Error Message "hard Drive Is Reporting A SMART Event"?

May 17, 2009

I have a error message a hard drive is reporting a SMART event.

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Event Viewer Warning Disk Event 51 - Hard Drive Crash

Sep 2, 2005

I've looked at it infrequently, and never could understand what I saw, but today there was something relatively new and scary:...Further info under help and support said an error was detected during a paging file operation. The word "disk" scared me, so I checked the entire Event Viewer, and found 25 of these errors, from Aug 1 2005 through Sep 3 2005. If this event was cataloged earlier, I don't know, because the Event Viewer only goes back to Aug 1. I checked System Restore for Aug 1, 2005 and found a couple of things; 1) an accidental MS "update" to NVIDIA GeForce4 MX driver 5.12 -- but we've had the driver for a long time now. The 5.12 screws up the display resolution, big time. I reinstalled the 6.17; resolution is fine; but I'm wondering if this could have something to do with the Event 51 warning. Also, on that same date, something called Software Distribution Service 2.0 is listed three times, and I don't know why. I don't even know what it is. I've researched the web, and can't find anything that seems to apply -- other than potential for a hard drive crash. Just what I don't need. Meanwhile, the entire system is working extremely well; fast and smooth; no glitches or twitches that I can detect

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Event System Error Message (Home Edition)

Jul 16, 2005

I would be grateful if you could give advise regarding the following Event System error: EventSystem
The COM Event System detected a bad return code during its internal processing. HRESULT was C0000005 from line 44 of d:qxp_slpcomcom1xsrcevent s ier1eventsystemobj.cpp. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to report this error. My PC is also very slow and takes a long time to boot up - could this be the

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Not Booting From Hard Drive - No Error Message

Oct 20, 2009

I'm having a problem with a laptop that will not boot up.

Lenovo 3000 C100
Windows XP Home

After powering it it up it seems like it does not recognize that the hard drive is there so XP does not boot. No error message. It brings up a Boot Device menu screen with the options to boot from Floppy (does not have one), HardDisk (does not work), CD-ROM or PXE. Choosing HardDisk does not work.

In the BIOS screen the hard disk has the status: "Disable" and there does not seem to be a way to change that. In the BIOS boot sequence the hard disk appears as it should. I've tried reordering the sequence but it makes no difference

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Hard Drive Noises - Missing Hal.dll Error Message

May 14, 2007

HP ZT3000 was working fine. after no major changes, hard drive made a few noises and a missing hal.dll error message appeared. I have tried knoppix, for a few times I was copying files to external hard drive but the transfer stalled. I have tried fixmbr, fixboot, and copying the ntldr and ntdetec files from recovery cd. One strange thing is that the file system is now listed as fat16. Is this data recoverable? I have backed up the system on the external but it was about 2 weeks ago. I would like to recover a few emails in the outlook pst file. Is the hard drive fried or did the boot.ini file become terribly corrupt?

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MICROSOFT ERROR REPORT - Have Disabled Error Reporting

Jun 29, 2005

Every time I try to use Microsoft Works Task Launcher I get an Error Report. When either the 'Send Error Report' or 'Ignore' button is clicked, Microsoft Works immediately closes down. I have disabled Error Reporting in My Computer to no avail, as the error message continues to appear

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Disable Error Reporting

Oct 26, 2004

1. Open System Properties.

2. Click the Advanced tab.

3. Click the "Error Reporting" button.

4. Select "Disable Error Reporting"

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Partition Size Reporting Error

Jul 26, 2005

I have a 40GB HDD. It was originally partitioned as C: (Windows - NTFS) 15GB and D: (Data - NTFS) 27GB. I decided to have one of my sporadic forays with Linux, and using a combination of Acronis partition manager and the Windows Computer Management snap-in, did the following: C: (Windows NTFS) 10GB,D: (Data - NTFS) 5GB, E: (Transfer - FAT) 2GB, the remaining free space (20GB) formatted for Linux.I then decided to bin Linux for a while and revert to my previous partition layout. Using Windows Disk management, I removed the Linux partition and created a new partition. Then using Acronis Partition Manager I resized the C: drive to 15GB. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten to repair the MBR from having GRUB on it before I did this, so when it rebooted, I had to then boot up with a W98 floppy and repair the MBR. After having done that, and all the rest of the partition management, I have a size reporting problem! Right-clicking on the C: drive in My Computer shows the previous size as 10GB, as does Acronis.However, if I use Acronis to resize a partition, when I get to allocate the additional space, it shows the correct size! Also in Disk Management, the graphical representation of the partitions shows correctly, but the statistical info in the box above shows the previous configuration.

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Disadvantages Of Smart Drive

Feb 1, 2006

Are there any disadvantages for having smart drive active. I have some concern about hard drive failure and would like as much of a head's up as possible.

As far as I know, I've always turned smart drive off in my bios. But I couldn't give you any good reason why?

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New HD Install - Drive Letter Smart Failure

Mar 7, 2005

My computer won't boot...the master HD had a SMART failure. I've decided to replace my current master HD with a WD 80gig. I also have an identical WD 80gig slave on my system (which I do not want to reformat). Seems simple...however, My slave is the current c: drive. For some reason when i reformatted last time it automatically named my root drive idea. And to get my computer to recognize my ipod i needed a c: drive so i ended up changing my slave to that via a program in xp. Does anyone know if this will be a real problem when i go to format and partition the new drive? Will it show both HDs without assigned letters? Should I install, format, and setup xp on the new HD without a slave attached and then add the slave later?

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Removing A Continuous DCOM Alert Message In Event Manager

Jan 26, 2006

I have currently WinXP running on my pc and my event manager is getting constantly full up of DCOM messages which I am scratching my head over! The message I am getting is:DCOM is unable to communicate with computer ANNE-MARIE using any of the configured protocols. I am getting 15 of these every minute ANNE-MARIE is a notebook of someone who worked here shortly and used my companies wireless connection. It is driving me nuts and I would be very grateful if someone could assist me with this.

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Installing Photo Smart C6280 Drivers Shown Error

Feb 6, 2008

Trying to get the Photosmart C6280 drivers to install for the past few days. Whether it's installing from the CD or downloaded drivers, I still get the same message. Right before it starts to install the drivers, it says that some files need to be deleted and that I have to restart. So, I restart, and the installer comes back up, only to tell me to restart again. I got past this when I ran the installer in safe mode, but I was unable to start the Print Spooler to continue the setup.

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Remove Newly Installed Hard Disks Or Hard Drive Controllers / Blue Screen Error

May 19, 2006

A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps.Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard disks or hard drive controllers.Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.

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Grub Error Message While Booting From Fresh Hard Disk

Jun 4, 2008

I have a P4 HT (old one) I formatted its hard disk using another comp to install a fresh copy of WinXP but the bootable XP is unable to start as there is a "GRUB" message that is last shown and then nothing happens.I have only 1 drive attached to this comp which is this is running in a slave mode(doesn't matter as its the only default drive for the motherboard to read, and i have lost my jumper pin so thats y it is running in a slave mode.)What shd i do abt this "GRUB" message and how shd i go about installing WinXP ?

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External Hard Drive Not Recognized - Shows Offline Message

Apr 18, 2010

I have a sata 500 GB hard drive from Seagate that just won't get recognized. I've been in Disk Management, I've scanned the disk, I've rebooted, and Disk 1 is there, but the message is it's offline--and after I did the reboot I got the message that the hard drive USB had been recognized--but it ain't there.

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Event Veiwer Under Application - Event ID 1000 - 1001

Jun 30, 2006

While viewing video files (contained in folders with over a Gig of contents) this message pops up in a small window: Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and has to close. You can send an Error Report to Microsoft. Then things close down, but everything comes back, except the folder of files that was open before.Then if I go to my "Event Veiwer" under Application I get the 2 Error lines with "event ID 1000 and 1001.

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Restarted Message Hard Drive Capable But Disabled - Blue Screen

Oct 21, 2007

I was given an older machine that had win me installed. It was full of junk and would crash often. So I downloaded a startup disk for formating Win-Me. I ran thru the process - formated the hard drive or so it seemed but when I tried to install winxp it would go thru the process and then get a blue screen stop message. When I restarted the machine I got the message "hard drive capable but disabled". There are ways to enable the drive but you need an operating system to do that. The cd rom on this machine is scsi and I am not familiar with that process. Is there a way to enable a hard drive with out the operating system? The drive is an ultra DMA-mode 4.

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Error, Probably Hard Drive Error, Recovery Disc Not Working

Oct 29, 2006

I uninstalled some preloaded Windows programs, I reinstalled some of them, but now my laptop's all funny. When I connect to The Internet, any program that I open freezes for like 10 minutes, after which it unfreezes. During this time I normally restart my computer, with no success. If I open Windows Live Messenger and Internet Explorer 7 together it freezes normally. Pinball, WordPad, Sound Recorder, and Volume Control cannot be restored. Also, I tried using my Toshiba Recovery DVD, with no success. It says Loading RAMDISK Image, then it reboots and loads the exact same system with no changes made.

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Constant Error In Event Log On Bootup

Oct 18, 2006

I have done a couple of searches and cant seem to find anything, this may be due to my search criteria not being good enough, but hopefully not and im not double posting.I constantly get the following error in event log on bootup and cant seem track down whats causing it.The COM+ Event System detected a bad return code during its internal processing. Please contact Microsoft Product Support Services to report this error.There is nothing in the knowledge base at microsoft for this. If anyone can give me some pointers or a possible direction to go in I would appreciate it.

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Lock Drive C - Error Message Volume Is In Use

Jan 3, 2008

I'm trying to lock drive C but an error message comes up saying that the volume is in use.I don't understand MS-DOS at all.

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Reseting -no BSoD- Repeatng Error Event IDs?

Feb 5, 2007

Hi everyone, I have a problem here. my comp keeps resetting many times without giving me an BSoD (I unchecked "automically resart on failure" ). I checked event viewers and find many things:I found those events repeating many times:Errors: EventID=6 Source=SVART Incompatible version of SYMEVENT.SYS is loaded. Tried reinstalling windows->no luck (xp pro N)Get this message after installing windows: "The files that needed in order for windows to run stably has been replaced by unrecognized versions. Install your CD to fix". I installed the CD, but no, it still says those files are "unrecognized".

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Event Log - Clear The 7023 Error But No Success

Feb 14, 2007

I've tried to clear the 7023 Error, but no success. Run/CMD fails to show

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Update Sp2 Error Message - Drive Needs 1 MB Free Space

Nov 28, 2007

I'm running Win XP Pro on a Dell Inspiron 8100. The hard drive is partitioned into 2 drives: C and D. C has some Dell stuff, but everything else, including Windows, is on D. When I tried to install an update for SP2, I got an error message that the drive needs 1 more MB of free space. There's only 732KB free on C, but 14GB free on D, so I suspect the update is trying to go to C. Is there any way I can direct updates to D? Or, can the HDD be re-partitioned without losing what's on it?

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Event Error Messages ID 3011 & 3012 / Computer Keeps Crashing?

Jun 20, 2005

my computer keeps crashing and displays these 2 errors in event log :-Event ID 3011 Unloading the performance counter strings for service WmiApRpl failed. The error code is the first Dword in data section.Event ID 3012 performance strings in the performance registry value is corrupted when process Performance extension counter provider. BaseIndex value from Performance registry is the first Dword in data section. Last counter value is the second Dword in data section and LastHelp value is the third Dword in data section.

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Hard Drive Error When Winloads

Aug 7, 2007

I am having issues with my computer. When windows loads I am getting a "checking file system on C:" screen, the screen reads as follows:Checking file system on C:The type of the file system is NTFS. The volume is dirty. 65 percent complete (this is the progress point where i get a bsod) The bsod reads: c000021a Unknown Hard Error Unknown Hard Error. The machine is a Dell Dimension 4600C, Win XP, no significant changes software or hardware, I have kept it up to date with software and driver updates. Have had some recent virus, maleware issues which i had been trying to clean right prior to the meltdown.

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Disk Read Error - Does Mean Hard Drive Bad

Apr 4, 2008

I trying to help a friend with their computer; Dell Dimension 4700, XP Pro, and getting the error message: A DISK READ ERROR OCCURRED. PRESS CTRL & ALT & DEL Does this mean the hard drive is bad?

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Reformat Hard Drive And Reinstall Xp -Error HD Cannot Be Recognised

Aug 7, 2005

I want to format my HHD and reinstall XP Pro but my system says the HHD
cannot be reconised.

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Microsoft Error Messages - Replaced A Hard Drive

Jun 13, 2010

replaced a hard drive and all data was lost. Now I am getting error messages and machine crashes and reboots on its on sometimes it will shoe the window that ask what mode is requested to reboot,it usually will successfully reboot itslf in normal mode and will display the errors Microsoft Error Messages Have also .ran chkdskand virus check. Will add HJT hereADDED

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If Hard Drive Is Damaged? / Correcting Error In Index

Jan 7, 2005

I tried to reformat my hard drive. When it got to a certain point where it was checking the disk it got to 20% then hung or stopped. Did this three times. I have tried to run CHKDSK and have been unsuccessful. I get messages during the operation that say "file record segment is unreadable.

Once phase 1 is finished, I get messages that "correcting error in index" and replacing orphan files (or sometthing to tthat effect). Not long after that a message appears that says "an error has occured" and the computer continues to boot. Please note that my computer tries to run through CHKDSK everytime I boot. I want to reformat but it seems impossible.

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Hard Drive Not Found Error Black Screen

Sep 8, 2007

When starting my computer, I have started getting a "Hard Drive Not Found" error on the black screen just as the pc starts booting up. I've not written down all the details, but I see the MAC address displayed and a cursor blinks just after the letters DHCP, there is something about "boot filename not received", then "Hard Drive not found" and then it defaults to the Windows boot screen and will boot up fine. The pc seems to run normal once up...but, I'm somewhat concerned about a "Hard Drive Not Found" error. It just doesn't sound good. I'm going to try to get more specifics as to what I'm seeing on the boot screens, but wondered if anyone here might have some suggestions as to what my issue is?

My pc specs should show in my signature. Also, I recently upgraded my graphics card, but that's the only hardware I've been playing with lately. Don't know if that would make any difference because I wasn't getting any trouble until now and that graphics card has been in about a week already.

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Installed New Hard Drive / Getting Boot Failure Error ?

Sep 2, 2009

I did a new hard drive install. When the new HD was complete I thought I would copy the data from the old drive to the new.They both still had os installed They were both connected to the system at the same time.When I finished, I removed the old drive. The new drive wouldn't boot. "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter". After recovery disk completed, the system booted fine. I could reboot from the shutdown option.

The problem I have is when the system is shutdown completely. It requires the system disk again. It will reboot after the system disk is reinstalled. I continually get the "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter" error message.During bootup after a shutdown, I can F2 into the bios before the error message. It will allow me to exit and then windows will boot without the error message.

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