Computer Froze - Installed All Of The Security Updates
Dec 4, 2008
I have a HP Pavilon with Windows XP Medica Center Edition SP2. I had to have the hard drive replaced recently and restored everything from the HP CDs. It worked fine for awhile until a couple of days ago the computer froze and when it started up again the desktop was back to the original after that the computer came with.
I've installed all of the security updates except for SP3, ran Hijack THis, Spybot, AVG and it all came back clean
How can i know that i have all security updates in my computer without going to microsoft web? Is there any free tool that can allow me to know the updates that i need?
I installed SP3 as a security update download for my XP. Everything went fine till after the reboot, where my D-Link program would not work. A message came up, saying it "can't find an entry point to Wlanapi.dll" I un-installed SP3 and everything is fine again.
I recently downloaded and installed the latest security updates for Win XP. The computer runs fine, but when it is time to shut it down it takes an extremely long time to complete the shut down. I defragmented the hard drive thinking that would solve the problem but it had no noticeable affect
The last windows update that I can see is KB 905474 and was downloaded by my automatic updates.I can see it when going to windows updates/view history. Trouble is, I cannot see it in my add/remove list. does auto updates only download security updates and I assume I dont have to do anything.
I click on install, they install, I reboot - then, hey presto, they're back again!! I know the easy way is to turn off automatic updates - but, surely, there's a way around this?
i was on my desktop, and a virus alert came up, asking me to delete computer then froze and now when i turn it on, none of the 4 user icons appear, so i cant log on at all...not even in safe mode or any of stuff i tried.
After sourcing the net for a solution to the problem of my computer not being able to download from the Microsoft Website the security updates and updates for Windows Defender I found the following.
SYMPTOMS When you try to connect to the Microsoft Windows Update Web site or to the Microsoft Update Web site, you receive one of the following error messages: � The necessary services are disabled or unavailable
I just resinstalled XP 2003 SP2 after changing motherboard. My C drive was cleaned to the bone also. My only question is do I have to reinstall every Microsoft Windows update?
I am currently facing their second list of updates, after a two-item previous list, and the current one includes about 61 Windows Security Updates for Windows XP. Should I install each one of them? Is their any alternative? This list has one cumulative update for IE, and one for Windows Media Player, but then sixty-one Windows Security Updates for Windows XP mostly all dealing with hijacking vulnerabilities.
When I reinstalled XP everything seemed to work well. No error messages, until I was contacted by MS Update that updates were ready for download. There were 77. It seems they download just fine, but during 'initializing installation', the screen abruptly changes to a list of files that failed to install, which is all 77. I then attempted to shut down the computer and reboot. No change. I tried installing one at a time. No difference. I tried installing in numerical order. No change. There is no error message other than 'Some files failed to install'.
I was burning a backup CD and when it was done my comp just froze. When I rebooted it, I got the message: Quote: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM So then I decided to make boot disks but as I inserted the 4th disk in, I got the message: Quote: File usbehci.sys caused an unexpected error (4096) at line 5897 in d:xpsp1aseootsetupsetup.c
A couple of weeks ago I was searching the net and everything froze. Trying to shut down properly, NOTHING would work, including the power button. I removed and reconnected the battery to shut down and restart.Well, since then my computer has been unbearably slow. Every task from start-up (20 minutes, if at all) to loading Firefox (10 minutes) in awful. There are times where nothing even loads, all I see is my background and a cursor, nothing more.On the lucky chance that I do get everything up and running, it is slow to the point where even the clock is behind other clocks around me (cable box, other laptop) by 8-20 or so minutes.
My windows xp computer was in the midst of performing a task then froze.I restarted it and now before it loads the os I get this: windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: (windows root)system32hal.dll How do I reinstall this file and get my system back to normal? or can I restore the system using quick restore?
i just updated my computer through windows update and 3 keep failing no matter what, can anyone give any info on the below updates and why they wont install?
Security Update for Windows XP (KB896423) Security Update for Windows XP (KB922819) Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express for Windows XP (KB923694)
i have a hp pavilion 533w with 512 megs of ram and windows xp home w/sp2. the auto update has been downloading security updates now for 2 weeks but still is at 39% when that little yellow shield shows up in the tray.
well my window updates from microsoft wont install and it would say it cannot be installed even if i manually install it from microsoft's site...i tried restarting my computer and turning it off but the updates wont install...well heres wat it says: "Updates were unable to be successfully installed:The following updates were not installed:Security Update for Windows XP (KB913446)
is it safe to remove all windows xp security updates and hotfixes in the hidden add/remove programs list? i am happy with these fixes and have no desire to uninstall them.
This has happened on two computers: my wife's and my parents'. Automatic updating is turned on. My wife's computer suddenly lost Internet service upon reboot. I checked everything. She had access to the Linksys router, the network properties showed she was connected to the Internet and, most importantly, I, on another computer, was connected (my auto updates was turned off). I fixed the problem by going to the Device Manager, uninstalling the network card and then scanning for hardware changes. Bing! Working again.Two days later I'm at my parents' house. I turned on their computer, updates were installed and the system restarted. Again, no Internet service despite all apparent "go" connections. Uninstalled the network card, rebooted and it worked again.
I keep my updates off because NetFramework 2 wreaks havoc with a library program I have, so no NetFramework at all. And I've had no problems. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had similar problems? My wife had spent more than an hour on the phone with a tech support guy at Linksys and he had her setting up her notebook computer and changing its settings. When I got home, she was right in the middle of working with a computer that wasn't the problem. I guess this guy was paid by the hour because he was in no hurry to wrap everything up. But he told my wife that he works for several companies in tech support (real surprise there) and that MS "updates" create numerous "issues" I think they call them now.
I went to the Windows update site last night for the lastest security updates for XP, and after installing them the colors and size of my taskbar and toolbars have changed! They are much more narrow than before and all are a dark grey. Even pop-up boxes are the same color. I've gone into properties but can't seem to make it the old blue color again.
MS seems to have caved in on requiring validation for security updates, for the time being, so raking MS over the coals over it seems to have paid off, at least in the short run!
When I run the install Windows updates, the updates do not install, and I receive the following message (not verbatim, but close):"Some updates were unable to be installed..."This problem "came out of no where" and there has been no suspicious activity prior to it starting other than an IE7 redirect rootkit that NeonFx helped me remove (if I recall correctly an infection of agp440).
I have Windows XP w/SP-2 installed on a laptop. Last night, I was notified that there were four critical updates to be installed. I clicked to install them. When I shut the computer down, I noticed that the "Turn off" button had the little security shield icon superimposed and mousing over the button said that it would install updates and shut down my computer. I had never noticed anything like this before, but I assumed it was a new feature that came with a recent Windows update.
Now I'm worried that I was wrong, because after shutting down at 11:30 pm or so last night, the computer seems to be hung. I have a screen with a blue background, the Windows XP logo, and I get a message that alternates between saying "Do not turn off or unplug your computer; it will turn off automatically." and "Installing update 1 of 4." Again, this is behaviour I've never seen before, and has been going on now for over 9 hours. Unfortunately, I did not make note of the critical updates, but I seem to remember that the file sizes were not that large.
I just re-installed IE and since then have been getting the"Open File: Security Warning" messages for most programs.I try to run (local ones, NOT downloads).I did disable this before, but have forgotten how to. Googling for the answer only came up with how to disable this for files on a network (by adding to zone) and when downloading files in IE. Could anyone tell me where in the registry this can be disabled? Also, I have Home Edition, so no access to gpedit.msc
I recently had a corrupt file and ended up doing a full repair of XP-home. That wiped out IE7-- replacing it with IE-6. I had some trouble downloading updates so replaced IE-7---- Now almost everything works fine. The exception is that I get notified that "Updates Are ready for your computer-- Click here to install these updates". I click on it and it looks like the updates are being installed-- just to be notified that "These updates were not able to be installed" (Words close to that). A few seconds later I am informed that "Updates are Ready for your computer" And the cycle continues. I have tried "Custom" (my normal way of doing them) and "Express" (in frustration)--- all to no avail.
Security Update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9, 9.5 & 11 for Windows XP SP 3 (KB968816).I have tried over and over without success to perform this *crucial* update. At first there were several items failing to be updated but as I did them individually, this one seems to be the trouble source.I install using automatic updates, express and manual, with no luck. So then I head over to the microsoft download website and try installing from there, but still no luck. My little yellow exclamation point shield has camped out permanently on my task bar, and Microsoft seems to think this update is critical to the safety & performance of my pc. I am running Windows xp, (idk what version, don't think it's pro) and any other information you need I will get to you if you would just talk me through how to do that.
I have a genuine XP pro system (Laptop) , already WGA verified. The problem is since 3 days I cannot install updates. Automatic updates are being downloaded there are altogether 76 updates to be installed, windows is downloading them after initializing them it takes 30 sec and it says the following updates(the 76 updates) cannot be installed. The updates were working fine before. Please look at the screenshot. Another reason could be I have recently changed my drive name from C to Z then switched it back to C. All the programs are working fine except the 'updates cannot be installed error'.
I see that there are updates that need to be installed. So I click the balloon to install them. It tries to install them but then says some updates couldn't be installed. What do I do?