Video Controller (VGA Compatible) Diver?

Jul 14, 2010

Oh boy I hope that you can help me please? The only [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]driver[/COLOR][/COLOR] I need and cannot find anywhere is a Video Controller (VGA Compatible) for an old computer.
Have been given a HP Pavillion a6220a and put in my old Hard drive with XP PRO on it. Amazingly Ididn't even have to format it as once I popped it in everything just came up on the screen to my amazement! Worked well except for this annoying popup telling me 'Found new Hardware' etc. I don't have the original discs either as everything was preloaded. Have tried about 20 different things and no luck. Nothing on the HP site either. Did a [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Intel[/COLOR][/COLOR] Chipset Utility test and I have:
945 Express Chipset Family
Graphics: Intel 82945G/GZ Express
I have downloaded the above chipset (didn't install it all though as everything else is fine and updated) and it still wasn't able to find the driver from the disc????
Thanking you in advance for your amazing knowledge with these things i'f you could post a link I would appreciate it. I am wanting to give this to my daughter as her old computer has died and currently can't play any games hardly without the driver.

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IDE Controller Is Not Compatible

Dec 28, 2005

While trying to upgrade from Windows 98SE to XP professional I get a compatibility message that says upgrade is blocked because my HPT366 ultra ATA/66 IDE controller is not compatible.Is there anything I can do, such as a driver upgrade?

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Viedeo Controller Vga Compatible Version 5 1 2600 2080 Driver

Feb 24, 2010

can i get the driver ?

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What Video Cards Are Compatible With An Asus K8v Se Deluxe?

Aug 17, 2010

I've been told my video card (NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500) is shot. What is compatible with my ASUS K8V SE Deluxe?

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Reformatted Computer - Video Controller

Jan 29, 2005

I just reformatted a computer running XP. It came with the resource CD from the manufacturer, not the actual XP CD. My problem is drivers. Everything in the machine is very 'non-descript' and I am still needing drivers, but they were not included on the cd that I got from the seller. In the device manager, I have yellow questions marks beside the following:Ethernet controller
Multimedia Audio Controller SM Bus Controller Video Controller (VGA Compatible)
I tried to get the exact name/brand of the ethernet card, but it's a 'PulseJack' and I have never seen one of those before

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S3 Trio Video Controller Problem

Sep 16, 2005

My computer went down when the AGP video controller failed. It will take a month to replace it (fortunately under warrantee). Temporarily I installed an old S3 Trio32 PCI video controller. I changed the BIOS setting from AGP to PCI for the video controller. The computer freezes after coming up completely (or what appears to be completely). I can bring up the computer in safe mode and the Device Manager says it is using S3 Trio32/64 legacy drivers and they are working properly. I’m using XP Pro SP2 on a 2.6 gig Pentium 4 on an ASUS P4B motherboard. I have automatic XP updates. The S3 site says there are no new drivers available.

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Keep Getting Question Marks Under Control Panel For Video Controller

Aug 11, 2007

Fixing a friend's computer...keep getting the "question marks" under control panel for "Video Controller" and "Video Controller (VGA Compatible)" (see attachment).I have tried the following with friend's computer:

1. Microsoft Update.

2. reinstalled drivers through Windows XP drivers/utilities CD

3. Did an "upgrade" install of Windows XP.

4. Downloaded all Dell updates for computer.

5. Searched for drivers online.

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Diver For Riva TNT2

Apr 9, 2007

I have a Gateway Essential 550. I installed win2k pro on it. I have a problem to find the video driver for an Nvida vanta v2.05.13.04 or Nvidia Riva TNT2 (one chip says it is a riva tnt2 on the graphics card says it is a riva tnt2 but on my control pannel it says it is vanta model with the driver that win2k gave it says it is vanta. Which one is it, Vanta version 2.05 or riva tnt2? I have tried everything to get this driver from nvdia site and other sites like driverguide. My resolution is like 16 bits right now. I went to also to find the driver for that card and nothing. By the way it is plug to AVG spansion slot.

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2003 Domain Controller Communicate With A 2000 Domain Controller?

Feb 22, 2008

Can a Windows 2003 Domain Controller communicate with a Windows 2000 Domain Controller? The reason I ask this is that I want to upgrade my Domain Contoller to Windows 2003, but want to have the backup Windows 2000 machine running as a backup Domain Controller.

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HDD Non Compatible

Sep 23, 2006

I have recently assemled a new computer. It has Intel Pentium D Processor 805. Now when I am trying to install XP on my computer it says that my hdd doenst have windows compatible partion & I need to partition again. I have tried deleting the partion & creating a new one & I still get the same error. I have formatted the hdd in fat32 & NTFS still I am getting the same error. I have tried windows XP with SP2, Windows XP x64 bit both. Still I am getting same error. Also from the bios setup I have enabled 32 bit data transfer but still no change.

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Download VGA Compatible

Oct 2, 2009

please could I have VGA compatible?

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Monitor Not Vga Compatible

Jun 23, 2005

I cant get a monitor to install on pc winxp it said vga not compatible i dont have disc know that xp has this driver but i read that i have to trick it into using it this i got from internet dont understand it it is a tft monitor proview i have been to the sight but cant find which driver it is!

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Compatible Virus Software For X64 Bit OS

Jan 8, 2008

I am looking for virus protection software compatible with Win XP Pro x64 bit operating system. Does anyone have any suggestions.

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Find A Compatible Upgrade

Dec 3, 2008

I would like to find a compatible upgrade,,, can I put a duo core or at least something with more punch?although this one is ok - wont run specific programs.

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Which DVD Burners Are Compatible With Your Laptop?

Aug 16, 2005

How do you know which DVD burners are compatible with your laptop? According to Dell, my laptop can only use a Dell burner. I was just wondering if they were lying to me. Or am I just better off getting an external one.

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Replacing A Laptop Lcd Screen: Any Other Compatible?

May 20, 2008

I need to replace my laptops screen Now where I live in the UK where talking over 150 pounds to replace and thats on eBay. Other models on there are a lot cheaper so I was wondering if there are models that would be compatible. The laptop is an Acer Aspire 3053. The screen model number is N141/1-LO3 REV C1.

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Installed SP3: Service Pack Not Compatible To OS?

Sep 13, 2006

i am currently running windows 2003 server edition and everytime i tried to install the service pack 3 update, an error popped up stating that the service pack is not compatible with my Operating system. I tried to look into the event viewer for some information on what should i do but it doesn't really provide that much. so my problem is that i don't know what prevent me from installing the service pack3.

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Vista Compatible Drivers As The Hardware

Aug 21, 2009

I bought this computer... stupidly i might add... from an unnamed (because i used to work there and recommend their business) rent to own store. For the run of the mill daily family pc it had been great! Now... when i bought this pc i ran the VISTA (<--- still leaves a bad taste in my mouth!!) home basic Operating system that came on it out of the box. After upgrading the 512MB of ram to 2GB and discovering vistas ram hungry method of operation... i chose like many others to downgrade to a more stable and familiar windows xp. I of course had friends that hooked me up with XP Black, Im sure you've heard of it by now. That runs on XP pro platform and ran great with the exception of the initial gathering drivers that seemed to not be available for my pc.

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Choosing Ram / Compatible On EBay Or

Jan 23, 2007

I recently purchased a "Black Friday" Compaq laptop (Compaq v5303nr)and so far every things great, but I really want to upgrade my RAM for speed and playing basic games. I went onto Crucial Technology's website, and it said I needed a:512MB, 200-pin SODIMM, DDR PC3200 memory module, Can someone direct me to what would be compatible on eBay or because i have no idea of what I should buy. Would any 200-pin memory card work? And do I really need to spend the extra money on a 1 GB, or will a 512 be good?

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Compatible Not A Valid Win32 Application

May 5, 2008

I have downloaded several programs which state they are compatible with Windows XP. However, when I try to open them, I get an error stating they are not valid win32 applications.

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BIOS Not Fully ACPI Compatible

Feb 10, 2006

Formated the drive, installed XP, it re-booted to continue the installation and then it hangs on a BSOD saying that my BIOS is not fully ACPI compatible. I am using an SATA drive. Specs: ASUS A8n-SLI 16 Deluxe, AMD 4200+X2 64 Dual Core, 250GB WD SATA drive, 2GB corsair 3200c2. I am thinking of just turning acpi off and then putting it back on once xp is on.

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After Upgradation - Not Compatible With Modem (MOTOROLA SM56PCI)

Feb 3, 2002

yes the truth is that WIN XP sux! big time! first of all there are some irritating compatibility flaws.for e.g when i was using win2k i chked the compatibility for winxp it didnt show any major problem as for few little proggies that was ok....BUT when i upgraded it to WIN XP it said that it was not compatible with my modem(MOTOROLA SM56PCI) which was a major blow! and the damn thing said that u should chk for the drivers on the website but helllooooooo how am suppose to connect without my modem working! duh! so i had to again format it and install win2k which BTW rocks! among all the wins.and another thing the interface also sucks it looks like wall of TOYS-R-US store! all bright and colourful i mean what the hell is that are we suppose to entertain lil kids with it or what!

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Finding The Right Graphics Card Compatible For Computer?

Aug 13, 2006

I am looking to purchase a new graphics card. I am looking more for a gaming card. My computer has the following properties: 3.0GHz P4 2.0 Gigs Crucial Ram (DDR PC3200, CL=3, UNBUFFERED, NON- ECC, DDR400, 2.6V, 128Meg x 64)MSI MS-6788 (865PE NEO2-V) Window XP Pro

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Error: Cant Enter Setup. Video Mode 103 Not Supported By Video Card

Oct 31, 2007

Recently I was playing a game, when my screen froze. I then shut my computer down to restart it, used it a few times (in 4-bit safe mode), then after I shutdown again, I cant log back in... it just freezes and the screen flashes, I cannot boot into my computer setup (default f2) or into safe mode (default f8), however I can run the XP cd and get into the recovery console, is there any way that I can change the boot sequence from the recovery console? The screen is dotted with a bunch of dots up and down the screen in columns, and is in 4-bit video mode.

I have a Dell xps gen 5 with xp home.

the error I get is:

"Error: Cant enter setup. Video Mode 103 not supported by this video card."

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Imported Video Footage Playing On Audio Line Not Video?

Sep 20, 2005

I have managed to put video footage onto my PC from a video cassette (by plugging my VCR into the TV aerial socket). The video footage is saved on my PC as .mpg files & when I open them, they play fine on Windows Media Player.When I import them on to Windows Movie Maker, they are recognised as video footage and I am able to put them into the collections as video. However, for some reason, when I drag them onto the timeline, they go onto the audio line & I can't get them to go on the video line, so when I play it, the sound plays but there is no picture. I have tried saving them as .AVI files but that makes no difference

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Video Editing Application Hangs When Importing Video Files

Oct 11, 2007

I have window XP SP2 installed on my laptop. I also use InterVideo WinDVD Creator for video editing. Recently when I try to import video file into my application, my laptop, processing percentage goes up to 98%, and the application just freezes up. I also tried the Microsoft movie maker software and I get the same result. I was wondering if I need to reinstall the application or there is something that my laptop is missing. The application was functioning fine until 2 days ago, and since then I haven't installed any other application.

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Video Playback In Media Player 10 Playing Some Video Clips?

Jul 26, 2005

My Windows Media player 10 is trying to play some video clips as songs rather than video clips. This has only recently happened. Do I need to purchase some
decoder to fix it or is there a down oad for it?

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Video Files Wont Play In Indeo Video Software?

Sep 11, 2005

Some of my video files are not working for want of Indeo Video Codec. I have been working on a video convert tool as my last application. I do not know what happened and this got corrupted. It gives pop up message for MS Encarta Video files saying "The program you are trying to run requires a current Indeo codec To obtain a current driver that is compatible with this version of Windows, please contact the manufacturer at". When I check with them, they ask me to contact OS supplier

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Enable To Play Video: Computer Keeps Losing Video Display?

Apr 26, 2006

The problem is the computer keeps losing its video display. Just went black. I reinstall the drivers and restart and the computer runs fine. Use fine, then after its been on for awhile it goes black again. Weird. I have the newest drivers and all the windows updates loaded. It just keeps going out. I have tried several screens as well to rule out the monitor freaking out.

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Unable To Get Prints From Printer: Wont Take Compatible Cartridges ?

Jun 22, 2005

I have this week bought an Epson C86 printer which I now discover WILL NOT TAKE COMPATIBLE CARTRIDGES.I therefore disconnected it and plugged in my old faithful Epson 880. When I open any document, select the 880 printer and click "Print", nothing happens.I did not uninstall the 880 driver before installing the new C86 printer so why wont it work?

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After Installing, Cant Find Compatible Driver For Display Adapter

Dec 22, 2006

I have this pentium 3 - 700 mhz computer which today I formatted and installed windows xp pro on it. The motherboard on the computer comes with a SIS 5598/6326 display adapter for which I been searching the internet for its WIN XP driver but havent found any except for the other versions of windows are available.What can I do if there is no WIN XP version of this driver?

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