if should be but what you bring up on the page covers about 2/3s of the page from the middle out. it leaves a couple of inches on both sides. It shows the scroll bars and all its the picture that comes up. If you click on the zoom and make it like 125% it is just right but how can you keep it there? Everytime you change pages you have to use the zoom again if it is the same way, not all pages are like that, but some are

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Sp 2 Updates On Sp1 - Computer Clean Install OS

Apr 6, 2006

Does SP2 include the updates on SP1, or do I need to download both on my friends computer after a clean install of the OS?

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After Clean Computer Blank Screen Appears

Jul 10, 2010

I keep a clean computer. Every day virus updates and scans, defrags, etc. I probably go overboard to make sure this rig stays healthy.But it's my lifeline to the world.
I'm in a third world country with no computer help at all...Barely a connection at time.That being said.3 times now when I boot up the computer runs through it's cycles, goes to the Windows XP page, and then absolutely nothing. Just a blank screen.
The same happens even when trying to go to safe-mode or debug. I'm lucky it's even working now.I've saved all my information.

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Clean Install / Missing NTLDR Viruses On Computer

Jan 16, 2008

"missing NTLDR" viruses an my PC with XP Home. I am trying to do a clean install of XP Pro. I boot to the CD and it starts checking the configurations. I then get a screen asking for me to insert the CD in Drive "A". It won't read the CD no matter what I do. The PC only has the DVD/CD-rom and the hard drive.

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Computer Freezes At Logo Screen After Clean Installation

Jan 26, 2008

I have a Seagate Barracuda ATA IV model ST380021A. Don't know if it's SATA or not. I have a SOYO SY-P4VTP M/B. After I do a clean/new install on a formatted drive, (I even installed the SATA drivers that came w/ the mobo just in case) the computer freezes on reboot after the initial installation where it says "Setup will continue after reboot" or something like that. @ the bootscreen with the logo, the bluish bar scrolls a couple of times and freezes. Does anyone know why? I tried installing at a friends house and it worked fine so I know it's not a harddrive error but I place it in mines and it doesn't work so I create a new install and same problem.. I know it's not a temp issue since it's running < 100 F. THis is a genuine copy of XP. Just in case I used my friends.

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Strip Computer Clean Reinstall / With Home Edition This Time

Jun 1, 2006

Yeah I have had this Sony Vaio PCG-FRV37 labtop for almost 4 years now. I just recently discovered that my friend who helped me with installing Windows XP SP2 installed

Professional instead of Home, which came with my computer. Is there a way I can fix that? Or do I have to strip my computer clean and reinstall but with Home edition this time?
This has been a problem because I went to go do an upgrade from the Microsoft site but it said I was probably a victim of fake windows. So that's what I am more worried about because I got the windows XP program from Sony pre-loaded.

Also I dunno if this has to do with Windows or not. But my Matshita UJ-810 dvd/cd drive will not open when I click it's eject button. I have to use iTunes to open it. Also it seems to be unable to read cds.

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Sp3, Slow Domain Login Not DNS Issue, Not Slow At Applying Computer Settings ?

Dec 23, 2008

This is a Windows XP sp3 domain connected PC with one specific user, which all of a sudden takes 2.5mins to log in to the domain, Where it used to take just about 20 seconds. Other users on the same PC is all OK 20sec login This is not the usual where it hangs at "applying computer settings" or "personal settings" it's after those two has passed that it just hangs for a couple of minutes.
All i get is the mouse pointer (not even hourglass) and the desktop wallpaper for about 2-3 minutes. When it finally logs in everything is as quick as you would expect that spec of PC to be (1,6ghz Sempron, 1gb RAM, 40gb IDE-100 HDD)

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Computer Starts Slow, Works Slow Then Hangs Or Shuts Down

Sep 26, 2006

computer now takes half an hour to an hour to reboot. in doing so, it tells me that it does not do the startup and services. it is so slow it is unbelievable. sometimes even being so slow that the words we type take a few seconds to show up on the screen. after working for a time it will invariably hang. or it will shut itself down. in either case we have to reboot, it takes that half an hour to an hour again

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Computer Running Slow: Firefox Working Extremely Slow?

Jan 4, 2006

My pc was working just fine a few days ago then last night i go on it was just dragging.Everything was loading slow despite the fact i have even firefox was loading slow which it never does.Anyway i asked my sister who was the last one on if she clicked on anything but no surprise the reply was I didn't do anything so i guess it was a ghost .I ran NAV but nothing found then again NAV doesn't seem to find anything

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Computer Running Very Slow / Mouse Runs Extremely Slow?

Sep 8, 2006

Pc taking for ever to load, mouse slow too...

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Computer Booting Incredibly Slow And All Apps Slow

Nov 22, 2009

I am running PC, Windows XP and recently had several viruses deleted from system. Problem started when running Internet Explorer and would receive an error tab every time stating IE must close. The data error was a mcsvrt.dll problem. Now when I start the computer it takes 10-15 minutes to boot completely and accessing Mozilla or any apps after about 3-4 mins takes ages. It runs so slow, something has it almost completely bogged down. I run spybot but after a while it freezes up

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Computer Is Slow, Slow, Doesn't Detect Virus

Oct 23, 2006

It can't even seem to keep up with my typing. Ugh. I use AVG free, and it is current and doesn't detect any problems.

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Slow Computer Crashes Randomly - Slow Internet

Aug 30, 2007

I have an HP. Personally, I think it's a great computer but it's extremely slow and it crashes randomly. Also, I keep losing internet connection. My ISP is cox and I also have vonage so they're connected to each other

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Norton 360 Making It Slow?

Oct 9, 2008

I am working with a Dell 2400 running Windows XP Service Pack 3 with a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz processor and 1.2 gig of ram. It still seems particularly slow. I am not sure if it some of the applications that I am running like Norton 360 or some of my settings.

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