Extreamly Slow Shut Down - Downloaded And Installed The Latest Security Updates
Apr 30, 2007
I recently downloaded and installed the latest security updates for Win XP. The computer runs fine, but when
it is time to shut it down it takes an extremely long time to complete the shut down. I defragmented the hard
drive thinking that would solve the problem but it had no noticeable affect
How can i know that i have all security updates in my computer without going to microsoft web? Is there any free tool that can allow me to know the updates that i need?
I have a HP Pavilon with Windows XP Medica Center Edition SP2. I had to have the hard drive replaced recently and restored everything from the HP CDs. It worked fine for awhile until a couple of days ago the computer froze and when it started up again the desktop was back to the original after that the computer came with.
I've installed all of the security updates except for SP3, ran Hijack THis, Spybot, AVG and it all came back clean
I installed SP3 as a security update download for my XP. Everything went fine till after the reboot, where my D-Link program would not work. A message came up, saying it "can't find an entry point to Wlanapi.dll" I un-installed SP3 and everything is fine again.
The last windows update that I can see is KB 905474 and was downloaded by my automatic updates.I can see it when going to windows updates/view history. Trouble is, I cannot see it in my add/remove list. does auto updates only download security updates and I assume I dont have to do anything.
I have a new computer with only windows, all the neccessary drivers, windows updates and norton/updates installed.It takes about 10 minutes to bootup. It gets to the Windows XP splash screen and it just keeps thinking. Eventually it boots up.I have 3 HDDS. A PATA for the OS and 2 SATAs. Every so often one of the SATAs is not recognised
My Dell Latitude Laptop 400Mhz 128MB ram 100GB HD has been really slow ever sence a spyware infection (witch has been cleaned). Windows 2000 takes 2 minutes just to get pass Preparing Network Connections on startup and once windows is started it can take a long time to start up programs.
Ok for the past month or so my computer has been booting EXTREAMLY slow. But once up runs pretty normal with a few exceptions. (videos you have to let buffer fully or they will jerk around and other minor things) But from the time you push the power button till the desk top appears and is ready to go is around 10 mins. I have tried many things
After a recent power outage in LA I switched of the power supply (P/S) switch and then the surge protector - no UPS. I came back two days later after a business trip and found the P/S was NFG. Enermax were nice enough to test while I waited and replaced it for me this on the spot, great customer service on 14 month old P/S. Now I can power up the machine but it's extremely slow and the desk top just hangs.
Do I really need Java updates 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 installed on my computer? Is it not sufficient to have just the latest one and I can uninstall the rest? Also, if I already have SP3 for XP installed, can I uninstall all those "NET framework for SP 2" that are installed on my computer?
I have no idea, but about 5 days ago, my computer started acting very slow on boot up.I play a sound upon boot up and the them song plays angonizingly slow.From power on to full access its nearly 7 mins.
I come across very strange problem. Last week my machine running XP Home was infected by 'Boot.Mebroot' virus which curropted my boot configurations and my machine was getting restarted upon loading windows. I tried all the options but no use. Then I re-install (Upgraded to) XP Professional with complete installation without reformat and updated to latest SP3. It went fine, I ran Symantec and found the bugger and kicked off from my machine. Then I started Windows Live update as I want to bring my PC to latest patches. All the updates got installed without an error (about 58 updates most of them were security update, SP3 and IE8). As soon as I restart my machine it shows the same behaivour. It get restarted. I Repaired my XP professional three time now.
Why I am accusing MS XP Update for all this because Last night everything was running absolutly perfect, I started the update it showed me 58 updates. All update gone successfully. After finishing the the updates I simply restarted my machine and it failed again and restarting again and again. It shows me F8 boot options and I tried all but same. So I repaired this morning again. I tried the 'fixmbr' command in recovery console and it displays the dangerous message that 'This machine boot have some problem' but if you ruin FIXMBR you might loose the partition and stuff so I didn't run it as I have very important data on my disk.
My XP Pro machine at work has recently started running extreamly slow on bootup. It runs fine up to the username and password window, but as soon as i sign in it then takes atleast 15 min before i can use it. I have a PF usage of 2.24 gig during this time and my HijackThis details are below:
My machine has suddenly started giving me an error on start-up. The little red shield appears in the system tray and a warning saying that my Norton Anti-virus software is not working and I am not protected. However after a short while this disappears.I think it has something to do with the order the initial TSRs etc. are loaded during the boot-up process, as once the Norton icon appears in the system tray the red shield disappears. I wondered if there is any way I can change the order
i just performed a complete system recovery. started the computer, installed windows xp sp2 and sp3, went to the microsoft download center to get my updates and also got all my extras like, java, flash player, shockwave and direct x among many other updates. i also scan my computer with secunia just to make sure i had everything installed on my pc. i started noticing that my computer was working kinda slow.
Is there any way to stop this security warning when I run a downloaded file? I've turned off and disabled the security center, and I still get this warning every time I run an "exe" file. I understand the risk, and I'd like to stop this warning from appearing.
I disabled this before but that was like 2 years ago and I don't remember what I did. How do you turn off the security warnings that come up when trying to open a downloaded file? The things I found while googling didn't work.
I click on install, they install, I reboot - then, hey presto, they're back again!! I know the easy way is to turn off automatic updates - but, surely, there's a way around this?
Where do the XP updates (auto) go when they're downloaded ?
My PC told me there were some updates ready but when I was downloading them I had a power cut....
now it still says there are updates ready but it zips past the download stage (having recognised the files already exist) and goes straight into the installing stage but it always fails.
I suspect my original download has been corrupted by the power cut. I need to know where these downloaded updates get stored, so I can delete the file and start again.
downloaded XP update for my Dell 700M last week & since then (after restart), can't go online through my wireless router connection wireless card is OK (Dell) & connection strength is excellent but can't connect thru any of my browsers Explorer, Netscape, Firefox or AOL
i put together an amd 64 bit opteron pc with an asus sk8n motherboard. i installed xp pro. Everthing is working fine except IE keeps crashing and asks if i want to send an error report to microsoft and then closes. Does anyone know what is causing explorer to keep crashing? It is only internet explorer, everything else is working fine. I'm not sure where to go from here. I downloaded all the windows updates. I still keep crashing though.
I reinstalled everything and downloaded all the updates. Yesterday I noticed the screensaver wasn't working. I ran ad-awarer and there were 14 objects that read "possible browser hijacking". When I tried to delete them the PC crashes. What's going on. The other glitch so far is I can't change my homepage.
I'm about to carry out a clean install of XP. It's my first planned install - previously I've been forced into it following an encounter with the blue screen of death. So this time I'd like to do it with a little more care.I've searched the forums, and looked wider. There are some great articles out there, but some questions remain unanswered for me.I know I have to track down backup files for Outlook, Outlook Express, and Firefox Bookmarks. Hopefully, I'll work this out for myself. I will also copy all the contents of My Documents to an external HDD, of course.The main issue still on my mind is security. Presumably, once XP (SP1) is reinstalled, drivers added, then SP2, I should add my Panda antivirus suite, Spybot, Ad-Aware, & Zone Alarm. These will all be seriously out of date, so the next thing will be to re-establish my internet connection in order to update them.
Will my PC be vulnerable during this intervening period? If so, is there an alternative? Can I download the updates now, before wiping the hard drive, copy them to the external drive, then copy them back somehow before going online? Or is this regarded as an unavoidable risky time, like baby turtles trying to make it down the beach from their eggs to the safety of the sea, while predators have a field day?
I just Installed XP SP2 on a Gateway ESX 500s. The installation seemed to go well, the OS installed all the drivers except the usual (sound and network card). My next step was to download updates from MS windows updates. That is when something odd happened, I clicked on IE icon it opened up and said page could not be loaded (MSN default). I am using a wireless network and can access Windows up date from my HP computer with no problem. On the Gateway I can go to other sights except microsoft.
I have Windows XP Pro, SP2 When I select <Start> <Turn off computer>the Turn of Computer window comes up and the center icon <Turn Off> has a small Windows icon at the top right corner. When I click on the icon windows attempts to install the update,but when I turn the system back on the update hasn't installed.
I did an in-place repair of XP MCE 2003. I had previously installed all MS security fixes and updates, the list in my "installed programs" showed about 70 or 80 updates. The in-place repair gave me an unscrambled registry, and an unpatched XP install, without touching my installed programs or data. A good thing, overall, it fixed my major problem.
I immediately went to get all the updates -- 76 of them downloaded. I don't let Updater install automatically -- I get all the updates, but decide which to install because I got a bad version of IE7 that took me a long time to delete and recover from, but I installed ALL security updates. I generally use FireFox, so I didn't view IE7 as a security update. Anyway, it installed one or two updates, and then said the rest could not be installed....
I found a BIOS update for my system, but I don't know how to install it. It is a .bin file (ak31s20p.bin to be exact). I was told to make a bootable floppy and do it that way, but the instructions that were given, are for .exe and .rom files. Does anyone have any idea on how I can install this file?
I was getting a generic error message when I tried to install OxpSp2.exe earlier today. Since then, I've reinstall MS Office apps and now I get a new error message - The expected version of the product was not found on the system. Here is the info on my system: Version 5.1 {Build 2600.xpsp2 050301-1526 : Service Pack 1}Does anyone know what I would be missing and how to get it so I can install SP2? I downloaded the OxpSp2.exe file today from Windows Update.
Since i downloaded and installed the service pack 2 on my windows xp pro edition, i can't access one of my three hard drives.The system does recognize it, but it keeps telling me it's offline or asks me if i want to format it.But I sure don't want to.