Computer Starts Slow, Works Slow Then Hangs Or Shuts Down

Sep 26, 2006

computer now takes half an hour to an hour to reboot. in doing so, it tells me that it does not do the startup and services. it is so slow it is unbelievable. sometimes even being so slow that the words we type take a few seconds to show up on the screen. after working for a time it will invariably hang. or it will shut itself down. in either case we have to reboot, it takes that half an hour to an hour again

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Computer Works Slow And Freezes Up?

Aug 27, 2007

I do not know what is wrong with this computer, but it is really slow and freezes up. i dont have any idea to check my log file

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Computer Works Slow In Normal Mode

Jan 9, 2006

Turn computer on and it log in and i can only go on the internet for 2 minutes but its very very slow, after the 2 minutes the internet stops working, i restart to safemode and everything is fine. I know its some kind of virus but i don't know what. Also when i restart from the normal mode a window comes up saying .neteventbroadcast has to shut down and it tries shutting it down.

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Computer Runs Slow Hangs On Proper Reboot

Jan 21, 2008

1st I use internet explorer for my web browser. At work when I click on it it pops right up with out even thinking about it Page loads with in 10 seconds every time. At home. Some times it will take 30 seconds to a minute to start after I click on it.2nd issue is this Occasionally I will come into my computer after not using it for 8-10 hours or so and I will have a ton (sometimes 40+) Error messages that say "unable to launch restart.exe".I can close all of them but then the computer runs like a tank. I always have to do a hard shut down after this too.It will NOT restart using the proper methods just hangs up.

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Computer Running Slow - Not Just Internet Slow But Onboard Slow

May 10, 2010

Lately my computer has been extremely slow, not just internet slow but onboard slow. For example, if I click on an application from the desktop it will sit there for 10-20 seconds before anything happens. Occasionally I'll click multiple times on something and nothing will happen then 30 seconds later it will open multiple instances of things. This delay has been happening with just about anything I click on, acting like the computer's busy doing something else when nothing else should be going on. I've looked in the task manager and the applications column will be blank

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Operating System Works Very Slow

Jan 20, 2006

my system over the last few days has been opertating very slow with everything from internet to regular programs like Word here is my hijack this log hope u guys can have a look at it and see if theres a problem thnx in advance :

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Sp3, Slow Domain Login Not DNS Issue, Not Slow At Applying Computer Settings ?

Dec 23, 2008

This is a Windows XP sp3 domain connected PC with one specific user, which all of a sudden takes 2.5mins to log in to the domain, Where it used to take just about 20 seconds. Other users on the same PC is all OK 20sec login This is not the usual where it hangs at "applying computer settings" or "personal settings" it's after those two has passed that it just hangs for a couple of minutes.
All i get is the mouse pointer (not even hourglass) and the desktop wallpaper for about 2-3 minutes. When it finally logs in everything is as quick as you would expect that spec of PC to be (1,6ghz Sempron, 1gb RAM, 40gb IDE-100 HDD)

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PC Starts Up Really Slow - Programs Respond Slowly

Sep 11, 2005

I have a pc running XP Pro and suddenly it became extremely slow.It takes a couple of minutes to boot up.Everything responds slow on the pc.I ran adaware , spybot and cwshredder.these programmes did find a couple of things but still the pc is very slow.

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Computer Running Slow: Firefox Working Extremely Slow?

Jan 4, 2006

My pc was working just fine a few days ago then last night i go on it was just dragging.Everything was loading slow despite the fact i have even firefox was loading slow which it never does.Anyway i asked my sister who was the last one on if she clicked on anything but no surprise the reply was I didn't do anything so i guess it was a ghost .I ran NAV but nothing found then again NAV doesn't seem to find anything

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Computer Running Very Slow / Mouse Runs Extremely Slow?

Sep 8, 2006

Pc taking for ever to load, mouse slow too...

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Worm / Virus Has Invaded The PC/ System Works Slow?

May 17, 2005

Microsoft Windows, SpyBot, and Norton all sent a deluge of windows saying they had detected changes. SpyBot sent 7-10 warnings, one of them saying "SpyBot. Search & Destroy has detected an important registry item entry that has been changed. Catagory: System Startup global entry; Change: Value deleted; Entry: elkfqxcj; Old data: c:windowselkfqxcj.exe; [allow change][Deny change].Each of these SpyBot notices had a different entry. Since then my computer is extremely slow, freezes up when left for any time. A window pops us when opening and when changing applications titled "16 bit Windows Subsystem", saying:
C:WindowsSystem32AutoExec.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Window's applications. Choose 'close' to terminate application. [close] [ignore]

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Computer Booting Incredibly Slow And All Apps Slow

Nov 22, 2009

I am running PC, Windows XP and recently had several viruses deleted from system. Problem started when running Internet Explorer and would receive an error tab every time stating IE must close. The data error was a mcsvrt.dll problem. Now when I start the computer it takes 10-15 minutes to boot completely and accessing Mozilla or any apps after about 3-4 mins takes ages. It runs so slow, something has it almost completely bogged down. I run spybot but after a while it freezes up

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Computer Is Slow, Slow, Doesn't Detect Virus

Oct 23, 2006

It can't even seem to keep up with my typing. Ugh. I use AVG free, and it is current and doesn't detect any problems.

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Slow Computer Crashes Randomly - Slow Internet

Aug 30, 2007

I have an HP. Personally, I think it's a great computer but it's extremely slow and it crashes randomly. Also, I keep losing internet connection. My ISP is cox and I also have vonage so they're connected to each other

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Norton 360 Making It Slow?

Oct 9, 2008

I am working with a Dell 2400 running Windows XP Service Pack 3 with a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz processor and 1.2 gig of ram. It still seems particularly slow. I am not sure if it some of the applications that I am running like Norton 360 or some of my settings.

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Computer Getting Slow Startup And Programs Running Slow?

Aug 7, 2005

Win XP HE SP2. Dell 8300 3.0 Ghz .PC takes minutes from startup to desktop. All programs much slower than usual.I regularly use Defrag, Have Microsoft anti spyware, Panda anti virus, Ad Aware Spybot, System Mechanic Pro.etc.Have tried everything!

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Computer Running Slow: Getting Slow Boot Process?

Jan 23, 2009

Why is it taking my computer 3 minutes to boot to the desktop? As you can see from my signature below, I don't have exactly a slow poke machine. All drives are defragged weekly, the BIOS is set to boot off of the hard disk, and I only have the one OS installed.This thing use to boot to the desktop in 20 seconds.

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Slow Computer And Super Slow Start Up

Mar 3, 2005

Out of the blue, my computer started getting slow. Sometimes its ok, and then it will be on the verge of freezing.. then get itself back together. I realized, when I start up, it takes FOREVER. It also shows this screen I have never seen before. Its completely black, and has a line of grey rectangles from side to side. and slowly loads across. When it is finally finished 10-15 minutes it will slowly start up in regular fashion

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Too Slow Disk Clean Up Hangs / Freezes

May 10, 2005

My friend has a gateway computer, little more than a year old with Win XP on it and complains that the entire computer is moving too slow. I suggested to do a disk-clean up, defrag, etc. first and she tried, but she said that the disk-clean up will just hang and if she tries anything else even to cancel it, the system will freeze up.Any ideas? Is it spyware? Or should she just do a whole reformat?

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Runs Slow - Open Folder Or IE Pc Hangs

Aug 21, 2008

how can I make my pc run better. For example~ upon weeks/a month upon a new reformat my pc runs great, programs, games, etc... but after a while it just runs slow. especially when my son tries to play a game. the game skips alot, the video plays in slow motion, etc. When I know that any other time it works fine. even when I open a folder or IE it hangs for 10-30 secs...

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Starts To Load - Shuts Off - Reboots Again And Again

Aug 20, 2007

The chain of events I see the motherboard logo, as usual, and then windows logo with loading dots underneath.I hear a click and the logo disappears.A white on black one-line message flashes on but it flashes so quickly that I cannot read it Then, the computer reboots and the whole schmagaggie repeats itself.Will do this until I shut it down.F8 and delete don't help me because my computer knowledge level is low.

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Starts To Play Music Then Shuts Off

Jan 31, 2005

I can't get the sound to work.I upgraded to XP pro from 98 I have got a brand new hard drive,I know the sound card is good and so are my speakers.I have the drivers and everything shows as working but no sound.When I reboot it starts to play the music then shuts off.

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Random Restarts / System Hangs / Slow Startup

Aug 17, 2008

it wasnt problematic when i 1st set it up about a month ago. the startup was defo alot quicker.the system sometimes hangs during a game, it used to hang on startup but i fixed that with system restore in startup because of the slow startup (where it doesnt seem to be actually doing anything! no cpu of mem usage just ages to load startup programs) i used some startup removal programs to delete all unnecessary startup program, it hasnt speeded anything up it takes the same amount of time but just loads less programs.i have also run ccleaner, reg cleaners, tried running ad-aware but never completed a scan as it freezes. i have always had zonealarm pro runing and bitdefender

when powering up it seems to show the blackscreen very often, asking to turn on in safe mode? even when the pc had been shutdown properly. othertimes on powering on the pc hangs on the windows loading page or when enering the password.the pc can also restart randomly during general use or gaming.this is very fustarting and was hoping you guys could give me some of your advice? i was thinking maybe do a system restore to the day when the pc was first built? would this be a really dumb move? what would be the consequences?

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Computer Very Slow With Popups And Very Slow

Aug 29, 2007

512MB, 80GB Hard Drive, Windows XP SP2, IE 7.0. Everything runs extremely slow, even downloading HighJackThis. Some stuff on his computer I feel is highjacking and adding malware, spyware, etc. An example is PalTalk. You guys did an outstanding job on fine tuning my main computer and would appreciate any help you can give me on computer 2

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Slow Internet - Slow Computer

Feb 8, 2010

My problem is that my internet connection is pretty slow on my main computer. It's an older (6 years) Dell. I'm still running XP and IE7. I have Comcast cable and it's connected through a Linksys modem. The problem is that the internet response on this machine is pretty slow. I have a laptop that I use and that is much better. I would figure that my "main" computer would be faster since it has a hard connection, not wireless. I know that isn't much info so ask away and I do what I can to provide all the info needed.

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Slow Browser And Slow My Computer

Aug 22, 2005

when ever I try to open up my computer it comes up and does the flaslight thing for approximatley 20 seconds.I open up Internet explorer and it opens fine but when I go to put an address into the address bar it takes the thing far to long to open the page

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Slow Slow Computer Needs Replaced?

May 24, 2010

HP & My GHZ is 2.53 & my memory Ram is 768 and the hard drive is 120 GB @7200 RPM
Friends computer running slow. These are his stats. Don't make any since to me. Can anyone make heads or tails from this. I am thinking that maybe the computer is getting old and needs replaced

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Slow Dsl Or Slow Computer It's 2.2 Gig

Dec 30, 2005

A compaq amd sempron 3200+ which I believe is comperable to 2.2 gig with 256 MB memory. I installed a 2wire adaptor for wireless connection to dsl which works fine but slow.
My computer has the home portal and tested at a speed of 2.526 mbps for download and 439. kbps for upload. My son's tested at a range from 41. kbps to 977. kbps and 126. kbps - 55.6 kbps for upload. My question is does the speed of his computer have much to do with this Or is it the dsl connection

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IE 6 Slow Loading - Initial Slow Response Applies Followed By Normal Browsing?

Apr 26, 2008

When i open IE6 it takes over a minute for the webpage to appear and meanwhile i cant minimise it etc...... It looks like the program is failing to respond but doesn't say so. Once loaded browsing is normal, althought every time a separate IE window is opened the initial slow response applies followed by normal browsing.

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Slow Desktop Items / Saving A Document Extremely Slow

Aug 8, 2005

I have windows XP and saving a document to or opening a file (like a picture) from the windows Desktop is extremely slow. Opening or saving to another folder is lightning quick.

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Slow Start Up, Internet Explorer Responding Extremely Slow?

Jul 23, 2007

Having trouble at start up, very slow and opening IE or any other program also slow.

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