Updates On Reformatted Computer

Mar 11, 2008

Just re-installed WinXP Home on my PC. I tried to go to Windows Update, but when it scanned my machine to see what updates it needed, it said it could not continue. I went to Tools/Internet Options/Security, and set it to default, figuring that would make everything acceptable for Microsoft. I restarted the computer and tried to do it again with the same result. The error message is 0x8007000B.

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Reformatted Computer - Video Controller

Jan 29, 2005

I just reformatted a computer running XP. It came with the resource CD from the manufacturer, not the actual XP CD. My problem is drivers. Everything in the machine is very 'non-descript' and I am still needing drivers, but they were not included on the cd that I got from the seller. In the device manager, I have yellow questions marks beside the following:Ethernet controller
Multimedia Audio Controller SM Bus Controller Video Controller (VGA Compatible)
I tried to get the exact name/brand of the ethernet card, but it's a 'PulseJack' and I have never seen one of those before

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Reformatted My Computer - Two Operating Systems Installation

Jul 26, 2005

I recently reformatted my computer and installed windows xp home and keep running into a problem when starting the computer. It tells me that two operating systems are installed and that I need to select which one I want to run. Both are windows xp home. If I choose the first one it runs fine if I choose the second one I get a message that says: Windows could not start because of a computer dis hardware configuration problem. Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware. Please check windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information.

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My Computer Randomly Locksup - Reformatted Harddrive

Sep 25, 2006

I have just recently reformatted my hard drive and it locks up randomly. It used to do that even before I reformatted. What should I do?

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Reformatted The Computer: Unable To Access Certain Websites?

Sep 9, 2007

I just recently reformatted my computer.Now for some reason certain sites are inaccessible to my computer... big sites like yahoo, facebook, and other random sites. But at the same time i can access many websites such as this. When trying to connect to these other websites i get a message such as "The connection was reset" I am plugged into the wall with an Ethernet so there is no router involved. The only firewall i have running is windows firewall.

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Newly Reformatted Computer / Painfully Slow

Jan 6, 2008

I recently reformatted my computer, after getting a virus and deciding that the effort it would take to salvage my computer wasn't worth it.Prior to getting a virus on my computer, it was very fast and didn't have problems with RAM or memory. After reformatting, however, my computer is very slow despite not having installed even 10 programs.It's not slow in that the computer is laggy (though it is sometimes, but that's not really something that concerns me), but that programs take very long to load. For instance, I'll open up Firefox, and Windows Task Manager shows the memory usage of firefox.exe increasing by increments of 50. So it'll take 2/3 minutes to open.In addition, installing new programs takes much much much longer than they should. For instance, it took me nearly an hour and a half to install a trial version of Photoshop CS3, only for it in the end to have a problem telling me to reinstall it. Windows Update took very long as well (nearly half a day!)

I haven't done anything different to this newly reformatted computer except for one thing the first thing that I did when I reformatted my computer was to install Trend Micro Anti-Virus, from a trial that I found online.I do know that prior to installing that program, my computer wasn't too slow at all... But sometime afterwards, it became very sluggish. I don't know if the issue relates at all to the antivirus program itself, but I thought you should know that my computer didn't start out slow.

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Automatic Updates Unseen In Add/remove List/ Auto Updates Only Download Security Updates?

Jun 1, 2006

The last windows update that I can see is KB 905474 and was downloaded by my automatic updates.I can see it when going to windows updates/view history. Trouble is, I cannot see it in my add/remove list. does auto updates only download security updates and I assume I dont have to do anything.

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Reformatted My Drive D Through Run Cmd

Apr 2, 2005

I'll try to make it short. I'm using WinXP ver2002 SP2 and I've justreformatted my drive D through run cmd (I'll just call it that cuz I don'tknow what it is.... )for various reasons(long story), and after t's reformatted, I opened drive D. Good, nice and clean. But something'sa bit different. There's a music symbol on the lower right hand corner of theexplorer window, just like "my music" has the symbol and "my pictures" has apicture symbol which shows it's a "picture type folder" or "music type folder".I know this can be changed in folder properties, and helps the folder to perform different functions from the options on the left. But this is a drive

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Updates Will Not Download To Computer

Jun 24, 2005

I have tried lots of time to download windows updates, when I go to the updates page all I get is: Checking for the latest version of the Windows Update software.Depending on your connection speed, this might take a minute. During this time, you may receive one or more security warnings. Review each security warning to ensure that the content is signed by Microsoft, and then click Install or Yes to install the software.and that is where it stops. It will not go any further. Page says 'done'. I have let is sit for hours and still nothing. When I go to Control Panel and click on 'Windows Firewall' the message I get is: Due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings. I am not sure if this is part of the problem or not. I have recently done a Compaq System Recovery, but not a destructive recovery, just to restore the original files that were loaded when machine was new. Since then I have not been able to download windows updates. Everything else seems to work fine. If anyone has any answers I would be very grateful.My computer is Compaq Presario P8654T S3000T (OEM) running window XP, 2.40 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4, 512 kilobyte memory, on a cable modem.

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Computer Cannot Download Updates

Jan 30, 2008

I keep getting the following message when trying to download updates on my Vaio VGN-FJ270. I have not had this problem in the past when downloading updates from the MS web site or through the automatic update application. I am currently running XP Home Edition 2002 Service Pack 2.

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Updates Won't Install On Computer

Nov 19, 2007

I'm running WindowsXP SP2. For a while now, can't really remember since when, but I have not been able to install windows updates. They are downloaded fine but are never able to install. I've tried installing them one at a time and still no luck. Wondering if anyone could help me out.

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Computer Cannot Get Two Updates To Install

Sep 17, 2005

I have laptop computer that I cannot get two updates to install on. They are the ones you need to update the update software so without them i can't download anything else.The one is an update for BITS kb842773 and update kb898461.

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Updates Slow Computer

Apr 16, 2006

I recently installed some files recommended by windows update. The problem is, they have now slowed my computer down emensely! I was wondering if there was any "record" or "undo" I can use without using system recovery, because I have installed programs since, I cannot install again as it would take valuable time. I've noticed under "Processes" tabs that I have alot less processes runnning, the only "services".

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Updates Killed My Computer

Sep 3, 2007

My computer is on a dual boot system. In case that makes a diffrence but shouldn't. It has been working fine. No problems. I disabled the updates because I didn't like them taking so much time and I didn't want any problems till I could back up the whole dual boot thing. I don't have the software yet. But despite me turning off the updates, they reactivated themselves somehow and updated from Windows (Windows updater that I got with Service Pack 2). Now my games and alot of other software no longer work, installations won't finish, media only plays half the time. its all messed up. I have Norton and Spy Sweeper so I doubt it was any of that and their scans don't show anything. Plus it did come from windows in the windows updater. Does anyone know what I can do? This really makes me mad. I work for over a month setting this whole dual boot and redoing this computer and the updates just screwed it all up.

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Reformatted, Reinstalled But Still Lagging

May 19, 2008

I reformatted, reinstalled, loaded all the drivers, and getting updates now, but when I typed the address for microsoft.com, the keystrokes were lagging.

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Setup Stop - Reformatted

Jul 31, 2005

I attempted to download XP HOme Edition to a fresh hard drive that was reformatted.

It appears to get to a certain point and this message appears:

STOP: 0X0000000A (0XFFFFFFF0, 0X00000002, 0x00000001, 0x80879641)

then, it says something about newly installed Hardware or software, (which there is only the XP I am trying to setup that is new) and then it says to disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing, which I went ahead and did after reading this, but to no avail.

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Reformatted Laptop A Few Bugs

Nov 13, 2006

i just reformatted my laptop and after reinstalling most everything, theres a few bugs that i don't know how to deal with.windows XP home edition, dell latitude d505, sorry, not sure what other information is relevant

1. when i start up my computer, it goes to this loading screen where everything is black except for a line of gray rectangles near the bottom which represents the status bar (looks like the screen when coming out of hibernate but no words). this loading part takes like 5 minutes to complete, and it hasn't ever done that before. i have no idea why its taking so long to start up.

2. you know the power icon that switches from the plug to the battery depending on whether you are on AC power or battery power? that icon doesn't switch to the battery when i unplug it, so i have no way to know how much of my battery is used up. when i go to 'adjust power properties', it only displays settings for AC power, not battery power. i thought this was some issue with dell quickset but i'm not sure how to fix it.

3. probably too obscure to get an answer on.. i use a wireless mouse that plugs into my USB port. its a Kensington Optical Wireless Pro Pocket Mouse. the first time i plugged it in after reformatting, the "found new hardware" thing popped up and started to install whatever it needed. but then it said that there was a cyclic redundnacy error (?) and that it couldn't finish installing and that the device might not work properly (which it doesn't).

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Reformatted Hard Drive

Jan 25, 2005

After a major problem with a virus i reformatted my hard drive.since my pc was "preloaded" with windows i didnt have a backup disk, so i borrowed one.i have reinstalled windows xp pro but i am unable to download/ install service pack 1 as microsoft inform me that the product key i used was invalid.

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Computer Shutdown In The Middle Of Updates?

May 20, 2006

I was installing some windows updates and my laptop restarted. Now I cannot install any updates nor can I update my IE. Please any help is greatly needed.

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Windows Updates - Computer Becomes Slow

Feb 3, 2007

i have windows xp. i recently ran updates for the first time since having it for a few months. complete disaster. all my display settings are messed up. my computer wont restore to previous points. and sometimes boxes that pop up for programs have no words. i dont know whats going on. any help would be usegful. is there any way to undo windows updates

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Remove The Pending Updates From Computer?

Jul 10, 2009

The Windows XP update message displays Updates are ready for your computer. Click here to install these updates. It is Internet Explorer 8. I do not want to install it. But, the message displays in the system tray every time when I open the computer. How shall I remove the pending updates and block downloading the IE8 without affecting the other Windows XP security updates downloading

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Microsoft Updates Won't Install On Computer

Oct 11, 2010

I have had windows update problems. I am now at the point where the following show in the add or remove programs. ( No other .net framework versions show) Installed is .net.Framework 3.5 SP1 Installed is Update for Microsoft >Net Framework 3.5 SP1 (KB963707) Installed is Microsoft Compression Client Pack 1.0 for Windows XP What other .net framework versions need to be installed? In what order should the versions be installed? What Web site do i download the versions from? O/S is Windows xp home sp2.

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Sp 2 Updates On Sp1 - Computer Clean Install OS

Apr 6, 2006

Does SP2 include the updates on SP1, or do I need to download both on my friends computer after a clean install of the OS?

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Reformatted Laptop Wireless Networks Not Available?

Apr 8, 2010

I had the XP Security Center virus and, perhaps foolishly, reformatted - or more formally, "system reformat" for "returning the computer to factory conditions", as my friend who helped me with this process called it - my computer and reinstalled the operating system. But when I turned it on for the first time, there was, naturally, no internet connection. However, while I would normally proceed to set one up, there was, for some reason, no "View Available Wireless Networks" option when I right click on the little connection icon at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

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Reformatted PC - Video/sound Driver

Sep 17, 2008

I recently had to reformat my PC and now I need to reinstall my video card and sound card drivers. The only problem is, I don't have the driver CD anymore. when I try to find out what my video/sound cards are I draw a blank because they don't seem to be displayed anywhere (display properties/settings/advanced/adapter). All adapter type and adapter information are all I know my video card is ATI but that's all I know and as for the sound card - I haven't a clue what make that is. I've been on the ATI website but there are so many drivers I don't know which one to download/install.

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Recently Reformatted - Stuck In Loop

Aug 8, 2010

I recently reformated xp computer with xp 2002 disk all went well until i got to the activation of windows I activated windows and clicked ok then as i got to the logg on screen the error popped up again i repeated what i did the first time and sure enough it worked but when i clicked finish it returned to the logg in i tried once again to logg on and it came the same error but this time it told me windows is already activated and the only way to access windows is via safe mode which dont allow u to activate windows.

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F1 Or F2 Option Upon Startup Of Program - Reformatted HDD

Jan 26, 2007

Whenever i start up my dell 4600 I get the following:SATA Primary drive 0 not found
SATA Secondary drive 0 not found initializing Intel(R) Boot Agent Version 4.1.06
PXE 2.1 Build 083 (WfM 2.0), RPL V2.74 Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility i just reformatted the HDD the other day and have been getting this message

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MCE 2005 Won't Reboot Or Shutdown - Just Reformatted

Sep 13, 2009

So I just reformatted last night and installed Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. Since installing it, I haven't been able to restart or shut down. The computer gets stuck on the background (no icons and taskbar). I don't even get to the blue screen that says it's saving settings and shutting down. Is there something I'm missing? I've tried deselecting everything from the startup in msconfig and it still gets stuck on the background in normal mode.

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PC Returned To Previous State Before HD Reformatted

Oct 21, 2008

My PC has upon startup has reverted to state before a hard drive format that was done July 2007. I checked a restore point and only today's Oct 21 was there and the next previous month was not Sept 2008 but July 2007.
I tried booting in safe mode for the most recent configuration that worked but no change. All folders and files since july 2007 has disappeared.

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Updates Dont Seem To Install On Shutting Down The Computer

Sep 30, 2006

Everytime i shutdown my computer i get the message "Please turn off your computer to install updates" i turn the PC off and the updates don't seem to install as the message is there the next time

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Computer Froze - Installed All Of The Security Updates

Dec 4, 2008

I have a HP Pavilon with Windows XP Medica Center Edition SP2. I had to have the hard drive replaced recently and restored everything from the HP CDs. It worked fine for awhile until a couple of days ago the computer froze and when it started up again the desktop was back to the original after that the computer came with.

I've installed all of the security updates except for SP3, ran Hijack THis, Spybot, AVG and it all came back clean

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