Reformatted Computer - Video Controller

Jan 29, 2005

I just reformatted a computer running XP. It came with the resource CD from the manufacturer, not the actual XP CD. My problem is drivers. Everything in the machine is very 'non-descript' and I am still needing drivers, but they were not included on the cd that I got from the seller. In the device manager, I have yellow questions marks beside the following:Ethernet controller
Multimedia Audio Controller SM Bus Controller Video Controller (VGA Compatible)
I tried to get the exact name/brand of the ethernet card, but it's a 'PulseJack' and I have never seen one of those before

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Reformatted PC - Video/sound Driver

Sep 17, 2008

I recently had to reformat my PC and now I need to reinstall my video card and sound card drivers. The only problem is, I don't have the driver CD anymore. when I try to find out what my video/sound cards are I draw a blank because they don't seem to be displayed anywhere (display properties/settings/advanced/adapter). All adapter type and adapter information are all I know my video card is ATI but that's all I know and as for the sound card - I haven't a clue what make that is. I've been on the ATI website but there are so many drivers I don't know which one to download/install.

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Reformatted System: Unable To Record Video / Webcam Wont Work?

Sep 12, 2005

I reformatted my computer recently and now the ability to record a video using my web cam wont work because of some changes between Microsoft and the Indeo codecs it used.Is there a compatible web cam video driver for home XP I can download at no charge?

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S3 Trio Video Controller Problem

Sep 16, 2005

My computer went down when the AGP video controller failed. It will take a month to replace it (fortunately under warrantee). Temporarily I installed an old S3 Trio32 PCI video controller. I changed the BIOS setting from AGP to PCI for the video controller. The computer freezes after coming up completely (or what appears to be completely). I can bring up the computer in safe mode and the Device Manager says it is using S3 Trio32/64 legacy drivers and they are working properly. I’m using XP Pro SP2 on a 2.6 gig Pentium 4 on an ASUS P4B motherboard. I have automatic XP updates. The S3 site says there are no new drivers available.

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Video Controller (VGA Compatible) Diver?

Jul 14, 2010

Oh boy I hope that you can help me please? The only [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]driver[/COLOR][/COLOR] I need and cannot find anywhere is a Video Controller (VGA Compatible) for an old computer.
Have been given a HP Pavillion a6220a and put in my old Hard drive with XP PRO on it. Amazingly Ididn't even have to format it as once I popped it in everything just came up on the screen to my amazement! Worked well except for this annoying popup telling me 'Found new Hardware' etc. I don't have the original discs either as everything was preloaded. Have tried about 20 different things and no luck. Nothing on the HP site either. Did a [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Intel[/COLOR][/COLOR] Chipset Utility test and I have:
945 Express Chipset Family
Graphics: Intel 82945G/GZ Express
I have downloaded the above chipset (didn't install it all though as everything else is fine and updated) and it still wasn't able to find the driver from the disc????
Thanking you in advance for your amazing knowledge with these things i'f you could post a link I would appreciate it. I am wanting to give this to my daughter as her old computer has died and currently can't play any games hardly without the driver.

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Keep Getting Question Marks Under Control Panel For Video Controller

Aug 11, 2007

Fixing a friend's computer...keep getting the "question marks" under control panel for "Video Controller" and "Video Controller (VGA Compatible)" (see attachment).I have tried the following with friend's computer:

1. Microsoft Update.

2. reinstalled drivers through Windows XP drivers/utilities CD

3. Did an "upgrade" install of Windows XP.

4. Downloaded all Dell updates for computer.

5. Searched for drivers online.

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Updates On Reformatted Computer

Mar 11, 2008

Just re-installed WinXP Home on my PC. I tried to go to Windows Update, but when it scanned my machine to see what updates it needed, it said it could not continue. I went to Tools/Internet Options/Security, and set it to default, figuring that would make everything acceptable for Microsoft. I restarted the computer and tried to do it again with the same result. The error message is 0x8007000B.

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Reformatted My Computer - Two Operating Systems Installation

Jul 26, 2005

I recently reformatted my computer and installed windows xp home and keep running into a problem when starting the computer. It tells me that two operating systems are installed and that I need to select which one I want to run. Both are windows xp home. If I choose the first one it runs fine if I choose the second one I get a message that says: Windows could not start because of a computer dis hardware configuration problem. Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware. Please check windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information.

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My Computer Randomly Locksup - Reformatted Harddrive

Sep 25, 2006

I have just recently reformatted my hard drive and it locks up randomly. It used to do that even before I reformatted. What should I do?

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Reformatted The Computer: Unable To Access Certain Websites?

Sep 9, 2007

I just recently reformatted my computer.Now for some reason certain sites are inaccessible to my computer... big sites like yahoo, facebook, and other random sites. But at the same time i can access many websites such as this. When trying to connect to these other websites i get a message such as "The connection was reset" I am plugged into the wall with an Ethernet so there is no router involved. The only firewall i have running is windows firewall.

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Newly Reformatted Computer / Painfully Slow

Jan 6, 2008

I recently reformatted my computer, after getting a virus and deciding that the effort it would take to salvage my computer wasn't worth it.Prior to getting a virus on my computer, it was very fast and didn't have problems with RAM or memory. After reformatting, however, my computer is very slow despite not having installed even 10 programs.It's not slow in that the computer is laggy (though it is sometimes, but that's not really something that concerns me), but that programs take very long to load. For instance, I'll open up Firefox, and Windows Task Manager shows the memory usage of firefox.exe increasing by increments of 50. So it'll take 2/3 minutes to open.In addition, installing new programs takes much much much longer than they should. For instance, it took me nearly an hour and a half to install a trial version of Photoshop CS3, only for it in the end to have a problem telling me to reinstall it. Windows Update took very long as well (nearly half a day!)

I haven't done anything different to this newly reformatted computer except for one thing the first thing that I did when I reformatted my computer was to install Trend Micro Anti-Virus, from a trial that I found online.I do know that prior to installing that program, my computer wasn't too slow at all... But sometime afterwards, it became very sluggish. I don't know if the issue relates at all to the antivirus program itself, but I thought you should know that my computer didn't start out slow.

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Enable To Play Video: Computer Keeps Losing Video Display?

Apr 26, 2006

The problem is the computer keeps losing its video display. Just went black. I reinstall the drivers and restart and the computer runs fine. Use fine, then after its been on for awhile it goes black again. Weird. I have the newest drivers and all the windows updates loaded. It just keeps going out. I have tried several screens as well to rule out the monitor freaking out.

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Computer Having Trouble Ethernet Controller

Sep 16, 2005

I was wondering if any one could help me i fnd a driver for a windows 2000pro. For some reason there is none there.We are having trouble find the ethernet controller as shown here.If any one has any advice please let me know i can't seem to find it anywhere and i can't get onto the internet on that computer.

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2003 Domain Controller Communicate With A 2000 Domain Controller?

Feb 22, 2008

Can a Windows 2003 Domain Controller communicate with a Windows 2000 Domain Controller? The reason I ask this is that I want to upgrade my Domain Contoller to Windows 2003, but want to have the backup Windows 2000 machine running as a backup Domain Controller.

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Reformatted My Drive D Through Run Cmd

Apr 2, 2005

I'll try to make it short. I'm using WinXP ver2002 SP2 and I've justreformatted my drive D through run cmd (I'll just call it that cuz I don'tknow what it is.... )for various reasons(long story), and after t's reformatted, I opened drive D. Good, nice and clean. But something'sa bit different. There's a music symbol on the lower right hand corner of theexplorer window, just like "my music" has the symbol and "my pictures" has apicture symbol which shows it's a "picture type folder" or "music type folder".I know this can be changed in folder properties, and helps the folder to perform different functions from the options on the left. But this is a drive

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Computer Lost Video Memory

Aug 18, 2005

When i am going to start Tiger Wood pga tour 2003 it's comming upp a box where it stands: Direct x has found to little Video Memory to play the game.

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Computer Is Showing Low Video Memory

Jul 16, 2005

On the specs for my computer that is attached to the side, it says that my computer has 11 MB allocated as video memory. But, for some reason, when I last looked on my computer it said that I only have 4MB allocated as video memory. Why is this? And is there any way to bring it up, maybbe even past 11MB?

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Extend The Computer's Video Memory

Oct 17, 2010

I dont have iny graphic card inside..but before prince of persia was running,,but after formatting my system ,,it showing,and asking to extend video memory.

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Computer Shows Its Video Memory

Sep 10, 2010

where the computer shows its video memory?

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Sluggish Computer, Lagging Audio / Video

Feb 5, 2007

Ever since I installed Webroots SpySweeper, my computer has been running much slower than usual - even after I uninstalled the program and all its remanents from my registry. The worst part however, is media. Ever since then, any audio and video does not play properly on the computer - it just lags and plays very choppily.My computer has tested free of any spyware/adware/malware, as well as any viruses. Almost nothing is set to start up with my computer, and the registry is cleaned. As well, Opera is the only web browser I ever use, and I do not have my windows set to automatic update.

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Computer Restarts Itself - Video Card And Programs

Sep 10, 2005

I built three computers with Abit NF7S (used) with Athlon 2800 (new) XP Pro with the same cheap power supplies (400 watt) that came with the case for 20 bucks. One of these computers has been restarting itself about one time every two weeks for no apparent reason since the day I put it together. When I send the error report in Microsoft says "a device driver". But does not know details. The other computers have the same video card and programs? I did ncheck the restart after fail and now a blue screen comes up with a bunch on lingo.

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Deleting Video File / Can Find In My Computer

Aug 11, 2005

I downloaded a video file (12.2GB) from my digital video camera, made my movies and saved them, then I deleted the downloaded file but the memory (12.2GB) is still occupied on my system. After defragmenting my hard drive the report tells me the 12.2GB file is unable to be defragemented so I know the file is somewhere but I can not find the AVI file nor the folders RECYCLER or NPROTECT. This is eating a huge chunk of my hard drive and I need to get rid of it.

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Computer Won't Startup After Updating Video Driver

Feb 8, 2005

I was updating a video driver, then restarted my computer. It takes a LONG time to boot up, then flashes an error message on the screen for a second, then restarts. I've tried holding down F8 to startup in safe mode, but it doesn't respond. Also, even when I have the win xp CD in while rebooting to try to repair the OS (yes, the CD drive is the 1st boot device), it won't recognize the CD either. I'm in a heap of trouble without my computer;

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Random Computer Crashes - Video Card

Jul 30, 2009

This has been happening on and off while playing games and pretty well only then. I don't get any error messages or anything of the like, my computer just freezes and that's that. I've checked my video card for overheating by using the nVidia monitor program and it runs fairly cool, I guess i should double check what the numbers are under stress but I don't see any artifacts or other weird images on my screen that would suggest a dying card (i use a bfg 8800gts 640mb). My motherboard also runs pretty cool too so i would highly doubt it's a heating issue there either.just recently i had to replace the motherboard due to failure and i fear whatever is causing these crashes may have caused my previous motherboard failure and possibly this new one to fail as well.

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Transfering Vhs Video Not Digital To Computer To Record

Jul 6, 2005

if it possible to transfer video from my JVC video camera, not digital) to my computer, so I can transfer it to a dvd or cd. I have windows xp home, but don't know if you need to know any other info. If so, let me know, and I will add it.

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Video Card Freeze And Restart Computer

Jan 24, 2005

I reformatted my computer recently and now when I play games on my computer it will freeze up and restart, after it reboots i get a message saying it was because of my video card drivers and when i click the link to see how to resolve it it sends me to a page about debugging.

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Reformatted, Reinstalled But Still Lagging

May 19, 2008

I reformatted, reinstalled, loaded all the drivers, and getting updates now, but when I typed the address for, the keystrokes were lagging.

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Setup Stop - Reformatted

Jul 31, 2005

I attempted to download XP HOme Edition to a fresh hard drive that was reformatted.

It appears to get to a certain point and this message appears:

STOP: 0X0000000A (0XFFFFFFF0, 0X00000002, 0x00000001, 0x80879641)

then, it says something about newly installed Hardware or software, (which there is only the XP I am trying to setup that is new) and then it says to disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing, which I went ahead and did after reading this, but to no avail.

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Reformatted Laptop A Few Bugs

Nov 13, 2006

i just reformatted my laptop and after reinstalling most everything, theres a few bugs that i don't know how to deal XP home edition, dell latitude d505, sorry, not sure what other information is relevant

1. when i start up my computer, it goes to this loading screen where everything is black except for a line of gray rectangles near the bottom which represents the status bar (looks like the screen when coming out of hibernate but no words). this loading part takes like 5 minutes to complete, and it hasn't ever done that before. i have no idea why its taking so long to start up.

2. you know the power icon that switches from the plug to the battery depending on whether you are on AC power or battery power? that icon doesn't switch to the battery when i unplug it, so i have no way to know how much of my battery is used up. when i go to 'adjust power properties', it only displays settings for AC power, not battery power. i thought this was some issue with dell quickset but i'm not sure how to fix it.

3. probably too obscure to get an answer on.. i use a wireless mouse that plugs into my USB port. its a Kensington Optical Wireless Pro Pocket Mouse. the first time i plugged it in after reformatting, the "found new hardware" thing popped up and started to install whatever it needed. but then it said that there was a cyclic redundnacy error (?) and that it couldn't finish installing and that the device might not work properly (which it doesn't).

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Reformatted Hard Drive

Jan 25, 2005

After a major problem with a virus i reformatted my hard drive.since my pc was "preloaded" with windows i didnt have a backup disk, so i borrowed one.i have reinstalled windows xp pro but i am unable to download/ install service pack 1 as microsoft inform me that the product key i used was invalid.

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Error: Cant Enter Setup. Video Mode 103 Not Supported By Video Card

Oct 31, 2007

Recently I was playing a game, when my screen froze. I then shut my computer down to restart it, used it a few times (in 4-bit safe mode), then after I shutdown again, I cant log back in... it just freezes and the screen flashes, I cannot boot into my computer setup (default f2) or into safe mode (default f8), however I can run the XP cd and get into the recovery console, is there any way that I can change the boot sequence from the recovery console? The screen is dotted with a bunch of dots up and down the screen in columns, and is in 4-bit video mode.

I have a Dell xps gen 5 with xp home.

the error I get is:

"Error: Cant enter setup. Video Mode 103 not supported by this video card."

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