Did Not Start Properly / Blank Screen Coming

Apr 19, 2007

My computer after, we believe, a power surge during the wee hours of the morning a week ago can no longer totally boot up. Once powered on, it will go to a black screen, detailing how windows did not start properly. And something about it being due to or causing a hardware or software change.

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Blank Screen When Coming Out Of Hibernation

Jul 11, 2010

For some reason, sometimes when I start my computer, after having put it in hibernation, the screen is blank. This is as if the video card has put the monitor in standby or something. Sometimes a wake-up event, like the mouse and keyboard will fix it, but often it doesn't. In that case, I have to CTRL-ALT-DEL, then feel my way to the "restart" (and because Firefox always hangs when it quits, I have to guess when the "End Now" button comes up).

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Blank Screen And Beeping Noises Coming From Computer

Oct 14, 2007

I don't know what's going on with my PC. I have a HP 6420nx windows xp.

My PC suddenly froze while I was using it so I turned it off for a couple of minutes. THen when I turned it back on, it started making beeping noises. There was also no start up screen, the monitor is just blank.

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Game Sound Is Coming But Screen Is Completely Blank

Nov 23, 2005

I bought the game Lord Of the Rings:Return of the King yesterday, I installed it and when I start the game I can hear the music and everything perfectly but the screen is completely blank! Even the game starts with the screen blank! But I can hear the audio perfectly.I have all the latest drivers and DirectX versions, my graphics card is Nvidia GeForce2

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DVD's And CD's Coming Up As Blank

Aug 7, 2007

A curious problem I'm having. All dvd's, cd's, game cd's are showing as blank in explorer. I've upgraded the firmware on the drives, checked the connections etc but still nothing. Weirdly audio cd's seem to show and work in Itunes so I'm guessing it might be to with associations right or have i disabled a service by mistake?

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Menu Text Coming Out Blank

Sep 16, 2009

After updating my version of iTunes this afternoon I was of course prompted to restart my laptop (an HP Pavilion dv6000), which I did. However upon start-up I noticed a variety of Windows menu texts to be completely missing - that is, the dialogue boxes and other such usually-text-containing shapes came out (albeit somewhat abnormally usually, often shortened to a few pixels) with no text in it at all. Internet pages themselves show up just fine, but any other text associated with internet explorer itself (i.e. tab and toolbar titles, dropdown menus like 'Page', etc.) is text-blank (icons still remain though, which helps a little)

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Failure To Boot: Blue Screen Blinks/ Blank Screen/ Windows Dont Start?

Jun 20, 2008

When i turn on,first Windows screen appears,then a blue screen blinks,then hp screen,then a blank page with cursor on the top left,then a screen with the message"we apologise for the inconvinience but Windows did not start successfully.there was a hardware or software problem.I tried to run it in Safe mode, Windows normally,last known configuration but no luck......Then someone suggested to Get into the Recovery Console by making a Recovery CD with ISO image but the machine is not responding to any of it.Is it with CD/DVD ROM drive or any major hardware problem???...I ran a self hard drive test and it seemed fine

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Playing Game Rebooted Computer / Start It Went To Blank Blue Screen / Before Account Screen

Oct 23, 2005

I was playing a game and I rebooted my computer. When i went to start it it went to the a blank blue screen before the account screen in the beginning of XP. I know i can restore to new but i will have lost so much information that it would take about 3 months to retain it all back. It says it can not find operating system. I need help in a serious way. all advice and solutions are requested.

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Not Start Up Properly Loading Screen Comes Up

Nov 22, 2009

My HP Laptop is about 4 years old, but still works great... until a few days ago. When i start it up, the loading screen comes up and finishes. Then it goes black, and stays black. I CAN however boot in safe mode (not safe mode with networking tough), and it works fine. I am also having problems finding my CD, but have the License Code. So a No-CD Answer would be wonderful

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About Blank Keeps Coming Back As My Default Home Page

Mar 23, 2005

I have tried doing this myself using some of the other examples on this site but they are just dissimilar enough that I am obviously missing somehting. I do all the steps but then the about:blank keeps coming back as my default home page and I also get some porno favorites every time too

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Blank Screen At Start UP

Jul 4, 2005

Intermittently the screen reamins blank at start up. I then need to turn th
PC off an then on again. Sometimes the scrren come on sometimes it takes a
number of OFF/ON's. MAchine is also now starting to reboot by itself. Have
used Nortons to check for Virus's.

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Screen Blank After Start System

Mar 8, 2008

When i start the laptop both the lights and the fans come on but the screen is blank. Tried replacing ram and hard disk but that doesn't seem to work. Sometimes the loading screen does come on but always freezes at XP loading screen and goes blank. Most of the time the screen stays blank when start button is pushed. Tried going through other monitor but doesn't still work.

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Loops On The Start Up Screen: Computer Doesn't Work Properly.

Dec 6, 2008

In need of some major help, whenever i load up my computer everything loads up fine untill i get to the status bar screen which just loops and loops over and over again and nothing happens from that point onwards not only that but it knocks out all my devices i.e keyboard, mouse etc. I can open it in safe mode no problem and in this i have done numerous system restores. If i leave my computer off or idle for about 12 hours it worls again after that but about 2-4 days later the problem happens again this has happened aprox 7 times now. I really need someones help as this is my main computer and i have everything on it

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No Task Bar No Start Menu - Just Blank Screen

May 13, 2005

A family member ran Norton Anti-Virus and an XP error message came up saying that XP needed to be reinstalled. I don't have a backup disc or a Windows XP disc. I read in another post "The system should have at least come with the setup files located on a hidden partition on the hard drive." Does anyone know how to access this? I can still get into programs and whatnot through pressing ctrl+alt+delete, clicking Applications and New Task. Then I browse for whatever I want to open, i.e. AOL etc. But XP has otherwise completely disappeared off my desktop. All that is there is the background. No taskbar, Start menu, or anything. It won't right click either. I tried System Restore, no luck

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Blank Screen - Can't See Start Menu, My Computer Etc

Oct 11, 2010

I installed Windows XP on my computer, but when I got to restart / cut it on its just a blank sceeen. I can't see nothing like (start menu, my computer,etc..) What have I done and how do I correct it ?

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Start Up Splash Screen Appears Blank

Jul 18, 2005

I have tried looking for a solution on the web for this and I can’t seem to find anything that quite matches my problem. I have a Dell Inspiron 2500 which is a few years old. I have not recently installed anything new onto it or added new hardware or anything, but the other day i switched it on and it appeard to be starting up fine. The Dell screen comes up, the Windows startup splash screen appears then the screen goes blank. The laptop continues to load properly (i think) as you can hear the start up music and everything loading up, but the screen is blank, (tho the colour of it down change to a slight lighter shade of black!).

I have tried outputting to a different monitor - which does exactly the same as the laptop screen - displaying the start-up stuff then blank screen before the login bit. When i start up the laptop in safe mode and VGA mode it works fine. I have tried changin the resolution in these modes to a lower one 600x800 (the refesh rate is set to 60) but this does not solve the problem. I have installed all recommended XP updates, scanned for viruses and spyware but there’s nothing there, tried to use the troubleshooting tools in Help and Support but not really sure what imdoing and it says everything is fine! sort of hardware failure with my graphics card maybe?! Dont know much about that sort of thing.

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Unable To Print Envelopes: Print Coming Blank?

Jul 3, 2010

Walk me through printing an envelope on my Lexmark X125. I have clicked on envelopes, then options for the envelope size, then print. The envelope comes out blank.

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Folder System 32 Keeps Coming Up On Computer Start

Mar 17, 2005

Every time I start the computer the folder System32 and all its files show up on the desktop. How can I stop this?

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Computer Wont Start - Coming Up With Bitdeffender - System Freeze

Apr 17, 2008

it first started with a trojan, i got one that keeps tryin to get through, but it keeps getting blocked by bitdeffender. now sometimes wen it starts up it gets very slow, and sometimes freezes so i restart and it will be fine. now i have had this for bout 3 months now cause i cnt find any way of getting rid of it, it was vundo trojan yesterday i tried to load it twice, first time it froze, so second time i tried to start it up it keep coming up with bitdeffender asking if i want to allow something, i didnt no what it was so i keep saying block, but it keep coming up again n again n again, i pressed allowed and it still keep coming up so i shut down the computer, cause i was in a rush

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Does Not Start Up Properly - Power Failure Start Windows Normally

Aug 18, 2008

We are trying to start a laptop but windows is not starting up properly. As the boot begins, it takes you to a screen that says, :"if a previous start up attempt was inturrupted due to a power failure, then choose Start Windows Normally". We follow the directions, takes us the Window XP screen trying to boot it up and then takes us to the Gateway screen and then back to the screen where it asks the same question again.The cycles continues without any other options.

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Login Screen Coming Up And Freezes The Startup?

Mar 7, 2006

Winxp media center edition.Something I did has caused a login screen to come up and freeze the startup until I close it. Asks for a password but a click will make it disappear. How do I get it off?

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Getting Windows Installer Screen Always Coming Up At Startup / Staying On The Monitor

Apr 8, 2008

I'm having two problems with my computer. I'm getting the windows installer screen always coming up at startup and staying on the monitor until I press cntl + alt + delete and then i'm getting that window in the background or bottom of the screen toolbar.

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Explorer Does Not Start Properly Upon Log-in?

Nov 26, 2006

Almost every single time I boot up, Windows doesn't log in correctly (explorer.exe I believe), none of my taskbar icons appear and the mouse cursor just keeps spinning when moved over it. I have to log-off using the task manager then re-log in, upon which Windows logs in normally and everything starts normally.

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Laptop Will Not Turn On - Did Not Start Properly

Nov 18, 2009

I just cant turn my laptop back on. I press the start button, I get a message "Windows didnt start properly" with all the usual list of options. I have tried them all "start windows normally", press f11, start with last configuration etc.windows starts for a few seconds, then it cuts itself off and back to former screen.so i never get anywhere. I tried taking battery out, leaving laptop time to cool down.nothing.

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Home Edition Not Start Properly

Feb 27, 2008

My Windows XP Home Edition will not load up, I will start my computer and straight away I notice that it takes a little bit longer to detect my secondary Master device, after about 20 or so seconds it finaly loads up to a point where it will say Windows XP did not start properly. I have selected all of the SAFE mode options, it loads lots of drivers until it gets to a file called MUP.SYS and then it hangs there and does nothing more. I have also tryed to start windows normaly and with settings that last worked both of which froze at the Windows XP loading screen.

I have inserted a Windows XP CD that I loaned from a friend and I have tryed to reinstall Windows XP via setting the CD drive to load first in the BIOS. The CD seems to load files properly untill it reads "Setup is loading Wndows" and again it hangs here and does nothing more. I have tryed everything and I have now run out of idea's, I have read other forums that have said that its to do with the Hard Drive, I have replaced mine and still no change.

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Did Not Start Properly Due To Recent Hardware Changes

Sep 3, 2008

Ive just turned my computer on and windows keeps failing to run, the reason given is this 'Windows did not start properly due to recent hardware changes' I have run windows using the options 'Last known good configuration' and 'Start windows normally' but they lead to a blue screen which reads 'A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to protect your computer' tells me i need to uninstall anti-virus and run chkdisk /f but i cant do anything as its a blue screen, i have no mouse etc.

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Blank Screen Freeze Up Before Splash Screen. Safe Mode Works

Oct 7, 2007

Very similar to the following problem but i do not have a raid, and it seems that this PC has a raid and i don't, plus it was never really determined what the actual solution was.


The basics: XP Professional Boot up screen, right before the windows loading screen, or direct after the F8 Menu if you hit "Start Windows Normally..." it will just lock up, no HDD activity, blank screen. now BSOD, nothing.

All 3 safe mods work fine.

Ran chkdsk /r in recovery.
Ran proper fixboot procedure.

Went into safe mode and checked the event viewer.

The only concerning message i got was: The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:

Formatting really isnt an issue since i can back up anything i need through safe mode. However its just the fact that the Windows gremlin has struck me again and i must defeat it once more.

I highly doubt this is a hardware issue as it is more of a driver/software issue.any help?

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Can't Load Window Welcome Screen! Stuck At Dark Blank Screen

Apr 1, 2008

Using window xp pro I on computer.I'm using pentium 3..

It's fine loading bios and till window xp logo..

when it starting to load the welcome window screen.. (which it didnt reach the welcome screen at all)

It just stuck at the black screen.. so i try to run in safe mode, weirdly it able to open.. okie

i tried to reformat... but it doesnt seems to work, it happens the same thing..

b4 this happened.. it all started one day.. i let my computer to download some personal stuff.. then computer got hanged, and i just shut the computer just like that..so now, i cant reach the welcome screen at all..

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Blank Blue Screen With Mouse Arrow After Xp Splash Screen

Oct 21, 2009

i'm having to boot into windows xp. on power up sytem goes through the windows xp splash screen (with progress bar) and then instead of login prompt it goes just into the blue screen with moveable mouse pointer arrow.

issue seems to be similar to:
but recommended solutions didn't help so far.

symptoms just before issue - was not able to run use some system features - utility to turn off the display, utility to bring up battery info - everything was working fine before this

what i've tried:
boot to Last Known Good Configuration - resulting in the same blue screen

boot to Safe Mode / Safe Mode with networking / Safe Mode with comman prompt - resulting in blank (black) screen with "Safe Mode" in the corners and moveable mouse test the hardware (hard drive / memory etc.) via build in PC Doctor - all seems to be working
i am able to use bootable XP CD from other machine to get into Recovery Console
i am able to boot to simple live XP using BartPE-XPE usb key and access the hard drive

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Getting Blank Space Around Screen Instead Of Original Full Screen Size?

May 1, 2006

I have about an 2" black space around an open page on my screen......how do I get it to return to original full screen size?

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Computer Wont Start Properly -only Background Appears

Nov 10, 2007

Whenever i start my computer, all i can see is my background. i tried ctrl+alt+delete and that pops up, but nothing else happens. after about ten minutes, it finally reaches the desktop stage. its a 2005 compaq presario with an added wireless adapter card and extra RAM.

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