Disk De-fragment Shown Error

Oct 4, 2009

I have and Acer Netbook Aspire One A0A110. I'm trying to run Disk Defragmenter and an error pops up every time when i run it. The scan has been cancelled because an error occured in file :C:ACERPreloadCommandAlaunchXCoadeTracerCoadeTracer2008-11-26-28-39.log. I can't find out what is causing this. Acer sucks because they don't come w/software, but is avail for purchase.

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Disk De Fragment Home Edition

Jul 1, 2005

For Disk Defragmenter (Windows XP Home Edition)CLSID:{43668E21-2636-11D1-A1CE-0080C88593A5}.

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Error Shown When Copy Files From DVD-RW To Hard Disk

Feb 13, 2009

I get this cyclic redundancy check error when I try to copy files from a DVD-RW onto my hard drive. I burnt said DVD about two years ago using Cyberlink DVD Solution Power2Go. I get this error with mulitiple DVDs, but not all of them (I've got five and I get this error with only three). Also, I get the error with some files, but not others (on the same DVD). I really can't lose these files! My guess is they were burnt wrong, but I'm really not sure. Is there any way I can recover these files?

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Boot External Hard Drive Shown Invalid System Disk Error

Dec 29, 2006

An external hard drive. When it is on & I try to boot,I get the following error : Invalid system disk Replace the disk, and then press any key I then have to turn off the external & press any key to get it to boot. Is there a way that I can boot with that external turned on. Some setting I need to change perhaps? I have an E-Machines computer about 2 years old.

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Sp2 Start Up Error Box Prompt Up Shown Winlogon. Exe Error

Jul 9, 2005

When A windows XP SP2 start up , a error box prompt up show winlogon.exe error, I have capture the debug log , can you let me know how to solve out this problems. Also I have enclosed Hjask this log for your ref, I hope you advice how to solve out this problems.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.98.2
Scan saved at 12:42:17 AM, on 7/9/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Running processes:

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Reformatting The Hard Disk: Nothing Shown On Dissplay?

Dec 17, 2006

OK, so I made sure my BIOS was booting from CDROM and first priority, and then HDD. I put the Windows XP Pro CD in and the little windows pop-up screen came up and I exited that and shut down my computer.I turn my computer back on and I cannot get ANYTHING on my monitor.I have two slots on the back of my eVGA 6800 PCI-E card.

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Disk Defragmenter Detected Message Shown

May 2, 2005

I noticed my defrag isn't working when i tried it and it says this Disk Defragmenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume(C).

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Wrong Disk Space Shown By System

Aug 9, 2005

I have got a 200 gig hard disk and when i go to properties it say its full i the piechart but when u go in to the hard Disk and select all folders it says theres only 40 gig been used . Has any1 got any sugestions on how to fix this prob i have tryed disk clean but it does not do any thing.

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Update Sp2 Shown Error

Sep 6, 2006

My computer won't reboot. It started when I tried to update windows to sp2 and it had an error so it couldn't finish the update so it uninstalled whatever it installed. I rebooted and it goes into a loop, first the manufacture logo, the windows xp logo and it goes right back to the manufacture logo and starts that process again. I tried to go into safe mode and even the last best configuration to start and it still goes into this loop. What should I do? I don't want to reformat if I don't have too.

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System Shutdown/Restart Shown Error

Jul 28, 2009

Getting an error message that goes STOP: 0x0000008E. Everytime i try to shut down or restart. I was also getting alot of Buffer Overflow Blocked warnings from mcafee before i uninstalled and used SpyBot Search And Destroy which has cleaned a couple trojans off of my comp that mcafee did not find.? Also everytime i open a program or even I.E. A seperate window opens up thats all text, And if i close that window the whole program closes.

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Run Dll Error Shown After Startup Operating System

Sep 6, 2005

Windows XP and every time I log on to my desktop, the first thing that pops up is an error box. This is what it says: RUNDLL Error loading C:PROGRA~1NEWDOT~1NEWDOT ~1.DLL. The specified module could not be found.OK.

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Blue Screen Stop Error Shown

Nov 12, 2006

I get this almost everyday, I even restored the laptop to how it was out of box and it keeps crashing. Here is the error.MULTIPLE_COMPLETE_REQUESTS ***STOP: 0x00000044 (0x862df368, 0x00000D60, 0x00000000,0x00000000)

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Installing Driver Shown Unexpected Error

Dec 24, 2007

Attempt to reinstall windows i have 2 striped drives, i need to reinstall my raid drivers but every time i try to install the drivers it always says that it can't read it, i finally got it to read but then it says this file caused an unexpected error and the installation fails and i'm back at my original installation of windows.

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System Restart Automatically Without No Error Shown

Jun 19, 2006

I notice i have had this problem for the past 2 weeks and today by pc restarted itself out of no where.Can anyone explain why cause i ran virus scans and i'm pretty sure i'm clean.

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Setup Not Installed Due To Less Memory Error Shown

Jan 24, 2009

Alright this has left me without my dell for a few months now and its driving me nuts.I was trying to format my computer,and than install winxp.i wiped it,and tried installing winxp from my cd, Everytime i try to install,it says it couldn't be installed due to not enough memory left,or my disc being corrupted,it cannot be corrupted because i have installed windows xp on this computer using the same cd.

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Blank Error Message Shown After System On

Dec 3, 2007

I'm new here. How's everyone doing? I get this error message just randomly whenever I'm on the computer or not: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v149/spiralout987/error-msg.jpg. I don't know what it is, what it's for, what's wrong with it, etc. Anyone have any idea where I can get more information as to what this error means? And what program is asking for the file that can't be found? Please help! I don't want to reformat my computer to get rid of this message.

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SP2 Cd Need Error Message Shown During Install Home

Jul 10, 2007

I am working on a Gateway solo 9300 and installing xp. there are no peripherals attached. I am receiving the error INSTALLATION FAILED D:I386asms. It is telling me: the file "asms" on windows xp home edition service pack 2 cd is needed. Type the path where the file is located and then click okay.I enter d: ( my cd drive) and nothing. it says: globalrootdevice cdromoi386 in the path line. nothing. I have read as many posts here as I can and it is stopped in the middle of the installation at 39 minutes waiting for me to become an instant genius and solve it.

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System Shown Error Message After Welcome Screen

Jun 28, 2007

When i turn on my pc,when the welcome screen shows up b4 entering windows 2 pop sounds come up and i get a msg saying windows can't open C:PROGRA~1INSTAL~1{ACE66~1 setup.exe -rebootC:PROGRA~1INSTAL~1{ACE66~1 eboot.ini l0x9 then another same msg saying windows cant open C:PROGRA~1INSTAL~1{D5068~1setup.exe -rebootC:PROGRA~ 1INSTAL ~1 {D5068~1) eboot.ini -l0x9 this never happend with and i didnt erase anything or remove any program.

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Installing Files Shown Error After Licence Agreement

Aug 28, 2006

Re-install windows xp. I boot from xp cd but only get as far as pressing f8 to accept the licensing agreement. The next page says that the installation cd cannot be read. I have used this cd in the past and it has worked ok.Do i just need to get hold of another copy of xp?

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Explorer Hang And Shown Error While Click On Link

Aug 17, 2006

Go to Download Link a file any website i'm getting some hang time and then an error. I have downloads enabled in the tools internet options security tab menu and am unsure why i'm getting this problem.

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Bsod Stop Error Shown After Uninstall Program

Oct 22, 2006

Installed and later on uninstaller a program. After that i had to restart my computer and got the following bsod: stop: 0x0000007B (0xBACC3524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000).

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Unknown Error Shown When Update Operating System

Jun 14, 2006

XP reinstall won't validate so that I can get updates. It is a legal copy and I had no problem activating windows. However when I tried to validate it for updates it keeps telling me there is an unknown error and validation could not be completed.

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Error Shown AFter Connecting DV Camera With Pinnacle Studio9.0

Feb 26, 2005

I have DV camera connected to PC. I am running PINNACLE STUDIO 9. When camera is switched to ON, the BING BONG occurs twice, and PINNACLE STUDIO 9 then runs. AAAARRRRGGHH This is from within the WINDOWS option box, which appeared whenever the DV camera was switched ON.

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Error Message Shown When Double Click On Documents

Mar 13, 2006

A 60 day trial for Microsoft office Used but it expired so I tried to install Office Professional I didn't like it and removed it. I have since downloaded another 60 day trial for office and it works however I can't open documents by double clicking on them I get the following error message:c:documents and settings HP_administrator desktop is not a valid win32 application.

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Re-Open Word Files Shown Error Message

Sep 2, 2005

I have ms bundled on windows XP my hp pavilion 1335w. I have saved a lot of word processing documents for my new (3 mos.) job. Now when I try to re-open them for revisal, or even just to look at them, I get a msg in a small window that says "Works task launcher cannot open the file you selected. It may have been either moved or deleted." If I can't get to some of these, I will lose my job! And I don't even know where to go for help, this is the first place i've tried. Can someone either sove the problem, or tell me when I can go for the answer?

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Insufficient Memory To Run Application Error Shown During Installation

Jul 11, 2005

I am trying to re-install a game on my computer. Due to a good virus attack, I was forced to reformat my hardrive and re-install Windows XP Pro. When I tried to re-install my son's game (one of those Sesame Street educational games) I get an error message saying that there is insufficient memory to run the application-- The title of the message box is "Can't run 16-bit application"; there is no error number. I have Googled for it, but the only answers I seem to get are for the autoexe.nt file being corrupt; however, my specific problem is not listed in the symptoms.

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Blue Screen Error Shown After Start System

Sep 9, 2008

I have a dell laptop inspiron8600 with Windows XP and SP2. I recently get the same blue screen error every time i start my computer.IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL STOP: 0*0000000A(0*F89181C0, 0*00000002, 0*00000001, 0*804D9BBA) I ran the dell dianostic test for blue screen errors but everything was fine. Does anyone know the reason for that problem and/or a solution for it.

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Computer Shown Error DVD/CD Drivers Missing Files

Apr 11, 2007

My computer says that my DVD and CD drivers are missing files and may be corrupt, i wonder if anyone knows how i can find thes files again or has any info that can help me.

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Startup Shown Error Message And Unable To Login

Jul 24, 2007

My Dell Inspiron 510m laptop comes up with that message every time i startup the computer. I can't even log in so can't do anything about viruses. I really have no idead about what to do.

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Ben Q 500E Shown Read Image Data Failure Error

Nov 9, 2007

Starting benq 500E scanner I encountered the following message: read image data failure 2882:1118. I know I've got the right driver installed, because it's the newest version and it always worked.

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Application Error Message Shown During Installing Epson Scanner

Apr 4, 2005

Try to install new software Turbo Tax and the software for my new Epson Scanner. I get this application error message: This application cannot run. That is all it says. I've had this computer for three years and have installed software many times with no problems. There is plenty of room on the hard drive. I have tried installing in safe mode. I have tried to restore back. I have done a defrag.

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