Newly Installed Won't Boot As A Stand Alone

Jan 8, 2006

My new hard drive w/windows XP newly installed won't boot as a stand alone without my old windows ME hard drive in the PC. Plus, the XP installation is not working right, it won't allow me to install new software, for one thing, so I just assume go back to using only my windows ME hard drive but I can't get rid of the message at boot up of which operating sytemI want to use,even when I took out the window XP hard drive and restored an older version of my windows ME registry on the other hard drive.

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Sound And Scroll With Newly Installed Windows Xp

Dec 21, 2007

There is no sound driver, what can I do to correct this If I'm on the internet and scrolling down either with roller or dragging it down, it doesn't go smoothly. I am coming from Ubuntu, a friend put xp on here. I would also like to know if dual-booting would be easy to do.

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Newly Installed Is Not Working Properly With Internet

Jun 24, 2005

I have posted the message below to the Microsoft Windows Xp email help service. I have decided to post a copy here as well so that there is more chance someone who reads it may be able to find me a solution.

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Unable To Read Language On Newly Installed Program?

Nov 8, 2006

I have downlaod a new program (PPstream) but unable to read the instruction. I tried several language setting but without any success. Actually, I can read some sentences but the rest is unreadable.

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Newly Installed Program Folders Popping Up At Startup?

Oct 27, 2006

I've just had to install my machine after a major malfunction. It's running fine now, but everytime I install a new program, when I restart the machine, all the newly installed programs' folders pop up (e.g. showing the uninstall and help links in the program's particular folder; it usually happens with new software just the once) - and it's getting ridiculous. I have to close each folder one by one.

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Computer Wont Show Newly Installed Programs?

Jul 20, 2005

For some reason my computer will not show new programs installed when you go to, Start, All Programs, tabs, however, the programs are installed and you can see them when you use explore and follow the path to the program. Can the page be to full to show all the programs or what?

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Adding / Making "My Videos" Folder To Newly Installed XP?

Jan 12, 2009

I just installed XP professional on my new computer and I'm transferring all of my files, problem is I need a shared video folder(I have a 360 and you need to place videos in the my video folder). how would I make a My Videos folder?

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Remove Newly Installed Hard Disks Or Hard Drive Controllers / Blue Screen Error

May 19, 2006

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps.Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard disks or hard drive controllers.Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.

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Newly Assigned User - Now No Administrator Login

Jul 12, 2008

I recently assigned a new user (the first one) to an XP machine. Previously, as it started up, it prompted with "Administrator" and a password field (which I had left blank), and a message about being able to setup users once I logged in. Now, having assigned a user, all I get is the offering of the new user, and when clicking on that I get prompted for the password. When I type in the password, the desktop is nothing like what it used to look like when I went in through "Administrator" - the desktop image is gone and the shortcuts that were on the desktop are gone. And my drive mappings to my network are gone. How do I get back to the "Administrator" login screen? and/or assign the Administrator desktop to the new user?

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How To Format Newly Created Partition 2 Menus

Oct 9, 2009

how come sometimes besides a format of a newly created partition windows has 2 menus for xp boot in boot.ini file why is this...not that its a huge problem...just curious

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Newly Reformatted Computer / Painfully Slow

Jan 6, 2008

I recently reformatted my computer, after getting a virus and deciding that the effort it would take to salvage my computer wasn't worth it.Prior to getting a virus on my computer, it was very fast and didn't have problems with RAM or memory. After reformatting, however, my computer is very slow despite not having installed even 10 programs.It's not slow in that the computer is laggy (though it is sometimes, but that's not really something that concerns me), but that programs take very long to load. For instance, I'll open up Firefox, and Windows Task Manager shows the memory usage of firefox.exe increasing by increments of 50. So it'll take 2/3 minutes to open.In addition, installing new programs takes much much much longer than they should. For instance, it took me nearly an hour and a half to install a trial version of Photoshop CS3, only for it in the end to have a problem telling me to reinstall it. Windows Update took very long as well (nearly half a day!)

I haven't done anything different to this newly reformatted computer except for one thing the first thing that I did when I reformatted my computer was to install Trend Micro Anti-Virus, from a trial that I found online.I do know that prior to installing that program, my computer wasn't too slow at all... But sometime afterwards, it became very sluggish. I don't know if the issue relates at all to the antivirus program itself, but I thought you should know that my computer didn't start out slow.

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Access Denied To Newly Created Shared Folders

Nov 12, 2008

Building a new network of 6 boxes. All using WinXP Pro SP3.Yesterday I created a few shared folders - and they work fine all the other machines can access them. Installed a bunch of new software on the same main machine today also had a BIOS/registry/diskcheck issue - but everything seems fine now . EXCEPT, any folders I create as shared folders, while they show up on the other machines - all get the "can't be accessed permission denied" type of error message.The shares I created yesterday still work, they can be accessed, its just any new ones I create can not.simple file sharing is off, I edited the reg key to all anonymous connections, I added the NETWORK as a group allowed to access the new shares - but nothing works.

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Fingerprint Scanner On Lenovo Laptop Synch With Newly Updated Password

Mar 1, 2007

when using the fingerprint scanner on a network with pasword changes every 90days, does the fingerprint scanner on a lenovo laptop synch properly with a newly updated password? I have a user here who changed the password but the fingerprint scanner did not seem to recognize the change since when you first set it up it asks for your current password. Once setup correctly all you have to do is scan your fingerprint and it logs you in.

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Changed Boot Drive Letter And Now PC Won't Boot - Installed New Hard Drive

Oct 8, 2008

I recently installed a new hard drive into a friends computer and installed XP Home.
I ran all the updates and service packs.

I left later that day and let him install all his applications.

I got a call tonight from him saying he really screwed up and doesn't know what to do.
I had to follow his thinking over the phone so I hope I get this all correct.

He had trouble loading the drivers for his HP printer. He would get an error saying that a C: empHP_WebRelease folder was missing. He did manage to figure out that for some reason when I installed XP it called the Boot drive "I" instead of "C"

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Missing BOOT.INI Even Its Installed

Jan 20, 2007

After getting my computer back from the repair service I noticed a message "boot.ini invalid." Still the computer boots. The BOOT.INI is not merely invalid - it ain't there. In the attached PDF you can see what I see. How do I get the file back short of reinstalling Windows XP?

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Installed SP3 Doesn't Boot From CD

Jul 13, 2010

I had Windows 7 installed on my laptop Dell Vostro 860, 2GB RAM, that after 2 months crashed. It gave me a black screen with"bootmgr is compressed press ctrl+alt+del to restart" that could not be fixed fast because I had lent my Win7 to someone who is far from me at the moment.I had the brilliant ideea to install Windows XP (since I had the CD).Everything went well up until the point when, during the installation it told me that it couldn't copy a file from the CD and the option to skip or try again. I skipped it since "try again" didn't do anything. I thought it couldn't do much harm. I got to the blue screen with the green bullets, progress bar and 39 minutes left when I got this error that said that windows can't continue and restarts the comp.

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Installed SP3 - Computer Won't Boot

Jun 23, 2008

Last night I installed service pack 3 for xp home not thinking much of it. It told me that setup had completed successfully and that I had to reboot my machine, and here is what I have on my hands now:When I start the machine, the dell screen first comes up as usual and then XP Home begins to load (the screen where the logo is in the middle and the little bars move from left to right in the middle of the screen) far so good. Then, after a few seconds that screen goes away, then comes back for a few seconds, and then continues to a blue screen where the logon screen would normally appear. At this point, the mouse pointer shows up in the middle of the screen, which I can move, and the screen stays completely blue and nothing happens

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Dual Boot With Xp + Vista, Both Already Installed

Dec 6, 2007

im not sure if the way round iv done things was stupid or not, I have my machine, with XPPro installed on, bought another H/D and installed vista 64 on it, however i installed vista with the xo drive unplugged, and i cant work out how to get an OS choice on boot

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Installed Ubuntu - Stops On Boot

May 24, 2007

I installed Ubuntu (a popular Linux distribution) a few days ago. I had Windows XP. It was fine but I had very little RAM: 256 MB (-32MB of which is shared with the video card) with which Feisty Fawn (the version 7.04 of Ubuntu is called this - it is the latest) would run really slow. So my friend suggested I use a live CD of GNOME Partition Editor, create the partitions and turn the swap on before I started installing Ubuntu. I created 3 partitions of ext3 format on my 160GB Hard disc for Root, Home and Swap which were 20GB, 10 GB, and 1 GB respectively. I had not yet installed Ubuntu.

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Re Installed Windows - Boot Up Asking Operating System

Sep 15, 2005

I recently reformatted my HD and re-installed XP home. Now when I boot up it asks me which operating system I want: either Windows XP Home or... Windows XP Home. Why is it showing the same OS twice? Can I get rid of one without having to re-format all over again? What might have I done wrong when installing the software?

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Installed Updates In SP3 System Wont Boot Now

Apr 14, 2010

I have purchased a Windows XP with SP3 OS. After installation of the OS I installed the high priority updates from Windows. Following that the boot up screen would keep cycling without ever logging into Windows. The BSOD error is STOP: C000012a. I have read many forums and I believe the best course of action is to reinstall the OS. It seems there is an error with the Windows updates when being installed on a version of XP which is bundled with SP3 already installed.

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Can Only Boot To Safe Mode - No Software Installed

Dec 21, 2006

Old system AMD athlonk7 1.1ghz used win 2k at the time hasn't worked in 2 years. on board video stopped working.Tried to get it up and running for months took an old Riva TNT PCI video card out of an old system. later replaced the momory, later reformatted Harddrive, installed win xp, with new harddrive loaded with win xp....splash screen then black screen and hourglass and NOTHING......
there's no software installed so it must be a hardware issue. Yet everything works in safe mode. I did have some yellow question marks on some audio driver but I deleted it.

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Pc Is Going Stand By Its Own

May 2, 2006

when I press "start", "shut down" and then "Stand-by", nothing happens, just my desktop like always and it's like I never asked my pc to go "stand-by" will of its own?

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Will Not Go On Stand By

Jul 28, 2005

Every time that i want to put either my desktop or my laptop on stand by a message appears saying that the the "standar keyboard 101/102 keys or the Microsoft Natural Keyboard PS/2 is preventing stand by. close all aplications and try again. If the problem persists, update the driver". when i check the driver, it says that it works properly.

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Remove Dual Boot Option - Installed New HDD Partitions

Jun 11, 2007

Ok, so this week end I tried adding a new HDD on my XP machine.
This HDD had 2 partition on it (from a previous XP install on another PC) so I used the XP install CD to basically remove it and create a single partition on it (that's the only way I knew how to do it).However, while doing that, it ended up creating a dual boot config so that now, when I start my PC, I have to chose which OS to start:1) The regular XP install2) The one that never got installed on the new HDD since I only partitionned it.?

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Installed New Case Fan Boot Time Increased 5 Minutes?

Mar 23, 2008

My load times have always been pretty long using XP with my setup and is almost up to a minute or more from power on, but my load light was always working and doing something and I just got use to it. I just installed two small spot fans and as soon as I powered on my boot times have gone from a minute or so now to about 6 minutes. Windows will even load without icons, windows bar, or anything but sits there looking at my desk top background for about 3 minute or so and sits idle. Then after the 3 minutes of idle my load light starts working like crazy and everything comes on.

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Installed AVG Antivirus Results In Increased Boot Time?

Jan 10, 2009

I've just noticed that after installing AVG Free 8.0 and ZoneAlarm Firewall that my computer's startup time has increased dramatically. Is there anything which you can advise to decrease this again?The startup time before installing these two programs was almost instant. Could it also be down to the low amount of disk space which I have available at the moment (15.5GB of 181GB free)?

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Boot Up - Microsoft Auto Updates - Restore To Already Installed OS?

Mar 23, 2005

Ive only been using Xp for about 6 months now, and so far all had been ok. SP2 installed fine a while back, and I am up to-date with Microsoft auto updates. Yesterday I booted up and the system froze just after running the BIOS checks, it didnt reach as far as the OS system flicking in at all, I just had a black screen. Several reboots later, I decided to boot from the master setup disk which took me to a point where I selected R, for restore to an already installed OS.

I was then asked to type in the Administrator password - this I duly did as its the only one I have installed..... and it kept rejecting it. In the end I rebooted yet again, this time without the cd being the first boot option, and XP loaded as if there had been no problem at all. I've virus checked the system and run registry checks and can find nothing wrong at all.

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Installed New Hard Drive / Getting Boot Failure Error ?

Sep 2, 2009

I did a new hard drive install. When the new HD was complete I thought I would copy the data from the old drive to the new.They both still had os installed They were both connected to the system at the same time.When I finished, I removed the old drive. The new drive wouldn't boot. "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter". After recovery disk completed, the system booted fine. I could reboot from the shutdown option.

The problem I have is when the system is shutdown completely. It requires the system disk again. It will reboot after the system disk is reinstalled. I continually get the "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter" error message.During bootup after a shutdown, I can F2 into the bios before the error message. It will allow me to exit and then windows will boot without the error message.

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Stand By And Hibernate Gone

Feb 23, 2006

I've installed my e-GeForce MX 4000 64mb video card and enabled dual-monitors i no longer have the standby option. When i go to start-turn off computer the standby option is shaded and i can't click it.

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PC On Stand By / Does Not Go On Standby By Itself

Nov 6, 2009

I have Acer Aspire-Windows XP Professional,I have Acer Aspire-Windows XP Professional and have a problem with my PC: it doesnt go on standby by itself, I cant understand why. I looked under Screen Saver POWER and system stand by it is set to 10 mins. I can get it to stand by pressing the button.

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