Hard Drive Error When Winloads

Aug 7, 2007

I am having issues with my computer. When windows loads I am getting a "checking file system on C:" screen, the screen reads as follows:Checking file system on C:The type of the file system is NTFS. The volume is dirty. 65 percent complete (this is the progress point where i get a bsod) The bsod reads: c000021a Unknown Hard Error Unknown Hard Error. The machine is a Dell Dimension 4600C, Win XP, no significant changes software or hardware, I have kept it up to date with software and driver updates. Have had some recent virus, maleware issues which i had been trying to clean right prior to the meltdown.

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Remove Newly Installed Hard Disks Or Hard Drive Controllers / Blue Screen Error

May 19, 2006

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps.Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard disks or hard drive controllers.Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.

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Error, Probably Hard Drive Error, Recovery Disc Not Working

Oct 29, 2006

I uninstalled some preloaded Windows programs, I reinstalled some of them, but now my laptop's all funny. When I connect to The Internet, any program that I open freezes for like 10 minutes, after which it unfreezes. During this time I normally restart my computer, with no success. If I open Windows Live Messenger and Internet Explorer 7 together it freezes normally. Pinball, WordPad, Sound Recorder, and Volume Control cannot be restored. Also, I tried using my Toshiba Recovery DVD, with no success. It says Loading RAMDISK Image, then it reboots and loads the exact same system with no changes made.

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Not Booting From Hard Drive - No Error Message

Oct 20, 2009

I'm having a problem with a laptop that will not boot up.

Lenovo 3000 C100
Windows XP Home

After powering it it up it seems like it does not recognize that the hard drive is there so XP does not boot. No error message. It brings up a Boot Device menu screen with the options to boot from Floppy (does not have one), HardDisk (does not work), CD-ROM or PXE. Choosing HardDisk does not work.

In the BIOS screen the hard disk has the status: "Disable" and there does not seem to be a way to change that. In the BIOS boot sequence the hard disk appears as it should. I've tried reordering the sequence but it makes no difference

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Disk Read Error - Does Mean Hard Drive Bad

Apr 4, 2008

I trying to help a friend with their computer; Dell Dimension 4700, XP Pro, and getting the error message: A DISK READ ERROR OCCURRED. PRESS CTRL & ALT & DEL Does this mean the hard drive is bad?

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Reformat Hard Drive And Reinstall Xp -Error HD Cannot Be Recognised

Aug 7, 2005

I want to format my HHD and reinstall XP Pro but my system says the HHD
cannot be reconised.

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Microsoft Error Messages - Replaced A Hard Drive

Jun 13, 2010

replaced a hard drive and all data was lost. Now I am getting error messages and machine crashes and reboots on its on sometimes it will shoe the window that ask what mode is requested to reboot,it usually will successfully reboot itslf in normal mode and will display the errors Microsoft Error Messages Have also .ran chkdskand virus check. Will add HJT hereADDED

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If Hard Drive Is Damaged? / Correcting Error In Index

Jan 7, 2005

I tried to reformat my hard drive. When it got to a certain point where it was checking the disk it got to 20% then hung or stopped. Did this three times. I have tried to run CHKDSK and have been unsuccessful. I get messages during the operation that say "file record segment is unreadable.

Once phase 1 is finished, I get messages that "correcting error in index" and replacing orphan files (or sometthing to tthat effect). Not long after that a message appears that says "an error has occured" and the computer continues to boot. Please note that my computer tries to run through CHKDSK everytime I boot. I want to reformat but it seems impossible.

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Hard Drive Not Found Error Black Screen

Sep 8, 2007

When starting my computer, I have started getting a "Hard Drive Not Found" error on the black screen just as the pc starts booting up. I've not written down all the details, but I see the MAC address displayed and a cursor blinks just after the letters DHCP, there is something about "boot filename not received", then "Hard Drive not found" and then it defaults to the Windows boot screen and will boot up fine. The pc seems to run normal once up...but, I'm somewhat concerned about a "Hard Drive Not Found" error. It just doesn't sound good. I'm going to try to get more specifics as to what I'm seeing on the boot screens, but wondered if anyone here might have some suggestions as to what my issue is?

My pc specs should show in my signature. Also, I recently upgraded my graphics card, but that's the only hardware I've been playing with lately. Don't know if that would make any difference because I wasn't getting any trouble until now and that graphics card has been in about a week already.

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Hard Drive Noises - Missing Hal.dll Error Message

May 14, 2007

HP ZT3000 was working fine. after no major changes, hard drive made a few noises and a missing hal.dll error message appeared. I have tried knoppix, for a few times I was copying files to external hard drive but the transfer stalled. I have tried fixmbr, fixboot, and copying the ntldr and ntdetec files from recovery cd. One strange thing is that the file system is now listed as fat16. Is this data recoverable? I have backed up the system on the external but it was about 2 weeks ago. I would like to recover a few emails in the outlook pst file. Is the hard drive fried or did the boot.ini file become terribly corrupt?

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Installed New Hard Drive / Getting Boot Failure Error ?

Sep 2, 2009

I did a new hard drive install. When the new HD was complete I thought I would copy the data from the old drive to the new.They both still had os installed They were both connected to the system at the same time.When I finished, I removed the old drive. The new drive wouldn't boot. "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter". After recovery disk completed, the system booted fine. I could reboot from the shutdown option.

The problem I have is when the system is shutdown completely. It requires the system disk again. It will reboot after the system disk is reinstalled. I continually get the "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter" error message.During bootup after a shutdown, I can F2 into the bios before the error message. It will allow me to exit and then windows will boot without the error message.

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Install Ubuntu - Optical Disk Or Hard Drive Had An Error

Sep 16, 2008

I tried to install Ubuntu onto my HD yesterday, and i ran into an issue during the install (i received a message that said the optical disk or hard drive had an error and that the instal would be aborted). So the Ubuntu install was aborted, and i tried to boot back into windows but received this message:

Quote: Load needed for kerenl:



kdcom.dll I have tried to boot into safe mood with no luck. So i tried to do a repair from the XP disk i have, but then i received this error message:

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Maxtor Hard Drive - Disk Read Error Occurred

Oct 19, 2006

I am having an issue with a Maxtor Model Number 92739U6 hard drive. I have just finished formatting and installing windows xp home edition. Everything was going ok until I restarted the computer. First right after I restarted the computer I got an error message A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+Del. I was unsure what caused this error message so I started to research this issue on Maxtor?s website and they advised me to use fdisk /mbr to repair the error. I did that and restarted the computer. Same Error?. The thing I can?t figure out is why I am able to boot right to windows using a boot disk.

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Dell 5100 - Can't Boot - No Hard Drive Found Error

Jan 23, 2006

My notebook froze overnight. While rebooting my notebook, I get: No hard drive found error. After several reboots, I get CANNOT LOAD OPERATING SYSTEM. I insert the XP CD to repair XP - No Go. I insert the XP CD to do a fresh install - it tells me to format my hard drive. But I need the data on there. Never happened before - and I am lost.

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Reformatting The Hard Drive : Getting Blue Screen With Stop Error?

Oct 19, 2007

having my laptop returned from service I found my Bios messed with where when I would start my computer but Bios wouldn't find my hard drive or an OS I found that my system was set to RAID instead of ATA. After resetting it back to ATA it boots up fine. However I wanted to reformat and start clean.I placed my XP disk in, reset my BIOS to read my optical drive first and no problems.However every time I get to partition drive all I see is "Unknown Device" If I press any key I get a blue screen of death. Most times it's the 0X0000008E.

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Files Inaccessible From Hard Drive: Sass.exe Error, Invalid Parameter?

Jan 16, 2006

The other day on boot up I received an "lsass.exe error, invalid parameter" screen. Clicking "OK" just continued the boot up and error message in a loop. This has been a common problem for folks. Although I could not determine (due to the state of the system) if in was a virus or a corrupt file, I was finally able to coerce, after many varied attempts, an overlay install of XP Pro. However, all that was on my hard drive dissapeared (programs, settings, files).

Although, when I went to reinstall some items (Adobe Acrobat, for example) it stated that it was still resident on drive. Further, when I went to do a defrag, it stated that it was not needed (probably because of the small amount of recent installation) but the graph showed 20 gigs of space taken up (my original 18+ gigs and the new install). So, the original installed volume is still on the drive yet I can not see it or access it.

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Installed New Seagate 120GB Hard Drive / Blue Screen Error

Jan 1, 2005

I recently installed a new Seagate 120 GB hard drive as a slave. I also installed iTunes and am importing songs from my CD collection. Since doing this I am frequently getting a blue screen on Windows XP w/ Service Pack 2. It also seems as though my system is a little sluggish.

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Recover Data From External Primary Hard Drive - Error C0000218

Jul 23, 2009

My problem is a result of a long series of attempts to fix a corrupt Windows registry file. A few days ago I booted my laptop and received a blue screen error: c0000218, relating to a corrupt Windows registry file. Windows could not load. After a lot of searching online I found a way to manually replace this and four other related files from the c:WindowsRepair folder using the command prompt.

This process seemed to work and Windows began to load. I then received a lsass.exe error saying something about invalid passwords. My laptop began an infinite cycle of restarting itself. I looked up the lsass.exe error and people seemed to think it was unrecoverable. As my hard drive was reasonably small (100g) and had been showing some signs of problems I decided to just buy a new one. I went out and purchased a new 320g 2.5" hard drive along with a 2.5" USB drive enclosure and another 1g stick of RAM......

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Reformatting Hard Drive Msdos Boot Disk - Error NTLDR Missing

Jun 16, 2005

I recently tried to reinstall windows xp, but the installation was interrupted and left me with a partially installed windows on my hard drive. Now, whenever I try to install again, it gives me the error: NTLDR is missing. I made a msdos boot disc to reformat my drive such that I can try installing windows again. However, I have two hard drive (one for windows and programs and one for storage) and I don't know which one is which letter. How can I find this information, so that I don't accidentally wipe my storage drive?

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Boot External Hard Drive Shown Invalid System Disk Error

Dec 29, 2006

An external hard drive. When it is on & I try to boot,I get the following error : Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key I then have to turn off the external & press any key to get it to boot. Is there a way that I can boot with that external turned on. Some setting I need to change perhaps? I have an E-Machines computer about 2 years old.

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Cant Copy Files From Internal Hard Drive To External Hard Drive Using Linux

Mar 5, 2010

I have a Dell computer where one of the loading .dll files came up 'missing' one day, so it won't boot. I want to get all the photos and other docs off the hard drive. I had downloaded one version of linux and was able to see the files on the internal hard drive, but was unable to copy them to a memory stick or external hard drive. Now I've downloaded ubuntu and booted off a memory stick... this time, it's telling me that the internal hard drive has all kinds of bad sectors and won't let me access any of the files on there.

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Transfer Files From Removed Laptop Hard Drive Into New Hard Drive

Aug 5, 2010

My laptop died and I removed the hard drive.i hooked the hard drive up to my new laptop via a SATA/IDE cable.

I can see the old hard drive in the E drive and it appears that all the contents are there by the size of the hard drive (same as when I had it in the old laptop) but I can only see, actually view, a very small percentage of the drive.

My goal: I want to transfer all old music, word documents and photos from old laptop into new laptop.

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Convert Slave Hard Drive To Primary Hard Drive

Oct 13, 2009

current HD going bad, have second HD installed and using as back but now i need to make the second HD my primary, can i do this without having to reformat in order to add booting files.

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Hard Drive Space - Having Wild Swings In My Hard Drive

Dec 5, 2007

using XP. am having wild swings in my hard drive space go from 46.1 to 44.1 and sometimes in between. have not installed any new programs recently. what could be causing it and how do i correct also am noticing my laptop as slowed appreciablydo know whether the two problems are correlated

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New Hard Drive Xp - New Install - Doesnot Find Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2008

i have a Compaq nx 7400 .i was hahving a lot of problems with the computer so i decided to put a new hard drive in and reinstall XP .
well i have the new hard drive in and started up the machine and changed the bott options to run from the dvd and all went fine until i should press the ENTER ( return ) button to install XP now . as soon as i did that the next window said no hard drive found . this was also happening on the old hard drive that was in the machine .

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Error Message "hard Drive Is Reporting A SMART Event"?

May 17, 2009

I have a error message a hard drive is reporting a SMART event.

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Transfer Data From Hard Drive To Hard Drive

Oct 13, 2008

I had this idea, see if anybody has an opinion about this. My wife has an old XP computer I want to buy her a new one but she doesn't like the vista and she wants to keep the old xp operating system. What I want to do is take the old hard drive and put it in the new computer as the master and take the new hard drive and put it in as the slave erasing the vista off it. Then using the master slave way can I transfer the xp operating system and all her files and data from the old hard drive to the new one.

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Internal Hard Drive To External Hard Drive

Oct 7, 2010

We have Windows XP Home Edition 80 GBCan we copy entire hard drive to an external hard drive?

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Difference Between A ATA Hard Drive And A SATA Hard Drive?

Oct 5, 2006

Can anyone tell me whats the difference between a ATA hard drive and a SATA hard drive?

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Corrupt Hard Drive Files: Save The Files And Reformat The Hard Drive?

Oct 18, 2009

I recently helped someone save the documents off of their computer after it crashed (it was missing a Windows file. I tried the repair command and it wouldn't work, so I decided to save the files and reformat the hard drive).I plugged the hard drive into a working computer and pulled all the documents off of it (VERY slowly) onto an external hard drive.

Every once in awhile I wouldn't be able to pull a picture or document off because of a cyclic redundancy check error. I just moved on and saved what I could. I assumed it was because the hard drive was already bad so I just moved what I could.

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Cloning Hard Drive: Transferring Cloned Data From External Hard Disk?

Jan 8, 2009

I am cloning my existing hard drive in my laptop (sata) to an external hard drive (pata) in preparation for installing a new larger hard drive (sata)in the laptop. Can I, or how do I transfer the cloned data from the external (pata) to the new internal hard drive (sata)? Thanks in advance and I apoligize if this is a rudimentary question as this is my first time attempting something like this.

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